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From circlet to collar

Page 7

by Leon Shadow

  Chapter 7

  His head hung down, his wrists were covered in dark red bruises, his hair and skin tainted with blood. He had forgotten how long he had been here, hanging from the wall of which once was his own room. A few times a day Sauron had visited him and showed him again how he was his was his master and how he possessed him completely.

  Sauron would untie him, turn him with his chest against the wall and use him mercilessly. He made him scream and beg in pain and pleasure.

  The collar suited him perfectly now when he crawled around through the corridors which once were his own. The lord of Rivendell, naked upon his knees and crawling after Sauron like a dog. This was what had become of him, and Middle earth.

  He had lost the ones he loved and those who he was supposed to take care of. His mind had become dull. His soul: he wondered if he had anything left of it. He had no fear nor hope. He preferred to die.

  This night he had slept in the dark lord’s bed for Sauron thought he was loyal enough to do so. Elrond lay with his back towards him but hands onto his master’s arms, for the dark- and ex lord lay against each other as lovers; though it was far different from that.

  He woke up, precisely the same time as always, before he waited for Sauron to wake up. Once he felt the dark lord starting to wake up, he cautiously started jerking himself off in order to be able to please the dark lord. He shocked slightly when he felt a big hand cover his own and forced him to stop stroking his manhood.

  “Such..” He felt the vibrations of the deep voice against his neck. “Sweet” Sauron’s warm breath sent shivers down his spine. “and naughty” The grip on his length tightened slightly. “preparations, just for me.. Or were you impatient rwalaer? Couldn’t you wait a little longer for me to take you again?”

  “I wasn’t able to resist my lord, my apologies..” Elrond didn’t recognise his own voice, nor the words he had spoken. He knew the answers his master wanted to hear and how he wanted him to be. He had to be a perfect combination of himself and the sex-addicted version he might once have been in his younger days. He’d like to believe Sauron also simply needed some kind of love, that thought never had been confirmed though.

  “You know only I can touch you there unless I give you permission to do so..” Sauron’s words were muffled from time to time when he let his teeth sink into the skin of the neck his lovely toy.

  Elrond slowly turned himself around and looked into the dark lord’s eyes with a begging look upon his face.

  Sauron grinned softly in response to the unforgettable look of his sweetling and nodded while letting both of his hands slide up towards the elf’s sides. The elf clearly had lost weight and he couldn’t believe Elrond even now was able to sit up straight, but apparently the wounds weren’t as bad as he thought they were.

  Elrond smiled as he sat up before he crawled onto Sauron’s lap and pulled the blankets more down to get better access to the body beneath him. His smile used to be fake, but now he didn’t really know what to feel anymore, this made it look creepily realistic. He slowly rolled his hips against the dark lord’s crotch after he placed one of his hands onto the broad chest beneath him and felt how Sauron’s length grew against him.

  Sauron placed his hands onto his elf’s hips which were covered with darkish red fingerprints already. He made him move quicker but knew Elrond wasn’t able to move that quick anymore. The elf lifted himself up slightly and lowered himself onto the hardened length, causing him to moan shortly. Sauron never liked using lube so he always had to get through the first part in pain.

  He started moving up and down and moaned in a horny way, only to create the illusion of him enjoying it. His length had remained hard and it didn’t take long before he started enjoying it properly. He closed his eyes while soft gasps of pleasure escaped his lips along with the moans he already was giving.


  Sauron let him move first but got impatient in a very short period of time and moved Elrond onto his back before he pulled both of the elf’s legs over his shoulders and started moving in and out of him in an incredibly quick pace.

  Elrond trembled underneath Sauron’s movements as his pleasure spot was being hit mercilessly. He squeezed into one of the pillows which lay beside him and loosely moved along, for as much as his body allowed him to. He opened his eyes again and looked up at the huge frame above him.

  The dark lord noticed Elrond’s body glistening of sweat once he had sped up the pace. He looked into the grey eyes which showed nothing else but pleasure, he trailed down to the parted lips, followed by the collar which was surrounded by many hickeys on his neck, shoulders and chest and then the abused nipples which still perked out beautifully. He felt Elrond was about to come and moved all the way inside him. “Come for me, oh wisest soul of Middle Earth!” He laughed when the elf’s stomach got covered by his cum. He continued moving and came only moment later, filling him up with his hot semen.

