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Finding Kenna (SEAL Team Hawaii Book 3)

Page 24

by Susan Stoker

  “Touch yourself,” he said. “That way I won’t hurt you.”

  As Marshall pinched her nipples and played with her breasts, Kenna massaged her clit. She used her pinky to caress his cock every time he pulled out of her body, wanting to make him feel as good as she did at that moment.

  “You need to come,” Marshall warned. “But tell me right before.”

  Nodding, Kenna flicked her fingers over her extremely sensitive bud a little faster. “I’m close…”

  Marshall pushed back inside her body and held still as he pinched one of her nipples harder than he had before. The extra stimulation was enough for Kenna to once more reach her peak. The orgasm wasn’t as intense as the others she’d had earlier, but she could feel herself trembling, and her inner muscles spasmed around Marshall’s cock, still buried deep within her body.

  “There is literally no better feeling in the world than you coming on my cock,” Marshall panted. Then, without thrusting, she felt him shudder above her as he finally let himself come.

  They were both sweating, and Kenna felt as if she’d just worked a marathon twenty-four-hour shift, but she couldn’t remember ever being more satisfied after sex than she was right this moment.

  “I think you killed me,” she said when Marshall fell forward and to the side, pulling her with him. He slipped out of her body as they moved, and they both sighed at the feeling.

  He kissed her temple and said, “But what a way to go.”

  “True,” Kenna agreed.

  They lay together for a moment before Marshall sighed again. “I need to take care of this condom.”

  Kenna nodded and watched as he slid out of the bed and headed for the bathroom. His ass was a thing of beauty. Round, tight, and drool worthy. But it was nothing compared to the view when he returned.

  She wasn’t nearly done with ogling him when he pulled the sheet back and gestured for her to get under it. They hadn’t even bothered pulling the covers down, and Kenna laughed. They’d both been too eager to finally be together to worry about something as mundane as getting under the covers.

  It was still very early, but Kenna didn’t care. She snuggled into Marshall and ran her fingers over his now clean-shaven face. He had a bit of razor burn, which didn’t surprise her. He hadn’t been gentle those last few strokes.

  “You know,” she said as nonchalantly as she could. She was an adult. She could talk about birth control without blushing. Maybe. “I’m on the pill.”

  He stared at her without blinking.

  “I mean…in case you didn’t want to use a condom. I’m also clean, don’t have any diseases or anything. I know the pill isn’t one hundred percent foolproof though, so if you want to keep using them, that’s okay too. I’m not ready for a child. No way.”

  “I get tested twice a year by the Navy. And I’ve passed every test with flying colors,” Marshall said.

  “That’s good,” Kenna said softly.

  “You’re saying I can be inside you without a condom?” he asked.

  “Well, yeah. We didn’t really have a chance to have this conversation earlier. But thank you for not being an ass about the condom…”

  Marshall didn’t say anything for a long, painful moment, and she started to feel self-conscious. Had it been too early to bring that up? Should she have waited?

  Then he moved swiftly. Pushing Kenna to her back and crouching over her. She could feel the tip of his now weeping cock brush against her wet folds. Without a word, he pushed inside her once more. He wasn’t as hard as he’d been the first time, but he still filled her easily.

  “Marshall?” she questioned as she gripped his biceps.

  He didn’t thrust, just pushed inside her and held still.

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it. I needed to get inside you bare right now. You’re so hot. And fucking wet as hell. If you could feel what I do, you’d understand.”

  Kenna laughed, and he groaned.

  “Fuck, even that feels damn amazing,” he semi-complained.

  “Don’t mind me, I’ll just be lying here,” she teased.

  “I’m gonna come pretty fast. I’m sorry.”

  She got serious, realizing how close to the edge Marshall was. “Does it really feel that much different?” she asked.

  “I’ve never been inside anyone without a condom before. This is so damn amazing. You have no idea.”

  Weirdly enough, it was a very intimate thing to watch Marshall’s reaction to fucking her without a condom. This big bad SEAL wasn’t very intimidating at the moment. “Move, Marshall. I bet it’ll feel even better.” She felt like a madam teaching a virgin how to make love. The thought made her smile.

