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HIS: Luca: The Sabatini Family

Page 11

by Fiona Murphy

  I catch sight of a sketch pad that has fallen onto the floor. Picking it up, I find Bella has sketched me. I’m in bed, with the covers up to my waist. Damn, she’s talented—it could be a photograph. She even went into detail on my tattoos.

  Curious, I go through the sketchbook. There are seven more drawings, all are of me. One of them is of me from the first night, looking down at her as I held on to her. In another I’m in the back of the SUV that night, I’m looking out the window and most of me is in shadow. Another sketch is of my hand holding hers—the drive back to Vegas.

  Bella yawns as she rolls onto her side. Her eyes are on me; she’s wary. “Thank you,” she whispers.

  I run a finger down her face. “You’re welcome.” All I want to do is pick her up and take her to bed. Except she’s too fucking beautiful and awake for me to do that. Before I do something she isn’t ready for, I leave.

  It was supposed to get easier to keep a rein on my desire for her, only after the last few days of her every day in bed, in my arms, it’s gotten harder. Or maybe it’s just my cock that has gotten harder for her.

  In my workout room, I undress and throw on a pair of sweats.

  After almost two hours of hitting the weights so hard I ache, I shower in the bathroom attached to my workout room. As I have in every shower I take, I stroke my cock as I think of Bella. Tonight, I don’t last long.

  Sliding on the silk boxers, I’m not proud of the way my cock is already thickening at the idea of Bella. The moment I open the door to our bedroom, I feel Bella’s eyes on me. Fuck, she isn’t asleep.

  Turning onto my side, I offer her my hand as I will the tension out of my body.

  “Luca?” It’s so soft, I barely hear it.

  “What, mi amore?”

  “Are you mad at me?” It sounds like she’s been crying.

  I turn on the lamp on the bedside table, my chest tight at the idea of Bella in tears. Thank fuck, her eyes are dry, except it looks like she’s trying not to cry. “No. What made you think that?”

  Blinking fast, she buries her face in her pillow. “Never mind,” she mumbles.

  This woman. I pull her into my arms, swallowing the groan that escapes me from having her against me. “Talk to me, Bella,” I order her.

  “You didn’t bring me to bed like you usually do when you find me asleep,” she whispers into my neck.

  Christ. Carefully, very fucking carefully, I allow my cock to press against her soft stomach. She gasps. “That’s why I didn’t pick you up and bring you to bed. Even after stroking my cock and coming to the thought of you, I’m so hard I ache for you. I promised you that you set our pace, only after this morning—without the haze of sleep dulling my need for you, I don’t trust myself. This is why I need you to be very still, mi amore, and go to sleep.”

  “Luca?” Her hand moves down my chest.

  I catch her hand. “Yes?”

  “I want to touch you. While you’re awake.”

  She has no idea what she’s asking for. Or maybe she does—her body is trembling against me. Her eyes are a dazzling gold as she looks up at me. Fuck me, I promised her. I keep my promises, always for her. Taking a deep breath, I roll onto my back. “Okay.”

  Her eyes go wide with surprise, as her small pink tongue steals out of her mouth to lick her lips. “You’re so big and hard.”

  I bite my lip not to laugh. She has no idea how hard I am right now. The sheet and light comforter is hiding that from her.

  A fingertip traces slowly over the words of the family motto as I noticed she has often done in the morning. Her teeth come down on her bottom lip as she delicately caresses my nipple. It’s already tight from her touching me, and when it hardens even more, she smiles. Bolder now, the fingertip circles it then tweaks it with the slightest of pressure.

  Closing my eyes I work to keep a leash on the ravenous hunger churning within me for her.

  She moves lower down my chest, tracing the muscles rippling and clenching beneath her touch. When she gets to my six-pack, she sighs. I make the mistake of opening my eyes to see her other hand is cupping her breast as her thumb toys with her nipple.

  Holy fucking shit. All the blood in my body rushes to my cock and if I weren’t lying down I’d be flat on my ass. I catch her hand that is dipping below the covers. Clenching my jaw tight, I work to take air into my lungs. “That’s enough, mi amore. It’s time for you to sleep.”

