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Treasured by the Alien Pirate: Science Fiction Alien Romance (Mates of the Kilgari Book 2)

Page 17

by Celia Kyle

  Sweet mercy.

  Gingerly, I reach for his hardness and take both his cocks in my hands. I hold them by the root, his thick flesh throbbing against my fingers, and then start stroking him at an ever-growing pace. I only get to do it for half a minute. Before I know it, Grantian peels my fingers off his hard members and then picks me up from the floor. Carrying me in his arms, he makes a straight line toward the bed and puts me down on the mattress.

  I throw my arms around his neck and drag him down onto the mattress, chuckling as he falls beside me. Before he has a chance to take charge, I turn the tables and climb on top of him, eager to prove to him that I can be behind the steering wheel. I do it fast, placing my knees on either side of his hips, and surprises washes over his face.

  “What?” I ask him. “You’re not the only one who knows how to dominate.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Damn right,” I whisper, placing both my hands on his chest and burying my fingernails into his flesh. I do it hard enough to draw blood and he winces as an inkling of pain shoots through him. Any other man and I’d be careful not to hurt him, but Grantian is a powerful tank, designed to be immune to pain. As such, all I manage to do is make him even more excited, which was exactly my end goal.

  Moving my fingers down his chest, I take my time as I experience the ridges and grooves of his abs, but I don’t linger there. I guide my hands toward his two cocks and, gripping them tightly, I angle them down until they’re exactly where I need them to be. One of them I’ve placed right against my inner lips, just one thrust away from having him inside of me, and the other I’ve trapped between my ass cheeks. I’m not going to hold back. Today I’m going to let my wicked urges come out to play, and I’m going to have the time of my life.

  Slowly, I ease myself down, allowing Grantian’s cock to part my inner lips and slide inside my pussy. I reach behind my back and massage his other cock as I start swaying my hips, ensuring it doesn’t leave my backside. Once I’m burning up with lust, I throw my head back, allowing my hair to cascade down my shoulders, and stop moving altogether.

  “Careful now,” I whisper, smiling as I exchange a glance with Grantian. Shifting my weight, I press his second cock against my back entrance, holding my breath as the realization of what I’m about to do hits me.

  “Easy,” Grantian says in agreement, both his hands on my hips. He takes the lead now, guiding his second cock home, and I open my mouth and gasp as he starts easing it in. It’s a miracle of anatomy that his thickness manages to fit inside me, my inner walls struggling to adjust themselves. My heart tightens up so much I almost think it’s going to burst and, with each inch of his cock that Grantian feeds me, that feeling only intensifies.

  “Holy fuck,” I hiss, my words brimming with maddening lust. Once his two cocks are buried deeply inside me, these are the only two words I’m capable of uttering. Not that I’m surprised. My brain is just overloading, a surge of unbelievable pleasure taking over my mind, and I’m loving every second of it. Gritting my teeth, I force myself to focus, and only once I’ve grounded myself do I start to move.

  I take it slowly, my movements steady but gentle, and Grantian matches them with uncharacteristic tenderness. Not that he isn’t a tender man—he is, when he wants to be—but I’m much more used to him being a complete savage when we’re both naked. Now, though, I need him to take it least for the time being.

  Slowly rocking my hips, I take my time building a comfortable tempo, but I inevitably reach the point where my excitement has surpassed my body’s limitations. Without even thinking about what I’m doing, I lean forward and place my hands on his chest for support. Fully secure, I start riding him so damn hard it only takes a couple of seconds before my muscles start to protest. Beads of sweat begin pooling on my forehead and rolling down my face.

  I don’t ease up.

  I go as hard as I can, pushing myself to the limit, and I only stop once I’ve gone past the point of no return. After that, it all happens too fast for me to even comprehend it. All I know is that fireworks have gone off behind my shut eyelids, and the warmth of Grantian’s seed is inundating me. A violent heat spreads under my skin, tall flames of ecstasy lapping at my insides, and everything I am is consumed by a supernova of pleasure.

  Sitting down on top of him, his two cocks still buried deep inside me, I take one hard breath and force myself to open my eyes just so I can look at him.

  “I want you to promise me one thing,” I tell him, struggling to get the words out. By the Mother’s holy face, it’s a miracle I’m doing it. I’m feeling so damn exhausted and delirious right now. “I want this for the rest of my life, Grantian. I don’t want us to hold back, ever.” I make a slight pause, blow a stray lock of hair out of my face and then smile. “And I’m not just talking about the sex.”

  “That’s an easy promise to make,” he says. “No holding back. Ever.”

  We look into each other’s eyes and, allowing a deep but comfortable silence to take over the room, we smile. Of all the things I could say right now, there’s only one word I can use to describe this moment.

  This moment right here is called happiness.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Solair and I don’t typically spend much time on the bridge together, usually only for a few moments between shift turnovers. Today I was up earlier than normal due to a very rousing session in bed with my mate, and I actually feel like sharing a conversation with someone. Since Lamira is helping Marion and Jax stock the mess kitchens with the supplies we picked up on Kyvos, now is as good a time as any.

