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Their Sinner: Hell’s Rebel’s MC Part I

Page 5

by Akeroyd, Serena

  The feel of both men’s attention had goosebumps pricking to the surface, and I gritted my teeth as I felt my pussy flood with the unexpected heat.

  I hadn’t come into the office with this on my mind. If anything, I thought I’d have to fight to get any of them into my bed, but I should have figured.

  Bikers weren’t predictable outside of where their cocks were concerned.

  The thought had me narrowing my eyes, and this time, I grabbed Flame’s hair harder. “What the fuck was that for?” he grumbled as he winced.

  “You clean?”

  He snorted. “Last pussy I dipped into without a condom was you. And I thought you were on the fucking pill, Luce.”

  I shot Axe and Dagger a look. They nodded, their eyes burning with matching infernos.

  “Last one was Kim. But I got tested after. Plus, we’re all clean anyway,” Wolfe rasped, his hand squeezing my tit to the point of pain.

  “How would you know?” I retorted. “The amount of clubwhores who come in and out of this place? Fuck knows what they’re packing.”

  “Because I run regular drug tests. Have been even before I became Prez.”

  That had me scowling. “What the fuck? How can you do that when everyone’s on weed?”

  He shrugged. “No one’s allowed to take drugs.”

  I snorted, then when he stared back at me, utterly serious, I gaped at him. “You can’t be serious. You’re an MC. MC’s do drugs.”

  “Not this one. It was your father’s idea. He started it.”

  I shot Axe a look. “Is he shitting me?”

  “No,” he answered, shaking his head. “It’s true. We had one too many issues with junkies, but the final straw was having to get rid of a clubwhore’s body who’d OD’d on bad shit in the clubhouse, and then we had one of the brothers turn informant because a dirty FBI agent was feeding his habit.

  “Now, if you do drugs, you’re out of here.”

  “We stick to booze and pussy as our vices,” Dagger told me, smirking because he knew that would piss me off.

  Though I scowled at him, I also stuck out my tongue. He snickered, and I had to hide my smile—I loved making him laugh. He did it so rarely, and it was always my goal to cheer him up out of his perpetual funk.

  Still, their words resonated. “The prospect on the gate… what’s his name?”

  Wolfe tensed. “Why?”

  “He was on something. I could see it in his eyes.”

  I didn’t need to look at him to see that he was telling Axe, silently, to handle it. Axe dipped his chin, but his jaw was like stone.

  “I’ll deal with it,” he grated out, fury lacing his tone. “It’s his first warning.”

  Wanting to get shit back on topic, I huskily informed them, “If you’re clean, I’m on the pill. For real this time.”

  “You think we’d believe you after what you just admitted?” Wolfe demanded with a scoff.

  “Nah, you’ll believe me because of what I just admitted. I have no desire to be a mom again. Not yet anyway. And babies are a lot of work. Amaryllis was enough for a lifetime, but I know you guys. You’ll all want one.” I rolled my eyes to hide the fact they’d gone still. The three of them.

  Axe, Dagger, and Flame.

  They were gawking at me like I’d grown another head.

  “You’d do that for us?”

  “How the fuck can you be talking about this when it’s insane?” Wolfe ground out, and though his tension transmitted itself to me, he didn’t pull back. Didn’t because he was holding me up. “We can’t share you for anything other than sex, Lucie.”

  “Speak for your fucking self,” Flame spat at his Prez, and I knew if he were anyone else, Wolfe would have blown his fucking head off for disrespecting him.

  Wolfe hissed, “You’re nuts. The lot of you.”

  “The joy of being in an MC,” Dagger agreed. “You can be fucking nuts, can do shit that goes against what society wants. And don’t tell me you don’t want her.”

  Wolfe clenched his jaw. “I’m a man. Anything with tits and ass gets me this hard.”

  Before I could slap him for that, buck around to beat the fuck out of him, Axe was in his face. “You fucking talk like that about her, you’ll have me to deal with.”

  “And me,” Dagger growled.

  “And me,” Flame rasped.

  To be truthful, it was the latter that should have Wolfe rethinking his vocabulary.

