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The Elemental Diaries - Complete Series

Page 6

by Andrea Lamoureux

  “All right, if you are sure…”

  “Yes! All is well. No sense worrying Peyton over my silliness. Off with you. I’m going to get ready to take Nova for a ride.” I shooed her out of my chamber.

  “A ride, you say? Would you mind if I joined you? It’s been quite a while since I myself have ridden,” she asked with excitement, already forgetting our conversation.

  “Yes, if you’d like. Meet me at the stables when you are ready.”

  “See you there. Ta-ta,” she called as I closed the door behind her.

  It wasn’t long before my second chance with Saffiero came. While reading in the courtyard, a shadow appeared over me, blocking out the sunlight. I peered up from my book, my white hat shading my face, and saw Saffiero standing before me, dressed well in a red and gold doublet and brown breeches with haired messed up from the wind.

  “Lady Zephyra, how wonderful to see you,” he bowed as I climbed to my feet.

  “Good day, my lord,” I replied politely.

  “Please, call me Saffiero.”

  “As you wish. Are you enjoying life at court so far?” I decided to pretend like our last visit hadn’t ended awkwardly.

  “I am. I would enjoy it more so if you would agree to attend the jousting tournament that is to happen five sunrises from today.”

  “If that would make your life here more enjoyable, how could I refuse?” I didn’t bother telling him I was already going to watch my father joust against my Uncle Bardin—or that Adelaide had already asked me to attend the tournament with them.

  “Wonderful. I will be taking part in the tournament. Your presence will be good luck,” he said with a big grin.

  Flattery didn’t work on me, but I let him think it did for the moment and returned his smile “You are too kind.” I almost made myself feel sick with my pretend flirting.

  He took my hand and kissed it. I resisted the urge to pull it away. His demeanor seemed somewhat insincere to me… mayhap, just as false as my flirting.

  “Five sunrises then, Lady Zephyra,” he bowed again, backing away.

  He turned his back and left me alone with my book. I sighed, tilting my face toward the sky. “Celestia, give me strength,” I whispered under my breath.

  Time dragged on until the day of the tournament. I was anxious to get the whole event over with so I could quit dreading it. What had I gotten myself into, letting Peyton set me up with a potential suitor? At least if I had tried to find one on my own, I may have been able to stand his presence—if nothing else.

  I checked my reflection as Awyn left my chambers, her task of readying me for the tournament complete. I was all gussied up in a frilly, bright orange and yellow dress. She’d twisted my hair and pinned it on top of my head, showing off the amber jeweled earrings dangling from my earlobes.

  I made my way downstairs, where Adelaide and Peyton awaited me at the palace’s golden framed entrance doors. Addy looked like a true princess in a lacy peach and pink dress, a golden tiara resting on her head. Peyton looked almost as regal in a beige and gold doublet with white breeches. His teal eyes held a look of awe as he watched our princess. I smiled at the happy sight.

  “I bet you one gold piece my father beats yours today,” said Adelaide, linking one arm with mine and the other with Peyton’s as we stepped outside the doors and ambled along to the arena to watch the tournament.

  “All right, bet’s on,” I agreed, feeling confident in my own father.

  At the arena, my mother and Aunt Faya were already seated with the queen. “Let’s sit over here,” I beckoned toward the other direction, wanting to sit as far away from my mother as possible.

  Everyone in attendance was dressed up in bright, beautiful colours that made me think of a garden of flowers. I scanned the crowd of people as we took our seats on the benches and found my father talking candidly with a pretty lady in purple near the front.

  “That’s Lady Brice,” Adelaide whispered in my ear, covering her mouth with her hand. “They say your father has taken her as his mistress. I guess he doesn’t have much interest in your mother these days.”

  “Who can blame him?” I raised my brows as I studied my mother, pretending not to see my father. I felt a pang of sympathy for him. “Perhaps that’s because they were betrothed, and my father never really loved her. Queen Jelena told me we’re allowed to choose our own suitor, so that we may find love and happiness, but that wasn’t the case for my father.”

