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Under the Sheets

Page 4

by Jamie Knight

  "Excuse me, this is important," I apologize.

  I walk away from the table to take the call. Lisa nods in understanding.

  As I'm on the phone, I watch her drink her wine, and eat a few more bites of food. I can see her breasts rise as she sighs. She watches the other people in the restaurant. She looks so beautiful that it distracts me from the seriousness of the phone call I'm having.

  Once the call ends, I go to the lobby bathroom and wash my hands. I'm shaken. I can't talk to Lisa yet. I just received grave news on the phone, and I need to prepare myself before I share it with her. After I take a few deep breaths, I walk back to the table to join her.

  "Sorry about that."

  I try to act smooth as I take my seat. She looks up at me in concern.

  "Is everything all right?" she asks.

  "Well, not really…" I have to admit. We both stop eating and look at each other. "I don't know how to say this, but one of our colleagues at the meeting has tested positive for the Coronavirus, and everyone that was there will need to self-quarantine for 14 days."

  I swallow some wine to calm my nerves.

  Lisa is speechless.

  She looks at me silently, her eyes wide with shock.

  "I hope I didn't scare you. Everyone who was there needs to be informed," I explain.

  It takes her a few seconds to gather her thoughts. Eventually she recovers herself and takes a big gulp of wine.

  "No, I'm glad you told me. You are right, it's really important that everyone knows," she says gently. She starts eating again. "The food here is very good."

  I can tell she’s trying to stay cheerful. I'm grateful for the subject change. I start to eat again as well.

  "I'm glad I chose it then. I heard this was one of the best restaurants in the city," I reply.

  The corners of her lips quirk up.

  "I'm glad that you invited me here then."

  She smiles at me again. I realize that this is the most I have ever seen her do that. She is even more stunning up close.

  She finally catches me watching her. She blushes and looks away, embarrassed. I can't stop myself from grinning either as I look back at my food.

  Despite the news we just received, tonight is turning out to be pretty fun. It's the little things about her that I am enjoying, like her conversation and her expressions. Although I still can't wait to see more of her body.

  I want to compliment her outfit choice so much, but I’ve already made her blush once tonight. Even though I liked seeing that, I don't want to embarrass her even more.

  I look up to see her staring at me this time. I wonder if the wine could be affecting her so quickly, because she gives me a little giggle and looks away. If that's true, then this might turn out to be an even more interesting night than I had originally expected. I find myself smiling again.

  The rest of dinner goes by in the same manner; us stealing glances at each other and looking away. We make more small talk about the office and how things must be back home. We avoid serious topics because neither of us wants to spoil the evening. She seems to be enjoying herself. I’m glad; she deserves it.

  And I can’t help but wonder excitedly what else this trip has in store for us, since it seems to be full of surprising twists and turns.

  Chapter 10


  I am still very worried about the situation that Mark just told me about, but I am excited as well. I can’t believe my luck that I am going to be quarantined at the hotel with him for two weeks.

  I need to be careful and hide my excitement when I am around him. I will have to do my best to appear professional, because he is still my boss. We continue eating. After finishing a few more bites, I look at Mark and get serious.

  "I'll take care of changing our flights and extending our stay at the hotel right after dinner," I tell him.

  He has already finished his plate of food.

  "That sounds fine, but it's important that we don’t panic. We will follow the recommended guidelines for this situation."

  As he does his best to reassure me, I tell myself that he’s right. But it’s such a crazy situation that neither I nor anyone else on the planet has experienced before that I don’t know what to think.

  The waiter refills our glasses silently, then walks away. We return to our wine and conversation.

  I'm not sure why, but I find the way that he is wanting to protect and reassure me really sexy. I take a big gulp of my wine. I can feel my excitement mixing together with nervousness. I really need to get it together and calm down.

  I know that he just told me some serious news, but I’m almost at ease with him now. Plus, being here with him is like the ultimate dream come true. The more we drink the more I can feel myself relaxing.

  I can't tell if that is a good or bad thing. I want to make sure we’re following all the orders we can to keep ourselves and anyone else around us safe. I’m kind of scared of what might happen. But well, if I get to spend more time with him it could turn into a good thing pretty easily...

  I look away, embarrassed. The wine is making me lose track of my thoughts, so I'm at a loss for words right now.

  "Is everything okay?" he asks me, looking a little concerned.

  I nod. I'm not going to admit to him where my head is at. He would probably think I'm crazy or something. I look around and try to find something to distract myself.

  "Have you been to this city before?" I ask him curiously.

  He shrugs as he considers my question.

  "I don't think so. I have to travel to a lot of places for this job, so they all kind of blur together," he admits with a grin.

  I smile at his answer. He is a rising star at the firm, so I’m not surprised he’s been everywhere.

  "How did you like the plane ride?" he asks me.

  I take another sip of wine. I need to stop, because I'm drinking too much, but I can't help myself.

  "It was nice. Very spacious and luxurious," I hazard.

  He smirks in response.

