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Everything to Lose

Page 19

by Jade Winters

  Ashley left the room elated. She was trying not to get her hopes up too high until she’d spoken to Dale, but finally she felt she was getting somewhere. She pushed open the door and went to stand outside in the cool, crisp air for a minute to put her thoughts in order before she went in search of her parents and Nathan.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  The shabby ambience of the bar made Ashley’s meeting with Alexis feel all the more clandestine. It wasn’t normally the sort of place she’d frequent, with its worn carpets and velvet covered seats, that all looked as though they belonged in the sixties. A real dive. But for the purpose of not being seen together, it suited her perfectly.

  She spotted Alexis in a corner, nursing a bottle of beer. As if sensing her arrival, Alexis looked up. Ashley smiled and mimed a glass going to her lips then raised her eyebrows in question. Alexis nodded her head.

  Carrying two bottles of beer across the threadbare carpet, Ashley joined Alexis at the table.

  “Sorry I’m late, something came up. Have you been waiting long?”

  “About an hour. No worries, it was a good excuse to leave work early.” Alexis grinned mischievously, looking for a moment like a naughty kid. “Here, I got the information for you.” She slid a pile of papers towards Ashley.

  Ashley grinned back and sat down across from her. “Great, thanks for getting these. If nothing else, it will make interesting reading.” She took a sip of beer, enjoying the coldness sliding down her throat. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d sat in a pub and just relaxed. Not that this was a social call, but it had the air of two friends meeting up, which was nice in its own way. Ashley’s work took up so much time that she didn’t have a lot of it left to socialise.

  “So, any news from your informant?” Ashley asked as she took another long drink.

  A melancholy frown flittered across Alexis’ features. “Nope. He’s landed me right in it. It’s such a mess. No one will trust me with another story again. I shouldn’t have run with the story until I had all of the information in my hands. He was just such a solid bet, you know? Then suddenly he went cold. I feel like such a fool.”

  Ashley nodded and gazed around at the beer stained walls as she spoke. She knew the feelings of hopelessness Alexis was talking about. Alexis’ expression left her in no doubt she was nearly over the edge. That’s what injustice did to you. It gnawed at you until you either ended up drowning the feeling in a bottle of booze or you just gave up and detached yourself from the real world. Ashley wanted neither for her life. This was why she had been racking her brain trying to think of some way to prove the cover up of Nicola Coleman’s untimely death.

  “I would try and put some feelers out at work but it might look suspicious,” Ashley said.

  There was a flicker of uncertainty behind Alexis’ hazel eyes. “I doubt you’d get far. The ones in the know are as thick as thieves. These people don’t have a conscience. If half the stuff he said about them is true, there’s evilness in this world that knows no bounds.” She shook her head and her soft curls fell across her smooth forehead. Ashley liked the way Alexis allowed injustice to get at her, it resonated the same inside herself.

  She was beginning to relax in Alexis’ company. She trusted her and no longer felt the need to monitor what she said in case Alexis used it against her. “I’m sure Aaron Davies was involved with them somehow,” Ashley said.

  The dark curls bobbed as Alexis’ head shot up. “What makes you think that?”

  Ashley shrugged. “Just how quickly his case was wrapped up. He had this cockiness about him. As if he thought he was untouchable. That he knew he was going to beat the system.”

  “Well, he did in a way.”

  “Yeah, but was it on his own terms?” Ashley asked.

  It was Alexis’ turn to shrug. “We may never know. The official cause of death was a heart attack but who knows?”

  “Yes I heard. For some reason it just seems very strange and convenient.”

  “I suppose if there’s one saving grace, it’s that your partner was spared having to relive it all again by going to trial.”

  Ashley shrugged, picked up her beer, took a couple of gulps and put it down. The mention of Tasha brought back that cold knot in her stomach.

  “Do you think she’s going to come back to the UK?” Alexis said.

  Ashley didn’t bother asking how she knew Tasha had left the country. She thought Alexis could find out what the Queen had for breakfast if she put her mind to it. “I really don’t know.”