  Having Flame on your bad side?

  Well, it was like asking the Grim Reaper, aka my least favorite person in the world, to come knocking on your door.

  Wolfe shook his head. “We can’t do this. I’m the Prez of the Rebels. I can’t share a woman.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Watch your mouth,” I bit off. “I’m not just a woman. I’m your woman. And you’re my man. I claim you as much as you claim me. I’m not those pissant bitches out there who are happy to take any crumb their men will give them.

  “I’m your equal, Wolfe, and that’s what has you pissing your pants because you know that. You know we’d reign over this MC like it was meant to be. With Axe, Flame, and Dagger at our sides.”

  “And what? We take over our Kingdom? I ain’t Prince Charmi—”

  “Ha, you think I need to be told that? You’re anything but charming, but lucky for you, I can deal with your shitty attitude because for some stupid fucking reason, I love you. I love the SOB who taught me how to knee a guy in the balls the perfect way to make them wish they’d never set eyes on me. I love the dick who taught me how to repair a carburetor, and don’t get me started on the shit who taught me that Mac and Cheese goes best with beer.” I pointed my finger at him. “You made me yours when I was a kid. By being there more than my dad was. All of you reared me to be yours. To fit you perfectly. Now I’m that, you can’t bitch at me because I’m exactly what you need.”

  Eyes dilating, Wolfe swallowed. “You talk shit.”

  Axe snorted. “Because Ryan taught her how to.”

  I beamed at him, twisting around to bathe him in my smile, so fucking proud by that comment, by that compliment, I wanted to kiss him more than I wanted my next breath.

  Wolfe shook his head. “Kid always could talk BS. Could sell shit to a stable.” He ran a hand over his hair.

  Hearing Ryan’s road name made my throat feel thick, but in a good way. For so long, I’d been thinking of him as gone, but here? He was alive. He was a part of this little unit we had going on. He’d made me as much as the others had.

  I’d tagged along as soon as I was old enough to toddle, and for some reason, they’d let me. At first, it was Axe. Softhearted Axe, who’d taken a motherless toddler under his wing when she’d cried over losing her ice cream. He’d let me tag along with him, and because he was friends with the others, they’d sighed and grunted at having a little girl hanging around, but they’d soon shut up when they’d realized they could corrupt me.

  I’d known more curse words at five years old than Amaryllis would know at eighteen. They’d taught me how to ride a bike, had even pimped out my girly bike with flowers and shit on my seventh birthday. At eight, I’d wailed because I couldn’t piss standing up like they could, and at nine, they’d sneaked me onto their motorbikes even though my daddy would have killed them, and I’d had my first taste of the wind in my hair, the throb of the engine beneath my butt. I’d caught the bug that day and it was still there. As much a part of me as these men were.

  “What did you do to your arm?”

  The question came out of nowhere, but though I stared down at the cast, I didn’t reply. “It doesn’t matter,” I told Dagger, wondering why he’d brought that up now.

  Flame sucked in a breath. “She’s still got it.”

  “I’ve still got what?”

  “The tell.” He reached up and dragged his finger along my upper lip. “You raise your upper lip when you’re lying. It’s like a half sneer.”

  I scowled. “I’m not lying.”

er snorted. “Another lie. Why, darlin’, they’re adding up already.”

  Wolfe laughed, and it was the first time I’d heard that sound in so long, I felt tears prick my eyes. To hide them, to hide my outburst of emotion, I rasped, “I got into a little fight at a gas station outside of Lubbock.”

  “What kind of fight?”

  I gaped at Axe. “Are we seriously going to have this conversation while my tits are hanging out?”

  Wolfe smirked at me. “I don’t think there could be a better time, do you guys?”



  Lips twitching, I folded my arms across my chest as I shook my head. “Nope, I think this is the perfect time for such a conversation.”

  The only woman I’d ever loved shot me a disgusted glance. “You’re weird. All four of you.”

  She jiggled her tits like a pro, and though it garnered our focus for a second, I rasped, “No fair, and now we’re not going to do anything about that ache between your legs until you spill the truth.”

