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Extraordinary Tales of Regency Love: A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Collection

Page 77

by Fanny Finch

  “He does know the finer points of being a gentleman. Surely, he will keep that in mind tonight, as well.”

  “I am going to see you proposed to!” Lady Eugenia finally got one boot on and took the opportunity to clap again. “I am so excited.”

  “I think you might be a little more excited than I am,” Hestia laughed.

  “Oh, I am sure there is no chance of that!” Lady Eugenia exclaimed, grabbing her second boot and pulling it on her foot. She began to lace it up. “In a few years, we will be running around after our children and going to sewing circles and having tea on the veranda while the husbands do their husband things.”

  Hestia laughed. “What husband things do you suppose they will do?”

  Lady Eugenia stared blankly at her for a moment before a wide grin spread on her slender face. “I truly have no idea!”

  They both laughed.

  When Lady Eugenia was dressed, she and Hestia went back down the stairs. They made more noise than usual, laughing and giggling as they trotted down like two horses. For the first time in several years, Hestia did not feel foolish. She was happy for what felt like the first time in her life.

  Hestia noticed when they stepped out onto the veranda that the sun was dipping down in the sky. Soon, they would be covered in darkness and the gas lamps would be lit along the streets and the pathways to the house.

  The two young women would have time to get to the Nottingham mansion before it was dark but Hestia thought it might be a good idea for Lady Eugenia to take one of the guest rooms, rather than come back home.

  “I have never been to your home,” Lady Eugenia mentioned. “And you have been in mine for a year! It will be a refreshing change. You can give me a tour of your grounds in the morning.”

  “That does sound like a lovely idea,” Hestia nodded.

  They got into the carriage and gave the driver the all-clear. The two girls settled back comfortably.

  Hestia enjoyed daydreaming about her future, staring through the window at the darkening sky.

  For so long, she had wondered where she would end up. She had resigned herself to becoming a spinster if need be. She was glad she would not be a spinster.

  She was glad she had bumped into Leander.

  The memory of her near spill with him brought a smile to Hestia’s face. She saw him in her mind’s eye, his profile as he smiled and spoke to her father when they were walking to the Nottingham carriage. She heard his voice in the maze when he said the word “love”.

  Just the memories sent tingles through her body.

  “I hope I do not faint when he kisses me,” she murmured under her breath. She had not expected Lady Eugenia to hear her but when a smile burst across her friend’s face, she knew her words were heard. Her cheeks burned hot and she kept her eyes down.

  She knew if she made eye contact with Lady Eugenia, she would fall into a fit of giggles that might not end until her sides were cramping.

  Lady Eugenia appeared to be avoiding Hestia’s eyes as well. She was covering her smiling lips with one hand, her eyes directed through the window at the evening sky.

  “I certainly would,” she murmured.

  Instinctively, the young women looked at each other and as expected, fell into giggling, trying desperately to control themselves. Hestia felt like a girl in school with a crush.

  “I hope I do not have to go through so much to be with Mr. Wake,” Lady Eugenia said when she was able to take a breath. “It seems you have had obstacles at every turn!”

  Hestia was jostled back and forth as the wheels on the carriage bounced over a rough patch in the road. She steadied herself with a hand on the door, clutching it tightly in her fingers.

  “Oh my,” Lady Eugenia exclaimed. “Someone should do something about that road! Someone could be killed!”

  Hestia tilted her head to look out the window at her father’s carriage. It was down the road and around the bottom of the small hill they were crossing. She wondered what Leander was saying to her father. What her father was saying to Leander.

  She bit her bottom lip nervously. She had come to realize Leander was quite a unique individual. He was not just a graceful dancer, he was graceful in his speech and his thinking. Despite the mistake he had made, he was willing to put himself back on the line in order to win her hand.

  How could she ever deny such open thoughtfulness from a man? Especially one she deeply cared about?

  Once again, she was covered in chills. It was immediately followed by the twittering in her stomach and a warm wash of hopefulness. She closed her eyes and smiled.

  Her father would not care what foolish mistakes Leander had made in his stumbling approach to courtship. He would see how profitable it would be for Leander and her to wed.

  She would not need to work as a companion. She would be on her way to having a beautiful family and living a happy life.

  “What do you suppose your father is saying to Lord Price?”

  Hestia looked at her friend. “I was just wondering the same thing. I do not know what impression my father has of Lord Price. I do know that he is not happy with your father.”

  “I feel he is disappointed because Father decided to dismiss you without precedence. He really did not give you much choice, did he?”

  “Do you suppose he knew I would not allow him to throw you out, sacrificing yourself for me?”

  Lady Eugenia shook her head. “My father would never banish me, Hestia. He was playing on your affection for me. Yes, I am sure he knew you would volunteer to leave before you would have me make such a decision.”

