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God Without Religion

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by Michael Arnheim

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  Brodd, Jefferey (2003) World Religions.

  Clark, Ronald W. (1971) Einstein: The Life & Times, World Publishing Company.

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  Jacobs, Louis (1957) We Have Reason to Believe, Vallentine Mitchell & Co.

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  Jammer, Max (2002) Einstein and Religion: Physics & Theology, Princeton University Press.

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  Jones, Prudence & Pennick, Nigel (1995) A History of Pagan Europe.

  Josephus, Titus Flavius (in Greek) Ioudaike Archaiologia (Antiquitates Judaicae) first published 93–94 CE, (translation) Antiquities of the Jews, CreateSpace Publishing, 2013.

  Kamen, Henry (2014) The Spanish Inquisition, 4th ed., Yale University Press, [Kindle edition].

  Kautsch, E. (2006) Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar, Dover. Kershaw, Ian (2008) Hitler: A Biography, W.W. Norton & Co.

  Kerbo, Harold & McKinstry, John (1997) Modern Japan, McGraw-Hill.

  Klingensiepen, Ferdinand (2010) Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906–1945: Martyr, Thinker, Man of Resistance, T&T Clark.

  Land, M.F. & Nilsson, D.-E. (2002) Animal Eyes, Oxford University Press.

  Leggett, Donald (1974) The Levirate and Goel Institutions in the Old Testament, with special attention to the Book of Ruth, Gordon College.

  Lennox, John (2007) God’s Undertaker, Lion Books.

  Lennox, John (2011) Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target, Lion Books.

  Lyons, Francis (1973) Charles Stewart Parnell.

  McAfee, Ward (1983) A History of the World’s Great Religions.

  MacMullen, Ramsay (1997) Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries.

  Marshall, Ian Howard (1978) The Gospel of Luke: A Commentary on the Greek Text.

  Masuzawa, Tomoko (2005) The Invention of World Religions.

  McGilchrist, Iain (2009) The Master and His Emissary, Yale University Press.

  Miller, Kenneth (2007) Finding Darwin’s God, Harper Perennial.

  Moss, Candida (2013) The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom, HarperOne.

  Nasr, Vali (2006) The Shia Revival, Norton. Oparin, Aleksandr (2003) The Origin of Life. Paley, William (1802) Natural Theology.

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  Renou, Louis (1961) Hinduism, George Brazillier.

  Sacks, Jonathan (1993) One People? Tradition, Modernity and Jewish Unity, Littman.

  Sacks, Jonathan (2011) The Great Partnership: God, Science and the Search for Meaning, Hodder Paperbacks.

  Sacks, Jonathan (2012) The Great Partnership: God, Science and the Search for Meaning.

  Sacks, Jonathan (2010) “Even great science tells us nothing about God”, The Times, 3 September 2010.

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  Suetonius (C. Suetonius Tranquillus), De Vita Caesarum (“The Twelve Caesars”)

  Swinburne, Richard (2010) Is There a God?, Revised ed. Vedder, Henry (1914) The Reformation in Germany, Macmillan.

  Viereck, George Sylvester (1930) Glimpses of the Great, Duckworth, London.

  Wilson, E.O. (1975) Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Harvard University Press.

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  Wright, Dennis (2006) Physics, God and the End of the World, Universal Publishers.


  1. Hitchens, Christopher (2007) God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, Atlantic Books, 30.

  2. Cf., MacDonald, Susan (2 October 1998) “Paisley ejected for insulting Pope”, The Times.

  3. Dawkins, Richard (2006)

  4. Dawkins, Richard (Jan/Feb, 1997) [Online] “Is Science a Religion?”, The Humanist, 26, html

  5. [Online]

  6. Patel, Kam (1 May 1995) “Going the whole hog”, interview with Richard Dawkins, Times Higher Education.

  7. Dawkins, Richard [Online] com, 6.

  8. Dawkins, Richard (2003) A Devil’s Chaplain, Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science and Love, [Kindle edition] Location 147.

  9. Dawkins, Richard (2007) The God De
lusion, Black Swan, 42.

  10. Ibid., 294.

  11. Quoted in Lyons, Francis (1973) Charles Stewart Parnell, 186.

  12. Dawkins, The God Delusion, 43.

  13. Christian, David [Online] “Big History: The Big Bang, Life on Earth, and the Rise of Humanity”,

  14. Cited Williams, Peter S. (2006) [Online] “The Big Bad Wolf, Theism and the Foundations of Intelligent Design”, asp?pid=53

  15. Denton, Michael (1985) Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.

  16. [Online]

  17. Dawkins, Richard (1986) The Blind Watchmaker, 141.

  18. Ibid., 141.

  19. Ibid., 141.

  20. Superman (1978) [Online]

  21. [Online]

  22. Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 139.