  “There’s nothing worse than relationship problems when something else is going wrong in your life at the same time. It really sucks.”

  Ashley straightened herself up to relieve the ache in her shoulders. It felt as if the world was resting on them. “Tell me about it.” She cleared her throat, not wanting to get into her broken love life that had more loose ends than her murder case, so she changed the subject “So what about you?”

  “Me?” Alexis laughed. “I’m single and that’s just the way I like it. I have enough stress at work without the added pressure of trying to make a relationship work on top of things. Don’t get me wrong, I have my fun, but that’s as far as it goes. A man would have to have the patience of a saint to put up with my demands.”

  Ashley had to smile at her. “Come on, you can’t be that bad.”

  Alexis put her elbow on the table and rested her chin on the back of her hand. “Trust me, Ashley. I’m worse than bad. And when it’s my time of the month, oh boy!”

  Ashley threw back her head and laughed at the thought. She settled back into her seat, enjoying the female camaraderie.

  Her mobile phone vibrated through her jacket and Ashley eagerly fished it out. She gave Alexis a look of apology. “Sorry, just one second, it’s Dale.”

  Ashley answered his call. He had just met with Shelly Wilson, after waiting around until she’d finished work. There was excitement in his voice when he told her that Shelly had confirmed her thoughts – A photograph was missing from the frame in Emily’s room. She remembered it because it had been taken on her graduation day. Ashley inhaled deeply at the news. Dale’s voice faded as an eruption of cheers exploded in the background. He was obviously in the pub watching football already. “We’ll chat later after Arsenal win,” she said and ended the call with a smile.

  “Some good news at last?” Alexis said coming back to the table with more beer.

  “I think so. Damn, I hope so.” She explained her theory to Alexis, who listened quietly until she’d finished.

  Alexis nodded to the paperwork she’d brought for Ashley. “Do you think they’ll be any help?”

  “I certainly hope so.” Ashley picked up the papers and started sifting through them. “So all these guys were taken in for questioning, but none were ever charged?”

  Alexis leaned over her shoulder and picked one of the guys out. “If it turns out that any of them are responsible, Essex police is going to have egg on its face for letting them elude justice for so long. Not to mention killing again as well. Ashley, if anything comes of this will you let me break the story first? I really need some cred again.”

  Ashley held out her hand and took Alexis’. “If this information leads to the real killer, you will have found yourself a confidant and friend for life.”

  “I hope it will be that way regardless of the outcome.” Alexis squeezed Ashley’s hand.

  “I’ve got a feeling it will.”

  Both women sat back and spoke of inane things that had nothing to do with little girls dying or murderers running around their streets, free, whilst innocent men sat behind bars. It was just two friends spending time together, catching up. As the evening wore on Ashley found herself relaxed and happy for the first time she could remember since the mess with Nathan had begun.

  Chapter Forty- Five

  The space was small. The clumsy and hurried way he’d positioned his large frame meant he had no way to move his limbs to keep the blood flowing through th
em. Warren didn’t know how much longer he could remain cooped up like this. He’d been waiting for over an hour and his legs were starting to go numb. He tried to move them without making a noise, and only succeeded in getting himself into an even more awkward position. He folded his legs back into their original location. Not the cleverest idea for someone his size, but he’d had few options and even less time to make a choice.

  The only saving grace was the sweet perfumed garments hanging up around him. He breathed the scent in deeply, inhaling the gentle fragrance of lilies and jasmine that lingered on the clothes. His fingers explored the arm of a silky blouse. Soft, smooth, and cool to the touch. He held the fabric against his cheek, closing his eyes and giving his mind the freedom his body couldn’t have until he escaped the confined space.

  Warren hoped his next victim’s skin would feel the same as the cool material hanging around him. He couldn’t wait to explore the soft lines of her back, her hips and her waist. To inhale the floral scent that he knew would radiate from her skin, mixed with the sharp and exciting odour of fear. His groin stirred at the thought.

