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Vampire's Desire

Page 13

by Valerie Twombly

  “You’re certain of this?” Marcus asked.

  “Of course,” he snarled. “I know what my eyes saw and I know what Aidyn intended. Something has gone terribly wrong that he is with Lowan and not us. I need to find my mate!” he shouted as if that would help bring her back to him. This was not how he had expected things to go. She was never supposed to leave his bed and venture here alone. The female he had rejected. Treated like a prisoner and vowed he would never claim had somehow gotten to him. The mate he had accused of betraying him when he now realized she had only wanted to save Cassie and Ariana. The fear in Sabin’s eyes as she’d faded away tore at his gut. Shredded his heart.

  He had to find her. One way or another, he had to get to her. He tried to sense her, but only received a low buzzing. She was gone, and the clock ticked before her birth date. What would Lowan do once he discovered his sister was no longer a virgin? Would he find another way to steal her power? It comforted him that his mate was a Targral princess, but there was no way to know what power she gained from her people. Never in his entire life had he felt so helpless and desperate. Not to mention confused at why Aidyn––their leader––was on the wrong side. Lowan had to have a hand in this as well, because there is no way the guardian king he knew would turn on them.

  But he is no longer one of you. He is now a god and who knows what happened to his mind during the transformation.

  “I cannot believe Aidyn would betray us.” The anger in Seth’s voice was aimed at no one in particular.

  “Believe it or not, our former king meant to harm me. He is with Lowan and now they both have my mate. Either you are with me, or against me, but I intend to find Sabin.”

  “Yes, we are with you and we’ll find out what’s going on. I’ve sent Cassie and Ariana with Katie who has taken them into hiding. We need to end this shit now,” Marcus said. “Are you able to locate your mate?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve got nothing.”

  “Maybe Lileta can be of help. She might be the only one who can find Lowan at this point,” Seth offered as he jerked his head toward the large Draki heading toward them. “Her mate might not like it though.”

  “I might not like what?” Caleb strolled up.

  “Your mate locating her father so I can get to Sabin.” The longer they stood here chattering, the more control Lucan lost.

  “I witnessed the Phoenix try to destroy you, and you think I will allow my mate anywhere near this mess?” He gave a cruel laugh. “Fucking funny.”

  Before Lucan could punch the shifter in the face, Gwen came running toward them, yelling something he couldn’t make out.

  “The vision!” she shouted.

  “What are you talking about?” Marcus asked.

  Gwen stopped in front of them, panting. “I had a vision. Fragmented as it was, it still frightened the shit out of me.”

  Worry furrowed Marcus’s brow as he approached his sister. Everyone knew Gwen’s ability to sometimes see the future was either spot on, or slightly muddled.

  “I saw the Phoenix, I mean Aidyn, and he was towering over Sabin. Pinning her down so Lowan could rape her.”

  That was the last straw. The darkness inside Lucan burst forth and became an angry horde of snarling, teeth-snapping, red-eyed demons. Their claws slashed out and tore at those closest to them.

  “Put a leash on these fucking things,” Marcus commanded.

  “I don’t think he can.” Gwen pointed. “His eyes are red.”

  The background started to fade as his ears filled with a loud ringing. The last words he heard came from Seth and Gwen.

  “But Sabin is no longer a virgin.”

  “Lowan only wants to hurt her and he will gain her power either way,” Gwen whispered and then Lucan became submersed in his own dark world.

  “How could you harm your own brethren?” Sabin shouted at the god restraining her.

  “They seek to destroy me. He got what he deserved and so shall you.” A blue flame licked the god’s skin but didn’t burn her. His grip on her arm tightened as she fought against him.

  “Give up, Sabin.” Her brother looked over his shoulder. “Your fate is sealed. With the Phoenix on my side, there is no stopping me from taking what I want.”

  “You can’t have my demigod powers. I am no longer a virgin.” She wanted to laugh, but the situation wasn’t funny.

