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Boss Next Door

Page 7

by Beverly Evans

  At the end of the aisle stands an older woman who looks a lot like the Queen of England, complete with a pair of Corgis sitting by her side. She is flanked by another pair of guards in red coats and bearskin hats. We stop at the foot of the stairs that lead to the small platform the Queen is standing on, and she eyes us, her face solemn.

  “Is – is that really what the Queen looks like?” I whisper to Chloe. I blink and squint, trying to see more clearly, but at this point, things are so blurry I can’t even tell.

  “How should – how should I know? I don’t hang out with royalty,” she giggles in response.

  The Faux-Queen clears her throat solemnly, interrupting our muttering.

  “We are not amused,” she begins, and that’s all it takes for Chloe and I to erupt into laughter, drawing a frown from the Queen.

  “Forgive us, Your Majesty,” I croak out. “We’re just overcome by our joy.”

  Chloe snorts, and I pull her against me a bit harder. She’s making it difficult for me to hold my own laughter in as the Queen continues to scowl down at us.

  “Peasants,” the Queen says, rolling her eyes. “No manners or sense of decorum.”

  “You are right, Your Majesty,” Chloe responds. “But I do hope to teach this peasant a little class and some manners befitting his new station in this life.”

  She stares at us sternly, looking very royal in her disapproval – though I can’t help but notice the small upward curve of her lips as she works to stay in character and contain her own smile.

  “Love is what brings you to the Crown tonight,” the Queen intones. “And the joining of two souls in the bonds of marriage.”

  The ceremony goes on for fifteen or twenty minutes – truthfully, I don’t really hear most of what she is saying. I’m more focused on Chloe and the idea of having her actually standing next to me at the altar. And, of course, the alcohol rushing through my head.

  I can’t say the idea of it isn’t appealing. I know this is nothing but a lark. Just a goofy adventure, we’ll both look back on and laugh about. And that was really the only reason I suggested it. But I’d be lying if I said that now that we’re standing here getting married, technically speaking, that I’m put off by the idea of it.

  A young boy in a tuxedo comes through a door to our left, cradling a red velvet pillow in his arms. The Queen favors him with a smile as he walks over and stands in front of us. On the pillow are a pair of rings that are supposedly gold. But I have a feeling the gold coloring will wear off in a month or two. Not that it matters, it’s just a silly keepsake anyway.

  Reaching down, I take the rings off the pillow and give the kid a sloppy smile. “Thank you.”

  The kid starts to smile but then seems to remember he’s supposed to remain solemn – that British stiff upper lip and all. He turns and walks out through the same door he came in, closing it softly behind him.

  “Place your rings on each other’s fingers to seal your love and commitment to one another,” the Queen instructs.

  We do as she says. My eyes linger for a moment on the band of gold on Chloe’s finger, a familiar feeling of yearning welling up within me. The alcohol starts to uncork something within me, something deeper than just fun. I quickly stuff it all back down and bring myself back to the present. This is all about fun and enjoying our time together, not to rehash old unrequited feelings.

  The Queen gives us an approving nod and the slight flicker of a smile. “By the power invested in me by the state of Nevada and the glory of the British Empire,” she intones solemnly. “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

  I raise the veil Chloe is wearing and smile at her. The sparkle in her eye and the smile that is lighting up her face nearly takes my breath away. I lean down and give her a quick peck on the lips, but when I pull back, I see something like disappointment on her face. It’s a brief flash and one that quickly vanishes, but even through my drunken haze, I saw it there for an instant all the same.

  We give our thanks to the Queen before walking hand in hand back down the aisle, giggling like a couple of lunatics. As we walk back through the lobby and out toward the parking lot, I can’t keep the smile off my face, and we can’t stop laughing. Unrequited feelings or not, this was a lot of fun, and I’m glad we did it.

  My driver lets us out in front of the hotel, and I walk her into the lobby. We stop in front of the banks of elevators and turn toward each other. Putting my hands on her hips, I pull Chloe toward me, both of us smiling wide at each other.

  “Well that was certainly a different way to spend an evening,” she says.