  "After a while you get used to it, but the first time is always the best,” he says in a low voice.

  Maybe it's the wine, but I think I hear a double meaning to his words. I blush. There is no way that he could be talking to me in that way, I tell myself.

  I nibble some leftovers off my plate. I don't want to get dizzy or lightheaded from the wine. Seeing what I'm doing, he signals the waiter to bring us some water. I look at him gratefully. He surprises me by winking at me.

  When the water arrives, I all but drain the whole glass. Both of them try to contain their surprise at that.

  "Do you have any plans for the rest of the evening?" Mark asks as the waiter pours me more water and hands us our dessert menus.

  We browse through the selections. I shake my head.

  "Not really. Just updating our travel arrangements because of the quarantine," I admit.

  I wish I was a more exciting person. He nods.

  "I don't have anything going on either. I'm glad you remembered about the plans. I almost forgot."

  He laughs. I laugh as well. I think the wine is getting to him as well.

  "I think someone needs to drink his water," I mock-reprimand him.

  He raises a brow at me. I want to cringe at myself, but he's smiling goofily at me.

  "Yes, ma'am," he says, taking a gulp of water.

  We both laugh.

  "I think we both had too much wine," he admits.

  I nod at him. I'm too busy enjoying myself with him.

  Eventually we lapse into silence and stare at our menus. We go back to stealing glances at each other.

  I have never been more turned on by him or anyone than I am right now. He meets my gaze every time. I wonder if he is feeling the same way about me. My stomach does flips at that thought. I don't know how much more excitement I can take tonight.

  "Hmmm, everything looks so good, I can't decide what to get," he says in a playful tone.

  I have to take a deep brea
th, because he's looking right at me when he says it. I clear my throat and look at my menu.

  "It's true, there are a lot of tasty options,” I reply.

  He looks deeply at me. It's a few seconds before I realize what I just said. Embarrassed yet again, I try to hide my face behind the menu.

  Thankfully he ignores my comment and looks around for our waiter. I order the cheesecake and he orders something with chocolate that sounds expensive, and both of us ask for some coffee.

  This place is still fairly busy, which is surprising, considering how many people are starting to shelter in place due to the pandemic. I have to admit that I’m ready to shelter in place… with my hot, protective boss.

  Chapter 11


  After we finish our desserts, I realize that we’ve been having such a great time together that I didn't realize how late it had gotten. I quickly signal the waiter so I can pay the bill.

  Lisa waits patiently for me. We leave the restaurant and walk to the elevator together. I hope we’re not too tipsy to get back upstairs to the room.

  Though I did enjoy how much more relaxed she seemed after all the wine we had at dinner.

  I think she might have drunk a little bit more than I did. I'm kind of surprised by that. Was she nervous about meeting me tonight?

  I'm feeling very confident from the Ozark project and the wine, and it’s fueling my burning desire to get naked with Lisa. I have been feeling this way about her all throughout dinner. I can't stop myself from brushing against her in the elevator.

  I've been dying to know what she feels like, even if just in the smallest way. She looks at me with surprise, and maybe with something else in her eyes too.

  I shouldn't do this, but I invite her to my room for another drink. I really do know better, but I want her badly.

  Throughout this entire evening we’ve spent together, all I could think about was caressing her breasts and spreading her legs. If I am able to get her back to my room, I know we could have so much fun together.

  My cock gets rock hard just from thinking about it. It takes some doing, but I calm myself down and tell myself to be patient. I don't think these little pep talks I'm having with myself are working very well.

  "Um, are you sure it's okay?" she asks softly.

  I can tell that I surprised her with my invitation to my room. I hope that's what she was wanting me to ask. I, at least, wanted the night to end like this the whole time, if I’m really being honest with myself.

  It's a huge risk, it’s true, but I just have to be with her. I've been fighting these urges for so long. The more I’m around her, the more out of control they get.

  When I really face the truth, I know it was inevitable that something was going to happen between us on this trip. I just hope that it happens tonight.

  "Well, it's going to be against the rules, but I think we can work around that," I reply.

  I surprise us both by reaching for her hand. She gives a soft intake of breath when I make contact.

  I can feel the heat between us. The smoldering sexual tension in the air.

  We are in the elevator alone, which is very tempting. I tell myself repeatedly to wait until we are in the room. For privacy reasons, of course.

  We stare intently at each other as the floors pass by. If this wasn't such a short ride, I would take her right here and right now. I'm so ready to be with her that I feel like I'm going to burst.

  I need to calm down and take it slow. The night has been going excellent so far. Other than the quarantine scare, we have been having a great time. I had actually forgotten about it until now. That's how much I was enjoying myself with her. I don't think she remembers it at the moment, either.

  I realize suddenly that the two-week quarantine actually works out in my favor. If the rest of the night goes as planned, I'll have even more chances to play with her and be around her.

  I look back at her, so glad that she can't hear my thoughts. I don't want to lose her or scare her away.

  Somehow, I doubt I will, though.

  She must be interested.