  Outside a car door slammed. His hunger for her increased. Seconds later he heard the clicking of high heels on stone paving. His heart knocked furiously as he searched for the knife in the side pocket of his jacket. He rubbed his fingers over the steel handle, almost absently as if it was a talisman. Then, he traced the outline of the vial in his other pocket with his finger. He thought of what he had read about his latest victim. How easy social media made it to find out all sorts of personal things about someone. “Victoria Knight wanted to be a celebrity” her Facebook page had said. He was more than happy to oblige and give her the fifteen minutes of fame she so badly desired. It was a shame she wouldn’t be alive to enjoy it. It hadn’t said she wanted to be a living celebrity. He laughed silently at the irony. Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it.

  He peeped through the crack between the wardrobe doors he’d left slightly ajar for just this reason. The waiting was interminable, but he could wait. This beauty would be worth it. He heard the key turn in the lock. The dark hallway was suddenly awash with light. Victoria, whose long wavy hair reached way past her shoulders, walked straight towards the bedroom. He took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing. Something wasn’t right. He hadn’t heard the front door shut again. Why had she left the front door open?

  When he had checked her boyfriend’s Facebook status, it had said he was out with the lads for the night. Victoria would only leave the door open if someone else was coming inside. If not her boyfriend, then who? He licked his lips. Was it his lucky night? Two instead of one? His hand slid into his pocket and he gripped the knife. He was ready to go hunting for his double bounty. He wouldn’t show himself until her companion was in the flat as well. Timing was always the crucial key that unlocked all the right options. Two birds with one stone.

  Victoria entered the bedroom and headed straight towards the wardrobe where he was concealed. No, go away, don’t look in here. Not yet! I’m not ready! he pleaded silently, cursing her for not sticking to the plan he had laid out in his head. He pressed himself back against the wall trying to perform the impossible task of making himself look smaller – invisible even. The door opened. There was a moment where their eyes met, a second that lasted for an eternity, then her hand flew to her mouth and she let out a blood curdling scream. He thrust himself forward and jabbed at her with his knife. His leaden legs didn’t move fast enough and she was already near the bedroom door before he could get his half numb body out of its crouching position.

  He leapt out of the wardrobe and his deadened legs gave way causing him to land, unceremoniously, on all fours. He knew he was in deep shit when he saw her slim figure running frantically out of the door. He looked for an escape route. Obviously not the door. He turned his head and saw the window. It was big enough for him to fit through. He pushed himself to his feet, as he did so; something in the mirror caught his eye. A man even larger than himself was rushing towards him, his face contorted with rage.

  Warren turned and held the knife out in front of him, keeping it between him and this giant, whilst using his free hand to make sure his hood was pulled down far enough over his face. He was damned if he was going to be identified by this guy. He thrust forward with the knife as if to strike the man but thought better of it. This was the boyfriend, Nick, known for his strength, if the gym gorilla photos he posted on his Facebook page and the comments his friends left, were anything to go by. If Nick managed to get hold of the blade it could be him being carried out on a stretcher, if not a body bag.

  “Call the police, Vicky. Call the fucking police!” Nick yelled frantically, the veins on his forehead swelling quickly. He backed towards the door and blocked Warren’s escape route. “Right you pervert, try get past me. I’ll take your fucking head off your shoulders.”

  Warren had no doubt that Nick could do just that if he wanted to. His heart was beating so hard that he thought it was going to split his chest open. His thoughts turned to the car that had been parked outside his home the other night. Though nothing had happened, he knew it was a warning sign – The Fixer was sending him a message. If he messed up tonight he knew what the future held for him. I can’t get caught I can’t get caught!

  With all the rage and energy he could muster, he crouched down into an attack position and before the giant in the doorway could realise what he was doing, he charged at Nick, slamming into him with all his force. Nick went flying backwards through the air and landed flat on his back on the tiled floor, the muted whish of his breath being knocked out of him the only sound. The flattened man moved his legs and arms in the air, trying to get air into his empty lungs. Every opportunity comes with a single moment to make it work. He was taking no chances. He couldn’t allow Nick to follow him. Even if he knocked him out, this giant of a man wouldn’t stay under for long. Stupid fuck wasn’t even meant to be here. He’s ruined my entire plan. He stood above Nick, lifted his leg high and brought it crashing down on Nick’s genital area. Nick let out a loud, agonising scream.