  Solair has always been easy to talk to. I’ve known it since we’d first met, right after I left the Hael Hounds. He’d stumbled into one of Glimner’s less opulent watering holes and plunked himself down next to me, the only other Kilgari in the joint. I hadn’t really wanted to talk, but even I wasn’t immune to his charm and laid-back attitude. Before I knew it I was leaving the establishment with him, headed back to the Queen to start a new life as a privateer.

  And what a life it’s been—and is becoming. We’ve seen our fair share of successes and losses, and we’ve gotten each other out of more than a few tight situations that could have easily gone sideways. He’s more than a brother to me now than my own.

  Since we’re the only mated males on the Queen so far, it’s only natural for us to confide in one another about our precocious human women. Varia’s attitude, although still hot-headed at times, has evened out considerably since they confirmed their bond. Although it’s been made clear she’ll never replace me on the bridge, I find I enjoy sharing leadership with her. She’s quite savvy, often seeing things Solair and I don’t before they have a chance to bite us in the ass. I also appreciate her military background. It gives me some form of comfort to know I’m not the only one on board who’s seen some crazy shit.

  And then there’s Lamira—beautiful, sweet Lamira, my jalshagar, my love. If anyone asked me last month if I ever thought I’d be this gone over a woman, I’d have laughed in their face, but she’s truly ensnared me. I think she would have even if we weren’t fated for one another.

  Especially since that sweetness of hers disguises such a wicked desire deep within her. Truly, we can barely keep our hands off of one another when we’re behind closed doors—and sometimes when we’re not. Oftentimes, I have a hard time keeping up with the sexual whims of my jalshagar, but I’ll let her tire me out any day of the week. Her nearly insatiable need for me is just one of the things I love about her.

  “Have you heard anything more from the girls about Solace?” Solair asks, bringing me from my thoughts.

  I swivel my chair to face him straight on, wanting to get a read on his face. “I haven’t. Last I heard Fiona was still trying to decipher the records she’d recovered from the facility. You?”

  His brow creases in frustration. “The same. I’m not sure she’ll ever get anything out of those documents. They’re heavily redacted.”

  “Well if anyone can, it’s Fiona. I hope she finds something. Lamira’s like a dog with a bone and won’t let up at all about why she was taken. She maintains her innocence. I shudder to think what the IHC was planning to do with one hundred and seven women. And such a strange number…”

  My voice trails off as I become lost in thought again.

  Solair leans forward in his chair, encroaching on my space, his eyes narrowed as he surveys me. “I’ve seen that look on your face many times these past few weeks. What aren’t you telling me? Do you know something about Solace you haven’t felt comfortable sharing?”

  “I know nothing about Solace. I discovered what it was at the same time you did. I’ve maintained transparency with you, Solair. I’ve just… seen a lot of crazy shit in my life and when something stinks, I get suspicious. This situation positively reeks,” I say.

  “But what do you think it is?”

  I weigh my words because I’m not sure what exactly I want to tell him. I don’t want him to overreact or underreact. I don’t want him to become so incensed that he abandons all other missions because it wouldn’t be in the best interests of this crew. But I also don’t want him to decide to wash his hands of the IHC and Solace entirely, not when we have a ship half-full of women who deserve answers regarding their capture and subsequent imprisonment…

  “I think the IHC is doing something dirty—something incomprehensible they don’t want anyone else knowing about. I don’t know why. I’ve no intel, and even my contact on Glimner was in the dark. But the fact that the Frontier was just floating out there, completely disabled with her crew dead and no records or anything but those women—our women—on board… I think it was a black ops mission. Human trafficking,” I say finally, deciding to let him do what he wants with the information. He’s a good, capable leader, who’s never steered us wrong yet. He’ll make the right call.

  He studies my face for another moment before releasing a deep breath. “I was thinking the same thing. I’ve told no one, not even Varia. We’ll keep this between us for now?”

  “Of course. What do you think we should do about it, though?”

  His eyes are distant and thoughtful. “I’m not sure yet. If Fiona discovers anything in those files, it’ll determine our next course of action. For now, we continue on as we have been—running supplies, replenishing our rapidly decreasing coffers, and protecting our new charges.”

  It’s absolutely the right decision. I nod and slide my gaze back to the stars stretching out before us, my thoughts once again returning to Lamira. Solair’s shift is just about to end, so I’ll be in command for the next twelve hours, counting down the minutes until I can slide back into bed and bury myself in her sensual embrace.

  Just as Solair is about to take his leave, Swipt’s voice emits a loud string of curses over the din of the engines. It’s infused with frantic energy, causing me to immediately vacate my seat and head to his station.

  “Report,” I demand, even though Solair is still present on the bridge.

  “We’re being hailed by an approaching IHC vessel. It’s pinging us on comms. What do you want me to do?”

  Solair doubles back to join me in standing over our pilot.

  “Do you have specs on the vessel?” he asks.