  Marshall’s gaze met hers as he slowly began to thrust inside her. His pupils were dilated so much, she almost couldn’t see his beautiful brown eyes.

  “I’m sorry, babe! I can’t hold back.”

  “Then don’t,” she said.

  A few more thrusts, and she felt Marshall’s dick twitch inside her as he came for the second time. She was impressed he’d been able to not only get hard as fast as he had, but that he was able to come again so soon.

  He shuddered, then fell sideways once more. But this time, he kept his hand on her ass, keeping them connected. Kenna ended up lying on his broad chest, his cock long and thick enough to not immediately slip out of her body.

  “Oh my God, I don’t have to get up,” Marshall said with a smile of wonder on his face.

  “Perks of no condom. Although the drawbacks are…messy,” she warned.

  “I’ll wash our sheets every day,” he said, his voice slurring.

  He was so damn cute, and Kenna had never been happier.

  She rested her head in the crook of his neck and felt his arms tighten around her. One snaked up to her nape and rested there. The familiarity already something she craved.



  “I love you.”

  She stilled. Was he half asleep? Had he meant to say that?

  She felt his hold on her nape tighten. “Did you hear me?”

  Guess that answered her two questions. “Yes,” she said softly.

  “Good. You don’t have to say it back, because I know I probably freaked you out, but I couldn’t keep it inside anymore. The day you jumped on my head was the best day of my life.”

  “I didn’t jump on your head,” she protested automatically.

  “I just wanted to make sure you know this isn’t a fling for me. Not a short-term thing. I want you in my life for the long haul. And…I’ve never told a woman I loved her before.”

  “You haven’t?”

  “No. The connection we have is special, and I know it. I’d be an idiot if I didn’t hold on to you with both hands. I love you. I say that with no strings, but now you know where I stand.”

  Kenna knew this was crazy. They hadn’t known each other all that long, but deep down in her heart, she knew he was right. Their connection was special. “I think I love you too,” she whispered.

  He chuckled. “I’ll take that.”

  “I just—”

  “Shhh, you don’t have to explain yourself. I’m fucking thrilled to get even that from you. Just know that I’m going to do whatever I can to change that ‘I think’ to an ‘I know.’”

  Kenna smiled. “I don’t think it’ll be difficult,” she admitted.

  They were both silent for a few minutes before Marshall asked, “It’s still early, but do you want to sleep?”

  Kenna wasn’t all that tired, but she nodded anyway.

  “Good. I’m exhausted,” Marshall admitted. “And I have a feeling I’m gonna want more of you when we wake up.”

  Kenna chuckled. “I’ve created a sex fiend.”

  “Only with you,” he reassured her. Then he turned his head and kissed her temple once more. “Thank you for being here. For wanting to see me as soon as I got home. For sweet-talking Robert—and yes, he babbled on about you nonstop when I got back. And for
just being you.”

  “Thank you for coming back to me in one piece,” Kenna countered.

  It didn’t take long for Marshall to fall asleep. Kenna supposed if she’d traveled from wherever he had, probably from halfway around the world, she’d be exhausted too. Not to mention the two orgasms on top of it.

  He finally slipped out of her body, groaning in his sleep. Grinning, Kenna shifted so she was no longer lying on top of him, but snuggled up against his side. She stared out the window as the sun slowly set and couldn’t remember a time when she’d been this content.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Aleck woke up in the evening, alert and as ready to go as if he’d slept for twelve hours straight. It took him a moment to figure out where he was and that Kenna was lying next to him. He hadn’t been able to resist easing down her body and tasting her once more. That had led to her climbing on top of him and giving him the show of a lifetime as she rode him hard, fucking him until they both came once more.

  Then they’d slept again.

  He’d woken up a few hours later to the feel of Kenna’s mouth on his cock, and it was all he could do not to explode immediately.