  “I’m not the only one aching,” she purred, and then she shrugged, jiggling her tits again as she admitted, “Some guy thought he could mug me. I proved him wrong.”

  Wolfe’s eyes flashed with pure rage. “You report him to the cops?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Since when? We’re talking about a modern-day Annie fucking Oakley, Wolfe. Lucie don’t need no cops to fight her battles.”

  “He busted her arm, Dagger,” Wolfe grated out.

  “And I’m sure he came off worse.”

  My reward for that statement was a smile that made me feel like I’d just been bathed in goddamn sunlight—and a dirty bastard like me never got to feel sunlight that pure on his skin. This went soul fucking deep.

  “You got that right. Stuck him right in the ribs.” She made a popping sound. “Slipped in like butter.”

  “You carry a knife?” I asked, my cock hardening. She knew I loved knives—it was the reason for my road name, after all.

  “Your knife. The one you gave me on my birthday.”

  Now, my cock wasn’t the only thing twitching. My heart was flopping around in my chest like a dying fish.


  This woman had me feeling shit that no other could ever dream about stirring in me. That was why I was arguing with Wolfe, and would argue the rest of the damn day about it.

  I’d only realized what I’d fucking lost the minute she’d left, and neither of them had kept in touch with the clubhouse, so I hadn’t been able to check up on them. I wasn’t sure what Ry had done, but he’d hidden them.

  I’d had no idea they were in Lubbock, and I had the smarts to find most anyone I wanted. The computer, after the knife, was my best friend. But Ryan had hid them so well that I knew they’d had to have bought new IDs somewhere along the line. Maybe several, even though I knew they cost a fucking fortune.

  By the time they’d left, it had been too late, and I’d spent the last six years wishing to fuck Lucie had never gone. I wasn’t about to waste more time, no matter if Wolfe was Prez now or not.

  “How did Ryan keep you hidden, Luce?” The question popped out, not from nowhere, but it didn’t exactly fit the conversational flow.

  Still, I needed to know.

  “We moved a lot,” she admitted. “Until the last few months when things changed for the worse because of Ryan’s health.”

  “Why all the moving?”

  Her lips curved. “I have a buy-in for the club.”

  That had us all scowling. “The fuck are you talking about?” I demanded.

  “I know you’re going to get some shit for my coming back, but I have a reason for being here. I mean, where we’re concerned, my reason is you guys.” She glowered at us. “You can argue about this shit as much as you want, but we have a daughter together, Wolfe. That changes things.”

  “You’re damn right it does,” he groused, and though this woman needed no defending from anyone—she could fight her own battles—I heard the possessiveness in Wolfe’s voice and bristled at it.

  “She’s ours, Wolfe. You can go fuck yourself if you think you’re going to claim her alone.”

  “I’m the Prez. I can’t share my old lady with my council,” he repeated, folding his arms across his chest like his words were a law or something. Fuck that. “Not outside of bed anyway. You know that shit slides. What happens in the clubhouse stays in the clubhouse. But permanently?”

  Lucie pulled away so that she was standing on her own again. She grabbed her tee and tugged it overhead, using it to cover up those gorgeous tits of hers. She’d filled out since the last time I’d seen her—only natural considering she was more woman than teenager now, and had carried Amaryllis. Her waist was curvier, her hips rounding out into a beautiful hourglass shape. And those tits? They were bigger too. Handfuls I regretted backing away from moments ago.

  Especially with the discussion at hand.

  “I’m not just yours, Wolfe. I never wanted that.”

  “Your dad, although he was a dumb motherfucker for doing it the way he did, knew how this shit worked—”

  She released a growl that could beat Wolfe’s. “You think you can make decisions for me?”

  “I think you took yourself out of the process when you drove across the state and brought your tight ass and my daughter with you.”

  Her top lip curled. “The only one of you who got this shit is dead…” She shook her head then grabbed the purse she’d dumped on one of the ratty sideboards next to the door.

  Before Wolfe could reply, she began to stalk out of the room, but I grabbed her and tugged her against my chest so that her back nestled into my torso. Could I help it that my cock ‘nestled’ between her ass cheeks too?