  “I don’t need your virginity, but I will still take you like the whore you are.” He stopped near a stone slab, reached for her then ripped her top, tearing it from her body. She clawed at him, connecting with his cheek and drawing blood.

  “Hold her still.”

  The Phoenix circled his arms around her ribs and pinned her to his chest. Lowan tore at her jeans as she tried to kick at him. When he had totally disrobed her, she looked up into the god’s eyes.

  “Don’t do this. You are supposed to help me.” His eyes were cold as a glacier.

  “You mean to betray your own flesh and blood. I will not allow this to happen to my nephew.” His voice was void of any emotion.

  “I am your flesh and blood too,” she pleaded.

  His grin was filled with evil intent. “No longer. When my nephew has finished taking everything from you, then you shall be given to his men. Maybe after ten or twenty have you, your death will be quick. If not, then that is what fate has chosen for you.”

  The god carried her to the slab where he pinned her arms down while Lowan spread her legs and bound them with rope so tight it cut off her circulation. She tried to call forth any power, but failed. This was not how things were supposed to end.

  “My power will not come to him now that I am no longer a virgin.”

  The room started to fill with hundreds of demons as she felt her birth date draw near. It was now only minutes away.

  “Aidyn has found another way for me to take your power, sister.” He shucked off his clothes and bile rose in her throat. She looked away, not able to take in his naked sight. Instead she focused on the cold gaze of the god who was supposed to be part of the prophesy. How had she been so wrong about the events that were to unfold? There was no stopping the tears when her brother’s touch froze the skin on her thighs.

  He was in position. Leaned over her until his breath mixed with the tears on her cheek.

  “Don’t.” Again, she begged the god as she fought not to vomit.

  “There is no stopping me now,” Lowan laughed, and she met his gaze as something cold and hard was pressed into her right palm. There was no time to think.

  Now! Blasted into her head.

  Blinding light filled the room, but her eyes were covered in darkness as she realized her arms were free and she held a blade in her hand. She slammed her left palm on Lowan’s chest and lunged with her right. The blade found soft flesh and something warm dripped on her skin.

  Pain-filled screams filled the air followed by a rush of silence. The surrounding air shifted and then something soft and warm was laid over her. Finally, light filtered in and she could focus. When her eyes were fully open, she stared into a pair of warm brown eyes. The Phoenix smiled.

  “You are safe now.”

  She glanced down to find herself covered by a blanket, so she clutched it to her and bolted upright. Taking a good look around, she found herself in an enormous bed surrounded by walls of pale green. Sunlight streamed in an open window.

  “Where am I?”

  “My home in the Temple of the Gods.” He moved to take a seat in a chair across the room. “Lowan is dead and you are now safe.”

  She searched her memories then glared back at the god. “You were helping him.”

  “It was a ruse. When I ascended, there was a brief period where I remembered nothing. Lowan was there to assist me, but I quickly regained my memories. I figured since I already had him believing I was on his side, why not keep up the deceit?” His features softened. “I am only sorry I could not confide in you. I had to be certain no one knew.”

  “It’s really over?�

  He gave a nod. “Yes. I protected your eyes knowing your aim would be true while I disabled the demons. They are all dead. Ash blowing in the wind at this very moment. Hades will soon collect any demons left among the mortals so they can rebuild their world.”

  “Lucan?” Suddenly she recalled the Phoenix blasting her mate with his power.

  “A jolt that bruised him but otherwise left him alive and pissed off. He should arrive any minute now.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Sabin!” Lucan rushed to her and planted himself on the bed, pulling her into his arms. “I don’t like this feeling. This thing they refer to as fear,” he whispered in her ear.

  She pulled back enough to look at him. “It is a horrible feeling.” She cast a glance over his shoulder and he sensed the Phoenix slip from the room.

  “The god was on our side the entire time,” she said.

  “I know. The Phoenix linked to us after he brought you here and explained everything. He shared his memories so we could see the events that took place.” Lucan smiled. “You did it. You rid the world of that evil bastard.”