  Even though she blushes, she is shaking her head. “I’m not sleepy,” she whispers, the words are dripping with desire.

  Fucking hell, I smell her wet for me. Bella has worked herself up into a state of need. She needs release, she needs to come only she doesn’t even understand it.

  Taking a deep breath, I vow to give her what she needs without scaring her. No pain, no fear, only pleasure.

  “No?” I ask, as I run a finger along where her skin peeks out from above the three buttons she has undone of my shirt she’s wearing. Her breath catches as she shakes her head. Sliding my leg between hers, I fight not to come at the way she moans my name.

  Bella presses into my touch. I lower my head, grazing her soft lips with mine. With a gasp she opens her mouth to deepen the kiss.

  Sweet, so damn sweet. This time she is not simply allowing me inside, she’s kissing me back, using what I taught her this morning. She steals all the air out of my lungs at how raw and untutored her kiss is.

  Bella is twenty-four years old. Forced into marriage at seventeen, raped over and over again, she is no virgin in the eyes of others, yet she kisses like one. Those rapes didn’t count, taken by force never counts. For me she is a virgin, for her I am the first man she wants, for us I will never forget that and always be thankful. I’m in awe of her trust in me. Of her desire for me.

  Bella tastes of midnight, cotton candy, ripe strawberries, and I can’t get enough. Her little whimpers of need feed me even as they make me hungrier for more, for all of her. No, her pleasure is all that matters right now. I gentle then begin again, careful to note what has her moaning for more. All too soon she becomes hungrier; then the witch catches my tongue and sucks.

  Breaking the kiss with a groan, I struggle for control. Her hands go into my hair, bringing me back down to her as she moans my name. I don’t dare kiss her again. Instead I taste her neck, running my tongue over the pulse pounding there before sucking lighter then harder until I know I will leave my mark on her. Fuck, the scent of her pussy is driving me crazy.

  Slowly I kiss my way up to her ear. Tracing the shell, I note the way she trembles when I nip at the soft flesh then suck to soothe. Moving to her other ear, I tease her a little more this time. Bella is becoming more hectic, whimpering with a need she can’t name. I understand, I’m not sure how much longer I can take it either.

  Undoing one button then another, I fight not come as I find her without a bra or a camisole. Her breasts are pure perfection. She fills my large hand as if she were made for me. Cupping her, I marvel at the way her coral pink nipple tightens as I trace my thumb over it.

  Bella begs for my mouth. Her wish is my command. Keeping my eyes on her beautiful face flush with desire, I run my tongue over her sweet bud once, twice, before opening my mouth wide to capture her nipple and suck gently.

  Bella gasps my name as she thrusts her chest at me. Slowly, I suckle harder as I tease her. With every increase in pressure she is only becoming more frantic. I move to her other breast and Bella groans as her hands twist in my hair. This time I cover as much of her breast as I can and suck as I tease her nipple. Hmm, that’s not enough for her. So I suck hard on her nipple, and her cry of relief is so fucking sweet. Grazing my teeth over her nipple sends her into whimpers of pleasure. I give her the more she is begging for, then stop before slowly kissing my way down her gorgeous body.

  I refuse to rush my exploration of her. Soft, silky, and heated Bella shudders and trembles beneath my touch then I can’t keep myself from tasting her, loving the way she moans my name with desperate pleading.r />
  Her panties are soaked with juice outlining every inch of her. My cock jumps painfully to be inside her. Bare, I wasn’t expecting that—the better to see her and eat her is all I can think. Running a finger along the seam of her, I watch her for any sign of fear. All I see is need and hunger that matches my own as her hips come off the bed in wanton invitation. How can I refuse her? I catch the top of the panties and slide them down her silky-soft legs, taking the time to savor the feel of her skin beneath my fingertips.

  Suddenly she is shy, a blush glows all the way down to her beautiful breasts. I go still, unwilling to continue until I know she wants this as much as I do. Her teeth catch her bottom lip, then slowly she opens her legs to me. No moment in my life has ever been more precious than this one. My woman, she is all mine.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  Her smile is everything.