  I shrug. “I like to keep things unpredictable.”

  “Well, mission accomplished, then.”

  As I stare into her eyes, I’m overcome by a sense of desire, unlike anything I’ve ever felt. Sure, I’ve wanted other women before. But I’ve never hungered for them with my entire body and soul like I do for her. I want her with every conceivable piece of me.

  I know it’s not the alcohol anymore. It’s something more than that.

  We stand there silently for a long moment, lost in one another’s eyes – lost in our own thoughts. And I’d give anything right now to know what she’s thinking. I know our time together is running short, but I’m not ready to let it go just yet. I’m not ready to let her go.

  “Let’s go up to your room,” I say.

  Her eyes sparkle as she chews on her bottom lip. I can see the hesitance in her expression, but I can also see something more. I can see the longing in her face I’m sure is mirrored in my own. It’s a yearning and a deep-seated desire. It’s the culmination of the chemistry and tension that’s existed between us since we first met in Hyde Park all those years ago.

  She gives me a small nod and a mischievous grin. “Well, we are married,” she points out.

  “That we are,” I reply.

  There’s a quick flash of fear that crosses her face as I reach for the call button for the elevator and push it. The button lights up, and we stand there in perfect silence, staring at one another. The elevator takes about a year to get to us, and when the doors finally slide open, I rush her inside, willing them to close again quickly. When they do, and we’re thankfully alone in the car, I turn her to me, looking deeply into those crystalline blue eyes.

  I know what a big deal this is for her. I know Chloe isn’t one who hands out sex like candy on Halloween, and even though I’d rather not say anything and just get to it, I want her to be sure.

  “Are you sure, Chloe? I don’t want to –”

  She cuts me off by pressing her mouth to mine. When her tongue slides into my mouth, swirling with mine, the surge of electricity between us is palpable. I guess my question’s been answered.

  I press my mouth to hers even harder, cupping the back of her head and intertwining my fingers in her hair. I push her against the wall of the elevator car, and she gasps as I grind the hardness in my pants against her. I pull her dress upward, then pick her up. As I hold her against the wall of the elevator, she wraps her legs around my waist as our tongues continue to dash together, dancing with an erotic energy of desire that’s been pent up for far too long.

  We grind against each other, my thick cock pressed flush against the center of her, drawing soft moans and whimpers as I kiss her neck. I gently nip at the flesh on her collarbone as I press myself harder against her. She lets out a soft cry as she runs her hands through my hair, pulling and tugging on it.

  The elevator announces the floor number, and I set her down as the doors slide open to reveal a younger couple standing there, staring like they’ve been waiting for us. They look at us for a moment, no doubt noting our disheveled appearance, and both of them flash us matching grins. Chloe is blushing furiously as she grabs my hand, pulls me from the elevator, and marches me down the hallway at a quick trot.

  Her hands are trembling so hard; it takes her a few tries to slide the keycard into the slot. She turns the handle, and I slide up behind her as the
door opens. I kick it closed behind me, slipping my hands around her waist from behind as I kiss her neck.

  She presses her firm ass against me, groaning as my stiff cock presses into her. I cup her breasts, kneading them firmly as she turns her head to me, our tongues moving together sinuously as the heat of our passion builds.

  I unzip her dress and let it fall to the floor where it pools around her feet. She steps out of it and turns to me with a wicked grin upon her lips. She reaches behind her and unclasps her bra, letting her breasts spill out as it joins her dress on the floor.

  My jaw practically falls open. It’s the most gorgeous sight I’ve ever seen. Chloe stands before me in nothing more than her heels and panties, and I feel my cock straining against my pants as I savor every inch of her milky white flesh.

  Stepping forward, our mouths crash together as I pick her up and carry her to the bed, where I throw her down on her back. I quickly remove my coat and vest, tossing them aside carelessly. Chloe is biting her bottom lip, nervousness flashing through her eyes as I slide her panties down her legs, letting my fingertips trail down her smooth thighs.

