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Caleb (The Harlow Brothers Book 3)

Page 16

by Brie Paisley

  She pops up quickly, panic written all over her face. “I have nothin’ to wear.” She turns to me adding, “Nice Eminem reference by the way.”

  “Thanks?” I’m so confused right now. Placing a hand on my hip, I watch her toss more clothes onto the floor. When I hear her take in a ragged breath, I walk up behind her. I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight, as I ask, “What’s goin’ on, Bet?”

  “I’m sorry. I just … It’s been so long, since I’ve seen your mom and I … I’m nervous, okay? I want to make a good impression because I’m not comin’ over to hangout or to eat dinner. I’m comin’ to family breakfast, as your girlfriend.”

  Dropping my arms, I turn her, so she’s facing me. I should’ve known she was freaking out, which is why I gave her time, before I asked her over. I wanted her to come over the second we got back together, but I also know Bethany likes to take her time. I also didn’t want to overwhelm her, and I hope I can convince her that everything will be fine. “Mama is goin’ to love you. No matter what. You don’t have to worry about makin’ an impression, because as long as you make me happy, she’s gonna be ecstatic. And as far as what you wear, you could wear a brown paper bag, and you would still be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  “You’re just bein’ nice,” she says, but I know she believes me. She tries to hide her smile, but I see it. After a few moments, she lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry. I’m just overthinkin’ it, but I am nervous. I’ve never officially met anyone’s parents before.”

  “I promise everythin’ will be fine, Bet. Well, I can’t promise Caden won’t be a douche, but you already know how he can be.”

  “He does keep things interestin’.” Watching her, she turns, taking a Rick and Morty T-shirt off the hanger, and then grabs a pair of jeans. As she takes off her pajamas, I have to suck in a breath. Fuck me. She’s so gorgeous, and I reach out, stopping her from getting dressed. She looks back at me, as she asks, “What are you doin’, Caleb?” Once she meets my gaze, I smirk, and she smiles. “Oh, no. You said we were gonna be late.” Running my hand down her bare back, she doesn’t stop me, so I continue to touch her. Reaching her neck, I pull her to me, loving the feel of those hands, landing on my chest. “Caleb,” she calls out.

  Hearing the need in her voice, I take her mouth, devouring her exactly how I like. Her moan is all I need to let me know to keep going, especially when her hands slide under my shirt. Breaking away from her mouth, I make my way to her neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind me. “I think you need somethin’ to take the edge off.” I claim, as I drop to my knees.

  Holding her by the waist, I urge her to use the wall behind us to help keep herself upright. Glancing up, our gazes hold, as I kiss her stomach, slowly sliding my hands up and down her thighs. Her breathy moans are like music to my ears, and I slowly slide her panties off. Once they’re gone, I smirk, seeing her open her legs for me. “I need you, Caleb. Please, hurry up.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Knowing how much she wants and needs a release, I don’t hold back. The second my tongue touches her clit, her head falls back, hitting the wall, as I let out a groan. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve done this, it always feels like the first time. I know it’s because of her, and I know it’ll always be like this between us.

  Holding her tightly with one hand, I use the other to guide her right leg over my shoulder. It gives me better access to her core, and like a man dying of thirst, I take my fill. I don’t stop, even as her hand makes it to my hair and pulls. I don’t stop, as she cries out my name. I don’t stop, until I know she’s good and well fucked by my mouth. “Fuck, Caleb. I’m comin’. Please, don’t stop.”

  Using that moment to suck on her clit, she cries out, calling out my name over and over again. Giving her time to come down, I ease off, and then lean back. I can’t stop the smile from forming, seeing the grin on her face. “You look good like this.”

  “What? The just fucked good look?”

  Laughing, I stand and brush her hair out of her face. “You look satisfied.”

  Her arms wrap around me, as she claims, “I am, but I want more of you, Caleb.” Thinking she means she wants another kiss, I give her one. But she surprises me, when she reaches for my pants and unbuttons them. Gazing at her, she pulls them down, taking my boxers with them. “I need you.”

