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The Goddess of Blood and Bone

Page 4

by Nattie Kate Mason

  The wendigast preferred the taste and sustenance of human hearts, but any flesh would tide them over. The handmaiden recalled stories from her childhood of towns binding living human sacrifices to the edge of their surrounding forests. An offering to the witches in the hope that, during the coven’s spiritual gatherings, they would spare the rest of the townsfolk from forming part of their meal.

  “And finally, presenting his excellency, Ilbis, leader of the ghouls,” Eshu proclaimed.

  The ghouls cheered. Their raucous noise echoing off the walls, drowning out the welcoming proclamation of the rest of the crowd.

  Kayla and Agnes looked at each other in alarm. They had known Ilbis would be here. Kayla had spread the gossip herself for goodness sake. But seeing was believing. And right now, they shared the same space as one of the most powerful and wicked creatures of all time. Agnes felt her body begin to tremble as she momentarily struggled to regain her composure.

  “Hush, my children,” Ilbis smoothly admonished as he entered the Hall of Bone, though he grinned in smug satisfaction.

  Ilbis was the first of Nushka’s creations; the crowning jewel of her achievements. Nearly as old as Moor itself. Ilbis, as with all the Goddess’s allies, was born from her unholy magic and formed in the image of Nushka’s deepest, darkest desires. He was her child of sorts. A nightmare made flesh.

  The ground shook beneath the imposing monster’s feet. Sheer power radiated off him, akin to that of his creator. His offspring, the ghouls, continued to cheer despite his mild reprimand.

  Ilbis bore the gift of compulsion and manipulation. He could command anyone or anything to bend to his will. A gifting similar to Agnes’s former mind conqueror powers, but far more potent. In contrast, her former gifting was like a drop in the ocean compared to what Ilbis could do.

  The mortal realm was Ilbis’s playground to conquer and wreak havoc upon as he saw fit. Were it not for the watchful eyes of Archè and Aria, he would have likely done just that in the immortal lands. He was a formidable and loyal ally to the Goddess who created him, yet how Nushka still held his reins she did not know. What a team Ilbis and Nushka would make together.

  It was so rare to witness this many magical beings in Moor at any one time. Though any fool present still understood that, the Goddess of Blood and Bone was the most powerful of them all.

  Once the Goddess’s allies were in place, Nushka rose from her throne and Agnes felt herself inhale deeply through her useless lungs. The human habit was still as much a part of her as her wasted emotions. Kayla briefly squeezed her hand in reassurance. The show of kindness took Agnes by surprise.

  “Welcome!” Nushka announced with sinister delight, showcasing her jagged teeth and dark power for all to see. Her shadows fleetingly flooded the room, burning away any trace of filth. A small demonstration of what she could do, a reminder for all to stay in line.

  “Welcome to this historic gathering of allies. In Moor, wickedness is valued. Eternal torment and sinful pleasures are encouraged. Welcome to The Pitts of Moor. Welcome to my domain.”



  The Goddess of Blood and Bone

  The Hall of Bone reeked of fear and primal need. Nushka inhaled deeply, turning the crowd’s emotions into strength, her creations-turned-allies flanking her. The room was cramped, full of more allied forces than she had seen in an age. They squeezed between her chosen ones, the few souls she could stand to have in her presence.

  “My wine!” The Goddess demanded, furious that she should have to ask for something that should have been readily given.

  The Goddess’s claws clicked against each other, promising violence. Her long midnight hair whipped around her waist impatiently.

  Eshu approached the dais on unsteady knees, panic exuding from his every pore. He bowed, holding up the wine for the Queen with shaking hands.

  “My apologies Your Majesty,” he groveled, bowing incessantly. “Please forgive my insolence.”

  “Don’t make me wait again or I will find a new mediator to the mortal realm,” she warned. “Now get out of my sight.”

  The Goddess dismissed the mediator with a wave of her hand. She would likely have need of him in the days ahead, so she resisted the urge to eviscerate the messenger where he stood. After all, faithful underlings were in short supply, even if his loyalty was powered by fear and contempt.