  “He appears happy now,” she commented.

  “If he wishes to take a mistress, that is his business,” I defended him—though I did feel disappointment that he turned his attentions to another woman while I myself hardly ever saw him.

  As my mind began to wander, Adelaide jabbed me with her elbow. “Look, Zephy, there’s Saffiero.” I followed her pointed finger and saw him indeed there on a bay horse, helmet visor up and smiling up at me. I waved, knowing I had to put on a show so Adelaide and Peyton would think everything was well between us.

  “If I win this tournament, shall I receive a kiss from the gentle Lady Zephyra?” he called up to me, a note of hope in his voice.

  My cheeks warmed. How embarrassing. I certainly didn’t want my first kiss to be in front of the eyes of the whole kingdom. And I most definitely did not want my first kiss to be with him.

  I didn’t have a choice with everyone awaiting my answer. I squeezed my eyes shut, gathering all the courage I could muster before answering, “You shall, good sir.”

  Satisfied with my answer, he bowed his head and steered his horse to the large tent to await his turn.

  “Oh, Zephy, how exciting for you!” Adelaide grinned beside me.

  “Yes… exciting.” I tried not to sound sarcastic.

  I thought mayhap she would question my tone, but then the horn sounded, and it was time for the tournament to begin.

  The first couple of jousters, I didn’t know. Each one started on separate ends of the rectangular dirt patch making up the jousting arena. The point of the game was to knock your opponent backward. He who wasn’t sitting upright would be deemed the loser. Each winner would go on to compete in the next round, until there were only two jousters left. The winner of those two would be the champion of the tournament and would receive twenty gold pieces, enough to buy oneself a fine horse.

  We watched with anticipation as each couple faced one another. Finally, it came time for mine and Adelaide’s fathers to face off. They paused at each end until the announcer yelled out in a booming voice, “And go!”

  They rode toward each other with great speed. I held my breath as their lances crashed into one another. My uncle’s lance slipped off my father as his splintered. Uncle Bardin was forced backward, though he stayed upon his horses back unlike some riders.

  I rose off my seat and cheered and clapped with everyone around me.

  “Your father bested mine. Perhaps you get your riding skills from him.” Adelaide winked and tossed a gold piece at me while Peyton chuckled beside her.

  “Indeed…” Whatever else I was about to say slipped from my mind as the next jousters got into position.

  At one end, a man I recognized as one of our soldiers waited on a white horse. At the other end, Saffiero held on to the reins of his bay.

  “Oh, it’s Saffiero!” Adelaide clapped her hands together. “Do you think he’ll win, Peyton?”

  “I know not, my love. I’ve never seen him joust before.”

  “Well, I hope he does.” She nudged me, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Annnnd GO!” The announcer hollered, and I secretly prayed to Celestia that Saffiero would lose.

  The horses’ hooves thundered against the ground, the only sound I heard as each jouster aimed their lances at each other. A few breaths later, the cracking of lances breaking echoed throughout the crowd.

  For a moment, it looked like Saffiero would fall backward, but he held on and pushed through. Alas, his opponent wasn’t able to hold his upright position any longer and fell backwar

  It took all my strength to fake a smile as I clapped, knowing he would move onto the next round.

  Don’t worry, there are still three more rounds, I reminded myself. But with each round, Saffiero advanced—and my heart sank deeper. Not only did Saffiero advance, my father also remained undefeated, until only the two of them were left.

  “Your suitor and your father! How exciting!” Adelaide beamed, grinning ear-to-ear.

  Peyton watched intently from beside her.

  “He’s not really my suitor…” I began to argue, but then the announcement for them to begin came, and they were off.

  I held my breath again as they raced toward each other, my father and my unwanted suitor. I didn’t want to watch, but I couldn’t peel my eyes from the scene.

