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Page 10

by Quinn, Ella

  Deciding to take that as permission, Frank quickly unlaced her dress, enjoying the view as the bodice and petticoat began to sag, then fall, with a little help from him, to the carpet. She rose onto her tip-toes, rubbing her body against him. Next, he untied her stays that followed the growing pile of clothing, then her chemise.

  He touched his tongue to her breasts, and she stilled.

  “What are you doing?” Her tone slightly hesitant.

  “Worshiping you with my body,” he said, reminding her of his vows.

  “Oh. That’s all right then.” Her voice not entirely steady.

  He probably should have asked her how much she knew, but he didn’t want to give her time to become even more nervous. Kissing her, he slowly walked her back until they were close enough to the bed for him to pick her up and lay her on the thick mattress. She was just as exquisite as he’d thought she would be. Generous breasts led to a slender waist that flared into full hips and a rounded stomach.

  “You are beautiful.”

  “As are you.” Jenny could not believe how natural it felt to be almost naked with him. “I should remove my stocking.”

  “Allow me.” For the second time that day, his smile was wicked.

  He placed light kisses up her leg, creating flames wherever he touched her. Then he moved over her, possessing her mouth again. She felt his hard ridge against her, and heat coursed through her, making her want—no, need—him.

  When he licked her breasts, she arched up, encouragingly. “So good.”

  Flames licked at the apex of her thighs, and his hand moved to cover and caress her mons. He inserted one finger into her passage, then another, stroking when she pushed her hips up wanting more.

  “I want to see all of you.”

  Holding her eyes with his, he removed his pantaloons. His member jutted out large and stiff from a mass of golden curls. Before she could think much more about it, Frank was kissing her again, and she was ready to become his in body as well as in mind.

  His member pushed against her sheath. “I’ll be as gentle as I can be.”

  “I know you will, and I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  Taking her in a searing kiss, he entered her, filling her. Then he pushed hard, and she felt a sharp pain.

  When she tensed, he stopped. “Let me know when you’re ready.”

  Jenny nodded. “It’s better now.”

  He moved slowly, allowing her to get used to having him inside her. Then the flames were back, heating her, coiling the tension until it exploded and coursed through her, making her cry out.

  Frank tensed and pumped in one last time before she felt his seed fill her. Falling off to her side, he hugged her close, nuzzling her hair. Her mother had been correct. When one makes love with the right man, it is heaven.

  “Jenny, my love. Are you all right?”

  Cuddling closer to him, she smiled against his chest. “I am perfect. After searching for so many years, I had given up even hoping I’d find love. I didn’t even want to come to London.”

  “I didn’t want to either.” He pulled the covers over them. “I saw no point in it. Yet I’m glad I did.”

  “When I think of how chance our meeting was . . .” She gazed up at him.

  “And how uninterested you were at meeting another Englishman . . .”

  “And the way you found me so quickly when I was abducted . . .”

  He kissed her tenderly, as if she was the most precious thing in the world to him, as he was to her.

  “It was Fate,” Frank muttered against her mouth. “I should, however, send Lord Pomfry a letter thanking him for being so pompous.”

  “We mustn’t forget one to Lady Heathcote for being so hateful to me.” She started to laugh. “Oh, I agree. It must have been Fate. Think of all that could have gone wrong.”

  “But it didn’t and now we’re together.”

  Jenny gave him what she hoped was a leer. “Yes, and I would very much like to do something about that.”

  “Who am I to deny my wife’s wishes?” He rolled her beneath him. “Particularly when they coincide so nicely with my own.”

  She had been timid before, now she had the confidence to show her passion for him. This time when they made love, there was no pain, only love and joy.

  Chapter 11

  The following afternoon, Jenny, Frank, Damon, and Meg arrived in the Hawksworth coach to the part of London’s massive port used by the Elizabeth’s crew and captain. Sarah and Geoff followed in his smaller town coach. Jenny and Frank’s trunks had been sent earlier in the day, accompanied by their personal servants.