  Elrond squirmed beneath him, relaxed again and sighed in a relieved way when Sauron his allowed his legs to rest upon the bed again and slid out of him.

  “You did well, go wash yourself.” Sauron said as he lay down beside him again and readjusted his hair a bit; however when it took Elrond too long to get off the bed, he simply kicked him off. “Hurry up.”

  The elf gasped shortly and bit his lower lip to suppress a moan. He got on his hands and knees and moved himself to the bathroom, there he washed himself and dried himself off while Sauron put on one of his own tunics and grabbed Elrond’s leach.

  The dark lord walked into the bathroom, attached the leach to the collar and pulled him out of the room. “I don’t have to teach you the meaning of ‘hurry’ do I?” He said with a bit of a nerved tone in his voice.

  Together they headed to the dinner hall and had breakfast. Sauron ate from his plate and once in a while fed Elrond with his bare hand, forcing him to lick off his fingers as he did so.

  On their way back Elrond noticed something odd: He saw a body fully covered with a white blanket. He barely had seen any other elves for a long time but he knew this was one. Something changed; he stopped crawling for a moment but instantly coughed heavily when Sauron gave the leach a rough pull. Elrond’s mind couldn’t recall the owner of this room which made him frown. This was his realm, how could he not know?!

  “W-who was that.” The elf managed to say once he cleared his throat and again tried to pull back to have another look into the room.

  “You don’t need to know.” Sauron said with a growl and lifted him up a bit by the leach, causing him to suffocate until he let go again.

  “I am the-“ “Was.” Sauron interrupted and continued. “This is none of your business anymore, now stop whining and get your ass back to your room.” The leach was pulled again but Elrond again pulled back. “I demand you to tell me who-“ Again Elrond was interrupted: not with words this time, but a heavy kick in the stomach, causing him to fall onto his side and bite his lower lip to suppress the pain.

  “I sent Glorfindel back to the undying lands, again. You know.. He kept fighting for you, always denying every little bit of pleasure I gave him. He never gave in when I fucked his tight little ass.. Unlike you, he remained reluctant for too long so I took his life when he tried to take mine.” Sauron said with a slight grin upon his face.

  Glorfindel. The last one he had laid his eyes upon before all this.

  He remembered again: The beautiful times he was blessed to share with Glorfindel, one of those he trust the most. The golden-haired elf often had helped him through the hardest times.. Long Glorfindel had been the only hope he had but all had been forgotten and replaced by the emptiness of pleasure.

  Thoughts slowly slipped back into his mind, how he never had heard about his sons who had tried to defend Rivendel alongside him. His daughter who left for Aragorn and never had returned ever since. The responsibility he once felt for his people.

  Sauron kicked him again and forced him to stand upon his hands and kne
es again but the elf couldn’t. Tears of grief filled his grey eyes when he covered his face with both of his hands. True pain fell over the elf, he was drowning in waves of pain which made him able to barely keep breathing. He placed one of his hands onto his chest, there where it hurt the most. He squeezed into it until the tips of his fingers turned pale.

  “Do not sow for the one you haven’t cared for in months.” The dark lord spoke as he lifted the elf up and pushed him with his back against the wall. “Don’t be weak and follow my orders!” Sauron’s eyes became darker but surprisingly Elrond’s eyes widened and stared into those of Sauron.

  Elrond felt his mind slipping away again due to the lack of air but managed to kick Sauron right between his legs before he pushed him further to the edge of one of the corridors. The warrior inside him had awakened once again on the most unpredicted moment of his time. His body had found hope which was formed into strength and his body still might be weak, but his mind wasn’t. Sauron screamed and hit him hard against one of his sides, which made 2 of Elrond’s ribs crack; but he wouldn’t give up.

  Sauron hit him once again but now on his shoulder to force him to stop this, but he didn’t.

  He pushed him over the edge but Sauron wrapped his arms around him and pulled him along. The two bodies fell down together while they kept wrestling. Elrond pulled off Sauron’s ring and swallowed it before the dark lord could take it back. They gave each other one last look before everything went black.

  Both fell and both died; one won one lost; a victim who had become a victor; One who finally had become who he was supposed to be again, a man of wisdom, responsibility and strength but above all: a man of love.


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