  “I saw you struggling with the decision, Eugenia. I would not ever want to put you in such a position. The way I look at it, becoming your companion has opened the door to the rest of my life. I cannot be more satisfied with it right now.”

  “Even though you have spent a year as a companion and lowered yourself in the eyes of society?”

  Hestia raised her eyebrows. “Do you think I have been looked upon in such a manner?”

  Lady Eugenia’s eyes turned sympathetic. Hestia had the distinct impression she had been discussed behind her back. “It is well-known that your father’s spending habits forced you to take such a position. While I have not heard anything negative about you personally, your family name has been tarnished by the whole episode.”

  “That is unfortunate,” Hestia said in a hushed voice. “I was acting out of self-preservation. I did not mean to tarnish the family name.”

  Lady Eugenia shook her head. “It was not you who caused it. You know very well it was your father who did that. But I suspect it may be something they will discuss.”

  “My family’s money woes… Father will not own up to being responsible for it.”

  Lady Eugenia looked thoughtful. “I do not know about that, little Hestia. He was cordial when he came to pick you up.”

  Hestia raised her eyebrows, gazing at her friend. “I would say he was less than cordial, Eugenia. I do not believe he would have spoken a word if not for the events that followed.”

  “Do you think he and my father will work it out?”

  “I do not know. They do not seem to have a good friendship. Perhaps it is best they stay away from each other.” She gave Eugenia a smile. “It is not as though we are little girls who need permission to see each other.”

  “That is true. I am glad. When we are married and have children, we will go to the park and have picnics and let the children play together.”

  Hestia’s mind was whirling with possibilities. She wanted those things so much. For so long she thought she would never have it. But now, it was on the horizon. She could sense the changes coming in the air.

  Her only worry was how to deal with the Earl and Countess of Coventry. She knew Leander would not back down and felt that his will was strong enough to withstand their pressure.

  But she would have to deal with them as her parents-in-law. Would they be receptive to her in any way? Would they make her life misera

  She hoped not. She was a kind and loving young woman and did not want to fight with anyone. Nor did she want to be disrespected. Above all, she would stand her ground and do things the way she thought was best.

  The Countess of Coventry would not rule over her son or her grandchildren. If she had an ounce of grace in her body, she would bend to the will of her son and accept Hestia as the wife he chose.

  “I cannot wait for such glorious times,” Hestia said breathlessly.

  She could see her house in the distance, at the top of a small hill. Her heart began to pound and she wondered just what was going on in the carriage in front of them. And what the atmosphere would be like when they got to Stalwood Manor.

  Chapter 38

  The gas lamps were being lit all around the estate as Leander and the Earl of Nottingham pulled up in front of the house.

  Leander was feeling nervous all the way to his core. The Earl of Nottingham had made only small talk as they rode, making Leander wonder why he was asked to ride with him.

  He had not brought up the matter of Hestia, the family’s financial problems, the Earl and Countess of Coventry… it had all been placed on the backburner. The Earl of Nottingham literally stopped him when he began to speak about it.

  “I do not wish to ride to the house discussing the topic. I wish to be in my parlor in front of my fireplace. We shall have just this pleasant ride to the house and enjoy it together, shall we?”

  “Surely, Lord Stalwood,” Leander replied. From then on, he did not bring up the situation with Hestia, though the Earl of Nottingham touched on the subject when he spoke of the Viscount of Culross.

  “Highly disappointed in the man,” the Earl of Nottingham said, shaking his head. “I had expected him to treat my daughter with the respect she deserves. I was told she would be welcomed as a member of the family, that it would be said she was visiting the Lady Eugenia as a friend. It was not my intention that anyone should know she was being paid for her services.”

  “It sounds as though you may have been duped into something, Lord Stalwood,” Leander replied. When the Earl of Nottingham slid his eyes to him, he realized the older man was merely talking aloud. Did he not expect Leander to listen when he was sitting only a few feet away?

  Leander tried smiling at the man. He desperately wanted to talk about Hestia and the future he wanted to have with her.

  He pictured her in the maze, a bright smile on her face, laughter escaping her as she dashed around looking for Lady Eugenia. It gave him a pleasant chill through his body. He could not wait to have her near him again.

  The two men stepped down from the carriage on opposing sides. Leander was on the side of the house. The Earl of Nottingham walked around the carriage and met him at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Shall we wait for the ladies to arrive, Lord Stalwood?” Leander asked, trying not to sound too anxious. He desperately wanted to wait so that he could see Hestia smile at him before he had the talk with the Earl of Nottingham.

  “I suppose we could. I would like to have tea and biscuits while we talk. I am sure you are not opposed to that?”

