Beautiful Mess (Sinners High book 1)

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Beautiful Mess (Sinners High book 1) Page 7

by Melody Adams

  "That's not funny," Abby replied, this time with a slight tremor in her voice.

  She tried to get past Dan, but he also stepped aside and blocked her path again.

  "Let me pass," she demanded.

  "Or what?"

  "Or I'll scream."

  "Oh yes. Scream, Little Red Riding Hood! I like it when they scream. Makes me so hard."

  Okay, that’s enough. I could no longer stay in the shadows and listen to this. Even though I was the one who had asked Dan to do this, I could barely hold on to myself. Hearing him talk about how her screams made him hard caused an irresistible urge in me to cut his fucking dick off. I stepped out from behind the tree where I had taken position and made sure to step on some branches to draw attention to my presence.

  "Hey!" I shouted. "Fuck off, asshole, before I smash your ugly face in!"

  Dan looked up. His face twisted as if he really was surprised and pissed off that I had thwarted his plans. The kid was a good actor, which is why I chose him for this job. He was fucking convincing when he looked back and forth between Abby and me and then raised his hands defensively.

  "Sorry, man. I didn't know she was under your protection."

  "Now you do! Fuck off!"

  "Okay, okay! I'm gone."

  Dan turned away and disappeared. Abby shook slightly but didn't move when I slowly stepped towards her. She still stood with her back to me. I put my hand on her shoulder and she flinched.

  "Hey. You okay?"

  "What do you care?" she said in a broken voice. "You should be happy someone is helping you with your job."

  "My job?" I asked, turning her around to me.

  "Yes! To break me! That's what you want to do, isn't it? Because supposedly I cut up Beth's face. Nate told you to make my life hell!"

  "That's right," I replied, unmoved. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to allow some other asshole to terrorize you or even touch you. You are mine, Abbygirl. Mine to torment. Mine to punish."

  "I belong to no one, asshole!" Abby hissed. "And for your information, you can't break someone who's already broken!"

  With these words she turned away and stormed off. I let her go. Pursuing her now wouldn’t help my plans. Her words went around in my head.

  "You can't break someone who's already broken!"

  The desire to find out what happened in her past, what was going on in her head, was reawakened. Her behavior when I freed her from the basement, or her reaction in the library. Everything pointed to severe trauma. What happened to Abby? And who was responsible? Part of me wanted the answers to use the information to break her. But another part of me, a part that I didn’t want to acknowledge, wanted to avenge her. Wanted to torture the person who had hurt her slowly and painfully to death. What the hell was wrong with me? Why did Abby get under my skin like that? I shook my head and turned around to go back to the parking lot where I parked my Jag. For today, my work was done. Tomorrow it was on. Abby's reaction to her rescue was not as I had hoped, but that didn't mean that all was lost.

  As I steered my car into the street, I turned left. It took me a little time to realize that I was on my way to Abby's house, instead of heading home. I slowed down to turn around. What the hell was I doing here? I pulled the car to the side and stopped. Clutching the steering wheel so tightly that my knuckles turned white, I stared through the windshield. Why had I taken the wrong way instead of driving home? I should turn around. Should drive home. I had done what I needed to do and would continue with my plan tomorrow. Fuck! Abby! That girl would be my downfall. I couldn't tell what it was, but she had a strange power over me. The completely illogical anger I had felt towards Dan was a clear proof. I knew that turning back was the right decision. But when I steered the car back onto the road, I did exactly the opposite.


  "You're mine, Abbygirl. Mine to torment. Mine to punish."

  Kent's words popped into my head as I hurried home. I hated him. But part of me was drawn to him. When he came close to me, my heart pounded wildly, my stomach was in knots and I had trouble breathing. And it wasn't just because he scared me. I could try to fool myself, but deep down I knew that a dark part of me wanted Kent to do unspeakable things to me. None of this made any sense. I had panicked at the prospect of having sex with him in the library. Sex was something that deeply disturbed me, terrified me. How could I be afraid that Kent would approach me sexually and at the same time want him to do just that? I knew I had a lot of mental problems. But I never thought I suffered from a split personality disorder. Immersed in turbulent thoughts, I entered the house and slipped off my shoes.

