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Their Sinner: Hell’s Rebel’s MC Part I

Page 8

by Akeroyd, Serena

  For a second, he nipped at my lips, teasing me, taunting me with his kiss. Just like he teased and taunted me in real life, always holding himself back, always denying me some intrinsic part that made me insecure.

  I wasn’t sure if he did it on purpose, just knew that it drove me mad.

  As Wolfe’s tongue thrust between my lips, I couldn’t stop myself. The little devil that lived inside me had me biting down on his tongue, and when he jerked in surprise, I reached up, slipped my hands up and around his neck, and forced him to kiss me how I needed to be kissed by him.


  I wanted him to fuck my mouth.


  He grunted at the bite then gave me what I wanted. His tongue thrust against mine, fucking me like I needed, tearing my breath from me, robbing me of my willpower as I both melted into Dagger and soared into Wolfe’s kiss.

  When he pulled back, I let him, and groaned as he instantly dove onto my throat. His teeth clenched down on a small patch of flesh, and I hissed as the pain roared through my body, making my pussy clench down hungrily on the emptiness that made me long for them both even more. When he reached for the hem of my shirt, I hoped he was going to tear it over my head, but he didn’t, instead, he lifted it enough to reveal the wolf I had on my side, just hovering on my ribcage.

  It was masochistic of me, but I’d gone for sensitive areas where the placements of my ink were concerned. They’d hurt me, in more ways than one, but it had been cathartic. The ink was a reminder that they had been a huge part of my life whether or not they still were.

  When his fingers traced the black and white, heavily shaded tattoo, I shivered as the rough, callused tips touched my sensitive belly.

  “I want to cum all over you.”

  His growl had my eyelids fluttering to half-mast. “Promises, promises,” I retorted, and when Dagger laughed, I tipped my head to the side and stared him down. “Something funny?”

  “Just you two. You’re like watching live-action porn.” His hands were behind his head now, and he rocked in his chair, truly looking like he was settling down for the show.

  Fuck, that made liquid fire pool in my belly.

  “Wouldn’t you prefer to touch?” I countered, slowly trailing my tongue around the arch of my lips. When his eyes darkened, his handsome face tautening with desire, I knew I had him.

  “I want to fuck you in the ass,” he ground out.

  “Still a butt man, huh?” I retorted, twisting away from Wolfe so I could press my forearms to his shoulders and corner him. “You wanna feel Wolfe’s cock dragging against yours at the same time?”

  His nostrils flared. “You know I fuc—”

  The knock at the door had me tensing, but I didn’t bother moving. Life in the clubhouse involved walking in on a lot of sex. If you didn’t like it, you could always fuck off.

  When the door opened without a pause, I knew it’d either be Axe or Flame.

  I hadn’t expected it to be both of them.

  They trundled in, deep in argument over something, but when they caught sight of what was happening, their jaws clenched and Flame did something he only ever did when he was about to get laid—stop flicking his lighter.

  “What’s going on here then?” Axe crooned, heading over to us. “I think we were about to get cut out of the party.”

  My lips curved. “Not my fault you weren’t here for the start of the show.”

  “A polite guest doesn’t arrive on time,” Flame chided, but his smirk was devilish as he plunked himself down on the sofa. His cock was already hard, and I could see the tent in his pants as he dragged his legs wide. His tee lay flush to his belly, delineating the corrugated abs I remembered tracing with my tongue.

  Axe, in torn jeans stained with grease, proof that he’d been working on his hog, made me melt just as hard. I knew how clever Axe was in the workshop, and I wasn’t totally unlike Dorie because the scent of grease always got to me. Always brought me back to this place, to this world.

  They were a smorgasbord for me to feast on, and the best part?

  They wanted to feast on me just as badly.

  Of course, there was a downside to this situation. I’d only slept with Ryan for a really long time, and even that hadn’t been for a while. When his prognosis had gotten worse, the medication and treatment had amped up to another level. He’d lost his drive for anything. Not just sex but life too. Fuck, he’d even stopped reading and that had about killed me, because he loved reading but ignored all books unless Amaryllis read to him.

