Extraordinary Tales of Regency Love: A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Collection
Page 26
"And you will stay forever?" Georgia asked.
"I shall," Agnes replied, feeling a pain in her heart as she recalled her own solitary childhood. "I shall stay forever and ever, Georgie."
"Then it's good," she said, turning around in Agnes's lap as the cake was brought through. "I picked it," she added, pointing at the cake with pride.
Agnes ruffled Georgia's hair. They would make an unconventional family, of course. And Georgia would need another governess and a tutor for when Agnes's own skills or spare time failed her. After all, the duties of a duchess were a little more than those of a governess. But they could make it work for them, and that was what mattered.
The loss of their parents had left each of them broken. But oddly, these little pieces left behind from each family somehow fit perfectly together with one another.
"It's nice," Georgia said, eating a large mouthful of cake and watching the two beaming adults continue discussing their wedding plans.
The Extended Epilogue
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A Lady’s Choice
Chapter 1
Emma looked around the ballroom for her cousin, Lady Camilla Fielding. The crowd was not yet as plentiful as it would be soon and she could tell Camilla had not yet arrived. She looked down at her gown and ran her eyes over her gloves, trying to do it as inconspicuously as possible. She had to look perfect tonight.
Her father had warned her: this was the season when she would need to find a suitor. By the end of the season, it was imperative that she be on her way to wedlock, if not already there.
She lifted her eyes and stared blankly in front of her, remembering the conversation before she’d left for the ball with her mother and younger sister.
Her father, Aaron Michael Wentworth, Duke of Corning, was not a young man. He wasn’t a young man when he married her mother and was even older when he married her stepmother, two years after her own mother’s death. With the second Duchess of Corning, the duke had taken on the responsibility of her daughter, Katherine, who was only two years younger than Emma. The duchess was also a widow, having lost her husband in the war. They had two twin sons, Michael and Thomas, six years ago.
His health was ailing. Only those closest to the family knew the true state of things.
He’d called her into the parlor, where he was seated in front of the fireplace, his legs covered by a thick blanket. He looked so old to her. She knelt by his chair and rested one small hand on his knee. She tried not to wince visibly. Touching his leg was like grasping the bones of a skeleton. It cut her to the very core.
“Papa,” she whispered. “Are you feeling all right today?”
The Duke of Corning smiled down at her. It was a warm smile, though weak. “I am as well as I expect to be, my dear,” he said, his voice soft. She wanted to hug him but was afraid it would hurt him.
“Can I get something for you? A cup of tea?”
Her father reached out and touched her cheek. She stared at him with tears brimming in her eyes.
“You look beautiful tonight, daughter,” he said. “As you can see, my health will not hold up for much longer. You must marry soon. You must find someone who is willing and able to care for our family. And I am hoping you find a man who fills your heart with happiness and love. I fear you will become unhappy. I do not wish that for you.”
“Oh, Papa, I do not want you to go!” Although she cried the words aloud, she sometimes thought she would rather he go live in the vast beautiful rooms of Heaven than stay on this earth in the state he was in. But when confronted with the fact that he would soon leave her, the urge to keep him in her life was overwhelming.
“I love you, my daughter. My time will come soon. I do not want to worry about you in my last days. Please, find yourself a good suitor so that I can be assured you will all be taken care of and loved the way you deserve.”
“I will try, Papa. You know I will.”
She’d been trying but not as much as she could have. She did not want to talk to men about trivial things, passing the time with small talk. How could she possibly find out the depths of a man’s soul, the way he thought about life in general and the people around him, how he treated those of less than equal standing to him in society, without spending real time with him? These were things she wanted to discuss and witness for herself.
Gossip of the ton bored her. The men expected her to be polite, giving, obedient but also quiet and something for them to look at. She wanted something more.
She spent a lot of her time in the library, reading. There were so many interesting things to read and she wanted to talk about those things. She learned so much from reading, the talk of the ton bored her to no end. She did not care to gossip and flutter about like a bird without a brain. She wanted to talk about interesting things.
So, she stood at the ball by herself, waiting for the room to fill up, for Camilla to come, and for the men to begin approaching to be on her dance card.
She had not had any trouble filling her dance card in the past. Finding men to dance with was not a problem. She had a good figure, was of good height at 5’1, and was pleasant to look at. Her slender face was offset with two beautiful blue eyes and long curling blond hair that she typically kept piled up on her head. The Duchess of Corning always made sure she wore the most flattering gowns.
She knew it wasn’t her behavior or looks that were the problem. Finding an interesting suitor who would not bore her with talk of cards, the weather, and other generalities. That was the problem.
