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Burning Up: Firefighter Contemporary Romance Series Box Set

Page 33

by K. C. Crowne

  Justin groaned against my mouth as he grabbed my breasts. He teased my nipples as he pressed into me. My knees went weak, and Justin’s grip on my body tightened, holding me up. He gently guided me to the sink, and my hips connected with the cold porcelain, but only for a second. Justin’s strong arms lifted me until I was seated on it.

  My insides were tied in knots. I knew I shouldn’t be doing this - especially not in a public bathroom - but my need for Justin overrode any rational thought.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him into me. I yanked at his shirt, wanting to see all of him, wanting to feel all of him against me. But there was no time to remove all of our clothes.

  Justin continued kissing me, holding me close, as his cock rubbed against my panties. My skirt was hiked up to my waist, exposing my thighs. All that was left were my panties. Justin reached down and slid the thin fabric aside, staring deep into my eyes.

  “Are you ready?” he growled.

  “Yes,” I whimpered, shuddering against him.

  Justin parted my pussy lips with the head of his cock, then slammed deep inside me. I cried out, and my eyes fluttered with the sensation of being filled by him. He groaned against my lips, and I swear he said the word, “Damn.”

  His hips began moving, slowly at first. We were still getting used to our bodies being united, but every stroke of his cock, each thrust inside me, brought a scream to my lips I could hardly contain.

  My arms wrapped around his body, my fingers running from his hair down the length of his back. Every muscle tightened when he thrust himself into me.

  I cried out, but Justin silenced me with his mouth, his tongue probing my mouth much like his cock did my pussy down below.

  I couldn’t believe this was happening. Was I really fucking Justin in the bathroom of a bar? Who was I? This wasn’t anything like me, and yet, somehow, that made it so much hotter.

  With my body completely wrapped around his, I felt every thrust of his cock deep. Each one hitting just the right spot, driving me closer and closer to the edge once more. I’d only cum moments before, at the table, but already, another orgasm was brewing inside me - this one even stronger than before.

  My toes curled in my shoes, and I thanked God for Justin’s mouth against mine or the whole bar would have known what we were up to. It was impossible to be silent, it felt so good. No, not good - amazing. Unlike anything I’d ever felt before.

  I could feel myself slipping backward, just at a crucial time for me, but Justin grabbed ahold of my hips, holding me down, and burying his big shaft inside me.

  That was it for me.

  Justin’s mouth slipped from mine, and my head fell against his shoulder. I whimpered, but a scream was building deep as my climax hit me hard. My mouth found his shoulder, and without meaning to, I bit down, hard, silencing myself into his flesh. My nails buried deep into his back as pleasure consumed me.

  If it hurt Justin, he didn’t let it show. He continued fucking me, keeping the same rhythm as before, as my entire body shook like an earthquake against him.

  Once my orgasm subsided, I relaxed against him like a rag doll. My entire body went limp for a second, and I felt almost sleepy.

  Justin growled, “Turn around.”

  I could barely stand at first, but he helped me to my feet. He bent me over the bathroom sink, and I could see my reflection in the mirror. My makeup was smeared and I looked like a hot mess - but then I saw Justin behind me. His eyes were lustful and looking right at me as he lined his body up with mine.

  Justin grabbed my hips, pulling them backward, as his cock rested against my opening. He teased me for a second before spreading me wide and burying his thick cock back inside me.

  My eyes widened with surprise. I don’t think I’d ever not be surprised when his thickness spread me open. I’d never been stretched so wide in my life.

  Justin fucked me from behind, watching my face in the mirror. He thrust harder and deeper than before, with more desperation in his body. His breath was ragged, and with each thrust, a low, animalistic grunt. Hopefully it wasn’t too loud; the music outside likely covered up the sound, but if not? I didn’t find myself caring all that much.

  I wanted one thing, and one thing only.

  To make him come.

  I clenched my kegel muscles tightly around his cock, feeling every inch of him more fully.

