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Page 3

by Marie York

  He hugged me with one hand and quickly stepped back.

  “Guys this is Kyle,” I said, and when Jaxon’s dark eyes met mine, I added, “My boyfriend.”

  “Hey.” Kyle gave a curt wave then rested his hand on my elbow. “Can we talk?”

  Dee gave me a strange look, but I smiled it off.

  “We’ll be right back.” I followed Kyle to the far corner of the bar. “What’s going on?” I asked as he pressed against the wall. He ran a hand through his light brown hair and I could tell this wouldn’t be a “sneak away to have a few kisses” moment.

  “So you know how Aaron and Scott are going to Europe?” he asked.

  “Yes, what about it?”

  “I decided, I’m going to go. We’re not going to renew the lease on our apartment.”

  “Excuse me?” The beat of my heart kicked up one too many notches as I tried to process the words that just came out of his mouth. Clearly, I didn’t hear him right. “I thought you said you were not renewing the lease.” I laughed.

  “I did.”

  I shook my head, confusion swirling around and making me dizzy. “No, we already settled that I was moving in.”

  “Look,” he said and I swear to all that was holy if he seriously rolled his eyes at me, I was going to hit him. Hard. “This is our last chance to do something big, and I’m sick of sitting around and not taking any chances. I want to do this.”

  “I don’t understand.” We had a plan. This summer, I was moving in with him and we were going to look for a place together. We were going to start our lives. He was supposed to propose.

  “Of course you don’t. You’re not spontaneous. You don’t believe in the unexpected because you plan and overanalyze every little thing. You can’t just let go and have a good time.”

  “Yes, I can.” What the fuck was he talking about? Just the other day I showed up unexpectedly at his apartment to have sex. That was spontaneous and fun.

  “No, you can’t. And that’s fine. But that’s not what I want.”

  A vice grip wrapped around my heart and squeezed. “What are you saying?”

  “You want a white picket fence and a perfect family and I don’t. Not now and I don’t know if ever.”

  The room became unbearably hot, and he kept talking, but his words blended together. I didn’t want to hear any more. I didn’t want him to tell me how bored he’d been and how the life I thought was in my grasp wasn’t even in my view.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  I shook my head. He didn’t get to apologize. If he was sorry, he wouldn’t be running off to Europe. He wouldn’t be leaving me homeless and alone.

  “Fuck you,” I said and took off before he could see a single tear. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he hurt me.

  As I passed Jaxon, I grabbed the shot he just ordered out of his hand, and downed it.

  Jack Daniels. Figures.

  Chapter 5

  My heart ripped to shreds as the future I had planned fell along with my tears. Kyle was supposed to propose to me after graduation. We were going to move to the suburbs and start a family. And now… now I was alone, crying in a back alley of a bar.

  I was pathetic.

  I sniffed and swiped my nose across my arm.

  “This might work better,” a deep, sexy voice said.

  I glanced up past the tissue being held out to me, and into the dark mysterious eyes of Jaxon. He towered above me, gaze locked on mine. An animalistic hunger passed through those beautifully dangerous irises, and I focused my attention on his outstretched hand.

  “T-Thank you,” I stuttered, taking the tissue. My finger skimmed his, and I pulled back, trying to ignore the tingle shooting through my body.

  He shifted, his tall figure casting a shadow across the bare skin of my legs. “You okay?” he asked.

  I tugged on the bottom of my skirt suddenly feeling exposed, completely aware of the sex on a stick standing in front of me, making unnecessary small talk.

  “Other than as of tomorrow I’ll be homeless, I’m just perfect.” I didn’t mean to say that out loud and when the realization sunk in, I retorted with, “I’m fine. You can go back inside.”

  “You don’t seem fine.” He sat next to me on the small step. His thigh touched mine, sending a wave of awareness through my body. “Want me to beat someone up for you?”

  My mind drifted back inside to Kyle. I always thought he was a big, strong guy who could protect me against the world, but now sitting next to Jaxon, his body consuming the small space, the heat radiating off him; I knew he’d wipe the floor with Kyle.