  It was safe to say he and Kenna were more than compatible in bed, and Aleck knew he was a lucky son-of-a-bitch. He also knew their sex life might eventually taper off a bit…but not anytime soon. He couldn’t get enough of the woman.

  By the time they woke a third time, the sun was just peeking over the horizon. They’d been in bed for at least twelve hours, and Aleck felt amazing.

  He was enjoying holding Kenna while she slept when he heard a knock at his door.

  “What the fuck?” he muttered, immediately easing out of Kenna’s hold. Having someone at his door this early couldn’t be a good thing.

  “What’s wrong?” Kenna asked sleepily as she came up on an elbow.

  The vision in his bed almost made Aleck crawl right back under the covers. One tit was exposed, her hair in disarray, and the sight of the few light hickies he’d accidentally given her last night made his cock twitch.

  When another knock sounded on the front door, he swore under his breath. “Stay here. I’ll go get rid of whoever’s here and we can take a shower.”

  “Together?” she asked with a smile.

  “Oh yeah,” he told her.

  The sultry look on her face reassured him that he’d given her the answer she wanted to hear.

  He pulled on his sweats, which were still lying in the middle of the floor, and didn’t bother with a shirt. Whoever was at his door would have to deal with his naked chest. That’s what they got for daring to knock so early in the morning.

  When Aleck pulled up the video monitor on the panel next to the door, he was surprised to see Robert standing there. He opened the door, praying nothing was terribly wrong. He wanted to spend the morning spoiling Kenna.

  “Robert,” he said with a nod.

  “I’m very sorry for disturbing you this early, Mr. Smart. And I’ll get out of your hair in a moment. My shift starts in a bit, but yesterday when Ms. Madigan arrived, she mentioned to Alfonso that she was disappointed she hadn’t been able to stop at Leonard’s and get some malasadas to welcome you home. So I stopped on my way into work to pick some up for you both.”

  Aleck was speechless. He reached for the box that Robert held out. “Wow, um, thanks.”

  “You’re more than welcome. It’s the least I can do to thank you for your service.” Robert gave him a nod of respect, then turned and headed back down the hall.

  Aleck watched him go for a beat, then smiled as he shut his door. As the smell of the pastries wafted up to his nose, Aleck’s stomach growled. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a good meal, and while the sweets in the box probably weren’t all that good for him, he could more than afford to splurge after the stuff he’d eaten, or not eaten, over the last six weeks.

  And Aleck had a hunch that Robert hadn’t actually gone out of his way to get the malasadas for him. There were plenty of times he’d come home from a long deployment in the past and hadn’t gotten the royal treatment from Robert. It was all because of Kenna. She was just the kind of woman people wanted to be near. Wanted to make smile. And Aleck knew with certainty that the iconic Hawaiian pastries would do just that.

  Not bothering to get a plate or cutlery, he carried the box into the bedroom.

  “Who was it?” Kenna called out from the bathroom.

  Aleck couldn’t help but close his eyes in contentment. Was this how Mustang and Midas felt? It had to be. The morning was so…normal. Her asking who was at the door while in the bathroom brushing her teeth. It was everything Aleck hadn’t known he wanted.

  Grinning, he opened the box and stood just inside the bathroom door. “The malasada fairy,” he told her.

  Kenna had just wiped her mouth after rinsing, and she turned to him with a look of confusion on her face—but as soon as she saw the box of treats, she grinned. Huge. “Oh my God, I’m starving! We didn’t exactly have dinner last night!” she exclaimed, reaching for one of the gooey doughnut-like pastries. She took a huge bite, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head in ecstasy as she chewed.

  “Robert brought them by.”

  As soon as Kenna swallowed, she asked, “Our Robert? From downstairs?”

  “The one and the same. I guess you mentioned to Alfonso you weren’t able to get some yesterday, and he must’ve mentioned it to Robert. So he stopped by on his way to work to pick them up.”

  “Seriously?” she asked.


  “Wow. We’ll have to figure out how to thank him. That was…that was definitely going above and beyond. I know, I’ll get him a gift certificate to Duke’s. He said he’s been there lots of times.”

