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Beautiful Mess (Sinners High book 1)

Page 11

by Melody Adams

  "Shhh. Hold on to the table, Abby!"

  I had no idea why he was asking me to do that, but I obeyed. I grabbed the edge of the table with both hands and held on tight. There was a sound I couldn’t place, then a dull pain spread to my right buttock. The belt! Kent hit me with his belt. Before I could prepare for another blow, the pain exploded in the same place. More blows landed on my bottom. At first the pain was dull, but after a few blows, as my skin heated, the pain became more intense. All I could hear was Kent's and my heavy breathing, the whoosh sound when the belt whizzed through the air and the sound when it hit my flesh. The blows seemed to come faster. Harder. I moaned and gasped. The pain was hypnotic. I let myself fall. Let the pain carry me away. My pussy dripped. I felt my wetness running down the insides of my thighs. But I couldn't bring myself to be ashamed of it. I was too engrossed in enjoying the euphoria that had taken possession of me. This could not be compared to the euphoria when I cut myself. This was much better. Soooo good. I floated in Nirvana, when Kent stopped, picked me up and sat me on the table. He pushed me back until my back was flush with the tabletop. He tore my jeans and panties off my legs along with my shoes. I was now completely naked from the waist down, but I couldn't care less. I floated on clouds.

  "Hold your legs by your knees," he ordered, and somehow I managed to obey. "NO! More. Open your legs completely," he corrected me. "That's it! Good girl!"

  A sharp pain exploded right on my clit and I realized he had hit me with the belt right on my open pussy. Before I could think about how wrong, how dirty this was, another blow hit me. The blows came in quick succession. Out of nowhere, I suddenly exploded. I screamed as the unexpected orgasm swept over me like a hurricane and completely destroyed me. I screamed and screamed until my cries turned into sobs. Suddenly I was pulled upright and my cheek was pressed against Kent's broad chest.

  "Shhh. I got you, Abbygirl," he whispered in my ear. "You’re okay now."


  Abby sobbed in my arms. I whispered trivial things into her ear while holding her tightly against me. What we just experienced together was beyond anything I’d experienced before or could have imagined in my wildest dreams. The high I had experienced when I had her in my control had been incredible. This wasn't the first time I'd lived my kink, but never, with any other girl, had it felt like that. Fuck. I preferred not to think about how good it felt to hold her and feel her trembling body in my arms while her tears soaked through my shirt. It wasn't supposed to feel so fucking good. If I wasn't very careful, she would get under my skin too much. Then I wouldn't be able to do what I had to do.

  Chapter 12


  The experience in the music room had shaken me up, ripped me open and left me utterly vulnerable. The ecstasy I felt when Kent whipped me with his belt was enough to confuse me. But more than that, the way he held me and comforted me afterwards confused me. He had been so gentle, so sweet. I couldn't tell how long I cried at his chest, but I was completely exhausted afterwards. And yet, I’d been as refreshed as never before. All day long I floated on clouds. When Kent stopped in front of the house, my heart beat faster.

  "I'll pick you up in the morning," he said. "I'll drive you to school every day from now on. And no arguments, Abby."

  "Okay," I replied, not looking at him.

  I reached for the doorknob when Kent's hand closed over mine. He bent over me so that his irresistible scent filled my nostrils. I froze.

  "No cutting."


  "I mean it! I'll punish you if you cut yourself again. Only this time I won't give you an orgasm. Do I make myself clear?"


  "Good," Kent said and sat back in his seat. "See you tomorrow, Abby."

  "Yeah," I murmured, hastily opening the door and jumping out of the car. I fled up the steps to the entrance while Kent's eyes drilled into my skull from behind. "Fuck," I murmured to myself as I almost tripped over the last step. My heart raced. It wasn't until I opened the door and closed it behind me again, that I took a deep breath of relief.


  My gaze followed Abby as she fled into the house, as if the devil himself was after her. A grin spread over my lips. Maybe she wasn't so wrong. I was the devil in her story, after all. And I planned to corrupt her completely and thoroughly. The scene in the music room had shown that this was a mission that would give me the greatest satisfaction. I couldn’t wait to sink into her wet heat. Too bad I had to ruin her. I could get used to playing with her darkness. She was perfect for me.

