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Page 21

by Carl Stubblefield

  Gus wheezed, whether from the none-too-gentle prodding or choking back emotions he had absorbed from Prime was hard to tell. He had felt every emotion as if it were his own.

  “They’re making the exchange,” Grimdark pointed at the loading dock, a small crate being loaded in the back of a sleek torpedo-like skimmer. After a clipboard was passed to the driver and back, the skimmer took off as Yuki began to start up the Seek 2000.

  “I hope you have your seatbelts on!” Yuki warned and Gus slammed against the seat as the ship took off in pursuit.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  In My Cult

  A pulsing light caught Gus’ attention on the bottom of his display and he opened his logs to find his voyeurism had gained him a level in Telepathy and some XP and FP. He had to dismiss the window before reading the particulars, as reading with the reckless driving was making him carsick.

  As Yuki swerved and maneuvered through the alleys off and on the sky-way, the group was pressed side to side against each other as the inertial compensators failed to keep up with the constant shifting of forces. Yuki was somehow aware of the courier she was tailing at all times, breaking off and then returning to her pursuit, briefly crossing paths later. Traffic had increased with an early surge of commuters, which made blending in all the easier.

  The realization that Prime was female pressed on Gus’ mind as the vehicle made an abrupt turn and he was pushed into her. The revelation struck him again and he pondered what he had seen. Instead of finding a point of commonality, he had found something painful and private that would not help relate in any way. It only made him feel weird and uncomfortable with how he should react and more uncertainty on how to interact normally with Prime.

  He fought the tension that made him stiffen when the car shifted him towards Prime, as if she would detect the change in his posture and know what he had done. It was difficult to know what he should be doing to improve and level up, but he felt unsettled with using his powers in this way.

  He was horrible at breaking the ice and was so uneasy with new groups, especially those who didn’t share his own interests, that he was surprised “awkward pause” wasn’t a skill he had leveled up to a mastery level. Social interaction was easier one on one, but in bigger groups he tended to fade into the background, content to watch and observe, trying to find his place.

  There was an abrupt jolt as the vehicle suddenly stopped. Below them, the courier could be seen landing in an alcove and delivering a package to a nondescript weathered door. A small window opened, reminding Gus of a speakeasy, and after a brief interaction a package was slid into an opening in the base of the door. The courier hustled back to the alcove and took off.

  “This is the place,” Yuki announced.

  “Good luck getting in there,” Grimdark said without emotion.

  “Leave that to me. Let’s get this over with,” Prime said, obviously agitated but resigned to see this through.

  Yuki nudged the transport gently down to the same alcove the courier had recently occupied and powered down the vehicle.

  “I’ll be ready to go at a moment’s notice, but give me a heads up when you can so I can have everything ready to go,” Yuki suggested.

  “Hopefully, this won’t require a speedy escape, but noted,” Tempest said. “Everyone ready to go into the lion’s den?”

  The tiny rusty panel slid back, revealing large, wide-set eyes.

  “Who are you? Whaddya want?” a deep voice demanded, eyes flitting to the different members of the party.

  “We have a delivery—”

  “Don’t recognize ya, you’re not one of the authorized couriers—so see ya, bye-bye,” the gruff voice barked, punctuated by a slam of the tiny panel.

  Tempest stared at the closed door, unsure of how to proceed.

  Prime let loose a large sigh and stepped to the front. She knocked on the door again, insistently. An irritated grumble followed by a deep growl resonated on the other side of the door.

  “We request an audience,” Prime insisted, removing something from a pocket on her jacket.

  The irritated voice slammed the panel open again, eyes reappearing, more bloodshot and enraged. A tirade of curses and threats began to spill forth as Prime calmly held her palm to the window. And Gus briefly saw the eyes morph from rage to fear before Prime’s hand obscured his view.