  "Abby?" Aunt Claire's voice came from the kitchen.

  "Yes?" I replied and made my way to the kitchen.

  Aunt Claire stood at the table and stirred in a bowl. She smiled as she looked up at me.

  "Did anyone drive you home? You don't usually get here so quickly."

  "I..." I babbled, searching for an answer.

  I didn't want to tell her I’d practically run home because a certain guy had thrown me off balance. And no, I didn't mean the guy who jumped me. I meant Kent. Kent, even though he presented himself as my savior today, scared me a lot more than the boy who ambushed me in the woods. I didn't think for a second what he would have done if Kent hadn't been there to chase him off. Apart from the initial shock of him jumping out from behind the tree, I hadn't felt threatened by him. The situation had merely been unpleasant. Disturbing. But I had not panicked. Not like when I met Kent in the library.

  "She came with me," there was a voice behind me.

  I stiffened. What the hell was he doing here? And why did he lie? I had no idea what was going on. After the incident in the library he’d left me alone and now he suddenly appeared everywhere as my savior. What was his agenda?

  "Oh, Kent, how nice of you," said Aunt Claire, apparently not noticing the tension between Kent and I. "Will you stay for dinner?"

  No! Anything but that.

  "Oh, that would be wonderful," Kent replied before I could voice my disapproval out loud.

  I turned on my heel and glared at him. He grinned and had the nerve to wink at me.

  "Dinner will be another half hour," said Aunt Claire, not taking any notice of the thick air in the room. "Why don't you two go to the lounge until it's time?"

  "I'll help you," I said, turning to Aunt Claire.

  "Oh, no, sweetheart. Go ahead. I have everything under control here. You can't leave our guest alone. Go on. Have some fun, kids."

  "Yeah, Abby, let's go," Kent butted in. "I'll get so bored sitting there all alone. Entertain me!"

  I rolled my eyes. What was his fucking game here? I was sure the guy had some sort of nefarious plan. I just couldn't figure out what. But I would be vigilant. I didn't trust Kent one bit.

  Resigned, I followed Kent into the lounge. I wanted to plant myself in one of the armchairs, but Kent grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me next to him onto the sofa. The touch sent an electric tingling sensation over my skin. My stomach did a double somersault when I landed so close to Kent that our thighs touched. I wanted to move away from him, but he put an arm around me and held me pressed against him.

  "So, Abbygirl, tell..."

  "What are you up to with this... with this farce?" I cut him off, writhing in his grasp.

  "I just want to get to know you better," he calmly replied.

  "You must excuse me if I don't believe a word you say. First you make my life hell and now you are suddenly my noble knight in shining armor? Sorry, but I don’t buy it."

  "Oh, Abbygirl. I am anything but a knight in shining armor, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in you." He let a finger slide up and down my thigh. "My interest in you is of a far – darker nature," he whispered into my ear and a shiver went through my body that had nothing to do with fear or cold.

  "I'm not interested, so get your filthy hands off me!"

  "Liar," Kent whispered. "There's a version of Abby in here..." He pointed his index
finger at my chest. "...who secretly wishes I would do unspeakable, dirty things to her. And you're trying to deny that part of yourself. But I will expose you for the hypocrite that you are."

  My heart pounded hard against my ribcage. I leaned back from Kent as far as I could, but his tight grip didn't give me much wriggle room. What if he tried to kiss me? Aunt Claire was in the house, so he wouldn't try to have sex with me. But a kiss was definitely within the realm of possibility. The realization that a part of me found the thought exciting scared me more than the act itself. I did not kiss boys. I did not let them touch me. My past had made sure that I would never be able to enjoy these things. But when it came to Kent, suddenly opportunities opened up that had never been possible before. He was the worst possible choice if I was going to trust a boy to explore these paths. He was my enemy. My tormentor. If I would let him touch me, I would do it with the knowledge that in the end nothing but heartache awaited me.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to escape his confusing hold over me. Maybe I should scream. Aunt Claire would rush to help me immediately. I opened my mouth to do just that, but no sound came from my lips as the past assaulted me.