  After throwing her panties aside, I pull her to the edge of the bed and lean forward, running the tip of my tongue along the inside of her thigh. Chloe shudders and then moans softly as I slide my tongue across her wet, swollen lips. She grabs hold of my hair, pulling it tightly as I part her velvety folds with my tongue, sliding it deep inside of her.

  As I eagerly lap at Chloe’s pussy, I revel in her sweet, musky aroma. I take her clit into my mouth, sucking and nipping with my teeth as I drive a finger into her. She writhes and trembles as I thrust my finger in and out of her pussy, sucking on her swollen bud even harder.

  “Oh God,” she moans. “Yes. Yes. More.”

  She’s so tight; I’m barely able to get a second finger inside of her. When I finally manage to work it inside of her, she cries out, her voice echoing around the room. I lick and suck on her clit as I drive into her even harder. Chloe’s breath quickens. Her entire body tensing up around me.

  Chloe is thrashing wildly on the bed, and her thighs clamp down around my head, squeezing me tight as she grinds herself against my mouth and fingers even harder. As if realizing what she’s doing, she loosens her thighs but grabs my hair viciously, pulling my face deeper into her molten core.

  My mouth and fingers working in unison in her pussy, Chloe begins to shudder. A low groan turns into a high-pitched wail as her entire body begins to shake. I give her clit a sharp nip before I plunge my tongue back into her pussy, and that pushes her over the edge. She cries out, grabbing the back of my head and holding me in place, my tongue moving within her pussy as Chloe comes hard.

  Slowly, her trembling subsides, her breathing returns to normal, and her grip on the back of my head loosens. She looks down at me, the smile on her face wide as she chews on her bottom lip. I sit back, running my tongue around my lips as I savor every last drop of her.

  “That was amazing,” she gasps.

  I give her a salacious smile. “We’re just getting started.”

  Chapter Nine


  I have no idea what came over me. When I agreed to have dinner with Braxton tonight, I had no intention of having sex with him. I mean, I know some people think it’s normal – maybe even expected – to have sex after a date. I’m sure a lot of people out there would be horrified that I’m a virgin at twenty-two years old but sleeping with somebody just because we went out on a date is never what I considered normal.

  And yet here I am, wearing nothing but high heels and trying to catch my breath after the most powerful, earth-shaking orgasm I’ve ever had.

  Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I haven’t done some things, and it doesn’t mean I haven’t given myself plenty of orgasms on my own. Hey, I enjoy porn and toys as much as the next girl. This was on a whole different level, though. I came so hard; it felt like a bomb exploded inside of me.

  I look up at Braxton and see his face glistening with my juices and feel a surge of desire and lust surging within me. Those brown eyes of his sparkle as they slide up and down my body, and Braxton looks at me like I’m a work of art, further fueling the heat already burning bright within me.

  “That was amazing,” I manage to croak.

  “We’re just getting started.”

  He grins like the wolf just about to eat Red Riding Hood, sending an electric charge surging through my body. My pussy quivers in anticipation. Tonight’s the night. I know it. The time is finally right.

  Still laying prone on the bed, I watch Braxton as he steps out of his shoes and socks, then undoes his belt and pants. With the deftness of a stage magician, he produces a condom from somewhere. His pants slide down his body, and I get my first look at his body, drawing in a sharp breath as I feel my pulse quicken once more.

  His body is all hard angles and planes, his tightly corded muscles rippling beneath his skin as he moves. He’s got the lean, taut body of a swimmer or water polo player rather than the bulked-up body of a football guy. He gives me a wolfish smile as he sees me surveying his body, obviously noticing that I like what I see.

  I sit up on the bed as he steps closer to me. I lean forward, running the tip of my tongue around his well-defined abs, sliding it up until I’m teasing his nipple. I plant a line of kisses down his body as I reach out and take his thick cock in my hand. I grip it tightly at the base and start to move my hand up and down, stroking his rigid length, and feel myself growing even wetter.

  I lean down and run the tip of my tongue around the head of his cock, teasing the soft and sensitive underside of it. As I slide my tongue up and down the sides of his thick shaft, I run my thumb over his head, feeling it growing slick. I tease the head of his rod with my tongue, tasting the salty precum dribbling out of the tip.