  “I can fight my own battles. Thanks for the offer though.”

  His hand rested on my knee and he gave it a squeeze. I froze at his closeness, at the way his grip on my bare skin elicited more pleasure than any touch from the man I was currently crying over.

  “So that was the boyfriend.”

  “Was being the key word.” I wiped the tissue under my eyelids. “He dumped me so he can go traipse around Europe with his two roommates who can’t even go to the next town over without getting lost. He didn’t even seem upset about it.”

  “He’s an idiot,” Jaxon said.

  “How do you know?”

  “Only an idiot would let you go.”

  “You’re just being nice.”

  “No, I’m just being honest.”

  I looked up, catching those damn eyes. They were darker than usual, and if I didn’t break the hold they had on me, I would succumb to the intensity. But would that be so bad?

  “He said I’m no fun and I don’t know how to let loose.”

  “That’s because he doesn’t know how to tap into your wild side.”

  “What makes you think I have a wild side?” I was known to have a few glasses of wine on a school night and loved to dance the night away at a club every now and again, but an actual wild side?

  “I can just tell.”

  Whether it was to prove Kyle wrong or to finally do the one thing I had been dreaming about since the day I laid eyes on Jaxon Reed, I reached my hand out to his cheek, running my thumb along the strong curve of his jaw and then I pressed my lips to his.

  They were softer than I imagined and tasted of the beer he just had.

  “Told you,” he said against my mouth. His large strong hands gripped either side of my face, and I was lost as he angled my head and deepened the kiss. His tongue slipped against mine in the most erotic dance. Chills coursed through my body with a vengeance while heat exploded in my core, wanting and craving all of him.

  His hand wrapped around the back of my neck, and his fingers got lost in my hair. I leaned back, giving into my desires and pulling him with me. I wanted him closer, needed to bear his weight on top of me.

  My back hit the hard cement of the steps, and I reached for Jaxon’s t-shirt. The sudden urge to feel his bare chest was stronger than anything I’d ever known.

  He rested his hand on mine and stopped me.

  “Stop,” Jaxon demanded.

  My sex haze cleared and embarrassed heat spread up my neck. Mortified, I climbed out from under him and tried to keep the blush from taking over my face. What the hell was I thinking? He was just being polite, seeing how I was doing and I practically attacked him, throwing myself at him like some desperate harlot.

  Jaxon with his intense gaze and mysterious air was as untouchable as they came. It figured he’d want nothing to do with a sniffling mess who couldn’t keep her boyfriend from dumping her for wanderlust.

  “I didn’t mean…” Jaxon smiled. “Do you want to get out of here?”

  The heat in my face turned from embarrassment to excitement. Normally, I would say no. My steady boyfriend just broke up with me and the future I had meticulously planned out had imploded, but I was sick of being predictable. Sick of always playing by the rules. Maybe Jaxon was right. Maybe I did have a wild side, I just needed to tap into it.

  He nodded toward a building. “My place is just a
cross the street.”

  He stood and held his hand out to me. I blinked up, unsure if this was my imagination, or if he was really offering to take me back to his place. But even my imagination wouldn’t remember every perfect angle of his face.

  Jaxon Reed was in front of me flesh and blood, offering his hand. . The wild side called my name and I didn’t think twice about it. I slipped my hand in his, and followed him to his building.

  His apartment was a brick walk-up on the corner. Humidity hung thick in the air and clung to me like a shiny sheen on my skin. My hand was slick against his, but he never let go of me.

  He took out his key as we approached and we walked into the small lobby. We bypassed the elevator, taking the stairs to the fourth floor.

  “Do you always take the stairs?” I asked, feeling the need to fill the silence.

  “I like the exercise.”

  Of course, he did. There was nothing soft about him. All hard lines and lean muscle. My heart raced thinking about how those muscles would feel beneath my fingers.

  We reached his apartment door, 203, and I patiently waited as he unlocked it. The door swung open, and his hand, strong and large, gripped mine and he yanked me inside.