  “Fuck,” he growled, his nails digging into my hips. “I’m going to come.”

  “Come, baby,” I whimpered. “Come inside me.”

  I watched Justin’s face contort into a look of bliss as he buried himself inside me one last time. His throbbing, pulsating cock filled me to my core and brought out yet another orgasm. I covered my mouth with my hand and tried to suppress the scream as we came together.

  No one had ever made me come this hard or fast, much less this often. My pussy was spasming around his cock, milking him for every last drop of his seed.

  Justin slipped his deflated cock out of me and helped steady me as I turned around. He held me close, my head on his shoulder. The reality of the situation hit me then - I’d just fucked Justin, my brother’s best friend.

  The man who’d literally picked on me since I was a little girl.

  Yes, he was hot and had his sweet moments, but he was still Justin.

  I backed away from him, suddenly needing my space. I couldn’t breathe.

  “Hannah, are you okay?” Justin asked.

  “I, umm-- Well, no, not really,” I said, pulling my skirt back down. Suddenly, I felt overly exposed, even when fully dressed. Why had I worn such skimpy clothes? I couldn’t look at Justin when I said, “I think this was a mistake.”

  “Oh, do you now?” His voice was cold.

  “Yes, of course. Don’t you?” I said, turning my back to him and facing the mirror. I grabbed a paper towel and started fixing my makeup.

  I watched Justin’s face in the mirror, and it felt like someone had stabbed me in the heart with a knife. There was hurt in his eyes, genuine hurt, but as soon as he caught me looking, his face turned into the blank, stone-cold mask he normally wore. His arms were crossed in front of his chest.

  Shrugging, he said, “Whatever.”

  “What do you mean ‘whatever’”? I asked, finally turning around to look at him.

  He was pulling his pants back up, and he refused to look at me. “Exactly what it sounds like,” he said. “Obviously you think it’s a mistake, so it’s a mistake. Sorry for ruining your night.”

  “You didn’t ruin anything, Justin,” I mumbled id.

  “You know what? I don’t get you, Hannah,” he said, chuckling a bit. He finally looked up, and our eyes met. My breath caught in my throat. “One second, you hate my guts. The next you want to fuck my brains out, and now we’re back to you thinking you’re better than me.”

  “I don’t think--”

  “Yes, yes, you do,” he said, shaking his head. He reached for the doorknob, and with one last look over his shoulder, he said, “Have a good night, Hannah.”

  He left the bathroom before I could think of anything to say.

  I didn’t think I was better than him.

  Did I?


  It was three in the morning when I finally got home and fell into bed. At least the next day was Saturday. I knew Elizabeth would eventually call me in for some errands, but she usually slept in. I was cozy in my bed, already mostly asleep, when my phone buzzed. I jumped in my bed, startled by the sound and worried something was wrong - no one ever contacted you at three in the morning unless someone was sick or dead. Or so I thought. I reached for my phone, my heart racing as I feared the worst.

  It was from Elizabeth. I groaned as I read the message.

  Oh, Hannah! I was in bed and remembered I need to prepare for a meeting on Monday, but I need everything completed by Saturday night. Meet me at the office at six a.m so we can get it knocked out early!

  So much for her sleeping in, I thought to mysel

  I typed a quick response and put my phone away. I pulled the blanket up over my head and suppressed a scream. I was so angry but knew I couldn’t take it out on my boss. It wasn’t even entirely her fault either. I was angry about giving in and fucking Justin. And no, I wasn’t even upset at Justin - no more than usual. All the rage was turned toward me.

  I should have known better.

  Just like I should have known my boss couldn’t leave me alone for one damn day, and that staying out all night would be a huge risk. I knew this. I did it anyway. And I’d regret it the next morning. Hell, not even the next morning, in just a few hours.

  It had all been a mistake, one I promised to learn from as I fell into a fitful sleep.