  Knowing I can’t deny this woman anything, I pick her up. Her legs wrap around my waist, and I reach down, guiding myself inside of her. She’s so hot and wet for me, and I groan, feeling how tight she is around my cock. Pushing forward, I give her exactly what she asked for, filling both our needs at the same time.

  Hopefully, Mama won’t be too pissed that we’ll miss breakfast.

  “I’m so glad your mom wasn’t mad at us,” Bethany says, as we walk down to my room. “I’m also glad I decided to come, too. I’d forgotten how much I missed your parents.”

  Leading her to my bed, we sit down, as she sets her bag down beside her. “Sorry about Caden.” Running a hand through my hair, I wish he wouldn’t give us such a hard time. “He just doesn’t know when to shut up.”

  “True. But good thing we had your mom on our side. That whoopin’ spoon definitely was handy.”

  “You wouldn’t say that, if you knew how much that damn thing hurts.” Taking her hand, she lets out a laugh, as I tell her some stories about me and that damn spoon. I’m actually surprised it’s still around, but then again, Mama probably had to buy another one to keep up with Caden.

  Once I finish my story, and after Bethany stops laughing, she looks at me, and I have to remind myself to breathe. “I have somethin’ to tell you.”

  “What? That you love me, and you can’t wait to go back to your apartment to show me?”

  “Well, that and somethin’ else. I guess, technically it’s three things.” Turning, I lift my leg onto the bed, as I give her my full attention. “I meant to tell you this earlier, but you distracted me,” she says with a smile.

  Grinning widely, I state, “You know you loved it.”

  “Oh, I did. Very much so.” Her blush makes me grin more, and I raise her hand to my mouth, giving her a kiss on the hand. “Theo finally gave me a chair at the shop.”

  “Really? Well, shit. It’s about damn time. I knew he would eventually get his head out of his ass. This is great, Bet. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad, too. I think he knew I was gettin’ ready to quit and either go somewhere else, or maybe even open up on own shop. I don’t know. Maybe one day, I can have my own place.”

  “That’s a great idea. At least then, you can control eveythin’ and don’t have to worry about anyone holdin’ you back.” She could definitely run her own business. With her talent, she could have a very successful tattoo shop.

  “Maybe one day. I’m just happy with where I am now. Which leads me to the second thing I want to tell, or well, show you.” Watching her closely, she reaches down and opens her bag. When she pulls out her sketch pad, I sit up straighter, wondering what she’s about to show me. Since we’ve been together, I’ve enjoyed seeing her drawings, and the things she creates. But when she shows me this drawing, I’m left speechless. “I drew this for you, hopin’ that maybe one day, you’d let me tattoo it on you.” Gazing at the drawing, my mouth opens, but nothing comes out. “I can change it, if you don’t like it.”

  “No, that’s not it at all,” I quickly say, knowing she mistakes my silence, as I don’t like it. “I fuckin’ love this.” Looking up, I hold her gaze, as I claim, “It’s our story. You drew our story.” It’s the most brilliant drawing I’ve ever seen, and I’m in awe of her. Everything and every moment that we’ve spent together is here in this drawing. From meeting her at the airport, to us hanging out at the Princess Theater, and hell, she’s even included pieces of the hotel we used. It’s all incorporated in such a way that it all flows together. Well, except one thing that catches my eye. “What does the key mean?”

  “That,” sh
e stops, taking in a deep breath. “That is where I ask you to move in with me, and you hopefully agree?”

  “You want me to move in?” I ask, surprise laced in my voice.

  “If it’s too soon, I get it. I just … I just don’t want to spend a second apart from you. I want you to be with me for every moment, and I would love to wake up next to you every day.”

  Dropping the pad, I pull her to me, claiming her mouth. I could spend the rest of my life kissing this woman, and showing her how amazing she is. Not only has she drawn our relationship with such precision, she’s asking me to move in with her. She’s come such a long way from when we first met, and I’m so fucking glad fate finally was on my side. Breaking our kiss, I lean my head against hers, as I try to catch my breath. “Yes. Yes, to the tattoo, and fuck yes, for moving in.”