  “You know that’s a lie, baby,” I ground out in her ear.

  “I belong to no one,” she replied. “I’m here by choice.”

  “Those marks on your body say otherwise,” Wolfe called out.

  “Marks I had done on my own, without any of your input. They can be covered up as easily as I had them applied, but that isn’t what I want.” She stiffened for the first time in my hold, then peered around me to glare at Wolfe. “You know what I’ve always wanted, and none of you are getting a piece of this until you figure out that this princess never does shit unless it’s on her terms.”

  I tensed, knowing that throw down would piss all of us off—not just Wolfe.

  “You think you can hold out on us?” Wolfe sneered, then compounded his fucking idiocy by breaking out into a laugh.

  “I know it. I’m not the girl I was, Wolfe.” She cut Axe a look and reached for her purse.

  Tugging herself away from me, she opened said purse, and when I got a glimpse of what she was packing, I stiffened.

  And not in a good way.

  “What the—”

  Her eyes were narrowed as she silently told me to shut the fuck up, and I shrugged, knowing she meant us no harm. Even Wolfe. The jackass.

  She stepped back toward the desk and murmured, “Dagger asked me what Ryan was doing all this time.” She smirked. “He did what he did best. Made money.” Lucie slipped the gun out of her purse and rested it on his desk. Then, she pulled out another two. “No licenses, no purchasing orders, and no registrations.”

  Wolfe’s eyes widened. “Ghost guns?”

  She dipped her chin. “Exactly. I’m here on my own accord, Wolfe. As your equal. I wondered why this place was going to shit. You stopped dealing and took away the club’s largest source of profit. Well, I’m here as your partner.”

  “Partner in what?”

  She fingered the gun and I swear to fuck, my cock leaked pre-cum seeing her handle the weapon. “Ryan made these, and I helped him.”

  “You fabricated ghost guns?” Axe snapped. “What the fuck was Ryan thinking?”

  “He was thinking we needed a roof over our heads, and he was thinking we had a daughter we needed to raise all the while we were on the move,” she sneered at Axe. “Don’t you
dare say a bad word against him. I won’t stand for it.” She shot Flame a look, but he was like me—turned on as fuck at the way she handled the gun.

  We were both simple men him and me. No point in denying it.

  “Question is, are you too fucking stubborn, too much of an idiot to see the open check I’m handing you?” She sniffed and turned on her heel, leaving the weapons behind her. I didn’t stop her as she headed out, knowing we’d need to discuss this, but for the second time in my life, I resented the MC.

  Watching her head out of the office, a sudden surge of fear hit me. I grabbed her hand and bit off, “You won’t leave?”

  Though her shoulders were high with irritation, they sagged at that, and she turned around, reached up to cup my chin, and murmured, “I’m going nowhere. Not without you.”

  She looked at me with her heart in her eyes, and I just stood there like a fool and watched as she left the room.

  Slamming the door behind her, I dug my hands into my pockets and snarled, “She’s not yours, Wolfe.”

  “What? You gonna fight me over her?” he sneered.

  “You bet your ass I am.”

  The sound of a lighter striking cut through our words, and Flame murmured, “Think she made it pretty fucking clear, bros. It’s all or nothing.”

  “If she thinks she can be here, with my daughter, and not be my old lady, then she’s insane.”

  Flame snorted. “We knew that already.”

  I laughed because he was right, and went to inspect the guns she’d left behind. As I eyed the workmanship, I whistled under my breath after unloading and reloading the bullets. “Worth a grand a piece. Easy.”

  Wolfe sagged back and slumped into his desk chair.

  “We need the cash,” Axe murmured. “You know we do. The jobs pay well, but we blow through the money on our runs.”

  Drugs had always been Wolfe’s weakest link. His sister had OD’d and so had too many brothers in the club. When Lucie had been ‘caught stealing,’ that was when he’d tried to take the MC in another direction. Bomber had let him, but only when Wolfe’s secondary business had been so fruitful. By that point, Bomber had started claiming he was the reason the Rebels had cleaned up, and we’d just gone along with the lie.


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