  If she wasn't, she wouldn't have agreed to go to dinner tonight, or come up to my room for another drink.

  I smile smugly at myself for having figured that out. She blinks up at me, no doubt curious about my smile.

  The elevator doors ding and we arrive on our floor. I'm mercifully saved from having to give her an explanation for it.

  We walk out of the elevator together. She walks quietly by my side and continues to hold my hand as we walk the short distance to my room. I fish the key card out of my pocket and hurry to open the door.

  "Make yourself at home," I tell her as I hurry to turn on all the lights.

  I'm sad that I have to let go of her for even a second. It's dark in the room because I had been napping before dinner. She looks around both curiously and hesitantly before sitting in one of the small armchairs. I think I made her nervous again. I really didn't want that to happen.

  I hope I don't do anything further to mess this up. I'm seriously excited that she is here with me, and that there was the little hand-holding incident between us. That bit of contact with her left me wanting more. Her skin felt so soft and smooth next to mine.

  Her hands are small and delicate.

  They feel so precious.

  When I turn around, she's looking at me, and her earlier nervousness seems forgotten. Her eyes are a mirror of my own. Desire and lust mixed into one.

  My mouth goes dry as I take in every curve of her body again. I can't wait to undress her and feel them, and the perkiness of her breasts.

  I need to calm down before I get too excited. I search around the room for the wine and wine glasses. I always keep some handy because I like to relax once in a while with a small sip.

  I can feel her eyes following me as I look.

  I wonder if she is checking me out as well.

  That would be fantastic, if she is – I know I can seduce her, but if there is already a mutual attraction, it'll make tonight even better for us both.

  Chapter 12


  I am very surprised that Mark asked me up to his room so quickly. I feel lightheaded from all the alcohol I have had tonight. I want to agree right away, especially since we have been having so much fun together.

  I picture myself having steamy sex with Mark all night long. Of course, I am still worried because I know this goes against company policy, but it was his idea. I have to admit that it sounds like a great one. I'm very excited about that, but I try to play it coy.

  "Would it really be okay for us to be there together?" I press.

  I really hate breaking the rules, no matter how bad I want to be with him.

  "Well, technically we’re not supposed to, but the circumstances that we are in are unusual. I mean, we each need to quarantine but no one needs to know how or what we do," he says convincingly.

  I hesitate but I know I don't want to say no. With the quarantine hanging over our heads, I want to be with him now more than ever. I don’t want to spend tonight apart from him.

  It seems like things are happening really fast between us, but I like that. It's really exciting. No one has ever made me feel like this before.

  He holds his hand out to me and I take it after a slight pause, telling myself that I can't let my worries or fears keep me from having the happiness that I want. I let him guide me out of the elevator and all the way to his room.

  His hand feels so good against mine that I don't want to let it go. My heart pounds with excitement, and my stomach is in knots. Deep down, I was hoping this would happen tonight.

  It’s all dark inside his room. He tells me to make myself comfortable, so I sit in an armchair and wait for him. He's busy turning on some of the lights and getting us some wine.

  I'm still a little tipsy, so I can't stop myself from checking him out as he walks around the room. It's nice to see him out of the office and in something other than a suit. This man can m
ake anything look good, from jeans to dress slacks.

  When I notice the way his pants tighten around his butt as he reaches for something, I can feel myself growing hot. I really need to calm down for now.

  He turns around, holding the wine and two glasses. Our eyes meet and I want to run to him. I restrain myself. He walks over to me and fixes us the wine. I really shouldn't have any more to drink, but I feel like I need it right now. I try to calm my excitement as he sits as close to me as he can. This evening is turning out to be really steamy.

  Human contact feels nice after being alone for so long. I want to let out a squeak of surprise when he puts his arm around my waist. This draws me nearer to him.

  I gasp softly and my eyes meet his. I feel powerless yet protected in his grasp. I am in shock, but I don't want to break away from him. I have never felt like this before and I want to keep these feelings going. I wrack my brain for something to say, but I can't form a decent thought when I am this close to him.

  I take a sip of the wine that I’m still holding. I hope I don't get sick in the morning. I usually don't drink this much.

  A thought strikes me, suddenly - it's of me being sick, but with him here taking care of me. The image in my head attracts me to him even more than I already am. I never thought I could meet a man that would affect me like this. These feelings are so new and exciting.

  I take another sip of wine. All this is a little overwhelming. I can feel myself swoon a little, but his arm remains securely wrapped around me.

  I have never felt so turned on and yet so safe in my life. It's actually very confusing, but I like it. Maybe I like feeling this way because of the person that I am with. I can't imagine it any different.

  I'm just glad that I am the one that he chose to bring along. I still can't get over that. Not only am I celebrating success at my job, but one of my craziest dreams is also coming true. I never expected him to react this way to me. I'm so thrilled that he is, but it's still a shock.

  I'm sure other people would be surprised too if they found out. Of course, they won't, because that could wreck our careers, but I'm still ecstatic that I'm spending this time with him.


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