  "You like that, don't you, baby? You like it. You want us to do these things with you."

  "Of course the little whore likes it."

  "Give it to her, Bobby! Show her how it's done!"


  Somebody shook me hard, and my eyes flew open. I stared into Kent's dark eyes. There was concern, then relief.

  "Hey! Calm down, Abbygirl. Breathe! Everything's okay. You're okay. I would never hurt you. – Not like this."

  I blinked. I had been about to fall back into the dark abyss, but Kent had somehow brought me back. My heart still raced a hundred miles an hour. My breathing was erratic, but the longer I stared into Kent's eyes, both my heart and breathing calmed down.

  "That's it. You're okay, Abbygirl."

  Kent put a hand to my cheek, and I leaned involuntarily into his touch. A sweet weakness seemed to take hold of me. Butterflies danced in my stomach and heat spread through my body. My stomach made a nervous flip when Kent leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. He held his lips pressed against my skin for a moment. He smiled and there was a strange expression in his eyes that I would have thought was tenderness if I didn't know for sure that Kent wasn’t capable of such feelings.

  "I better leave. See you tomorrow at school," he said and rose.

  I heard him exchange a few words with Aunt Claire on his way to the door. Then the front door was opened and closed. Kent was gone. And – he had kissed me. On the forehead. But it was still a kiss. And I didn't freak out. As if in a trance, I raised one hand and felt my forehead where his lips had been. Kent had kissed me. Oh my God! I couldn't let that ever happen again. This would never end well. Whatever this was between us, I had to stop it before it got out of control.

  Chapter 8


  Fuck! I couldn't get Abby out of my head. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, trying to ignore my steel hard cock. The innocent kiss had aroused me more than any passionate kiss with other girls. That was the reason I left Abby's house in such a hurry. No, not left. – Fled! If I’d stayed, I would’ve taken Abby on the couch like an animal, giving a damn if her aunt was in the kitchen not far from us. Whether or not Abby wanted it. I’d never forced myself on a girl before. It had never taken force to get a chic to spread her legs for me. And it just wasn’t right. But with Abby, I stood on thin ice. I wanted her too much. Never had it been so difficult for me to control my inner beast, to suppress the dark, sadistic energy in my veins. Fuck! The things I wanted to do to her. My dick twitched at the thought. My balls ached with the need for relief.

  "Fuck!" I growled in frustration.

  I let one hand slide under the blanket and enclosed my hard length with painful pressure. A moan passed my lips as pain and lust took possession of me.

  "Fuck you, Abbygirl," I hissed. "This is all your fault."

  I imagined my girl. On her knees. Terrified. Trembling. Submissive. I imagined stuffing her mouth with my thick cock while tears welled up from her dark eyes. Fuck! Yes! My breath came heavy as I jerked my cock hard. I would make her choke on my cock. To further emphasize my dominance over her, I would have one hand around her throat, the other firmly buried in her long dark hair. I would fuck her mouth mercilessly. I would ignore her need for oxygen until she was on the verge of losing consciousness. Only then would I allow her to take a deep breath before continuing. And when I shot my load down her throat, I would force her to swallow every last drop.

  "Fuuuuck!" I gasped. I was about to explode. Jerking off had never felt as good as this. It had only been a necessity to release pressure when I didn't have a girl around to attend to my needs. But this. This was – fuck – this was intense. My movements became faster. Uncoordinated, as I brutally let my hand slide up and down my shaft while I lived out my dirty, sadistic fantasy in my head.

  "Abbyyyy!" I roared, as I exploded like a damn volcano. My cock in my hand twitched as my cum poured over my hand in hot spurts. It was only as the fog of lust slowly lifted that I realized I had actually screamed Abby's name. What the hell was wrong with me? Fuck! My obsession with her took on dangerous forms. I needed to get a fucking grip on myself.