  It seemed like such a long time since she’d been at a dock. She was used to the scent of fish, brine, and tar, but the Thames was reputed to be used for dumping not only refuse, but dead bodies as well, and the warmer weather hadn’t helped. Competing with the stench of the river were the spices, tobacco, and other cargo.

  “How can you stand it?” Meg held a scented handkerchief to her nose.

  “I’ve been around docks all my life. Although, I will say that the Hudson River is not nearly as odorific.”

  Sarah joined them, also pressing a handkerchief to her nose. “I need not pretend I enjoy the smell any longer.”

  “Don’t tell me you were afraid of Papa teasing you?” Jenny asked, hardly believing that her aunt had hid her distaste all these years.

  “Not your father. Your mother.” Sarah pulled a face. “She would have been merciless. Where are we to meet the captain?”

  “Here at the London Dock.” The ship was anchored in what was called London Pool. After several moments, she spotted the distinctive bow of the MacGowan ships. “Frank,” she pointed, “do you see the ship with the long high bow and the American flag on the stern?”

  “Yes. Is that the Elizabeth?”

  “It is. She is named after my mother.” Jenny’s voice caught as she remembered how her mother had loved that ship.

  Frank raised her hand to his lips. “We’ll be on her soon. I must speak to my brother before we leave.”

  Blinking back her tears, she nodded. A few minutes later, a short man with salt and pepper hair in his mid-forties approached. “Captain Jones, how good to see you. I thought you were going to take the Scotia to China?”

  He gave a curt bow. “My plans changed. I have been commissioned to bring you home, Miss Jenny.”

  “Not Miss any more.” She grinned. Glancing around, she saw Frank with the other gentlemen. He looked up at the same time, and she beckoned to him. Once he was next to her, she tucked her hand in the crook of his arm. “Captain, this is my husband, Frank Trevor-MacGowan. Frank, this is an old and dear friend, Captain Jones.”

  Frank held out his hand, and the captain shook it. “Pleased to meet you, sir.”

  “Trevor-MacGowan is it?” the captain said thoughtfully. “Your father will like that. It’s a pleasure to meet you, young man. We all wondered if our girl would finally settle down. Well, we’d best be off. My cook is making something special for this evening.” The man winked at Frank. “A celebration as it were.”

  “You fraud.” Jenny gasped. “You knew all along I was married.”

  “It was the valet for his former lordship here that gave it away.” He chuckled. “I couldn’t let you get one over on me.”

  Shaking her head, she turned to hug her aunt and Meg farewell and saw instead a rough looking thug grab Frank. He slammed his fist into the cur’s face, and another man wrapped his arm around Frank from behind, dragging him away toward a black carriage.

  Damon, Geoff, and Captain Jones dashed in to help, when a loud whistle broke the air.

  “Cease!” A tall, broad shouldered, elderly man stepped down from the coach. “I told you to bring him to me. If he is damaged, you will suffer.”

  Frank shook off his attacker. “Father.”

  Jenny glanced from her husband to the old man. So this was the Duke of Somerset.

  His cold blue eyes cut to Fran
k. “Did you think I would allow you to marry a colonial? A heathen?”

  Frank stood as still as a statute. Only the tick in Frank’s jaw betrayed how angry he was. His gaze was as icy as his father’s and his voice even colder. “My wife”—he let the word hang for a moment—“is every bit as educated and cultured as any lady of the ton. I will not allow you to disparage her.”

  The two men stood staring at each other for several moments.

  “You will not allow me—?” his father finally said. “I can see you are being corrupted already. Get in the carriage,” the duke commanded. “I’m taking you home where you cannot get into any more mischief.”

  “No.” Frank’s hands curled into fists, but Jenny knew he would not strike his father.

  When he didn’t move to obey, Somerset nodded to one of the men, and the bounder seized Frank’s arm.

  “Father,” Damon cut in. “He needs to live his own life.”

  “You stay out of this.” The duke glowered. “You are not the head of this house yet.”