  As my throat clogged with tears at the memories, I shoved thoughts of my husband away. I missed him like crazy, always would, but I needed these men. Without them, I wouldn’t survive.

  See, I was strong. I could survive most things, but losing Ryan? It about killed me. I needed these guys more than they needed me, but I couldn’t tell them that. If they knew, they’d… Shit, I didn’t know what they’d do. Hold it over me? Would they do that? I wasn’t sure.

  Wolfe had surprised me this morning. Not just with what he’d told me about my mom and dad, but by how he was relenting.

  That had to be a step in the right direction.

  “Hey, where’d you go?”

  I blinked at Axe’s question, and tilted my head into the hand that was cupping my cheek. “I missed you,” I whispered, and his eyes flared at my words. I wasn’t one for affection, wasn’t a tender person. But when I loved, I loved hard, and I let that person know.

  I was an all-in kind of woman, and they’d let me down, badly, but I was willing to forgive them because I had to survive. Without Ryan, I felt like a ship without a rudder. I had no choice but to make it for Amaryllis’s sake, but she needed more than an empty shell of a mom. She deserved for me to be the best I could be, and even though these numbnuts had made a huge mistake, I’d forgive them if they’d just help me reach the old me once more.

  I’d never get over Ryan’s death, but they could help me take the steps I needed in the right direction.

  “I missed you too,” he replied, and his thumb dragged across my cheek as he stared deeply into my eyes. “You sure you’re ready for this?”

  I didn’t hesitate as I replied, “Fuck yeah. I just—”

  “What?” Dagger rasped, his hand on my belly, his thumb rubbing Wolfe’s tat.

  “I might be sore tomorrow.”

  Axe grinned at me. “That’s how we know we did it right.”

  I snorted. “Chauvinist.”

  “The best kind,” he teased. His eyes were soft, though, as he murmured, “We’ll make this work, baby.”

  Wolfe grumbled behind him, but when I cut him a look, he didn’t argue, didn’t exactly look resigned, either.

  Axe grabbed my chin. “Give it time.” Then, he didn’t let me answer, didn’t even let me think, as he pounced on me. He wasn’t as ferocious as Wolfe, but then, he wasn’t like him by character either.

  Axe was a bit of a tease too, but he’d drive me crazy whereas Wolfe would always follow through. I remembered one time when Axe had left me hanging, had gone down on me and had stopped mere seconds before I’d climaxed because I’d disobeyed him one time by going on his bike without him there.

  It had been a shitty punishment, but I’d learned my fucking lesson, that was for sure.

  A moan escaped me as our mouths touched. Sure, it was the power of that moment, but more than that, it was the memory of his lips around my clit, his tongue thrusting into my cunt.

  I jerked in surprise when I felt the button on the fly of my short shorts being pulled apart. One set of hands went to one side of the fly, another set went to the other. The tearing of thick denim didn’t altogether come as a surprise as they ripped the fly wide open so they could delve deeper than the fastener originally allowed, but their eagerness for me made me groan as Axe slid his tongue against mine, inviting me to play with him.

  If Wolfe was a fight, Axe was a dance.

  And as he erased my mind of anything remotely sad, Wolfe and
Dagger went to work on driving me crazy. My shirt disappeared next with a huge, wrenching sound, one that had buttons popping everywhere. Each one connected with the wall or the ground with a sharp ping that, for some stupid reason, ratcheted up my need.

  A pair of hands cupped my tits, the other began to work their way through my folds, one caressed my clit, and the other rimming my slit until I was rocking my hips, hungry for more.

  I could feel how wet I was, and with anyone else in this world, I’d probably have been embarrassed by it a few years back, but Ryan had shown me what I could do with my body, how I could drive him crazy.

  No longer the shy virgin, I knew I could twist their cocks into knots, and I fully intended to.

  MC brothers weren’t the most faithful of guys. I didn’t intend to be cheated on. I intended to blow their goddamn minds and to keep the brain in their pants focused on me at all times.