  Lowering my mouth to what I swear is the prettiest pussy I have ever seen in my life, I inhale her deep into my lungs. As I run my tongue over her lower lips, the taste of her explodes on my tongue. Cotton candy sweet, my hunger for more instantly turns voracious. I try to go slow, to be gentle but she tastes so fucking delicious.

  Using two fingers I open her wide sending my tongue as deep as I can. It’s not enough, I suck her inner lips once. I’m fighting for control. All the finesse I’ve always prided myself on goes up in flames as the hunger for her consumes me. Every inch, all of her, I need to taste her on my tongue. Deeper, yes, right there she screams my name. Not enough, mi amore, not even close. I’m drowning in her hot, sticky juice and I want more.

  I run my tongue over her precious, swollen clit then suck deep and feel her whole body shake as she hits her orgasm. Watching her, I run two fingers along her lower lips. At her lack of reaction, I inch the fingers into her swollen cunt. Tight, fuck she is so tight. I groan at the idea of my cock inside her. As she moans my name, I press deeper inside. There is no tension in her as I begin to fuck her with my fingers, only little tremors running throughout her body.

  I move my fingers inside her. Bella catches my tempo and blows my mind when her hips rise to meet my thrusts.

  “Luca, I want you. Please,” she whispers.

  I don’t dare, not yet. Instead, I turn my wrist and find that perfect spot. Bella’s hips jerk and her fingers dig into my shoulder. A few more minutes of her whimpering pleas and I allow her to come.

  “Luca?” Bella runs a hand over my cheek.

  “Soon,” I promise her as I kiss her pretty little mouth.

  “What about you?” She reaches for me.

  Catching her hand, I shake my head. “I’ll get my turn. You always come first.”

  “But I want to.” Her bottom lip comes out in a pout.

  Damn she’s cute. “Thank you. Really, mi amore, but if you want to make me feel good then just let me hold you while you sleep.” I move to turn off the light and tug her down on me.

  Sighing, with a little frown she rests her head on my chest. “Thank you for making it amazing.”

  “You’re welcome.” I run a hand through her hair.

  “I bet you’ve had a lot of practice.” The words come out of the dark with a question to them.

  “Yes,” I admit. “I’ve had a lot of practice. Although there was almost four years where there weren’t any women at all. Kind of a penance thing for how badly I failed in my marriage. As well as the guilt of my wife dying.”

  Bella goes still. “You were married?”

  “At nineteen, to a girl who was also nineteen yet was emotionally stunted at about fifteen. I had taken over Vegas the year before. There was all this talk of me being seen as steady, mature, and a whole bunch of other shit. I knew Jackie growing up. We got along. It was what I was supposed to do, so I did it. And it was a mistake from the first day. I knew her growing up, her family was close with mine but I didn’t know her as well as I should have. She was into partying and addicted to coke.” I don’t want to talk about Jackie, but I know it’s long past time I told Bella about her.

  “Did you love her?” The question is small, as if she’s afraid of the answer.

  “No. I thought it would come eventually. I never even grew to like her. Running Vegas is a demanding, twenty-four-seven thing. I didn’t have time for her. She was content for me to throw money her way to keep her happy. We hadn’t even made it a year before she overdosed. I sent her to rehab twice. It didn’t take, she got worse.”

  This feels...different. Every time I talked about Jackie in the past, I felt frustration and regret at how badly I failed. Now...I don’t really feel anything except a little sad for the both of us.

  “All I wanted was a divorce. I would have done anything for one. The thing is, there is no divorce in the mafia. It didn’t matter I couldn’t stand her and she resented me. Mistresses and girlfriends are a given; divorce is not. Jackie got pissed for even asking and ran off. She overdosed.”

  I sigh as I remember how guilty I felt for being relieved. “This time there was no coming back from it. She was only twenty-two when she died. I spent the next four years staying the hell away from women. Then a friend died and I realized life is too short not to enjoy the good parts, of which women are one of them. I just wouldn’t get married again.”