  The Goddess drew her attention back to her guests. Ilbis, her oldest and most powerful creation, had taken some convincing to attend the gathering. His endless pulling on her reins grew tiresome. The long leash she had granted him had turned him rebellious. Should he pull too hard, she would remind him exactly who was at the head of his food chain. Let him see how quickly his existence could be wiped from the universe, if he dared push her limits any further.

  The Goddess of Blood and Bone found herself in a rare forgiving mood and decided not to smite Ilbis where he arrogantly stood. Instead, she faced her audience in a more amicable way than she or they were accustomed to.

  It was when Nushka was at her most pleasant that her entrusted souls feared her the most… and rightfully so. For what is dead cannot die, but there are worse things imaginable.

  ‘It is far easier to rule The Pitts as a beast than a woman,’ Nushka mused.

  She cleared her throat, raising a glass to those assembled.

  “We are gathered here today for a purpose. Our common enemy, The Gods, binding us together,” the Goddess resumed with a flash of her fangs. “Too long have we been confined to this realm. For too long have we held ourselves back from reaching our full wicked potentials. The time has come to take what is ours, and unleash ourselves upon the mortal and immortal realms. Far too long have we been confined to the shadows!” Nushka roared.

  The crowd of souls cheered, her chosen ones and allies applauding, the chimera roaring in agreement. The hall became a cacophony of sound echoing off the freshly-cleaned bone walls. The Goddess straightened to her full height, drinking deeply from her glass of red wine and soaking up their bloodlust. As she absorbed the crowd’s enthusiasm, turning their emanating energy into power, magic flooded through her veins, replenishing even the deepest depths of her being. Her shadows sung with renewed vigor. The soft glow of her porcelain skin shone even brighter.

  Eshu rushed to the Goddess’s side.

  “You Majesty,” he bowed, before replacing her empty glass with a filled chalice. The heady wine calling to her.

  The Goddess ignored Eshu wholly as she took the glass. Then she flashed the crowd a wicked grin, her sharp teeth bared, her eyes simmering as she gazed upon her minions. Her veins sang with power as she consumed their energies. She let her power unfurl, shadows curling at her feet, reminding them who was Queen. Who ruled over all.

  “We will bring the Land of the Gods to its knees!” Nushka declared.

  Another raucous round of applause sounded, but the Goddess pushed on.

  “Tonight, we celebrate! Tomorrow, we prepare for war. The Land of the Gods and the mortal realms are ours to conqueror! To victory!”

  “To victory!” the hall echoed.

  As the Goddess drank deeply, she noticed out of the corner of her eye, one of her handmaidens watching on with more eagerness than she was used to. Another of her handmaidens oddly by her side. A rare moment of curiosity took the Goddess by surprise, as Agnes tenaciously met her gaze. In her sheer black gown, looking sinfully tempting, she stepped boldly out from behind the ghouls that the pair had tried dismally to hide behind.

  Leisurely drawing out each step, Agnes began a slow, seductive approach towards the dais. A devious smirk and glimmer in her eyes peaked the Goddess’s interest. At Agnes’s unrelenting gaze, Nushka felt her core tighten as heat pooled between her legs.

  ‘What is the hellcat up to now…’ Nushka pondered wickedly, the thrill of the unknown sending a delightful shiver down her spine.

  “Agnes…” The Goddess remarked when her handmaiden finally arrived and bowed low at her feet.
r />   “My Queen,” Agnes warmly greeted her, fully aware of the Queen of Moor’s rapt attention. “I have come to offer myself in service to you.”

  “Is that so…” Nushka contemplated, raking her eyes over the handmaiden before rising smoothly from her throne. “Follow me.”

  The Deity’s near sentient hair momentarily fell limp at her waist. Behaving as if it were so overwhelmed by the myriad of conflicting thoughts and bodily reactions running through its master, it did not know how to react.

  Agnes took her time rising from her position, licking her lips temptingly as she did so. Her delicate gown of flimsy fabric left little to the imagination. There was not an inch of Nushka’s skin that Agnes had not explored, tasted. The thought sent goosebumps pebbling over her flesh.

  “It would be an honor, My Queen,” Agnes replied tenderly, her fingers curling around the ends of her hair.