She gave a sigh of relief when she saw Camilla enter the room. She hadn’t heard her cousin announced. She lifted her hand in a wave. Camilla saw her. A bright smile crossed her face. It was the kind of smile that made the recipient of it feel like they had won the highest honor of the land.
Camilla was a tall girl at 5’5 but not so tall that it made her uncomfortable to dance with. She was slender and her mother dressed her in beautiful dresses that never ceased to stun the men who laid eyes on her. She had long brown hair that was either piled high on her head and adorned with jewels or swept back into a thick braid, also adorned with beads, chains, and other ornaments.
She crossed the room, coming directly to Emma. She leaned forward, giving Emma air kisses on both cheeks. “My dear cousin, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight. I am impressed!”
Emma smiled wide. “And you look beautiful, as always, Camilla. I am so pleased you are here. I have been quite bored waiting.”
“You arrived early,” Camilla said in her defense, her smile never wavering. “How is your father’s health?”
Emma lost her smile and shrugged gently. “He is not well, Camilla. It is quite unfortunate. I will dearly miss him when he is taken from us.”
“Yes, I know you will. I will, too. He has been like a second father to me.”
“He has informed me that I must have a husband by the end of the season. I must say…” Her voice cracked a little and she looked up so the tears would not fall. She did not want red eyes. “I do not know if he will make it till the end of the season.”
“Oh, Emma, I am so sorry.”
Emma nodded, gaining control of her emotions. “I will survive, Camilla. Thanks to you and my aunt and uncle. I am dreading the day but he will be so much happier in Heaven.”
“Yes, he will.” Lady Camilla nodded in agreement. “Oh look, here come the Duke of Andryse and his cousin. You know they will be asking for a place on our cards. Get yours out of your handbag. Have it at the ready. My mother says they are quite eligible and both have a purse that is not to be sniffed at.”
Emma reluctantly removed
the card from her handbag. The Duke of Andryse and his cousin, Mr. Bonds, were both handsome men and said to be excellent in business dealings. They treated others fairly, such was the word, and could be trusted when asked for advice.
But she was not looking to fulfill a business transaction. She wanted to find a man to love and cherish, one who would return her passion. A man who would make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. She hoped it was not too much to ask for.
She would know that man when he came along.
She was sure of it.
The Duke of Andryse stopped a few feet from the two ladies and bowed at the waist. “Lady Wentworth, Lady Fielding, may I introduce my cousin, Lord Reginald Bonds. He has come to South London for the season. May we have a place on your dance cards?”
“My lord, how do you do?” Camilla dropped into a small curtsy and handed him her card as he was closer to her. She glanced at Emma expectantly, prompting Emma to hand her card to the Duke of Andryse.
“Yes, oh, here…” Emma stammered, her face flushing in embarrassment. The Duke of Andryse pressed his lips together to hide a grin, taking the card from her. He placed his name at the top of the card but for the second dance. She took it back from him, looking down at it.
The second dance. He did not want to open the dance with her. She pulled in a silent breath and smiled at him. “I will see you later then, your grace.”
The Duke of Andryse kept his eyes on her as he took Camilla’s card and placed his name on it for the third dance. Before moving away from the ladies to mingle some more, he stopped in front of Emma and leaned down slightly so he could speak in a low voice and only she would hear.
“I am spoken for to another for the first dance, my lady,” he said. “I do not wish for you to believe I am not willing to open the ball with you. You are a fine dancer and a fine young lady. It will be a pleasure to acquaint myself with you again this year.”
He moved on as soon as he was finished with his short speech, not giving her time to respond. She watched him go, the tips of her lips turned up in a pleasant smile. The Duke of Andryse was not unfamiliar to her. He had danced with her for several of the past seasons. They got along well but there had never been a spark between them.
So, her search continued. She swept her eyes over the room and spotted two men coming in that she did not recognize. She leaned closer to Camilla. “Camilla, do you recognize those two men there?”
She turned her eyes in the direction of the men, not willing to point, which would have been terribly impolite. Camilla looked over at the men. Without looking back at Emma, she shook her head. “I do not know either of them,” she whispered, barely audible to Emma. “But they are certainly fine on the eyes!”
Emma could not hold back her smile. “Yes, they are.”
She would do her best to flirt as she was supposed to. To be the refined young lady they wanted her to be. But she desperately hoped to find a man with some personality. She wanted to be in some control of her life, and to be able to paint and grow her favorite flowers in the garden. She didn’t want a dictator. She wanted a man more like her own father.