  “So you don’t want to get married again?” The words are curious with a touch of sadness.

  It’s time, she’s ready—more than ready. “I’m getting married again. I have the date set for the last week of August.”

  “What?” She gasps.

  I laugh. “If I had my way we’d do it in front of an officiant today. At the same time I know a wedding is a big deal to women. I want you to have the wedding of your dreams. What you went through before doesn’t count.”

  She shakes her head. “Why do you want to marry me? We could just live together—”

  I kiss her until she’s writhing beneath me in need. “Because you belong to me. The ring is so everyone else knows it as well as you.” She sighs as she melts into me. “Go to sleep, mi amore.”

  “Yes, Luca,” she says into the skin of my chest.



  The alarm wakes me. My head is on Luca’s chest. When he moves I cling to him without thought. Five days. How has my life changed so completely in not even a full week? Opening my eyes, I stare right into his fathomless black eyes. “Hi.”

  He chuckles. “Hi.”

  Remembering last night, I blush all over again. I shouldn’t be surprised it was so amazing. Yet, I am. When my husband died I cried in relief. I was never going to allow a man to touch me ever again. All I knew was pain from a man; that a man could give me pleasure wasn’t something I thought was even possible. As amazing as last night was, I have no doubt making love with Luca will be better and I want that, badly.

  I raise my head to press my lips against his. I’m caught and held in place by his hand in my hair. “No, mi amore. Last night I was barely able to restrain myself. I don’t dare allow myself to kiss you when you are so beautiful this morning. Slow, careful, it will be better in the end—for both of us.”

  Luca is off the bed and disappears into the bathroom before I can blink. Clutching the sheets to me, I’m confused and a little hurt. Until I remember how careful he’s been with me. Not seconds before trying to kiss him, I was in awe at how far I had come in allowing Luca’s touch. This is Luca taking care of me. I have to trust in him.

  I’ve slipped on a pretty pale pink lace dress, only I can’t reach the zipper in the back. Luca’s hand is there. Slowly he sweeps it up, then places a hot kiss to the back of my neck.

  “Damn, you’re wearing a bra today.” His hot breath has me shivering as the hand that zipped me up slides down around me, then runs over a rapidly swelling breast. Now both hands are cupping my breasts while his thumbs tease my aching nipples.

  “Luca.” I moan.

  “Bella, so very beautiful. So very responsive. Do you feel what you do to me? Only minutes ago I stroked my cock to the
memory of your moans and the taste of you last night, yet I’m hard, aching, and desperate for you all over again.” He presses his cock against my ass and oh my god.

  “I love it—the scent of your pussy wet for me. Your body preparing for my cock.” His right hand roams down my body then fingers are sliding over my panties, finding just how wet I am for him. Cruel fingers glide over my lower lips again and again. No matter how wide I open my legs, they don’t give me what I want.

  “Please.” I beg.

  Luca tuts. “Always such a greedy, hungry girl gasping for more.” Those fingers slip below the panties, yet they only tease me again before cupping my dripping sex. His teeth glide along where my shoulder and neck meet.

  “More, more, more.” He whispers as those fingers finally press inside me. “That’s it, mi amore. I love it when you are mindless in your desire. No past haunts us, just your need for the pleasure I can give you. That is all I will ever give you, no pain, only sweet, sweet, pleasure.”

  A single thick finger pushes inside as the other teases my swollen clit. My hips move in frantic need. I clutch at Luca’s arm as my knees give out from under me. His left arm catches me around my middle, holding me tight against his hard, muscled body. I grasp his arm, clinging to him. In the next moment I’m glad I did as the teasing finger on my clit becomes demanding, sending me into an explosion of bright, shimmering light.

  It takes a long time before I can catch my breath. I find myself in Luca’s lap, we’re on the floor of the closet with Luca leaning against the island.

  A husky chuckle comes out of him. “It’s safer here. I’ve never taken a woman on a floor in my life. I might just manage not with you. Although I find myself doing things with you, as I have no other.”

  I blush as I press a kiss to his lips. “Is that good or bad?”


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