  Her gaze dropped to her lap.

  “Why the sad eyes?” Lucan tipped her chin up.

  “My family is gone.” The realization of everything she had been through must have hit her.

  “That’s not true. You still have family and you have me.”

  Her gaze softened. “I… I wasn’t sure how you felt about us. I figured you’d be angry at me for leaving the way I did.”

  “I was and even though I think I understand, I still need you to explain why.” He shifted. “What you did doesn’t help me trust you.” He wanted to trust her. Badly, but it was difficult.

  “I know and I will spend eternity working to gain your trust. I swear, I will never betray you again.” She looked around the room. “Can we go somewhere else?”

  “Of course. You’re a demigod now, you can do anything you like.” Lucan realized he didn’t care that his mate now carried more power than him. It meant she could take care of herself.

  Her eyes widened. “I guess I am. I don’t feel any different though.”

  “I’m sure if you dig a little deeper, you’ll discover your new powers. Where would you like to go?”

  Sabin’s brow furrowed and suddenly she was clothed in jeans and a floral tank. A smile curved her sexy lips. “Wow. I have not been able to do that since… Well, ever!” She laughed.

  Lucan enjoyed seeing and hearing her laughter. Even though his mind was a dark funnel of emotions, there was a pull to this woman. She was the one fate decided would be his and even though he had wanted to fight it, he had lost that battle. Technically, Sabin had not betrayed him. She was a woman willing to sacrifice herself to save Cassie and Ariana. Her bravery warmed him even though it had also sent the cold grip of fear straight to his heart.

  “I once glimpsed you and some wolves. Tell me about them.” She touched his hand.

  “Maybe you would like to meet them?” It would honor him to introduce his mate to his other pack. At times, he felt as close to the wolves as he did his brethren. “It is a good place to talk.”

  “I’d like that very much.”

  He gripped her hand and opened a portal back to his world, more than ready to leave the gods behind. This place made his skin itch if he stayed too long. He was darkness and didn’t belong in the Temple of the Gods. He pulled Sabin off the bed and led her to the open portal. Together, they walked through and back to Romania and the mountains he loved so much.

  Sabin recognized the cabin standing on the shore across the lake. “Can we stay here?” Even though Lucan had held her captive in that house, it reminded her of him and she understood how much he loved this place.

  “We can, but I need to clean it up. Your brother tore the place to pieces.”

  Instantly, she became angry at her brother all over again. It was difficult to believe he was really gone. Part of her did not accept his death since she had not borne witness to it. Was it possible the Phoenix was lying to them? For now, she would try to shove that thought to the back of her mind. She wanted to explain who and what she was to Lucan. They had a lot to talk about and she had a lot to work through.

  “This way,” he said still clinging to her hand and leading her into the vast forest. “I first met Kaldaka several years ago. He was a lone male, and we formed an instant bond.”

  “Kaldaka. I love that you used our ancient language.” The word meant wolf in Draconic. “I have not heard our language in many years. The demons use their own dialect.”

  They stopped by a downed tree. The sun was high in the sky and filtered through the forest, leaving fragments of light on the ground.

  “I will call to him.”

  Sabin sat on the trunk of the fallen tree and watched. Lucan closed his eyes, his muscles more relaxed than she ever remembered seeing in their short time together. He took in a deep breath and opened his eyes.

  “He is close. We should see him in a few minutes.”

  “Are you able to connect to him mentally?” She recalled her mother once telling her of past guardians who had the ability to connect to animals. It had fascinated her.

  “My gift seems limited to Kaldaka for some reason. Perhaps it is my darkness that holds back any others.”

  She picked at the tree’s bark and he came closer, leaning on the limb. “I did not know I was the princess of the Targral demons until Hades told me.” She looked at him. “I never meant to betray you, but he said I had to go alone.”

  He crossed his arms and gave a curt nod. “I understand.”