  “I’m sorry, mistress, please forgive me,” a demure reply murmured, thick with embarrassment. Prime replaced whatever she had in her hand as multiple locks and clicks sounded and the door swung inward ponderously. The Crew followed Prime as she strutted through the doorway as if she owned the place, her demeanor changing to one of haughty bearing.

  As they passed the doorway, Gus saw the doorman standing sheepishly behind the door. A stocky creature nearly as wide as he was tall stood there, obviously exhibiting signs of being a human-rhino hybrid. His tough, rubbery gray skin and a prominent set of dual horns were bowed, avoiding eye contact with Prime as she passed.

  A willowy hybrid in an almond-colored tunic motioned for them to follow, but Prime paid her no heed. She walked purposefully forward and through a shimmering curtain that twinkled like a waterfall of colored beads of light as the guide hurried to catch up.

  Stepping through, Gus had to blink away the glare as the dingy environment was replaced with a pristine formal throne room. The scent of cinnamon and citrus hung thick in the air, almost, but not quite, masking the feral scent of animal musk that was heavy in the room. The Crew goggled at the unexpected sight of something so regal hidden among the dinginess of the exterior.

  A court of advisors and individuals stood conferring with each other, while others stood at attention, awaiting orders from their betters. Walking down a carpeted pathway towards a raised dais, they passed all forms of hybrids, also in the tawny sleeveless robes. Different textures and colors on the exposed arms hinted at the cowled figures’ unique hybrid nature. No simple human skin was evident in this inner sanctum.

  It was amazing to see how much could be done with blending DNA, and Gus had never seen a hybrid in real life, and here was an entire menagerie. Intelligent eyes peered at him from the shadows of their hoods, evaluating him and the others as they followed Prime closer to stand in front of the dais.

  “I request an audience in appeal to the accords,” Prime said resolutely, almost defiantly, at the two hooded figures sitting on dual thrones near the center of the circular room.

  “What do you know of the accords, outsider?” A large robed figure stepped forward defensively, baring large fangs. His black fur glistened and a large paw clutched a jeweled staff, claws extending without subtlety.

  The vizier pulled on his whiskers, exaggerating his already contemptuous sneer.

  Prime began to repeat her request, “I know my rights—”

  The large panther-man slashed down with his paw. “Silence! You are owed nothing! We are not regs to be intimidated by your oppressive Factions. You have no authority here!” He bared his fangs and a low guttural growl resonated in his throat.

  One of the enthroned figures raised a placating hand.

  “Calm yourself, LaVarn. If I am correct, the prodigal has returned at last,” a sultry female voice purred, lightly sniffing the air as she turned to the visitors. “Approach and show yourselves.”

  Undaunted, Prime reached to the helmet and released some fasteners that kept it connected to the jumpsuit. There was an audible hiss, and gloved hands removed it. Aurora gasped and an uncomfortable quiet settled over the other supers at what they saw.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  In My Life

  Gus’ jaw dropped when he saw under the helmet for the first time.

  “Nekomimi…” the vizier whispered in astonishment.

  Prime brushed down the damp fur, sweaty from being under the helmet, into a semblance of order. She turned and faced the other supers, eyes set.

  Gus thought he saw a brief glint of withheld tears, but it could have been the light

  “My parents were both beastkin and the procedures were done before I even had a choice.” She turned to Tempest. “I’m sorry I never told you, but Purple Faction had been the only place where I have truly felt like myself. I know some have prejudices against my kind, and I understand if this changes things between us. I hid this aspect of myself precisely for that reason. Just know this: I did not choose this. It was put upon me, and I have learned how to deal with it the best I can.”

  She turned and faced the vizier again, becoming resolute, pleading tone gone from her voice.

  “I make this request again, as a beastkin and not as a super. And the council will hear about this breach of the accords. I. Seek. Audience.” She punctuated her words with a staccato rhythm, biting off each one.

  Gus looked back and forth between the thin cat woman cowing the larger steward, trying to absorb the change in dynamic. He looked to the rest of the Crew and saw similar expressions of uncertainty and confusion.