  The confrontation had caused a group of dock workers and bar patrons to gather around them. No doubt enjoying the show. Yet, even though money could be seen exchanging hands, no one spoke.

  Well, this wasn’t accomplishing anything. If she didn’t do something soon, she’d have to chase her husband across England. Not only that, but the Duke of Somerset had just gotten on Jenny’s very last nerve. Frank had saved her from an abduction. It was her turn to rescue him.

  Frank filled with pride as Jenny strode to his side. She took his free hand, and faced the duke. “As my husband has already told you, we are married. You have no right to interfere with the decisions we make.”

  The old man’s jaw moved, as if he was grinding his teeth. His gaze moved slowly from Frank to Jenny.

  The duke perused her from her bonnet to her shoes, as if she were a piece of filth he’d like to scrape off his boots. “I have every right. I am a peer of the realm. You, however, have no right to speak to me at all.”

  She raised her chin, glaring right back at the duke. “Not in my country, you’re not. In my country, you are naught.”

  At that moment, Frank could see the generations of her family who had fought for their freedom from a system that would allow men such as his father so much power by the mere chance of birth. He admired her and all she stood for.

  “You are a tyrant,” she continued in a hard voice, “who has nothing better to do than make your children miserable.”

  Frank shook his arm free from the thug and started to move them away from his father. “Come, my love. We have a ship to catch.”

  The blackguard grabbed him again. In a flash, Jenny had pulled a pistol from her reticule, leveling it at the duke. “Release him.”

  There was a shocked silence, and for a few seconds the only sound was the gulls screeching and horses’ hooves clopping on the cobblestone. Even Father seemed to be having trouble taking in the fact that a young woman held a gun directed at him.

  “You won’t shoot me,” he sneered.

  Jenny raised one dark brown brow, meeting the duke’s cold gaze with one of her own. “Are you sure about that?” she taunted. Frank was proud of how calm her voice was when he could feel her pulse beat so quickly he was afraid she’d swoon. “I am, after all, an American heathen. Do you truly wish to test me?”

  Father moved his gaze to Frank. “If you leave with her, you are dead to me.”

  Knowing that would be the threat, he was glad his father had finally made it. He hoped his mother and brothers and sisters understood his decision. Damon would explain it to them. “So be it.” He took her hand, cold even encased in a glove, in his warm one and whispered, “Don’t put the pistol away until we’ve reached the dory.”

  “I won’t. He really isn’t trustworthy, is he?”

  “Not in the least. If he wasn’t a duke, he’d have been hung by now.”

  Quartus strode up to them, wrapping his arms Frank and Jenny. “I’m sorry I was unable to attend the wedding. We’ll miss you, but you have made the right choice. Have a good voyage.”

  “Quartus,” their father said, “I’ll not have another son in Town. You are coming with me.

  Grinning, he winked at Frank and Jenny before responding, “I believe I’ll stay with Damon and Meg for the Season. I am quite sure you can go on without me.”

  While Quartus continued to argue with his father, Frank and Jenny quickly said adieu to their families. Just as quickly, Captain Jones got them on to the dory, and then out to the ship.

  “Good God, girl.” The captain’s voice boomed. “Remind me never to tangle with you.”

  She grinned, a blush making her cheeks rosy. “Sometimes one must fight for those one loves.”

  Frank had known she was strong, perhaps even stronger than he, and he’d never been prouder of her. They had only one more hurdle to jump, that of her father.

  Two months later, after having sailed down Cape Verde, across the Atlantic to the West Indies where the ship took on cargo, then north, they pulled into the MacGowan docks in New York City.

  Frank’s first thought was that this river smelled much better than the Thames. During the passage, the captain and crew had taught him how to sail and navigate. Jenny taught him about the business side of shipping. He’d been surprised at the position she held, unofficially, in her father’s company.

  “Aren’t you angry that although you are perfectly capable of running the business, you are not allowed to because of your sex?”

  She heaved a sigh. “Yes. Of course I am.” Then she grinned. “But with you at the head after Papa, I can still be involved.”