  Gasping and panting like he’d just finished running a marathon, Warren ran through the open entrance on to the street, away from the groans and cries of the big man rolling around on the floor, his hands covering his excruciatingly painful genitals.

  As he ran into the darkness of the night, he stopped, turned and caught sight of Victoria. For a split second their eyes locked. Hers in fear, his in disappointment. “Next time,” he mouthed, then ran towards his car and jumped in. The exhaust roared like the sound of his heart as he shoved it into gear and sped off down the road, looking back in his rear-view mirror at the woman who had just had the luckiest escape of her life.

  As he got further away, he pushed the hood of his jacket off his head. He was sweating and the hood was making his scalp itch. He was in the clear. He didn’t think they’d be able to describe his face to anyone. He’d made sure his hood had covered most of his face, and what wasn’t hidden was in shadow. Even if they were able to describe him, by this time tomorrow he’d be sporting a completely different look. No one would recognise him. He was a chameleon. His only other concern was his car. Had the bitch seen it? No, he had been too far away and anyway, he always put on false plates.

  He chuckled to himself about his amazing fuck up and lucky escape. Now that the incident was over, he could laugh at how close he’d come to being caught. Maybe he should sue Facebook for giving false information. He’d checked the boyfriend’s status and it had shown Nick to be at least six miles away. Unless…Oh it didn’t matter anyway. It was only one mistake. Seeing as he hadn’t actually hurt anyone, The Fixer would never know about it. Maybe old Nicky boy being at home was a blessing in disguise after all. He wasn’t in The Fixer’s good books at the moment anyway.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Ashley hauled the dusty box she had retrieved from archives onto her desk. She took a gulp of her cold coffee, and grimaced. Yuck. She flipped the l
id off the box and dropped it to the floor beside her. Slipping her hands to the bottom of the box, she lifted the complete pile of files out in one go. Dropping herself onto her seat she opened the first folder.

  Natalie Nicholson. 24 year old white female. Engaged. Victim of multiple stab wounds to the chest and stomach. She lived with her fiancé Liam Reynolds, in a block of flats just off the A414. Ashley read the report, careful not to skip anything in case she overlooked a vital piece of information. There were four suspects brought in for this case. Natalie’s fiancé and three local men who lived within the vicinity. Ashley flicked through the information of all four then went back and read the file on the fiancé first.

  Twenty five years old. Employed in a call centre. He was five-foot-six inches. Too short – doesn’t fit the description. Liam also had a rock solid alibi. He was in the hospital having his appendix out. Didn’t mean he couldn’t have got someone to do it for him! But as alibis go, it wasn’t bad. Ashley gave a small smile, she was getting too cynical. She continued reading. The young victim had no life insurance. Flat was purchased in both their names. Despite being questioned numerous times about his fiancée’s death he stuck to the same story. Ashley entered his details into her computer. She wanted to see if he’d been picked up for any other crimes since Natalie Nicholson’s death. The results that came back were a negative. He was as clean as a whistle. Right, he looks clean enough and doesn’t fit the description either. Moving on. She put his file to the side and started on the next one.

  Second suspect. Stuart Moore. Unemployed. He lived a few houses down. Was known to the victim. It didn’t say how, which was annoying. He had been arrested for knife possession on previous occasions. Stuart claimed to be at a football match at the time of the murder. No football ticket was given in as evidence though, and despite officers checking out CCTV footage from the match in question, he was nowhere to be seen. It looked like her colleagues didn’t proceed any further due to lack of a murder weapon or DNA to prove he was at the crime scene. Her eyes were drawn to his particulars. He was dark haired and six foot two. She kept that file separate. Better height option than the fiancé. But again, after looking up his name, she found he had a clean record.


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