  WTF? Are you insane?, scolded my inner voice. Perfect for you? Are you even listening to yourself, you idiot? Or are you only thinking with your fucking dick?

  I sighed. My inner voice was right. I couldn't let that girl get under my skin too much. She was too fucked up, anyway. What did I want with an emotional wreck like Abby? Didn't I have enough problems of my own in my life?

  I shook my head and started the engine of my Jaguar, put it in reverse and raced down the driveway.

  Stick to the plan. Enjoy while you can, but leave the damn emotions out of it.

  Ten minutes later I stopped the Jag in front of the house where I lived with my mother, her stud of the month, and my little sister Nadine. Sebastian; the fucker my mother let live with us at the moment; was a fucking leech. He lay on the couch all day long stuffing himself with expensive delicacies and whiskey. My mother had bought him a brand new BMW this week. Sebastian spent our money left and right. If this went on like this, soon there would be nothing left of the inheritance my grandparents left to my mother. What would my mother do if we run out of funds? Work? The idea was so ridiculous that I actually sat in my car for a moment and laughed until my stomach hurt. When the laughing fit subsided, my gaze slid to Sebastian's BMW, and I shook my head. How my mother managed to pick one loser after another was beyond me. All she cared about was whether they were young and good-looking. At least, my mother couldn't touch the money that my grandparents invested for me in a trust fund. They’d probably known that their daughter would spend the money before I reached twenty-one. Then I would get control of my money. Until then, I hoped that my mother and her deadbeat lovers wouldn’t completely ruin us. After Dad died, my mother traveled around the world with me. This was how she had wasted HIS money. I’d hated traveling from one place to another. If we would’ve used the time to see interesting sights, but that was not what mother had had in mind when she dragged me from country to country. No, she’d traveled from one party to the next. While I stayed in the hotel with a sour-faced nanny. When the money ran out, we traveled back to the US. She married Samuel shortly after. For the money, of course. My mother became pregnant again, and Nadine was born when I was already a teenager. When Nadine wasn’t even two years old, Samuel divorced my mother. My mother had signed a prenup when they got married, so she got shit from him. Except a toddler she didn't want. Since then, it had been my responsibility to take care of Nadine. Without her, I would have turned my back on Sinners Field a long time ago. I hoped, once I turned twenty-one and received my money, I could get custody of my sister. I would leave with Nadine and never look back. She was the only thing in this world that meant something to me. Not that the KINGS meant nothing to me, but nothing was more important than my little sister. Nothing. Not even a broken girl with the most delicious pussy I’d ever tasted.


  Kent waited in front of the house when I stepped outside. My poor heart did a somersault at the sight of him. He leaned casually against his Jaguar, his arms crossed in front of his broad chest. As always, his hair was messy, and he sported a 5 o’clock shadow. Sunglasses hid his eyes, although the sky was cloudy and there was no need for sunglasses. I couldn’t see his eyes, but I felt them roaming over my body as I walked towards him on shaky legs. Just before I reached him, he pushed off the car. His hand dug into my curls at the back of my head, while the other hand lay possessively on my lower back. Then his lips covered mine. I gasped in shock. Kent took the op
portunity to force his tongue into my mouth. There was nothing gentle about the way he plundered my mouth. My hands lay on his chest in an attempt to push him off me, but he was as immovable as a damn concrete wall. His erection pressed hard against my stomach, and my pussy – the treacherous bitch – responded with a hungry twitch and a rush of moisture. When Kent broke the kiss, my legs trembled so much, I needed to cling to Kent's t-shirt for support. He moved away without letting go of me and grinned. Then he rubbed his thumb across my lower lip, which was swollen from his kiss and slightly sore from his stubble.

  "I like this look," he said roughly. "Well kissed suits you. I can't wait to see the thoroughly-fucked-look on you."

  I was too speechless for a snide comment. All I could get past my lips was a gentle gasp. My cheeks heated. A mocking grin curled the corners of Kent's mouth.