  Yet, the taut muscle in his jaw said he still felt betrayed. What could she do to earn his full trust?

  “I do not believe in their ways. Men are not servants to women no more than we are to men.”

  “Then you will have a rough go of it, princess.” Before she could respond, the most beautiful black wolf slipped from behind a thicket of trees. His body solid muscle and he stood almost three foot at the shoulder. His amber eyes showed keen intelligence as he approached, his nose sniffing the air.

  “Ah, there you are, my friend,” Lucan called out and the wolf’s gait turned into a trot. Sabin watched in pure awe as the beast pushed his head into Lucan’s hand.

  “He is stunning,” she whispered.

  “Kaldaka, this is Sabin––” He reached for her hand and pulled it closer to him. “––She is my mate.”

  The wolf stared at her, never moving except to once again raise its nose. She loosened Lucan’s grip on her and offered her hand to the black beast.

  “Hello, handsome,” she whispered.

  The wolf curled his lip and a low feral rumble started deep in the wolf’s chest until it turned into a full growl. Sabin jerked back her hand. She knew she carried enough power to protect herself yet didn’t want to harm the wolf.

  “He doesn’t approve.” Speaking the words caused her heart to ache. She knew the wolf and his pack were important to Lucan and her meeting their approval would be too.

  Lucan was surprised at Kaldaka’s response to Sabin and it caused him to pause. He quickly connected to the wolf, something he tried not to do often as he didn’t want to intrude on the animal’s thoughts.

  Friend. Help me understand your reaction to my mate.

  The wolf started to back away, fur raised, still snarling.


  I don’t understand.

  Evil. Then the wolf turned and ran. Vanishing into the forest.

  Lucan was left rattled and even more confused. When in Kaldaka’s mind, he experienced the wolf’s fear as if it were his own.

  “We should go.”

  “Are you all right?” She went to touch him, but he jerked away. He walked on a blade’s edge. One wrong step would prove fatal for him. Did he trust his mate? She had already betrayed him, even if she had good reason.

  “I’m fine.” Yet, he wasn’t. He was torn up inside with no idea what to do. Part of him wanted Sabi
n. She belonged to him and they already had a connection. He sensed nothing evil about her. Only love and warmth. However, there was no way to discount the connection he also had with his wolf friend. It was a special bond, and he trusted the animal. Lucan would not question that Kaldaka sensed something, and he needed to find out what.

  “We can go back to the New Orleans house until this place is cleaned up. It might also be a good idea to have Sidara check you over and make sure there are no residual spells left on you.”

  “Oh. You’re right, that is a good idea. I’m worried now, especially since your wolf seems to hate me.”

  As he took her hand to flash them back to New Orleans, he could not stop the chill that ran up his spine. Something was wrong.

  As soon as they arrived, he texted Sidara.

  I need you to come right away and check Sabin again.

  Is she unwell? I heard Lowan was dead.

  He is, but strange encounter with my wolf. I’ll explain once you are here. Don’t want to alarm anyone so this is private.

  I’m on my way.

  “Sidara will be here shortly.” He tossed his phone on the coffee table. “Can I get you anything?”

  “Yes. You can tell me why you are acting so odd.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You’re being untruthful. What’s going on?” She shifted in her seat and he felt like an ass. Still, he had to wonder if perhaps this was the betrayal Gwen had been referring to?

  He locked down his emotions. “I’m concerned that you’re okay. A lot has happened in the past several hours.”

  She stared at him with intense blue eyes as if trying to look inside him. Peel apart every layer he kept in place and he didn’t like it. Lucan was not a man who enjoyed being exposed. It was foreign to him as he always kept his barriers locked in place or was cloaked by his shadows. Sabin had a way of making him vulnerable.

  “Thank you.” Her voice was soft, yet filled with something he could not place. In that moment, he wanted to claim her mouth. Take her to bed and make her his repeatedly. He was being ripped in half. One side wanted its mate, and the other didn’t trust her.


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