  23. Ibid., 140.

  24. Ibid., 140.

  25. Ibid., 46.

  26. Ibid., 46.

  27. Ibid., 57.

  28. Dawkins, The God Delusion, 176.

  29. Ibid., 175.

  30. England, Jeremy (22 January 2014) Quanta magazine.

  31. See Oparin, Aleksandr (2003) The Origin of Life, 3.

  32. Miller, Stanley L. (1953) “Production of Amino Acids Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions”, Science, 117 (3046), 528–529.

  33. Hoyle, Sir Fred & Wickramasinghe (1981) Evolution from Space.

  34. Lennox, John (2007) God’s Undertaker, 182.

  35. Hawking, Stephen & Mlodinow, Leonard (2010) The Grand Design, [Kindle edition], location 1978.

  36. Hawking, Stephen [Online] “The Origin of the Universe”, www.hawking. the universe.html

  37. [Online]

  38. Cf., Hoyle, Fred (1983) The Intelligent Universe, Book Sales; Gregory, Jane (2005) Fred Hoyle’s Universe, Oxford University Press, 39.

  39. [Online]

  40. Hawking & Mlodinow, Grand Design [Kindle edition] location 1747.

  41. Ibid., location 1747.

  42. Barrow, John D. & Tipler, Frank J. (1988) The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford University Press.

  43. Unpublished letter from Karl Popper to Helge Kragh, 10 June 1994, quoted in Helge Kragh, [Online] “The most philosophical(ly) of all the sciences’: Karl Popper and physical cosmology”, Popper_%26_cosmology.PhiliSci.pdf

  44. Paley, William (1802) Natural Theology, 3.

  45. Oxford English Dictionary.

  46. See Land, M.F. & Nilsson, D.-E. (2002) Animal Eyes, Oxford University Press.

  47. Wein, Richard (2002) “Not a Free Lunch but a Box of Chocolates”, TalkOrigins Archive, Houston, Texas.

  48. Dembski, William (1999) Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology, Inter-Varsity Press, 47.

  49. Ibid., 210; [Online] Williams, Devon (14 December 2007) “Friday Five: William A. Dembski”,

  50. Bovey, Nigel [Online] “Faith v Science: Interview with Francis Collins”,

  51. Collins, Francis (2006) “Building Bridges”, Nature, 442, 110.

  52. Stipe, Claude E. (March 1985) “Scientific Creationism and Evangelical Christianity”, American Anthropologist, ns Vol 87, No. 1, 149.

  53. Collins, Francis (2007) The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, Pocket Books, 200.

  54. Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 5.

  55. Collins, The Language of God, 53.

  56. Bovey, Nigel (2014) [Online] “Faith and Psychological Wellbeing: Interview with Rev Dr Joanna Collicutt”, dna_is the_language_of_god

  57. Ibid.

  58. Sacks, Jonathan (2012) The Great Partnership: God, Science & the Search for Meaning, 2.

  59. Ibid., 2.

  60. Ibid., 282.

  61. Ibid., 288.

  62. Sacks, Jonathan, “Even great science tells us nothing about God”, The Times, 3 September 2010 [Online]; [Online], 12 September 2012

  63. Jonathan Sacks and Richard Dawkins debate at the BBC RE:Think Festival, 12 September 2012, [Online]

  64. Wright, Dennis (2006) Physics, God and the End of the World, Universal Publishers, 88.

  65. Sacks, The Great Partnership, 217.

  66. Ibid., 217.

  67. Ibid., 3.

  68. McGilchrist, Iain (2009) The Master and his Emissary, Yale University Press.

  69. “Right and Left”, The Economist, 26 November 2009, [Online]

  70. Sacks, The Great Partnership, 41.

  71. Ibid., 39ff.

  72. Ibid., 40.

  73. Ibid., 45. For the complete text see [Online]

  74. Sacks, The Great Partnership, 214.

  75. Ibid., 282.

  76. Sacks–Dawkins debate — see note 63.

  77. Hitchens, Christopher (2007) God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, Atlantic Books, 8.

  78. Twitter @RichardDawkins, 25 March 2013.

  79. All the quotations are from:

  80. For a photograph of the letter in its original German together with a translation of it in its entirety, see

  81. Quoted in Viereck, George Sylvester (1930) Glimpses of the Great, Duckworth, London, 372f.

  82. Isaacson, Walter (2008) Einstein: His Life & Universe, New York: Simon & Schuster, 388f., quoting “Einstein believes in ‘Spinoza’s God’”, New York Times, 25 April 1929.

