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Forensic Psychology

Page 113

by Graham M Davies


  the process by which a memory is maintained over time. Storage can be subject to decay or interference from similar memories.

  story model

  holistic judgments based on causal relations between evidence.

  street identification

  may be conducted shortly after a crime has been committed if there is insufficient evidence to arrest the suspect in the absence of an identification. A street identification may consist of allowing the witness to view an informal group, driving the witness around the area to see if they recognise the culprit, or a confrontation with a person already detained.


  emotional arousal induced in a victim or witness. High stress increases physiological arousal indicated by increased heart rate, faster respiration and increased muscle tone.

  stress inoculation training

  a form of therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder that attempts to inoculate the individual from future stressful situations.

  substance misuse

  an umbrella term to describe conditions such as intoxication, harmful use/abuse, dependence, withdrawal, and psychoses or amnesia associated with the use of the substance, typically associated with drugs and alcohol.


  see misinformation effect.


  distortion of memory that arises from misleading post-event information.


  thoughts or behaviours associated with suicide.

  summary offence

  a criminal offence that is tried only by a magistrates court.


  what is implicitly involved in making an assertion; a presupposition is a necessary condition for either the truth or the falsity of the statement that presupposes it.

  suspect-resemblance strategy

  a method of selecting members of a lineup on the criterion that their appearance is similar to the appearance of the suspect (see also culprit-description strategy)


  symptoms and syndromes associated with a particular condition or phenomenon.

  system variables

  factors that may affect the reliability of eyewitness memory, that are under the control of the criminal justice system. The selection of foils for a lineup is an example of a system variable (see also estimator variables).

  Tamil Tigers (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam)

  a separatist organisation based in Northern Sri Lanka, seeking to create a separate state for the Tamil people. Founded in 1976, it conducted extensive terrorist attacks and had a very well developed military structure. In 2009, it was defeated by the Sri Lankan Army.

  tertiary prevention

  systematic attempt to reduce further offence recidivism by work with convicted offenders within the criminal justice system. (Primary prevention has a long-term focus; secondary prevention works with those at risk of delinquency.)

  theory of mind (ToM)

  the ability to attribute mental states (i.e. beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, knowledge, and so on) to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires and intentions that are different from one’s own.

  trace alteration

  misinformation that overwrites or amends the memory trace of the initially experienced event.

  transfer of control

  cognitive interview instruction designed to pass control of an interview to the interviewee.

  transportation imagery model

  vivid mental imagery induced by the plot of a story.

  traumatic brain injury (TBI)

  occurs when an external force traumatically injures the brain.

  Undeutsch hypothesis

  hypothesis, first enunciated by Udo Undeutsch, that if a child’s statement is based on the memory of an actual experience, it will differ in content and quality from a statement based on fabrication.

  validity checklist

  The final stage of the statement validity analysis (SVA), in which alternative hypotheses are considered concerning a child’s statement.

  vicarious reinforcement/learning

  learning to behave in a certain way as a result of observing the reinforcing and punishing consequences of that behaviour for other people.

  video identification

  a lineup in which the witness views successive video clips of the lineup members. It is used for the overwhelming majority of formal identification procedures in England and Wales, and has replaced the use of live identity parades.

  video-recorded evidence-in-chief

  First introduced by the Criminal Justice Act 1991, and one of the special measures permitted by the YJCE Act 1999. A recording of a formal investigative interview of a vulnerable witness conducted by a trained police officer or social worker and played at court in place of live examination in chief.

  voice stress analysis

  belief that by measuring the activity in the muscles responsible for producing speech, it may be possible to infer the speaker’s mental state (e.g. experiences of stress).

  voir dire

  jury selection process of questioning prospective jurors.

  voluntary false confession

  a false confession offered by the suspect without any coercion from the investigator.


  the derivation of sexual pleasure from observing other individuals involved in sexual acts. Non-consensual voyeurism is deemed to be an illegal act in England and Wales under section 67 of Sexual Offences Act 2003.

  vulnerable witnesses

  a witness may be vulnerable due to their youth, incapacity or circumstances, for example, members of the following groups: children, elderly people, individuals with learning difficulties, physically impaired witnesses, victims of sexual offences and individuals with mental health problems.


  Wahabism is a radical branch of Islam developed by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. It is the dominant form. of Islam in Saudi Arabia and is characterised by an ultraconservative interpretation of Islam.

  working memory

  a temporary memory system that permits the simultaneous storage and manipulation of information prior to possible storage in long-term memory. Working memory is needed for complex tasks such as reasoning, comprehension and learning.




  absolute discharge order

  absolute judgements

  Academy of Experts, The

  acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

  accuracy–informativeness trade-off

  accusatorial interviews

  Achieving Best Evidence (ABE)

  acquired brain injury

  acquisitive crime

  active witness participation

  actuarial risk assessments

  actus rea

  adaptive behaviour

  admission order

  adolescence-limited (AL) offending (Moffitt)

  adolescent offenders antisocial behaviour in female

  brain in

  causes of crime

  effect sizes


  interpersonal crime


  psychological theories


  psychopathy correlates in

  adult victimisation intimate partner violence

  rape and sexual victimisation

  adult offenders case study

  criminogenic factors


  prevalence and recidivism

  treatment responsivity

  adversarial systems of justice

  adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

  ADVOKATE acronym

  affective disorders

  age jurors and



  age-graded informal social control theory (Sampson and Laub)

  aggression definition

  in psychopathy
/>   psychological theories

  social information-processing

  see also violence

  Al Qaeda

  alcohol, memory and

  alcohol myopia


  ambivalent (preoccupied) attachment style

  American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS)



  anarchic-ideologue terrorist groups

  anchored narratives

  anger poorly controlled


  anger management programmes

  anger management training (AMT)

  anger-motivated offenders, assessment

  anterior cingulate cortex

  antisocial aggressive pathway

  antisocial behaviour orders (ASBO)

  antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)

  antisocial potential (AP)

  anxiety in psychopaths

  Apgar score

  applied psychology

  arginine vasopressin (AVP)


  arson adults



  ASBO see antisocial behaviour orders

  Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)

  asymmetric scepticism

  attachment neurochemistry of

  problematic, as risk factor

  psychopathy and

  theory (Bowlby)