  I was terribly nervous when I entered the school the next morning. I knew sooner or later I would run into Kent. After what happened between us yesterday, I feared nothing more than losing the fight and give in to the attraction between us. This could never happen. Kent admitted this strange attraction between us didn’t change the fact that we were enemies. And he would continue to try everything to punish me for my alleged sins. I could only lose in this scenario. No matter how I looked at it. As soon as I gave in and allowed him to do what we both wanted so clearly, I would sign my own death sentence. At least the death sentence for my heart and soul. I had to prevent that by all means. I just had no idea how.

  To my immense relief, I made it to first class without running into Kent. I only had one class with Kent today, and that was math after lunch. Until then, I hoped to avoid him. Of course I was aware it only postponed the inevitable confrontation, but the longer I was spared his confusing presence, the better I could prepare myself.

  Prepare, huh? my inner voice sneered at me. Who are you kidding? You will never be prepared.

  Unfortunately, my inner voice was right. No matter how much time passed, an encounter with my tormentor would always throw me off guard. That bastard got under my skin. He was neither the only one nor the first to terrorize me. So, why did I only fear him and no one else? The guy I met in the woods, for example. He had made me feel uncomfortable, but that was it. I hadn’t panicked, and I had quickly forgotten the incident. I didn't search for him in the school hallway, trying to avoid him. What was so different about Kent that he had such a confusing effect on me?

  The closer lunch break came, the more restless I became. I would not spend the break in the cafeteria. The chances that Kent would confront me there were too high. Instead, I would head for the library, but within sight of Mrs. Yale’s desk. Kent would not dare do anything in the presence of the elderly woman, even if he got the idea of looking for me in the library. Which I didn’t hope. But I wouldn’t rule it out. He would notice that I wasn’t in the cafeteria. And if he went looking for me, the library was one of the few obvious places where he would find me. Fuck! Maybe I'd better pick a place where he didn't expect to find me. But only here I had some protection through Mrs. Yale’s presence. What were the odds he even looked for me? We had math together after lunch. It was more likely that he would wait until then with – whatever he planned to do. When the bell rang for the break, I was the first to jump up and storm out of the room. I rushed through the hallway to the library. Mrs. Yale looked up briefly from a list as I stormed into the library entrance hall. I slowed my pace at her disapproving gaze. After a final frown, she tur
ned back to her list. I walked as calmly as possible to one of the tables, students used to do their research and homework. After putting my backpack on a chair, I sat down on the seat next to it. I forgot to pack lunch, as I hadn’t thought of avoiding the cafeteria. But I wasn’t hungry, anyway. I was much too nervous to eat anything. I would only have to go to the toilet again afterwards to stick my finger down my throat. Sighing, I opened my backpack and pulled out the copy of Pride and Prejudice that I had borrowed from the library after the incident with Kent. Why I came back for the book, I honestly couldn’t say. You would think the incident would have destroyed my interest for it. But the opposite seemed to be the case. That Kent read the book – several times – fascinated me in a way I did not understand. It didn't seem to suit him at all. A guy like him should read thrillers or horror. Not romantic classics. That he read the book just added another element to his mystery. I wanted to understand my tormentor. Not because I was somehow interested in him, of course. It was only important that I understood the enemy so I could fight him better.

  Oh, Abby. Who are you kidding? This guy intrigues you. Why can't you just admit it?

  Bullshit! He DOES NOT intrigue me!

  Yeah. Keep telling yourself that!

  I burst out a frustrated snort. I had to stop obsessing over Kent. Determined, I opened the book and started reading.


  The conversation at our table was lively, but I didn’t participate, nor did I listen to what was said. My thoughts circled around Abby, who had not yet shown up in the cafeteria. Damn it! Where was she? I hadn't seen her today, but I knew from Ian that she was at school. Was she avoiding me? I would see her after the break in class, but that wasn't enough for me. I looked at my cell phone to check the time. Only twenty minutes left before the break ended. If Abby hadn't shown up by now, it meant she wouldn't show up at all. She hid from me somewhere. The question was: where? If I walked around blindly for twenty minutes, I might not find her before class. I didn't think she would hide in the toilet. And outside was too stormy, and it rained. She had to be in the building. The most likely place was the library. I put my cell phone in my pocket and stood up.


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