  Leander grinned. “I am never opposed to tea and biscuits. Thank you.” He stood awkwardly for a moment, realizing the Earl of Nottingham had not really given him a straight answer. The older man was not about to let him wait for the ladies by himself.

  He did not have to wait long. When the sound of the approaching carriage reached his ears, it ratcheted up his heartbeat and he held his breath for a moment. He let it out slowly, trying to get himself under control. He did not want to be shaky and clammy when she arrived.

  He had to laugh at himself on the inside. He had always kept his composure with her in the past. He had kept his composure with every fine young lady he danced with or saw on the street. It was because he was asking to marry Hestia that he was so nervous. It could be no other thing.

  He watched the carriage approach and instinctively took a step toward it. He wanted to open the door for her. He wanted to offer his hand to help her down. Just touching her would make his day.

  The carriage came to a halt and he saw Hestia sit forward to smile at him through the window.

  He smiled back, excitement rushing through him. He went to the door and pulled it open, holding out his hand to her.

  “Lady Hestia. Allow me to escort you to your home.”

  Hestia climbed out, holding onto his hand for support, looking up at the large house looming in front of her.

  “I have not yet been inside.” He lowered his voice to continue. “But I do believe you have a fine house.” Leander was not lying. The house was large and the outside was run-down but clean and tended to. With some work and renovations, it would be a fine home.

  He could not read the look on Hestia’s face when she looked at him. It was such a mixture of raw emotions, he could only give her a nervous grin.

  When she smiled back, he knew she had not taken his words the wrong way. He helped Lady Eugenia down quickly before catching up with Lady Hestia and walking beside her.

  “Your father has offered tea and biscuits. I do believe he would like to have a conversation with me in private. I am sure you are aware of what I will be asking him.”

  Hestia’s cheeks colored slightly. She fluttered her eyelashes, keeping them trained on the ground in front of her.

  “Lady Hestia, do I have your permission to speak openly with your father?”

  Hestia chuckled softly. “I do believe you will find that he will speak openly with you. It is the best way.”

  “That has also been my impression,” Leander said. “I find it abhorrent when the truth is not spoken. And I have heard some terrible rumors and lies recently. It makes me disappointed in…” He stopped short of saying “my mother”.

  He did not know if Hestia was aware that the Countess of Coventry said Lord Stalwood had taken a bribe to keep Leander and Hestia apart. He still did not know if it was true or not. He did not want to believe it was.

  “If I have done anything to harm your reputation, Lady Hestia, allow me to apologize.”

  Hestia shook her head. Her father was waiting at the top of the stairs. As if he was attached to her, he came up beside her. Lady Eugenia hung behind, giving them both a wide grin.

  Once they were inside, Leander was thrown back to earlier in the day, when he had seen his mother and Drusilla there. He wanted to turn to Hestia and tell her about the whole thing but held in the urge, though it was strong.

  He would tell her about it later. He would fill her in on everything he had been experiencing in order to be with her. He wanted to tell her he had never had feelings so strong for a woman before. No other woman had invaded his mind and taken over. He thought of Hestia every moment of every day.

  “Lord Price, if you will follow me. Hestia, you and Eugenia may go on to the library. Inform Cook I would like tea and biscuits served in the parlor and of course, if you and Eugenia would like some, let them know to bring you some.”

  Hestia nodded. “Yes, thank you, Father.”

  She was surprised by his calm demeanor. When she had left a year ago, there was often tension and arguments going on in the parlor or her father’s study. Sometimes they were between the Earl of Nottingham and a business partner. Sometimes it was between the Earl and Countess of Nottingham.

  She did not want to see her parents fight, as no child would. She often hid in other parts of the mansion where the arguing could not be heard.

  But at that moment, her father seemed serene, even peaceful.

  Her instinct was to wonder what scheme he was going to pull on Leander. She wished she had time to warn the young man. She did not want her father taking any of Leander’s money. It was his responsibility to provide a dowry, no matter how little. It was not his place to request money from a future son-in-law.

  But the Earl of Nottingham had not hesitated to ask his own daughter for money. For another daughter, no less.

  Hestia tried not to th
ink any more about it. She was souring herself against her father when it appeared he was making an effort to make things right. He was being amiable with Leander. He was showing her and Lady Eugenia respect.

  She wondered what had happened to make him change his behavior so drastically.

  Perhaps he had been changing over the year she was gone and the request for money was just a fluke.

  Hestia nodded at her father and walked away from the two men with Lady Eugenia by her side.

  “Your father is not unfriendly,” Lady Eugenia whispered. “I had no idea he could be so cooperative. From what I have been told, what I have heard, I expected him to at least be scolding Lord Price. But Lord Price does not look any worse for wear. I do not believe your father said anything to him on the way here.”


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