  Heat stirred in the Goddess’s wicked core as she stood in place at the heart of the stage. Her surrounding allies sharing the dais were all but forgotten. Zeri, who had been comically curled at the Goddess’s feet in the form of a cerberus, whimpered low in displeasure, sensing its master’s impending exit.

  Nushka smiled but tutted the beast. “Don’t worry, Zeri, I will be back soon enough. Why don’t you go and find some underling to maul while I’m gone?”

  She patted each of his three heads before fluidly descending the back stairs of the dais, leaving her allies behind.

  Her pet instantly calmed, each of his three heads licking their lips as they sized up the inhabitants in the room. The Queen’s shadows trailed behind her with each graceful movement.

  For reasons unknown, Nushka led the handmaiden not towards her usual suite, but deep into the heart of the bone castle. Levels below the surface, concealed by magical enchantments, awaited the Goddess’s rose-scented candle-lit sanctuary.

  The hot springs was a secluded, naturally heated pool; the only one of its kind beneath the Goddess’s seat of power. A private hide-away of sorts that Nushka had allowed few allies to see and experience.

  With a wave of Nushka’s hand, Agnes morphed into corporal form, spirit made flesh. A rare gift for the Goddess to bestow upon one of her servants. A reward of sorts for pursuing her so brazenly.

  “Shall we?” Nushka offered.

  “As you wish, My Queen,” Agnes answered with a reverent bow of her head.



  The Goddess of Blood and Bone

  The Queen of Moor sauntered towards the rocks bordering the springs, swishing her hips, her long serpentine hair moving gently in time. Her gown of liquid night flowed smoothly across her slender frame, accentuating every move and subtle curve. Her porcelain skin seemed to glow from within.

  The Goddess of Blood and Bone stopped at the edge of the springs, the footsteps of her handmaiden trailing lightly behind her. Now that she was in corporal form, Nushka could smell the need pooling in her too. She could almost feel the moisture between her legs that she knew mirrored her own.

  “I have been waiting for this day for a long time,” Nushka professed. “The day that you would come crawling to me…”

  “I am sorry to have kept you waiting, My Queen. But I am here now and I am all yours,” Agnes offered in a sultry tone. Nushka knew it was an act, but she was happy to play along… for now.

  The Goddess knew Agnes was not always content to see to her needs. She was as strong-willed and stubborn as any Royal, but that was part of the draw for Nushka. Always wanting what she could never truly have. It made the game between them more enticing. Agnes never refused her though, had always agreed to whatever was demanded of her, always willing to satisfy any fantasy the Queen of Moor had dreamed up that night. Today, however, it appeared the handmaiden’s own needs had outweighed her pride.

  Agnes’s forwardness and brazen disregard for her allies’ presence during the revelry sent a thrill through her, heightening her voracious cravings for flesh and release.

  “So, what makes today so special? What is it that you want?” Nushka asked icily.

  “Can a servant not shower her Queen with the affection she deserves?” Agnes laid on thick.

  Nushka huffed a laugh and rolled her eyes.

  “The day you genuinely enjoy my company, and I yours, for that matter… Is the day The Pitts freeze over.”

  “Perhaps,” Agnes winked, and Nushka couldn’t help herself but she smiled.

  Standing on the edge of a warm rock, Nushka retracted her claws and gently untied the ribbons that held her gown in place. A swathe of black silk pooled around her feet. Her midnight twisting hair and shadow magic her only adornments.

  “I grow tired of all this talk, let’s play,” Nushka declared.

  “As you wish, My Queen,” Agnes agreed, giving her a sultry look.

  Aware of her every movement and of the handmaiden behind her drinking in her bare skin and subtle curves, Nushka unhurriedly eased into the water. Her fluid movements akin to the peuchen. The pool’s surface rippling across her chest. Her writhing shadow magic mingled gleefully with the steam of the hot springs, and the strong scent of rose from her candles filled the space.

  Nushka remained facing away from her handmaiden as the sound of Agnes’s gossamer gown met the floor. Breathing heavily, her heart raced in anticipation as the water lapped at her skin, while her servant entered the warm pool behind her.

  Agnes halted a step away, her breath close enough to tickle Nushka’s neck, but she did not dare advance any farther.

  “How may I serve you My Queen?” Agnes asked huskily.