  83. Quoted in Clark, Ronald W. (1971) Einstein: The Life & Times, World Publishing Company, 425.

  84. Quoted in Isaacson, Walter (2007) “Einstein and Faith”, Time, 169 (5 April), 47.

  85. Jammer, Max (2002) Einstein and Religion: Physics & Theology, Princeton University Press, 51f.

  86. Einstein, Albert (1930) “Religion & Science”, New York Times Magazine, (November 9), 1–4.

  87. Sacks, Jonathan (2011) The Great Partnership: God, Science and the Search for Meaning, Hodder Paperbacks, 64ff.

  88. For an online Greek text of the Septuagint see:

  89. Sacks, The Great Partnership, 64f.

  90. See Blau, Joshua (1993) A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew, Harrassowitz Verlag, §20.1, 45; Kautsch, E. (2006) Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar, Dover, §47.1, 125.

  91. Gesenius, §47.1n, 125.

  92. Sacks, The Great Partnership, 288.

  93. Folinsbee, Kaila E., et al. (2007) “Quantitative approaches to phylogenetics: A synopsis of parsimony in systematics”, in Winfried Henke (ed.) Handbook of Palaeoanthropology: Primate evolution and human origins, Vol. 2, Springer, 168.

  94. Swinburne, Richard (2010) Is There a God?, Revised edition, 36ff.

  95. Ibid., 43.

  96. Lennox, John (2011) Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target, Lion Hudson, 69.

  97. Ibid., 70.

  98. Alistair Duke quoted by Kamen, Henry (2014) The Spanish Inquisition, 4th ed., Yale University Press [Kindle edition] location 8382.

  99. Lennox, op. cit., 70.

  100. Mike Otterson, Mormon spokesman, quoted in “Catholic Online” [Online], 3 May 2008.

  101. Ibid.

  102. New York magazine, 15 October 1973, 65, quoted from Stephen Birmingham, Real Lace: America’s Irish Rich, 1973.

  103. See “UN
: Assault on Yazidis may be genocide attempt”, The Washington Post, 21 October 2014.

  104. Nussbaum, Martha C. (2008) “’Under God:’ The pledge, present and future”, [Online] undergod

  105. See

  106. See

  107. Lataster, Raphael (2013) There Was No Jesus, There Is No God: A Scholarly Examination of the Scientific, Historical, and Philosophical Evidence & Arguments for Monotheism, 165.

  108. See Arnheim, Michael (2009) US Constitution for Dummies, Wiley Publishing, 196ff.

  109. Dawkins, Richard (2007) The God Delusion, Black Swan, 40.

  110. Ibid.,101.

  111. John 3:16 King James Version.

  112. Quoted in Vedder, Henry (1914) The Reformation in Germany, Macmillan, 405.

  113. For the text of the Papal bull in English see [Online] -doctrine_en.html

  114. [Online] — 16 December 2006.

  115. Hume, David (1748) An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Section X [Online] E10.36,

  116. Earman, John (2000) Hume’s Abject Failure: The Argument against Miracles, Pittsburgh, 28.

  117. Hume, Section X [Online] E 10.14 (see note 7).

  118. [Online]

  119. Hoyle, Fred (1959) Religion and the Scientists, SCM.

  120. Hoyle, Fred (1983) The Intelligent Universe, Book Sales.

  121. Ibid.

  122. Hoyle, Fred & Wickramasinghe (1981) Evolution from Space: A Theory of Cosmic Creationism, Touchstone Books.

  123. Denton, Michael (1985) Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, Adler and Adler.

  124. Dawkins, Richard (1986) The Blind Watchmaker, W.W. Norton and Co, 5.

  125. Dawkins, The God Delusion, 146f.

  126. Ibid., 142.

  127. Darwin, Charles (1872) The Origin of Species, OUP, 143f.

  128. Huxley, Thomas (1862) “On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature”, [Online] Echo Cultural Heritage Online, imagepath&url=/permanent/library/E4RVEE86/pageimg

  129. Darwin, Francis & Seward, A.C. (1903) More Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. 1, OUP, 137f., 225f., 230–32, 274, 277, 287.


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