  In a fury of arms and hands we reached for each other, coming together desperate and fast. He pressed my body against the door, causing it to slam shut. He cupped my face in his hands and devoured my lips with one passion-fueled kiss. My legs all but gave out, and I grasped his broad shoulders to keep myself from collapsing onto his hardwood floors.

  Goosebumps scattered across my body as his hands ran up and down my back before settling on my ass, and hoisting me up against the door. Instinctively I hooked my legs around his waist, using the heel of my foot to urge him closer. The hard strain of his erection pushed against his jeans and pressed into my center.

  This wasn’t me. But I didn’t care. The old me was left somewhere in that alleyway and the new me wanted to stop thinking—stop planning what was next and savor the moment, relish in the fact that my sexual fantasy was coming to life.

  Every part of the new me wanted to feel Jaxon’s cock inside of me. Feel him fill me completely.

  The door left my back, and Jaxon moved us across his living room and down a hall. I kissed his neck, dragged my tongue to his ear and sucked lightly on his lobe. He inhaled harshly and I sucked harder.

  He kicked his bedroom door open and eased me onto his bed. The comforter was crumpled at the foot of the mattress and he ripped it off, tossing it to the floor. Before he came back to me, he tugged his shirt over his head, and I swallowed at the sight of his perfectly sculpted abs. His body was a work of art that I could admire for hours, but I wanted more than the view. My tongue swiped at my lips desperately wanting to taste and feel each hard ridge.

  His hand landed on his zipper, yanking it down in one rough motion. He stepped out of his shorts, revealing his black boxer briefs and a large—very large— bulge.

  God, he was beautiful.

  Our eyes locked and an invisible spark of electricity ignited between us. His already dark gaze darkened even more. A predator sizing up his prey and I was happy to be the object of his desire.

  He put his knee on the bed and climbed on top of me, taking my face in his hands. Our lips crashed together, tongues thrusting against each other, quickly finding a rhythm. It was desperate, fast and everything I had fantasized about for months.

  He kissed me hard and thorough, taking his time, and making me hotter, wetter. It didn’t feel slow though, if anything it felt like it was a dream I’d wake up from any minute. I never wanted his hands to leave my body, his lips to leave mine. I wanted to stay in his bed for the rest of eternity.

  His kisses were the perfect blend of sweet and sexy, frantic and mind-numbing. My body arched as he nipped at my lip. A low moan fell from my mouth, muffling against his.

  Long fingers skittered across my stomach and curled into the hem of my shirt. “Take this off.” The deep silky tone of his voice had me sitting up and obeying his demand.

  I bit my lip and reached for the bottom of the material. Our hands brushed one another, shooting electric heat through my veins. His fingers slid beside mine, helping me rid myself of the layer between us.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed, and his eyes darkened as they took in my black lace bra. A hot blaze engulfed me at the intensity of his stare just before he bent down and kissed the swell of my breasts. Sparks ignited along my skin, mini fires turning into raging infernos and spreading at rapid speed.

  With one quick motion, he unclasped my bra and let the delicate cups fall away, revealing me to him completely.

  The searing heat of his tongue dragged across my skin and desperate to feel every part of him, my body arched into his. He reached down and yanked my skirt off. He glanced down at my matching black lace thong and his eyes went black as night. But just like the bra they didn’t stay on long.

  He trailed a burning path of violent kisses down the length of my neck. Wanting to remember every touch and every feeling, I clawed into his shoulders, focusing on the bite of nail into his skin, desperate to ground myself and keep my mind from turning to mush.

  His hand cupped my breast, and pain mixed with pleasure, sending a white-hot jolt to my core as he pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.. My body bucked, a surprised moan rumbling up my throat, and he laughed as he continued his delicious assault.

  “Sadist,” I said as his lips moved across my jaw. He slowed his attack and glanced up at me with a wicked smile curving at the edges.

  “You like it rough and you know it,” he growled.