  Just thinking about how I was going to go about doing that made me grind my hips down until my soft flesh connected with Dagger’s denim fly. His hands were in the way and took some of the brunt, but at my move, he shifted his hands slightly, focused on my clit as I began to twist my hips, and rocked the tent he was also packing. I arched my hips, needing full contact, because I knew things were going to explode in my face very quickly.

  I had four men to satisfy, and I couldn’t fucking wait.



  Watching Lucie ride Dagger’s fly was probably one of the hottest things I’d seen since… well, the last time she’d been in this position.

  In the time we’d spent apart, I’d fucked countless women, seen hundreds of strippers shaking their tits at me, but none compared to her.

  No one.

  She was curvy where I liked her curves, taut where I loved her slenderness. She was the perfect mixture, always had been, always would be, and I wanted, so goddamn badly, to fuck those luscious tits that my cock ached enough to unfasten my zipper and drag out my dick and balls from their cage.

  The second they were out, I watched my cock throb to the beat of my heart as a few drops of pre-cum slipped from the tip. She’d always loved going down on us, and she was one of the odd ones who liked to swallow. Not that that was something for a guy to complain about, but it was a turn on to watch her chug down my seed like it was a shot of vodka and not something disgusting she needed to spit out in the trash.

  As I jacked myself off, I watched as Dagger finally decided to take charge, and grabbed her by the waist and hauled her into the air. One second she was writhing against him, the next she was in his arms as he carried her over to me on the sofa.

  Axe and Wolfe watched on in lazy-eyed amusement. Dagger was more particular than us. He liked things just so, and we didn’t really give a fuck so it was just easier to give into him where this shit was concerned.

  He said he was more visual than us. I said he was a fucking freak, but then who was I to judge? I got a hard-on when I set shit on fire, and used a lighter as a coping mechanism… Normal and me didn’t go in the same sentence.

  When he carried her over to the sofa, he murmured, “Drop down.”

  She bit her lip but obeyed, her sneaker-covered feet arching into tiptoe thanks to the height difference between them. As she settled into a standing position, I reached over, grabbed the hem of her busted shorts, and began dragging them down her legs.

  The sight of her panty-less pussy had my mouth watering, and I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing a firm hold of her ass, dragging her backward toward me, and shoving my face between her thighs. My momentum, the jerky motion of it, had her tipping forward—straight into Dagger.

  He’d used his time wisely. His cock was out, and even as she propped herself up on him, she opened her mouth and slurped him down.


  I wanted my cock to be in her mouth, but Christ, the taste of her was like chocolate to an addict. She melted on my tongue, tasting of honey and Lucie and everything I needed her to remind me of—a broken past that held a promising future.

  As I slurped up her juices, I tongued her clit before thrusting into her sex. She tried to clamp down on me, wiggling her hips and ass to make me do as she wished, but I ignored her. When she mumbled her disapproval, I stopped sucking on her pussy lips for a second and nipped at her ass.

  On the brink of chiding her, I saw that Dagger was doing that for me. His hands were in her hair as he used her mouth to fuck himself. I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing my shaft and tightening my fist around it. When I cut a look at my brothers, I saw they were in a similar position, except they were both buck naked.

  As I returned to her cunt, I went back to her clit and sucked down on it hard. When she squealed, arching up onto tiptoe again, I smirked into her silken wet folds and did it again. And again. Until she was gagging on Dagger’s dick and he was roaring out his pleasure.

  I didn’t get it, but Dagger was a BJ and anal guy. The pussy held very little interest to him, and considering we liked to share, that came in very handy when there were three other brothers who’d willingly get into a fucking fight over prime pussy.

  And Lucie’s cunt was more than just prime. It might as well have a crown stamped on her pubic bone.

  Fuck, I liked that idea.

  In fact, I loved it.

  I reached over to rub the puffy skin above her pussy. It was shaved bare and as I rubbed it, I pulled away to mumble, “I want you tatted here.”

  Panting now that Dagger had let her head go, she turned to look over her shoulder. When I saw cum dripping from the corners of her mouth, droplets that she lapped up like a cat drinking cream, I saw her wet eyes too as well as the pink cheeks that came from gagging on cock.