  "Cat got your tongue, Abbygirl?"

  I swallowed as I tried to find my courage again.

  "Fuck you, you bastard," I finally brought out in a shaky voice.

  Kent laughed.

  "Anytime, Abbygirl. Name the time and place and I'm there. I'm always ready to be fucked by you. How do you want it, huh? You want to ride my big dick like a cowgirl? Or do you want me to take you hard from behind while I..."

  His words fell silent when I slapped him hard in the face. His expression changed from teasing to deadly in a blink of an eye, even though I couldn't make out his eyes behind the dark glasses. But the ticking pulse on his neck told me he was anything but pleased.

  "I will say this only once, Abby," he finally said with deadly calm. "Hit me one more time and I will return the favor in a way you will not like." His hand closed tightly around my throat, and I went limp in his grip. "Did I make myself clear?"

  "Yes," I croaked, blinking violently as tears welled up in my eyes.

  "Good! Let's go before we're late for school."

  When the bell rang for lunch, I grabbed my backpack to escape from the classroom as quickly as possible. I had packed my lunch this time and planned to eat it behind the gym. The last thing I wanted was to spend my break somewhere near Kent or the others. I was the first one at the door. My stomach was in knots and my heart raced as I opened it and stormed out of the room. I didn’t get far. A hard obstacle stopped me.

  "Ouch!" I shouted as my face hit a wall hard. No, not a wall. A broad chest. Hard muscles that didn't give way one damn millimeter and did nothing to dampen my impact.

  "What's your hurry, Abbygirl?"

  I froze.

  Fuck! Why Kent, of all people? What the hell is he doing here? He must have left class before the bell if he's at my classroom door right after it rings. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  "Cat got your tongue again, Abby?"

  "Let me pass," I growled, trying not to let on that I was panicking.



  "We're going for lunch now. I have to make sure my new pet gets fed."

  "First," I growled, looking him straight in the face. "...I am NOT your pet!" I gave him what I hoped was a deadly stare. "Two – I can feed myself. Thanks a lot! – Now let me pass!"

  Behind us there was a restless murmur. Since Kent wouldn't allow me to get past him, I blocked the exit. Not that Kent would care. He was one of the KINGS. What did he care if his subjects were stuck in the classroom? – Including our teacher.

  Kent grabbed my wrist and turned away, dragging me with him. I was getting tired of being dragged around by this asshole like a naughty toddler. I planted my feet on the ground, but Kent just kept walking, which made me stumble. Only Kent's firm grip kept me from falling on my face, but the jerk on my arm made me cry out in pain. Kent wasn’t deterred by that, either. He dragged me into the cafeteria with him, where he led me to the KINGS' table. The boys and Beth already sat there and devoured their lunch. Everyone looked up as we came to stand in front of the table. Beth's mouth wore a mean grin. Nate looked at me and raised an eyebrow before looking at Kent.

  "Kneel," Kent said.

  "WHAT?" I shrieked, swirling around to him.

  "I said: Kneel!"

  Beth giggled. Ian cleared his throat and opened his mouth as if to say something, but then changed his mind.

  "Fuck you, Kent! You ain't got no right..."

  I couldn't get any further than that because my protest turned into a cry of pain as Kent's hand clawed painfully into my shoulder. I went down under the painful pressure. Tears welled up in my eyes as some kids from the nearby tables laughed or made vicious comments.

  "There is nothing to see here. Mind your own business," Kent growled, and the laughter and comments died down.

  "Make sure my pet stays put while I get lunch," Kent said to Nate, and Nate nodded.

  I looked down and wished lightning would strike me, or the floor would open up beneath me to devour me. At that moment, I would rather land in hell than kneel here and suffer this humiliation. I tried desperately to keep my sobbing quiet. I didn't want to show these rotten pigs how deeply I was affected. How much they had broken me. A little later Kent came back. I didn't look up at him, but out of the corner of my eye I saw him put a tray on the table and sit down.


  I didn’t react. Kent grabbed me by my hair and forced my head back. I blinked out of tear-soaked eyes at him. A teacher walked by without intervening. No one would help me. It only drove more tears into my eyes.