  After what felt like a lifetime, they smashed into each other with such force that my father came right off his chestnut stallion and hit the ground with a sickening THUD.

  My eyes widened with horror, and I jumped off my seat.

  “Zephy!” Adelaide called, but I ignored her.

  I flew from the stands and across the arena, not paying any attention to all of the dust and dirt as I hurried to reach my father.

  Saffiero had already dismounted and was holding his helmet in his hand. He gave me a stupid, lopsided grin when I neared them. He obviously thought I ran to give him his kiss. I was about to run straight past him to my father when he scooped me up in his arms and pressed his warm, dry lips to mine.

  I wrenched my face away from him, causing him to frown down at me. “I’m only claiming my prize, which you agreed to. What’s the matter with you?”

  “Let. Me. Go!” I shouted, pushing him away. “You’ve hurt my father. I must see to him. And I am not some prize to be won!”

  Surprised by my anger, he released me, holding his hands up in surrender.

  I scrambled over to my father, who wasn’t far from us. There were already a couple of men with him, checking to make sure he still breathed.

  “Father? …Father!” I shouted, on my knees beside him, shaking his shoulders.

  His eyes were closed, but he moaned in reply.

  “He’s alive! Thank Celestia! He needs help,” I ordered one of the other men at his side.

  “Kennard went to fetch the healer. He will be able to tell us what’s wrong,” the man informed me.

  Moments later, the palace’s healer trudged out in his brown robes to my father’s side and checked him over for injuries. “He will live, my lady… just a few broken ribs,” he said to me soothingly. “We must put him on a cart and take him back to the palace for healing.”

  “Thank you,” I nodded, still shaky.

  “He’s a lucky man to have no ribs puncture his innards. Go get some rest, my lady. You may visit him in his chambers on the morrow. He should be alert by then. I will give him a tonic to ease his pain.”

  With my father in good hands, I headed back to the palace, wishing to be left alone. What anyone else thought of the scene I’d made with Saffiero… I did not care. He’d shown his true personality to me when he thought to claim me as if I were a prize to be won. Even worse, he showed no sympathy for having injured my father. How selfish! I would not see him again. This time, I didn’t care what Adelaide or Peyton thought.

  Chapter 7

  Adelaide and Peyton were more understanding than I’d expected.

  “I’m sorry he was so forceful with you, Zephyra. I truly thought him a gentleman. I guess he’s changed a lot since we were younger,” Peyton explained, his brows furrowed and his mouth drawn in a grim line.

  “I don’t blame you, Peyton. People change. Perhaps he’s only like that with women.”

  “Whatever the matter, I’m sorry he hurt your father and tried to win a kiss from you… whether it was an accident or not, it was unacceptable.”

  “Thank you.” I gave him a quick smile to help ease his guilt.

  “How is your father, by the way?” Adelaide piped up, Peyton finished his apology.

  It had only been seven sunrises, but thank Celestia, he already showed signs of improvement. “He’s getting better… he won’t make it to Noctis De Celestia though. The healer says travelling would be too hard on his recovering body.”

  “That’s unfortunate.” Her olive eyes turned distant as she added, “At least he’ll have you here to keep him company.”

  “He shall, though I do wish it were under different circumstances. It’s not often I get to spend time with my father. He always seems to have an excuse to be away from the palace. I know it’s only to keep his distance from Mother, but it’s hard for me.”

  “Lucky us, we get to travel with her to Terra without your father there to keep her preoccupied,” Adelaide said with sarcasm, her gaze settling on Peyton.

  He rubbed her back and chuckled. “No matter, my love, you have me to keep you preoccupied. It’ll be your mother and father who have to deal with her.”

  “And how fortunate I am to have you?” She leaned over to give him a peck on the lips.

  I rolled my eyes and groaned, getting up off the lounger to leave to mezzanine.

  “Where are you going?” Adelaide inquired.

  “To visit my father,” I called back to her. Truth be told, I’d rather be almost anywhere rather than watching them two love birds get all sappy with each other.