  Swipt punches a few commands into his console and within seconds a 3-D holographic schematic of the ship is floating above the screen. It’s one of their larger crafts—not as large as the Frontier, but definitely bigger than the Queen.

  The lines on Solair’s face tense as he surveys the holo. “Open up comms. We can’t ignore a ship that size.”

  “Yes, sir,” Swipt responds, his formality in addressing Solair betraying the gravity of the situation.

  Within moments the hard, ravaged face of a human male appears on the vidscreen. There’s no emotion portrayed in his features, only cold impassivity.

  “Greetings, Ancestral Queen. I’m Captain Corin Zayne of the IHC ship Prestige. It’s my understanding that a Kilgari by the name of Solair is in charge of your vessel. Are either of you him?”

  His voice is as monotonous as his features.

  Solair speaks up, politely introducing himself before inquiring what we can do for the IHC commander.

  “If I may speak frankly, commander to commander?” Zayne asks. Solair nods, and the human captain continues. “There’s been an issue with one of my ships, the IHC Frontier. Unfortunately, it’s met an untimely fate and was completely destroyed in a self-destruct sequence, but not before its very important cargo went missing. I’m currently in the process of checking every vessel that was in the sector at the time for that elusive cargo, and the Ancestral Queen is on my list.”

  “I assure you, Captain Zayne, both my ship and my crew are free of your cargo,” Solair says.

  “I care not for your assurances, commander. This communication is a courtesy only, to advise that in twenty minutes’ time I will be boarding your vessel with some of my very capable crew members to ensure you’re not hiding anything that belongs to me. Noncompliance with this request will result in your ship being pursued and destroyed.”

  “On behalf of the Kilgari people and League of Nations, we protest this act of war!”

  “Your protest is duly noted, and your government may file a formal complaint with mine, Captain Solair.”

  “And if we fight back?”

  Captain Zayne pauses. “I’ve fought at the Battle of Titanus Vox. I’ve been on the ground at Armstrong. I’ve fought at Horus IV. If you think your ship will engage mine and survive… well, you’re welcome to try.”

  Captain Zayne says nothing more, only ends his communication. With a covert hand gesture, Solair instructs Swipt to ensure the comms channels have been completely terminated and are now on silent mode. When Swipt nods his affirmation, all hell breaks loose. The bridge becomes a flurry of activity, with me and Solair simultaneously screaming at Lokyer to tell Zander to get up here now.

  Solair is already speaking to Nicari through the comms channel, asking him for an update on how many women are still in cryo. The answer is too many since waking them has been slow going.

  “Somehow, we’ll have to hide them, as well as all the women who are awake. None of them are on our crew roster—even seeing one human woman aboard may get the IHC’s hackles up,” I say although I have no idea how to do that in less than twenty minutes.

  “Good thing we’re experienced smugglers,” Solair quips with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

  I don’t even try to restrain the broad grin I give him in response.

  Here we go again.

  Did you enjoy Treasured by the Alien Pirate? Not quite ready to let go of Lamira and Grantian just yet? We couldn’t let them go either so we wrote a fun bonus scene for you guys and you can get it FREE here:

  Want to know when the next book in the Mates of the Kilgari series is released? Be sure to register for Celia & Athena’s newsletter here:

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  About the Authors

  Celia Kyle

  Ex-dance teacher, former accountant and erstwhile collectible doll salesperson, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Celia Kyle now writes paranormal romances. It goes without saying that there’s always a happily-ever-after for her characters, even if there are a few road bumps along the way. Today she lives in central Florida and writes full-time with the support of her loving husband and two finicky cats.



  Athena Storm

  Athena Storm is the pen name for two authors who fell in love with writing science fiction romance as they fell in love with each other.

  She's the Athena. And he's the Storm. Athena hopes that one day it won't be a b
oyfriend/girlfriend writing duo, but a husband/wife team. But she's not pressuring at all. Not one bit.

  Science fiction is the biggest love for the writing duo, and they've been doing the writing for quite some time now, building a universe that readers can get lost and explore in. Filled with big bad alien warriors, sassy human women who give as well as they get, hilarious situations, and enough steam to melt stars!

  The duo have created the Athenaverse, where all books in all series are tied together. You can start anywhere but once you do, you'll want to explore them all!

  When they get married, they plan to continue writing science fiction romance forever. But again, no pressure on the marrying part. Not at all. (Not like writing Happily Ever After ALL Day won't give you any ideas on its own, right?)

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  Also by Athena Storm

  Reaper’s Pet Series:

  Caged Mate

  Caged Prey

  Standalones In Athenaverse:

  Mercy’s End

  Bride to Beasts Series:




  Soldiers of Hope Series:

  Hope In A Time Of War

  Marauder Mates Series:

  Sorta Seized By The Alien

  Totally Taken By The Alien


  Beauty and The Alien

  Conquered Mates (An Athenaverse Collaboration with Tara Starr):

  Warlord’s Property

  Alpha’s Prey

  Brute’s Challenge

  Alien Torturer’s Pet


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