  "Open your mouth," Kent ordered, holding out a slice of pizza.


  Abby's tear-stained eyes did strange things to me. On the one hand, my sadistic beast triumphed, and Mr. D was hard as steel. On the other hand, I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms and assure her that everything was okay. But that would be a lie. Nothing was okay. It was my job to break her. And I wouldn’t disappoint Nate and the boys. I stared down at her hard.

  "Last warning, Abby! Open your mouth and accept what I give you like a good pet."

  "I hate you," she hissed, but she opened her mouth and I shoved the slice of pizza between her full lips and let her bite.

  My cock jerked every time Abby bit off a piece of pizza. I was so immersed in this intimate act of feeding my pet that I completely forgot about the others at the table. Abby seemed as captivated by this moment as I was. Our eyes fused as I fed her, wiping a little tomato sauce off her lip with my thumb every now and then so she could lick the sauce off my thumb. Her posture, which had previously been stiff, became soft. When her hand came to rest on my knee, I could barely suppress a groan. Fuck! This should not have such an effect on me.

  "I'm done with my Coke," said Beth, and before I realized what was happening, she had spilled the rest of her drink all over Abby.

  I reacted on instinct. My hand shot out and grabbed Beth by the neck to ram her face into the table. She screamed and blood splashed when her nose broke. Nate's hand lay on my arm and I looked up at him. He nodded his head, and I let go of Beth. Beth jumped up, holding her nose.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" she yelled at me before turning to Nate. "Do something!"

  Nate shrugged.

  "Abby is Kent's pet. You have no claim on her."

  "And for him to attack me and break my nose is okay, or what?"

  "A little drastic, but he had every right to defend his pet."

  I got up from my seat and picked up Abby, who was still kneeling on the floor in shock. She didn’t resist as I held her pressed tightly against me.

  "See you tonight?" I asked Nate.

  "Yeah. Eight o'clock?"

  I nodded and left the cafeteria with Abby.

  Chapter 13


  I couldn’t believe what just happened. Kent had not only defended me, he broke Beth's nose. And Nate had done nothing to defend his girlfriend. I had been at Sinners High for a while now, but I still didn't understand what made the KINGS tick. Especially Kent. He was my tormentor one moment and my savior the next. Not to mention the pleasure he gave me. It was confusing. I got whiplash from the
constant back and forth. I never knew where I stood with him. Apparently, he was the only one who was allowed to terrorize me. I was his to punish. His to torture. His to protect. How confusing. When Beth spilled her cold, sticky Coke on me, I had fallen into a kind of shocked rigor, but in Kent's arms I relaxed. How fucked up was that, please? A voice deep inside me protested. I wasn’t allowed to let my protective walls fall. I wasn't allowed to trust Kent. He played a game with me and I didn't understand the rules. But I understood where it would inevitably lead to: my ruin. Where did he take me? What would he do to me? My thoughts raced. Dark clouds gathered inside of me. I trembled.

  "Shhh. I got you, Abbygirl. Hold on. I'll help you. We'll be right there."

  I had no idea what he was talking about. All I could think about was how my life was about to fall apart. I lost control. I stared into a dark abyss. My scars itched, and I started scratching until Kent slapped my hand hard and he growled a deep "No!" I had no idea where we were when he finally stopped and set me down carefully. I looked around. We were in the equipment room of the gym. Uneven bars stood next to us. Kent grabbed me by the shoulders.

  "Look at me, Abby!"

  My gaze went to him, obeying his authoritarian voice. Tears ran down my cheeks as I tried to suppress the urge to scratch. I wrapped my arms around my trembling body.

  "Take off your clothes."

  "W-what?" I stammered, confused.

  "You heard me, Abby," he growled. "Get undressed. I will not say this again. Obey, or face the consequences."

  He let go of me, and I undressed with trembling hands until I was only standing there in panties and bra.


  More tears ran down my cheeks. Heat shot into my face and my trembling got worse, but I obeyed. Naked and vulnerable, I stood before my tormentor.


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