  Aussage movement

  authority effects

  Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)

  autonomic nervous system (ANS)

  aversion therapy

  avoidant (dismissive) attachment style

  avoidant (disorganised) attachment style

  avoidant–dependent personality disorder

  balance of probability

  Bandura, Albert

  basal ganglia

  battered women/victimization pathway


  behaviour programmes case study

  engagement and non-completion




  manualised groupwork

  targeting and selection

  treatment delivery

  behavioural consistency (non-criminal)

  behavioural distinctiveness

  behavioural evidence analysis

  behavioural investigative advice (BIA)


  best evidence

  bias confirmation



  hostile attributional








  Binet, Alfred

  bipolar disorder

  blind administration

  blocked memory access

  borderline personality disorder

  Bowlby, John

  brain, criminal development

  functional problems


  structural integrity

  brain injury, acquired

  Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk

  British Psychological Society (BPS)

  Buckhout, Robert

  Butler Report

  Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development

  Canadian Persistently Violent Offender program

  capacity to consent

  capacity-building process

  Care Pathway Approach (CPA)

  case linkage

  CCTV see live link

  Ceci, Stephen

  celerity of sentencing


  Central Planning and Training Unit (CPTU)

  certainty of sentencing

  change blindness

  change perspective

  Child and Adolescent Dispositions Scale (CADS)

  child molesters, treatment

  child sexual abuse (CSA) deception detection

  psychological theories

  risk assessments

  safeguarding witnesses

  child sexual offenders

  child witnesses cross-examination at court

  deception detection



  childhood maltreatment, definitions

  childhood protection plan (CPP)

  childhood victimisation adult effects

  definitions and measurement

  effects during childhood



  incidence and prevalence


  see also child witnesses

  children, psychopathy correlates in

  civil cases

  civil court

  civil proceedings

  classical conditioning

  clinical approach to criminal profiling

  clinical risk assessments

  closed circuit television (CCTV) see live link

  closed questions

  coarse-grained questions

  Code of Practice for Victims of Crime

  coerced–compliant false confessions

  coerced-internalised false confessions


  coercive interviewing practices

  cognitive analytical therapy (CAT)

  cognitive assessment

  cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) groupwork

  sexual offenders

  violence and

  cognitive distortions

  cognitive interview (CI) cognitive processes


  empirical support for

  self-administered (SAI)

  shortened form

  social dynamics


  cognitive load approach

  cognitive processing therapy

  cognitive psychology

  cognitive self-change model

  Cognitive Skills Booster programme

  cognitive skills programmes

  cognitive social learning

  Commission of Crimes


  Common Sense Justice Model (CSJM)

  community of practice

  Community Treatment Order


  comparative case analysis

  comparison question test

  compassion-focused therapy (CFT)

  compliance, child witnesses

  compound questions

  computer-based linguistic analysis

  computerised axial tomography (CAT)

  concealed information test (CIT)

  conceptual understanding

  conditioning trials

  conduct disorder (CD)

  confession-driven interview

  confident witnesses

  Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS)

  conformity to group pressure

  confrontation procedure

  consent, capacity to

  context reinstatement

  control behaviours

  control question test (CQT)

  Convention Against Torture (UN)

  Correctional Services Accreditation Panel (CSAP)

  cot deaths


  counterfeit deviance



  court dress, removal of


  covert sensitisation


  crime action profiling

  crime linkage case study


  empirical evidence

  evidence-based practice

  research limitations

  crime linkage practitioner

  Crime Reduction Programme

  crime scene analysis

  criminal cases sanctions

  criminal court

  criminal investigative advice

  Criminal Justice Act 1988
r />   1991


  criminal justice system (CJS)

  Criminal Procedure (Insanity) Act 1964

  Criminal Procedure (Insanity and Unfitness to Plead) Act 1991

  criminal proceedings

  criminal profiling

  Criminal Sentiment Scale

  criminogenic needs

  criminological psychology

  criteria-based content analysis (CBCA)

  cross-examination at court

  safeguarding witnesses


  Crown court

  cue utilisation hypothesis

  culprit-description strategy

  Current Risk for Violence (CRV)

  Danger Assessment – Revised

  dangerous and severe personality disorder (DSPD)

  dangerous offenders evidence base for treatment

  treatment content

  treatment frameworks

  types of

  working with

  Dangerous People with Severe Personality Disorder (DSPD)

  Daubert Standard


  deception detection case studies

  cognitive load approach

  computer-based linguistic analysis

  concealed information test

  control question test


  deception detection

  emotional approach

  false confessions

  functional MRI

  guilty knowledge test

  human rights

  interrogation manuals


  lie catchers

  linguistic inquiry and word count (LIWC)


  objective cues


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