  “More than merely involved. Full partners. I do not know what I would do without you.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I am so glad I married you.”

  He took her in his arms. “I’m glad I married you, too.” They were in the luxurious owner’s cabin they’d been assigned, making sure the rest of their belongings were packed. “Will you father greet us?”

  “I expect so.” She looked anxious. “He can be a bit gruff at times, but he has a good heart.”

  Unlike the duke.

  After speaking with Captain Jones, Frank had already decided on his course.

  “Mrs. MacGowan, Mr. MacGowan”—it hadn’t taken long for the crew to shorten the double name to one familiar to them—“the captain said he’s ready for you to disembark.” The man lowered his voice to a whisper. “Your father’s waiting.”

  Frank took Jenny’s hand. “I’m looking forward to meeting the man who gave me such a beautiful and brilliant wife.”

  “He will also be glad to have a grandchild on the way.” Touching her still flat stomach, she smiled.

  She walked down the gangboard ahead of him to a huge, bear of a man with red hair, who folded her into a hug. “Jenny, me love! I’ve missed ye.”

  For a moment, Frank wondered how he would fit into this already close family, then he remembered how Meg’s family had embraced Damon, making him one of their own. Frank hoped he would be as lucky.

  “Papa, I’ve missed you as well.” She extracted herself and turned to Frank. “I’ve brought you two presents. This is my husband, Mr. Frank Trevor-MacGowan.” Her father’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she hurried on. “And in about seven months, you will be a grandfather.”

  The man’s eyes rounded with pleasure. “A grandfather? Jenny lass, you’re with child?”

  “Yes.” She grinned widely. “Aren’t we clever?”

  “I’ll see how clever ye are when I’ve met this man ye’ve married.”

  Frank stuck out his hand, but dropped it almost immediately when it didn’t look as if MacGowan was ready to shake hands. “I am, or was, Lord Frank Trevor, second son of the Duke of Somerset.”

  “You’re English?”

  He glanced down, making sure he was on dry land as he had been told he must be. “Not any more. I am now an American.”

  “And you let my Jenny talk yo
u into taking my family name, even though we were outlawed for years by the English.”


  “You hush, lass. Let your man speak for himself.”

  A mulish look formed on Jenny’s face, but she said nothing.

  “She did not ask or mention it. The decision was mine and she agreed.”

  Her father stroked his chin. “So you think you’ll sit back and let her and me do all the work like the fine laird ye are?”

  “Not at all, sir.” Meeting the older man’s eyes, Frank resisted the urge to shuffle his feet. Being under his father-in-law’s scrutiny was much different than being called to account for himself before his father, where he was always found to be lacking. “I have spent the last two months learning to sail the ship and run a company. I was in charge of my father’s estates and know a good deal about managing a large business as that is what the estates are. I am ready to take any position you wish to offer me, or find another job on my own.”

  After what seemed like an eternity, Mr. MacGowan nodded and held out his hand. “Welcome to the family, son.”

  Frank’s throat closed painfully as he gripped the older man’s hand. Jenny’s tears rolled down her cheeks as she hugged them both, bringing them all together.

  “Now, Jenny love, you’re not supposed to be crying,” her father said.

  “You know they are tears of happiness.” She took the handkerchief Frank handed her, and blew her nose. “You have no idea what Frank went through to be with me. His father cast him off.”

  “From what I’ve heard about the Duke of Somerset, that might not be all bad.”

  Frank’s jaw began to drop, and he clamped it shut. “You know of my father, sir?”

  “I know about the part he played in the House of Lords during the War of 1812. That was enough for me.”

  He grimaced. His father truly disliked Americans, and now Frank was one of them.

  “Let’s go home,” Jenny said, taking them both by the arm.

  “Good idea.” Her father beamed. “I’ll let you two get settled. Next week will be soon enough for me to start introducing my new son around.” A few yards away the captain stood talking to another man. “Jones,” Mr. MacGowan called. “You were right. She did us proud.”


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