  I give him a smile and take his length into my mouth, slowly moving my head up and down. I wrap my hand around the base of his cock, squeezing it tight as I suck on the head, trailing my tongue over it. Braxton groans as I move my mouth and hand at the same time, sucking and stroking him simultaneously.

  “Fuck yes, Chloe,” he moans, gripping my hair tightly.

  Braxton starts to roll his hips, pumping his cock into my mouth. I look up at him, relishing the feel of his dick gliding across my lips. I feel his body tensing as his grip on my hair tightens and know he’s enjoying having me suck him off.

  But then he lets out a gasp and staggers back a step, a quivering smile on his face. He pulls me to my feet and kisses me deeply, his tongue dashing hard against mine. I watch as he quickly rips open the condom package and slides it over his cock. Before I know it, I let out a squeal when he spins me around and bends me over my bed. I look back over my shoulder at him in anticipation. In one quick motion, he steps forward, and he pierces me with his thick staff. I cry out as a sharp shock of pain grips me.

  “Are you okay?” he asks. “Did I hurt you?”

  I squeeze my eyes shut and grit my teeth as my body adjusts to having him so deep inside of me. None of my toys have been as large as Braxton. The few times I’ve gone far enough with a guy to let him finger me have never prepared me for the sensation of having a thick cock inside of me.

  “It’s okay,” I gasp. “I’m fine. Just – go slow.”

  Braxton starts to roll his hips, and the feeling of his rigid organ moving within me sends sharp stabs of pain through my body. A few moments later, though, the sharp stabs of pain begin to blend with a profound pleasure. The pain actually seems to heighten the ecstasy flowing through my body.

  He slides his hands up my back, leaving trails of fire in his wake as he moves his cock inside of me. I push myself back, taking him even deeper into me. Lightning spreads through every nerve ending. The pleasure suddenly overwhelms me, and I cry out. Braxton grips my hair, pulling my head back roughly as he starts to fuck me faster.

  “Yes baby, yes,” I moan. “Harder, baby.”

  It’s not long before I’m
enveloped in a bubble of bliss, reveling in the feel of Braxton pounding his cock deep into my core. His fingers are pressed hard into the flesh of my hip, and his grip on my hair tightens even more, wrenching my head back further. He plunges deep into me and holds himself there, setting off a bomb of sensations inside of me. I shudder as I call out his name, my every nerve ending feeling like it’s on fire.

  Braxton abruptly pulls out and turns me over, throwing me onto my back. I part my thighs as he collapses on top of me, thrusting his pulsing shaft back into my pussy. He growls when I latch onto his shoulder with my teeth, biting him harder than I’d intended. But as he starts to pump his cock into me, I don’t feel like I’m even in control of my own body. I’m a live wire, overwhelmed by pure lust and the sensations that are rocking my body from head to toe.

  His mouth finds my breasts, licking and sucking on my nipples, giving them a firm nip that makes me moan. I dig my nails into his back. He hisses as I rake them across his flesh. He drives his staff into my tight, wet center again and again, every pulse sending a new shockwave of powerful sensation through me. The sound of our bodies crashing together blends with his groans of pleasure, filling me with a lust and desire I’ve never known before.

  Braxton kisses my neck, nipping my flesh, and continues thrusting his shaft deep into me, setting off explosions of pleasure within me. He’s gritting his teeth, and I can see the strain in his eyes. He’s doing his best to hold himself back, trying to prolong the pleasure that’s surging through the both of us. But I want him to let go. I want to feel him lose control with me.

  “Come for me, Braxton,” I whisper into his ear. “Come inside of me.”

  His rhythm stutters, but he recovers quickly, driving his rod deep into me once more and holding himself there. Our eyes are locked together, and our bodies are joined as one. Our teeth click together as he kisses me hard, swallowing my cries as I feel him finally erupt inside of me. I feel his dick throbbing as he bursts, the condom filling with thick streams of his come.


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