  “Hell yes.” Getting up, she smiles at me, as I hold out a hand and ask, “Want to help me pack?”

  She laughs, as she takes my hand and stands. Before she answers me, she calls out loudly, “He said yes!”

  Frowning, I glance towards the stairs, as I hear footsteps. Honestly, it sounds like a herd of cattle, coming down the stairs. Seeing my entire family coming down, they line up, once they reach the bottom, and I shake my head, knowing they were all in on this. Bethany places an arm around my side, as I see Mama, wiping away a tear. Dad kisses her on the forehead, and then nods at me. Carter and Shelby are grinning from ear to ear, as Clark raises his glass. Caden gives me a thumbs up, as Savannah does the same, only she uses both hands. Cason, however, walks up to us. He glances to Bethany first, as he says, “Welcome to the family, sis.”

  It’s funny that Cason already knows what us moving in together means. I should probably let my brothers in on the ring I’ve been holding onto, but that’ll be for another time. “Thanks, Cas.”

  Holding out my hand, he and I shake, because I never thanked him for playing such a big role in getting Bethany and I back together. If it wasn’t for him, Carter, Shelby, and Bethany might not have mended their relationship like they had. They may never have all helped her plan her big reveal to me at the Princess Theater. If he hadn’t done what he did, Bethany and I might not have reunited, when we did. In return, things wouldn’t be so amazing, like they are now. Pulling Bethany close to my side, I wrap my arm around her waist. She turns to me with a huge grin, and my heart pounds in my chest, seeing that gorgeous smile. “God, I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  “Oh, I need a tissue. My baby is growin’ up.” Mama says, and I laugh, seeing Dad, pulling out a tissue from his pocket.

  “Did anyone remember to bring the boxes?” Carter asks everyone, and Caden rushes back upstairs. A few moments later, he comes back down, boxes in hand.

  As my brothers start folding the boxes, I claim, “Y’all were really prepared for this. What if I had said no?”

  “Well, we thought about that,” Shelby says.

  “But we knew you would say yes,” Savvy finishes.

  “Yeah, because you’re too far gone to be dumb enough to say no,” Caden pipes in.

  “Caden,” Mama scolds, as Bethany and I laugh, as Clark, Cason, and Carter shake their heads.

  “Come on, Linda. Let’s go back upstairs, and leave them to it.” Dad says, as he ushers Mama towards the stairs.

  “Oh, yeah, sure. Leave us here to do all the work,” Caden states sarcastically.

  Dad turns towards him with a grin, as he says, “I think y’all can handle it. Y’all are young and limber, so hop to it.” Caden gives Dad a salute, and thankfully, he doesn’t add anything else.

  Turning away from my family, I cup Bethany’s cheek, hoping she knows how amazing she is. “You’re perfect. I hope you know that.”

  “I’m sure you’ll remind me, if I forget,” she claims with a smile.

  “Of course.” Using my thumb, I rub her face. “I’ll always remind you, when you need it.” Leaning down, I leave a tender kiss on her lips.

  I never thought this moment would happen for me, for us. When I met Bethany for the first time, having her as mine was nothing more than a dream. It’s funny how things finally fell into place for us. I’m putting my money on fate, seeing it was time for us. Either way, I’ve never been so happy for it.

  I fell in love with her six years ago, but today, today I fall harder than I ever have.

  And that’s the best thing about getting the girl of your dreams. I fall in love with her a little more every single day, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life, falling again and again.

  As I gaze into her amber eyes, I know, hopefully soon, she’ll be mine forever legally.

  I can’t wait to see the look on her face, when I ask her to marry me.

  Brie Paisley is a small town gal from Mississippi. She always wanted to write at a young age and was always filling journals with her thoughts and short stories. Brie started with the idea of Worshipped a year ago and with the encouragement of her husband and sister in law, she was able to write her first book. When she is not writing, you can find her reading a good book, painting, scrapbooking, or watching a good movie with her husband and her boxer.


  Twitter: @author_brie





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