  Aleck merely grinned at how the word “we” fell so easily from her lips. He liked being a part of a couple with Kenna. No, he loved it. “Want to go sit on the balcony and stuff our faces before we shower?”

  “Yes,” she said immediately. She’d put on a bathrobe Aleck knew for a fact hadn’t been in his condo when he’d been deployed. The fact that she’d brought over more of her things made him even happier.

  Aleck couldn’t remember a better morning. Normally after a mission, he had a hard time getting it out of his mind. He’d go over what he’d done and what he could’ve done better. But this morning, all he could do was appreciate the beautiful sunrise and the equally exquisite woman by his side.

  They ate a few sweet pastries on the balcony, showered—which turned into another long round of lovemaking—then he made omelets for both of them. After a proper breakfast, they sat on his couch, Kenna resting against him, and got caught up on what had happened in Oahu while he’d been gone. Aleck was feeling happy and mellow. Yes, the sex played a large part in why he felt that way, but it was more Kenna’s comforting presence. She didn’t ask questions about his mission, and while she’d missed him, she’d clearly gotten by just fine on her own, as he knew she would.

  And now he truly understood how much he appreciated her independence. Previously, when he’d thought of the woman he might end up with, he assumed it would be someone who needed him…or at least his money. And as conceited as it was, he’d also thought he wanted someone who would worship the ground he walked on. Which was ridiculous, now that he thought about it. If Kenna had been like that, she would’ve had a much harder time with his deployment.

  After hearing about the sleepover Kenna and the other women had at his condo, and about some of the more memorable customers—for both good and bad reasons—that she’d served recently at Duke’s, and how well she’d gotten to know Robert and the other security employees, Aleck was deeply satisfied, and grateful, that he’d found someone like her.

  The clock was inching toward the time when he needed to leave for the base for the initial AAR—after-action review. The team and their superior officers needed to go over what had happened in Iran, and why and how things could be done better in the future, both by the team
and those who planned the missions. Kenna also needed to get home to get ready for her shift at Duke’s.

  “You get off at your regular time tonight, right?” Aleck asked.

  “Barring anything crazy happening, yes. Why?”

  “If it’s all right, I’d like to come to your place tonight.”

  Kenna was snuggled up against his side, and Aleck had his arm over her shoulders. She tilted her head so she could see his face. “But you said you have to work all day for the rest of the week. It’s a long drive from my apartment to the base.”

  “It’s not that far. I mean, people commute from all over the island to the Naval base,” he said.

  “Still…” Kenna protested.

  Aleck felt his stomach clench. Did she not want him to stay at her place?

  “Here’s the thing,” he said softly. “Now that I’ve spent the night holding you in my arms, I don’t really want to sleep by myself if I don’t have to. I know there will be plenty of times when we have no choice, but driving an extra ten or so miles is nothing when it means I get to see you after your shift and hold you as I sleep.”

  Kenna just stared at him, and Aleck couldn’t read her expression.

  “If you’d rather I didn’t, say the word,” he said.

  Her eyes widened and she immediately shook her head. “No! It’s not that. I mean, yes, I’d freaking love it if you stayed the night. But wouldn’t it make more sense for me to come here? I don’t have to get up early tomorrow and you do.”

  Relief swept through Aleck. “You’re a seriously independent woman.”

  She looked confused at the topic change. “Yeah,” she agreed.

  “You’ve been on your own a long time. You’re perfectly able to take care of yourself. It’s more than obvious…but I have to admit that I still don’t like the idea of you driving out here after dark.”

  Kenna frowned slightly.

  He went on. “If you come here after you get off work, it’ll be late. I’ll be in my meeting by the time you leave to go to Duke’s, so I can’t drive you there. It’s probably not a good idea for me to pick you up, because then your car will be in the garage in Waikiki all night. I could come to your place and pick you up after you get home, and bring you back here, but if I’m going to drive out there, I might as well stay. I just…I’ve thought about you for six weeks, and being with you relaxes me in a way I can’t fully explain. You calm the demons in my head.”


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