  Ever so slowly, Nushka turned around to face the maiden. Deep, soulful brown eyes met her sharp emerald gaze. They were so close, the air between them taut. Agnes bit her bottom lip ever so slightly as she waited for Nushka to make the first move.

  “I have a few ideas…” Nushka trailed off.

  Beneath the water’s surface, Nushka began tracing idle circles along the maiden’s side with a feather-light touch. Allowing her claws to extend, she softly scraped along the side of the maiden’s breast. Her skin felt as soft as velvet. Agnes inhaled sharply at her touch. Her breath catching. She took in her fill of Agnes’s peaked breasts bared above the rippling water’s surface.

  With her other hand, Nushka gently took Agnes’s left hand in her own and directed it to where she needed her the most. Her slick, sensitive skin singing at her touch.

  “Perhaps you could start here…” Nushka suggested anything but innocently.

  “Anything, to ensure your happiness My Queen…” Agnes simpered.

  The first finger that teasingly stroked Nushka felt like blessed relief. Slowly, Agnes increased the pressure she applied, her wicked fingers dancing over that bundle of sensitive nerves before finally sliding ever so leisurely inside her. Exactly where she needed. Unhurriedly, she began moving her fingers in and out of her body in slow taunting strokes, like a cat playing with a mouse.

  “I hope this it to your liking…” Agnes remarked coyly.

  Nushka found herself unable to speak, consumed by the luxurious strokes of those wicked fingers.

  Agnes chuckled, “I’m glad I please you so.”

  The Goddess’s sense of need and urgency compounded within her; a growing flame slowly burning her from the inside out. This feeling was everything.

  Nushka moved her left hand to cup and massage her servant’s breast, her claws once more retracted. Taking, always taking what she wanted. Agnes’s nipple hardened beneath her touch, much to the Goddess’s gratification. Agnes released an involuntary moan at the rare pleasure she was receiving rather than administering. The moan sent electricity through Nushka as her lips found Agnes’s. Their tongues forcefully answering each other’s demands. Agnes brought her other hand up to grasp the Goddess’s breast in return.

  Agnes pulled her mouth away from Nushka, from the clash of teeth and tongues.

  “I hope this pleases you My Queen,” Agnes promised breathlessly before lowering he
r mouth to taste her Queen.

  After taking in the fullness of her with her sinful mouth, Agnes’s tongue flicked against the Goddess’s hard nipple. Her teeth biting down ever so tauntingly. Nushka shuddered beneath her touch. She sucked and leisurely explored the Queen’s breast, all the while her fingers continued her ministrations, drawing out the Goddess’s pleasure.

  Flicking her tongue over the Goddess’s nipple once more, Nushka curved into her touch.

  “More. Fuck, I need more…” Nushka whimpered.

  And Agnes delivered.

  The handmaiden redirected her fingers from teasing strokes to pulsing inside the Queen, harder and faster now. Nushka couldn’t help herself as she began grinding against her handmaiden’s fingers, fucking her, needing her deeper. She rode her, until her vision blurred from ecstasy.

  Nushka cursed herself for craving this from the rabble. But that feeling, that tantalizing feeling, it transformed her immortal, mundane existence into something more. That feeling of living. Agnes’s thumb began massaging her Queen in just the spot, whilst her tongue continued to tease her breast. Nushka released a primal moan she couldn’t contain as they continued exploring each other, drawing out each other’s pleasure.

  Nushka edged her way back onto a rock on the side of the pool so that Agnes could fully tend to her. Her bare, unblemished skin like moonlight made flesh. Her long midnight hair frantically whipped behind her in response to the building tension within. She needed it now.

  As the handmaiden continued her ministration with her clever little fingers, her mouth no longer exploring her breast, the Goddess spread her legs, silently demanding. Living. This was what it felt like to live, unbound by rules or time. Relishing the moment.

  The Goddess moved her clawed hands to fist them amongst Agnes’s long blonde locks as she re-directed her mouth to where she craved her the most.

  “Your Queen has need of that filthy mouth elsewhere,” she rasped.

  Fire smoldered in Agnes’s deep brown eyes. “Whatever you need My Queen, you shall have...” she promised.


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