Her father had always treated his women with the highest respect. He had chosen two fine women to love, marry, and have children with. Emma respected her step-mother and younger half-siblings. They were kind to her and she returned the favor. She didn’t consider her step-mother’s forceful ways to be unkind, though, at times, she felt the duchess was a bit too harsh.
She knew the woman behaved that way because they shared a love for her father. The Duchess of Corning could be dictatorial in her methods. Emma believed it was because the duchess wanted Emma to marry a wealthy, well-bred man worthy of her status as the eldest daughter of a duke. She sometimes wondered if her behavior would stay the same once he was gone. Would the duchess still give her the same respect and love?
She hoped so. If she was to sacrifice her life and marry for money, the duchess had to treat her with the respect she deserved. If she did not, Emma would make it very difficult for her, providing only a small allowance to live on.
After all, it is her husband who would be providing the money to her to give to the duchess. In the end, it would be his decision how much the family would receive. She would be sure to have great influence over the decision. The Duchess of Corning herself had no money of note. She gained her status as duchess only because of the Duke of Corning. Her late husband had only a title in the military, having reached the rank of second lieutenant before his death. He left nothing behind for her.
For months, the Duke of Corning had struggled with his business accounts. As his health failed and he became iller, he did not function the way he had when his mind was clear and he felt no pain. He had lost clients, deals, and a great deal of money in a short period of time.
Only the duchess, Emma, and Katherine knew that the money was slowly being depleted and they would soon feel the need to start selling valuable possessions to continue their lifestyle.
The two men were making their way across the room. Emma could tell they were not moving quickly and had no intention of coming directly to her and Camilla. She strained her ears as they moved closer, trying to hear an introduction. As they got closer, she was sure she heard the word “Duke.” She did not know to which man the word was directed.
Finally, they were just a few feet away, chatting with another man, someone Emma recognized by appearance but could not come up with a name for.
She felt Camilla grip her elbow tightly, signaling the men were coming over. She did not need prompting. She was well aware of their approach. She braced herself and cleared her throat softly. She smiled as they got closer.
“My ladies,” one of the men said, bowing. “May I introduce myself. I am Lord Baldwin, Duke of Lox. This is my closest companion, Lord Christian, Duke of Rabney. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Likewise, I am sure,” Emma said, using her most pleasant tone. She curtsied, bowing her head respectfully. “Your Grace, I am Lady Emma Wentworth, daughter of Duke Wentworth of Corning.”
“My lady.” He took her hand and bowed to her. She moved her hand to the Duke of Rabney, who took it and also bowed.
“I am Lady Camilla Fielding, daughter of Duke Fielding of Cooksey.”
“A pleasure, my lady,” the Duke of Lox bowed to her. The Duke of Rabney also repeated the motion.
As soon as the men introduced themselves, Camilla was holding her card in anticipation of being asked for a dance. Emma was a little embarrassed for her cousin. The look on her face betrayed her attraction to the two men. Emma hoped the same look was not on her face. She would not worship a man as if he was a god. That was the look Camilla was giving them.
“Lady Fielding, may I place my name on your dance card this evening?”
“Yes, thank you, your grace.” Camilla immediately held out the card, smiling at the Duke of Lox.
Emma could not help it when a streak of jealousy passed through her. She wanted him to sign her card but Camilla was much too quick with hers. Amusement followed the jealousy and she handed her card to the Duke of Rabney. He smiled and took it from her.
The men switched cards and placed their names on both before handing them back to the ladies.
“It will be a pleasure to get to know you better,” the Duke of Lox said, smiling as he and the Duke of Rabney tipped their heads and moved on to the next group of people, both clasping their hands behind their backs.
“I wonder where he came from?” Camilla said, excited. She was staring at her card, obviously enamored. Emma looked at her and then down at her card. A chill ran through her. The Duke of Lox had signed up for the last dance. It was the longest of them all and most people believed the last dance was the highlight of the evening.
There were other open spots on her card. The fact that he chose the last dance was significant.
“Camilla, do you have the last dance taken?” she asked, moving her eyes to her cousin’s card. C
amilla looked down at it.
“Yes. It was that man, the Duke of Rabney. He signed up for it.”
Emma grinned at her cousin. “The Duke of Lox signed up for my last dance.”
“Oh, Emma. This is exciting. Two fresh faces to South London during the height of the season, obviously eligible suitors. Where have they been hiding?”
It was a fair question. Emma had heard of both provinces Lox and Rabney but had never been introduced to someone from either place before.
“Would it not be so exciting if we were to be courted by the two most handsome men in all of the ton?” Camilla’s voice was so high-pitched, she sounded like a much younger girl. Emma kept up the effect, giggling like a child.