  I didn’t know for sure. I had never experienced anything like this. I did know that I wanted more though, so I ran my hands through his hair, gripping and tugging at the dark locks. I pulled him to me. Goose bumps popped up on my skin and I shivered at the onslaught of sensation as his tongue swiped sensually behind my ear.

  “Kiss me,” he demanded and I complied, turning my mouth to his. His lips slammed into mine and I parted to let him in. Our tongues came together in a wet, passionate dance, and just when I thought my body couldn’t handle another ounce of pleasure, he pushed two fingers inside of me.

  A cry tore from my throat, and I flung my head back, relishing in his insatiable fervor.

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded, not even caring about how desperate I sounded because I was desperate. Each thrust of his finger and lap of his tongue added a new layer of desperation and the only thing that would satisfy me was his cock deep inside my cunt.

  His fingers picked up speed driving into me with reckless abandon. I cried out unable to contain my approval. He bit my lip, sucking it into his mouth. My pussy ached with desire, dripping wet and ready for him to fill me completely.

  “Please,” I begged.

  “Not yet,” he groaned against my ear.

  “Please,” I said, but my words got lost to the whimper that pushed up my throat as his tongue dragged across my nipple. He pulled the tight, pink peak into his mouth, and my eyes grew heavy, slipping shut and focusing only on the hot, slick feel of his tongue.

  He kissed his way over my breasts and down my stomach. His large hands gripped my small waist, and he kneaded his fingers into my sides, then pulled my ass to the edge of the bed.

  He clutched my thighs and slowly moved them apart. “Spread your legs,” he said.

  I did as he asked.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured right before lowering his head and swiping his tongue up and down my folds. Electric current shot through my body, causing me to arch at the fiery invasion. My fingers dug into his white sheets as an uncontrollable whimper forced its way up my throat.

  Jax’s big, warm hand pressed into my stomach, pinning me to the bed. My body fought his restraint, but he held me in place as his tongue continued to send me over the edge with its mind-numbing ministrations.

  An all-out inferno erupted in my core, spreading through my body and just as I was about to tumble off the edge h
is tongue slid away and travelled up the inside of my thigh. His lips pressed into my skin as he inched his mouth across my stomach.

  Impatient, I reached down, wrapping my hand around his thick hard cock. I tried to guide it to where I needed it most, but he smiled and shook his head.

  “Not yet,” he said again. This time his voice rough with want, and I knew it was only moments before he would finally lose his self-control.

  “I never expected you to be a tease,” I said.

  He kissed my shoulder then my mouth and when he drew away from me, I wanted so desperately to yank him back. He rested his forehead against mine. “Do you know how much I’ve thought about this? You naked on my bed, wanting me, asking me to fuck you.”

  His finger trailed down my arm, triggering a series of shivers to race up my spine and causing my nipples to harden into tight, little beads.

  All this time and it wasn’t just me fantasizing about us fucking. He was thinking about it too. “You did?” I managed despite being paralyzed by his admission.

  His dark gaze penetrated mine, looking deep into my eyes, past the surface and right into my soul. “Too often. So I’m savoring the moment.”

  I nodded and reached up needing to touch him, to feel his warmth against my skin. I rested my hand on his cheek before snaking my fingers around his neck and pulling his lips to mine. His tongue swiped against my crease and without hesitation I welcomed his delicious intrusion.

  He retreated and stepped out of his boxer briefs, kicking them off to the side. His erection stood at attention in all its rock-hard glory. I licked my lips at the dot of precum on the tip, wondering what he would taste like.

  He slid a condom on before I could find out, then climbed back on top of me.

  His cock long and thick glided over my pussy in an excruciatingly slow caress. He pulled back, pressing his tip to my wet center before thrusting deep inside me. I gasped in sweet pleasure, my fingers gripping the sheets beneath them.

  Our bodies hot and slick slid against each other, and I let go of the sheets to trace my hands up and down the sheen of sweat on his back. He captured my wrists and pinned my hands above my head, lacing his fingers between mine.


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