  I’d never seen her more beautiful.

  Especially when she smirked at me and slowly rolled into a standing position. When she spun around, let me get a glimpse of her beauty, then kicked one leg up so that she could straddle me, I caught a glimpse of her pussy from the front.

  “Who did the ink?” I growled, the original desire disappearing as anger at the idea of someone seeing something that belonged to us bled through.


  My eyes widened. “Since when did he tattoo?”

  She shrugged. “Since when did he fabricate ghost guns? You know he was a man of many talents, and we had a lot of time on our hands to learn shit.”

  “That’s a pretty specific thing to learn.”

  “He knew I wanted your marks on me and—” She paused to smirk at me once more, then added, “He wasn’t happy about anyone seeing my pussy any more than you are.”

  I growled again. “Good.” Then I reached out and rubbed her pubis where my road name was tatted. The word was burning in the fire I loved, and it was angled down the left side of the triangle of her pubic bone. On the right was the ax my brother was named after—he’d earned that after he’d had to chop off a brother’s hand. One who’d betrayed the MC for some pussy. His name was etched into the blade with some superb shading.

  I shook my head. “Fuck, he was good.”

  “I know.” Her bottom lip quivered before she caught it between her teeth.

  Reaching up, I cupped her chin. “You don’t have to hide your grief.”

  “I’m not trying to,” she denied, and I actually believed her. “I just—if I think about him too much, then I just get bogged down and can’t function for the rest of the day.” Her jaw worked as she dipped her chin and, in a low voice, admitted, “Another reason Amaryllis is so protective of me… I didn’t get out of bed for a few days after Ryan died, and I let things get a little out of control.”

  I tensed. “We should have been there for you. For both of you.”

  “I wish you had been, but Ryan didn’t want that. I wanted to call you so many times—”

  “He wanted you to himself. I get that. If there’s ever a time a man is allowed his own way, it’s when he’s dying.” I rubbed my thumb over the crest of her mouth. “You’re ours, baby girl. We’
ll take care of you now.”

  She swallowed and her eyelids fluttered closed. “I need you to.”

  My eyes widened—Lucie never confessed to needing anyone or anything.

  “Ryan was my rock. Without him, I’d have—” She sucked in a breath, and that she was choosing to be vulnerable now? It told me two things. She loved us, and she wanted to be back in her safe haven. “I’m strong, but you know, I’ve always had one of you at my back. That’s what stokes my fire. I guess that means I’m not strong at all, and maybe that’s true. Maybe it’s all just a fucking show, but without him? And without knowing if any of you would welcome me back? I was lost.” When her eyes grew watery, she whispered, “Never let that happen again, Flame. Please?”

  “Never,” I whispered back, my throat thick as I saw the truth of her emotions. Emotions she usually hid behind a thick shield that might as well have been forged from iron.

  Lucie had grown up, but life had hit her. Knocked her down. She was back on her feet, but she needed us. Just as much as we needed her.

  Deciding the time for talking was over, I reared up and pressed my lips to hers again. As we kissed, I felt one of my brothers approach. His hands moved between us and he grabbed hold of her tits. From the way she was grinding on me again, I figured she liked what he was doing.

  Opening my eyes, I jerked back so I could dot kisses down her jaw, over her throat, and lower to her tits. Axe’s hand moved out the way so I could trail the tip around her nipple, and when she hissed out a breath, I grinned before taking the tip between my teeth and rolling it there. Her fingers slid over my scalp, holding me in place, and I wasn’t about to complain—I was exactly where I wanted to be.

  Her back arched when Axe slipped his hand over the curve of her spine, and when her butt stuck out, I wasn’t surprised when he grabbed her ass cheeks, slipped his hands between her thighs, and used his hold on her to spread her legs.

  Though she squeaked, she didn’t argue, and within seconds, Axe grunted as she released a high-pitched moan that I felt square in my balls.

  As Axe fucked her from behind, I moved between her tits, intermittently sucking and nipping one before gifting the other with some loving.


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