  The vizier stammered, looking back to the figures seated behind him, mouth working but no sound coming forth. With a lazy paw, the female figure dismissed him, and he disappeared behind a curtain.

  Prime hung her head, but her hands clenched into fists and released.

  “I’m not sure what prejudices you’ve been talking about, but I’m totally okay with you,” Gus leaned forward and whispered to Prime, trying to show some form of support. The royals left them standing there, drawing out the silence.

  “I told you she would return,” the queen finally said, satisfaction thick in her mellifluous voice. “I grant you audience, my little cub.”

  Gus cast his eyes around and was surprised to see even Grimdark’s mouth agape at the news. What was the big deal?

  “Before you get your hopes up, I am not here to claim the throne. I am merely here to deliver something to fulfill a commitment.”

  A loud roar emanated from the king, and he raised a massive paw. The denizens of the court fled through multiple portals, leaving the supers alone with the royals and a cadre of surly guards carrying large halberds.

  Prime took a step forward and the guards sprang to life, forming a bristly barrier that prevented any further approach. She reached into her jacket and the guards reacted further, some rearing back as they readied to launch their weapons. Raising one hand in surrender, she slowly extracted the remaining hand and placed a small data cube on the ground, then deftly stepped back, keeping her arms raised in a placating gesture.

  One of the closest guards approached and pushed the drive with the tip of his weapon. When nothing exploded, he dared to grab the drive and grimaced while he turned to a curtained door and let loose a shrill whistle.

  A simian hybrid entered, pushing up circular glasses that had difficulty balancing on his short, sloped nose. He nervously kept pulling down on a pinstripe vest that constantly crept up as he shuffled toward the guard and took the drive. Drawing a small device from a pocket, he plugged the data cube in and typed on a virtual keyboard similar to Yuki’s. The layout was different, for the altered position of the ape’s digits, but he was adept at typing and turned to the throne and nodded before bowing and retreating from the room.

  The larger figure on the right throne removed his hood, revealing a luxurious mane. Piercing eyes full of malice fixed directly on Prime as he stood, crossing his muscular arms in front of him.

  “You have had your audience, now you may leave, since you have no intention of fulfilling your duties.”

  “I do have a request since, of the residents of Hinansho, you are among the most well informed.”

  “Dear daughter. That is poor form,” the queen purred, also removing her hood but staying seated. Gus stared at the stunning woman who was a blend of either a cheetah or jaguar. She crossed long legs and leaned forward on one crossed knee, cupping her exquisite chin with a furry, but human-shaped hand. “The information you just delivered has already been paid for previously; you were just the courier. You have no right to make any other demands. If you are unwilling to aid the clan, then we really have nothing to talk about. You can see yourself out.”

  “So that’s it? I’ve never asked you for help before, despite all that I’ve been through. Despite all you put me through—”

  “Hold your tongue!” the lion shouted, commanding respect. “You have never appreciated all we have sacrificed to give you the opportunities you have. All we have had to go through to reach our station, only to have you throw it all away.”

  “I never had a choice in the matter. You made all those decisions for me, and I am the one who had to live with the consequences, not you.”

  “You know nothing of suffering. You were so young when those procedures were done, you don’t even remember them, do you? I remember the pain of having my bones broken and reshaped to this form. Muscles ripped away and re-positioned. I know of that pain and it almost broke me mentally. Why would I allow you to go through that? Children take to the procedures much more easily.”

  “Why am I even arguing with you? You still have no remorse for what you have done to your only child. I’m sure your lack of conscience has allowed you to do whatever it takes to become the highest caste in the hybrid clans. Why would I want to inherit a kingdom built upon such a foundation?”

  “Pshaw! Begone! You do nothing but irritate me. You have never cared for the struggle of your people, and you put their future at risk by running around playing super, away from those who need you the most.” The lion spoke with finality and threw himself down onto his throne, clutching the armrests as if he was trying to crush them.