  It felt like my eyes had barely closed when my alarm sounded at five in the morning. I had to get up and shower before going in, so I gave myself plenty of time. Still, I hadn’t accounted for how hard it would be to climb out of my comfy bed.

  My feet were literally dragging as I walked to the shower. I felt like a zombie. Hopefully coffee would do the trick.

  My hair smelled like bar funk, or else I wouldn’t have washed it. But if I had to spend the entire day with Elizabeth, I needed to look my best. I hurried things along in the shower, but there was no time to make anything to eat. I grabbed an apple and my bag and hit the door, worried I might be late.

  Not that I had much to worry about.

  I hit the office door at 5:58, relieved that Elizabeth wouldn’t be waiting. She wasn’t there yet; the place was empty and dark. I turned on the light and sat down at my desk. At six, on the dot, my phone went off.

  Hey, so I’m working from home today, the message said. A follow-up explained that everything I needed was on the drive. I’d just need to look over all the documents and put together a presentation for her, and she’d send me anything else she’d like included. I was to send her pieces of the presentation as I finished them for feedback so I could revise them.

  Yeah, my day was pretty much wrecked. I knew how these things tended to go, and it wasn’t good. Elizabeth would take forever to get back to me, require multiple changes - including changes to her changes - and I wouldn’t be free to leave the office until everything was perfect.

  Sighing, I leaned back and got to work. One day, this will all pay off, I told myself. One day, when I’m head of my own company, I will make sure to treat my employees better than this. Even that promise of one day being CEO myself didn’t fill me with much hope. Not that I didn’t believe I could do it - I knew I could. I just knew how much work it would be.

  What about having kids one day? A nagging voice would often remind me. What about what you want to do, Hannah?

  It didn’t matter what I wanted. I had to make sure Izzy and Mason never had to worry about anything. I didn’t want them to go without. If they ever needed money, they knew they could come to me. We lived in the most expensive city in the United States, and I didn’t want my siblings to struggle to survive or consider leaving. They were all I had.

  I worked hard for them.

  My phone buzzed, and this time it was Justin. My heart skipped a beat, and at first, I didn’t want to check it. After what had happened, I couldn’t imagine seeing him again. Not just because we’d hooked up, but because of the way I treated him afterward.

  It had been a mistake, but it was my mistake. I knew the two of us were incompatible, but I fucked him anyway. I let my guard down and forgot he was my brother’s best friend and risked drama with everyone over having the best sex of my life.

  But his message was simple and polite. What are you doing today?

  I responded and told him I was working.

  He messaged me back with, Oh, of course you are.

  I rolled my eyes. Why did he have to continually give me trouble for working so much? He had some family money; he’d never understand what it was like for me growing up, struggling to support my siblings and myself every single day. I ignored the message, but a second popped up.

  Was just wondering if you want to get together? You know, to talk wedding stuff, since we don’t have much time left. There’s a fireman’s picnic today, though we could meet there since Logan and Melody will also be there.

  He was right - we didn’t have much time, but I couldn’t leave. Elizabeth needed this presentation.

  How about tomorrow? I said, crossing my fingers that I could get a little bit of time off. I quickly added I can’t today - too much work.

  Justin replied and said it worked for him, so we set up a time, a time I hoped Elizabeth would be relaxing with her family. Sunday nights were usually dedicated to her family time. It was hard to believe the woman had a family - her kids were usually with their father, and after three years of working for her, I’d only seen them once. But they all got together on Sunday nights for dinner with her parents, giving me some time to breathe.

  Some days, I felt sorry for Elizabeth - all the time she was missing out on with her children. Her marriage had broken up long before I knew her, and I didn’t know the reasons. Maybe it was her work ethic, maybe it was something else. Either way, I couldn’t imagine anyone being happy seeing their kids only once a week. They were older now, had more of a say where they spent their time, and it seemed like they didn’t really want to see their mother.