  On the way to my father’s chambers, I thought about how grateful I was that Peyton had told Saffiero to leave me alone and find another woman to court. He didn’t have to do that for me. I could take care of myself, but alas, I was grateful. I’d heard Saffiero had tried to argue his innocence but gave in when Adelaide told him she would have the queen throw him out of court if he didn’t do as Peyton asked and leave me alone.

  The next day, I’d spotted him flirting with a dainty young lady. I was delighted to see his attentions turned to another.

  While the rest of the royal family was away for Noctis De Celestia, I spent a lot of time with my father. Though no longer bed-ridden, he was still unable to perform much in the way of physical activity.

  One day, when I brought tea to his chambers, I found him pacing about.

  “Father?” I asked, poking my head through the door.

  “Yes, my sweet, come in.” He stopped pacing and beckoned me inside.

  “I’m sorry you’re unable to attend the celebrations—or do much of anything for that matter, but look, I have brought you tea and company to lift your spirits.” I gestured toward the tea cart I’d brought with me.

  “It’s not your fault. I’m restless is all,” he reassured me as I handed him the porcelain gold-rimmed tea cup filled with the steamy liquid.

  “Thank you.” He accepted the cup.

  “But, Father, I can’t help but feel responsible for your condition. If I had only followed my instincts, and not let that horrible man try to court me, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.”

  He waved a hand in dismissal. “You are no sorceress who can see into the future. How would you know that was going to happen? And the two of us likely would have faced off with or without you there. Please promise me you’ll stop blaming yourself.”

  “All right… if it’ll make you feel better.” I decided to change the subject. I eyed his white shirt. It was strange seeing him in such plain clothes. “Has Lady Brice been to see you? I saw her taking fancy to you at the tournament.”

  He winced. “I’m sorry you had to see that. No, she has not. She and I simply use each other for,” he paused to search for an appropriate word, one which wouldn’t embarrass us both, “certain pleasures. I’m of no use to her in this condition.”

  “Oh.” I looked down at my lap. This was an uncomfortable subject for me, but I felt the need to tell him my thoughts. “You don’t have to apologize. I don’t blame you for your interest in other women. I know you married Mother out of duty, not love.”

  He chuckled, throwing his coppery locks back. “And where did you hear that, my sweet daughter?”

sp; I picked at my fingernails. “Awyn told me. She worked for Mother’s father.”

  “Right, I forgot she hired someone from her past to take care of you. No matter. I figured you would find out one day. Yes, I married your mother out of duty, unlike most people from our kingdom. Don’t think I regret it for one moment, though. I have you because of that arrangement. And I have more love for you than any other being in this world,” he said as he tilted my chin up.

  Seeing the tears shining in his eyes, I embraced him. He smelled of sweet musk. “I love you too, Father.”

  “I’m sorry for being absent from your life. I didn’t agree with the way your mother treated you, but I didn’t know what to do, so I turned the other way. I’m a coward when it comes to that woman, but I want you to know I tried to reason with her. She would not listen to me. I’m not an aggressive man. Perhaps I should’ve had her sent away, but I thought children needed their mothers… especially ones with fathers who are always so busy.”

  “I forgive you.” I smiled at him, peering into his warm, olive eyes; eyes that reminded me so much of Adelaide’s. “You did what you thought was best for me. I don’t think you’re a coward. You are here now. That’s what matters.”

  He returned my smile. “Would you like to take a walk with me? I’m awfully bored cooped up in here.”

  “I would love nothing more,” I told him genuinely.

  And so we walked around the breathtakingly beautiful palace gardens and breathed in the fresh, clean air, sharing pleasant conversation. I couldn’t have asked for a better afternoon.

  I visited him each day, and it cheered us both up. We strolled around the gardens and played chess. I even played my harp for him. As sad as I was that he’d been hurt, I couldn’t help but feel blessed by the bond we’d formed.


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