  Prime turned around and spoke to Tempest. “I’m sorry, I tried.” She lowered her head and walked toward the shimmering curtain.

  Gus gasped as he saw Prime’s face for the first time. Unlike her parents, who looked like anthropomorphic animals, Prime appeared human, except for her pink irises and perky ears high atop her head. Her hair also seemed to have a slight pink tint to it amid mostly white, like cotton candy.

  Tempest nodded grimly and followed her as they left.

  No, this can’t be it. We’ve come so far and done so much. Gus thought desperately. Lagging behind as the others shuffled to leave, he thought of something.

  “What if I can give you Dr. Flak’s research on insectoid integration? Wouldn’t that be of value to your clan?” He didn’t know if this was a total stab in the dark, but he hadn’t seen anything besides mammalian and avian hybrids, well, ever. Which amounted to mostly the last fifteen minutes.

  If the Quorian had something he could barter with, it might be worth something. When he saw the royals’ eyes widen and the furtive glance they exchanged, he knew he had been correct. Gaining confidence, Gus looked at the others. Prime had turned around, mouth pursed in a thin line. Her eyes seemed to scream for Gus to stop talking but he was on a roll. It would work.

  “How do you even know that name, youngling? Dr. Flak was before his time, and definitely before yours. I am intrigued you know something about the rumors of his research, but everyone knows that it was all lost when he disappeared right before the fighting began in that unfortunate misunderstanding all those years ago—” Prime’s mother began before being rudely cut off.

  “Do not toy with us, little man. And do not promise something you can’t deliver. You try my patience by your mere presence. Don’t think you can tease the court without dire punishment,” the lion snarled in warning, his large face contorted in rage and contempt.

  No guts no glory, Gus.

  “I can get you that information, as long as we get what we’re looking for as well…”

  “Speak your terms, but know this: You will not leave until you have given us what you know regardless.”

  “Before you get any big ideas, I am pretty sure that only I can access the information, so killing me will do nothing. I also have to be in a pretty focused mental state, so I wouldn’t try torturing me, or stressing me out by harming my companions. We can make this a win-win.”

  “Out with it!” the impatient king demanded.

  “I don’t have it on me, but I can access it quickly. What we need is to find somebody. We were told she was taken here, but we have no leads.”

  “That’s incredibly vague, little man,” the cheetah chided, her voice playful yet retaining some patronizing undertones.

  “If you can’t help us, then—”

  “I never said that!” she said sharply, honeyed words turning icy for just a moment as she relaxed her pinched features as quickly as they had appeared. “We have someone we use for such… jobs. But we would need much more information. There’s no guarantee that even he could help you, but if anyone could, it would be him.”

  “Then I will volunteer to stay until Gus provides you the information, as a show of our good faith,” Prime offered resolutely. “You will allow them to check on your lead, and if it is of dubious validity then I am under no obligation to stay.”

  “Done!” the two royals said in unison, eyes afire.

  Gus’ heart felt like it had been hit with a large mallet. He wasn’t even sure if he could deliver what he had promised, and now Prime had put herself in a position she obviously wanted no part in just to secure the deal. He tried to keep the horror out of his eyes as he saw a Cheshire grin spread over Prime’s parents’ leonine faces.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  In My Head

  Prime glanced over and her eyes narrowed slightly as she saw Gus’ hesitation.

  “Gu~u~u~s… what does that expression mean? Do you have the information to trade or not?” Prime whispered out the side of her mouth.

  “Well, sort of…”

  “What?! You can’t back down from a promise to the High Court!” she hissed, catching herself and speaking with forced calm. “They will torture you. Play with you for their pleasure! Don’t forget their cat aspect—it influences how they deal with their prey. Even worse, they can bring you to the edge of death and back, thanks to being able to access and read your remaining health.”


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