  It pained me to imagine that, and it was another lesson - if I ever had a family of my own, I’d find a way to manage my time better. Of course, with how hard I was working, it seemed less and less likely that I’d ever have to worry about that. I pushed those thoughts away and continued working on the presentation, hoping if I worked through lunch, I might get out of there before it got too late.


  Fire fighting was more than just a job for most of us. It was a calling. And our co-workers were more than just people we worked with, they were a family.

  A few times a year, we’d get everyone together - including the spouses and kids - and celebrate. In winter, we had the Christmas party, but during the summer, we’d rent out a local park pavilion and have a picnic. It was more than just a picnic, of course. The guys would grill. There’d be games and a blow-up castle for the kids. Everyone already knew everyone else, so it was a time to catch up, and sometimes, to remember those of us who’ve fallen over the years.

  Children of all ages ran around, playing tag, some with balloons or unicorns painted on their cheeks. The teenagers huddled in one corner, too cool for the rest of us, sipping their sodas and playing on their smartphones, laughing over something the rest of us wouldn’t understand.

  The air smelled like grilled meat, causing my stomach to growl. In the distance, I saw a food truck selling typical carnival foods like caramel apples and cotton candy. Great. Get the kids all amped up on sugar.

  I knew I couldn’t be the only single person there, but it sure as hell felt like it. Year after year, I came alone while my coworkers got married, had kids, and in some cases, got divorced. I, however, stayed the same. Once, I’d brought a date - to my first ever picnic - and it had been a mistake. Never again, I told myself, cringing as I remembered the way Dee got plastered and embarrassed herself in front of everyone. It was hard for me to find someone who could fit in with my extended family. The only reason I’d invited Hannah was because I knew she could get along with everyone - most everyone knew her already. But inviting Hannah had been a mistake, especially after last night, and while I was disappointed she couldn’t be there, I knew it was better for us to keep our distance. She clearly didn’t want anything to do with me, and I’d respect that.

  I saw Logan and Melody and felt relief instantly. Logan waved at me from behind the grill, flipping some burgers. Melody was sitting beside him in a lounge chair, her swollen belly growing larger and larger by the day.

  I hurried over to them, passing by all the other happy couples. In previous years, I saw what I’d wanted to see - men who were whipped, kids that were snotty nosed and obnoxious. I’d always kept my distance from the children
especially. I told people I didn’t like kids, but that wasn’t completely true.

  Kids really didn’t like me.

  Probably because I had no idea how to connect with them, and often, I’d get too stuck in my head.

  “Hey, stranger,” Logan said as I approached, patting me hard on the back. “I saved you a seat.”

  He motioned to a chair beside Melody, which she patted with a smile on her face. How could the two of them be so perfect for each other? I found it hard to believe that a relationship could be as functional as theirs. They had to be hiding something, right?

  Except, I knew them too well. They weren’t hiding anything. Their love was true and genuine, something I couldn’t even begin to understand.

  I took the seat next to Melody, and she passed me a beer without even asking.

  “We’re not supposed to have these here, park rules,” she whispered, “But I snuck a few in for you and Logan.”

  Damn, she was an amazing wife. Logan was one lucky SOB.

  “Thanks, Melody,” I said, turning the bottle around in my hands. I didn’t feel like myself. Everyone was paired up, and while I used to think I was the lucky one, I was starting to believe maybe I was wrong.

  Which was why I’d wanted Hannah to come along. I knew the idea had been a terrible one from the start, considering we’d slept together the night before, but I couldn’t avoid her forever. And the idea of having her there, someone to talk to and bicker with while everyone else had their person - well, that was a nice idea.

  It was a bad idea, but a nice one regardless.

  I looked over at Logan and wondered if I should tell him that I’d slept with his sister. What would he say about that? Would it ruin our friendship? He had a right to know, didn’t he? I took a swig from the beer and decided to talk to Hannah about it. It was just as much her decision as it was mine.


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