Book Read Free

On the Rocks

Page 24

by Sawyer Bennett

Page 24

  “Gabby, that would be amazing. You’re first commercial project, which you’ll be building from the ground up,” Alyssa says with enthusiasm.

  “When will you submit it?” I ask her.

  “Deadline is end of the week, but I have it almost ready. I started it over the weekend. ”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “When? You were with me all weekend. ”

  She shoots me a smirk. “After you fell asleep, I’d work on it. I didn’t have to start from scratch or anything. I looked at some of the ones my dad had done in the past. He built two of their stores. I used that as a template. I just have to get some prices on a few of the materials today, and then I’ll be finished. ”

  “I’m proud of you, Gabs,” I tell her.

  Alyssa echoes that with a, “Me too. ”

  “Thanks guys. I mean… I don’t know if he’ll even consider it, but it can’t hurt to try, right? And Steve said he’d put in a good word for me with his dad. ”

  The thought of Steve Coursier helping Gabby with this burns my stomach. He clearly has interest in her, as evidenced by the fact he asked her out not but three days ago. I don’t say anything, however, because it’s not my place, and there’s no way in hell I’m letting Gabby know that I’m jealous of that douche.

  Gabby pops off her barstool and gathers the remainder of her sandwich in her hand. “Actually… do you mind if I use the phone in your office to make some calls, so I can get the bid finished up?”

  “Help yourself,” I tell her even as she starts to walk by me, to… well, help herself.

  She brushes her shoulder against mine as she passes, murmuring to me in a soft, wondering voice, “One hour?”

  “Best hour of your life, I guarantee it,” I tell her smugly.

  “Can’t wait,” she says, and then heads toward my office.

  “One hour for what?” Alyssa asks.

  “Um… surfing lessons. I told Gabby I’d teach her how to surf. ”

  “Cool,” Alyssa says with a smile. I note that somehow in the last few minutes, Brody had ambled off and returned with Alyssa’s sandwich, which he set quietly in front of her.

  “Thanks, Brody,” Alyssa says with a smile.

  He doesn’t respond but starts to walk down to the other end of the bar. Okay, this is just a bit weird. Brody will at least converse with other people. It may only be in one-syllable words, or it may even just be a curt nod of the head, but he literally won’t engage Alyssa at all.

  “Hey, Brody,” I call out to him.

  He turns around with eyebrows raised. “What’s up?”

  “I was thinking about your community service you have to do. You should volunteer over at The Haven. God knows Alyssa could use the help, and I’m sure it will qualify since it’s a non-profit. ”

  “I don’t think he’s interested,” Alyssa says carefully.

  I look at her in surprise, even as Brody says, “No thanks. ”

  He turns to start walking back toward the end of the bar. I glance at Alyssa, and she’s got her head cocked to the side, looking at Brody in curiosity.

  “It’s really not that hard,” Alyssa says with some encouragement. “Helping feed and water the animals, clean cages, some grooming. ”

  Brody doesn’t even turn around but busies himself rearranging liquor bottles behind the bar. “Not interested. ”

  “Brody, dude,” I interject, because I think this is stupid to turn down this opportunity. “This is right up your alley. You love dogs. ”

  “It’s actually fun, getting to play with and exercise the animals,” Alyssa chimes in, her voice soft and reassuring. She is smiling at Brody, trying to force the look onto his back, which is turned against us, but there’s no way her pretty face is penetrating.

  I decide to hit him again, make sure he understands the importance of getting this community service done. “I really think—”

  “I don’t give a f**k what you think,” Brody roars as he spins around, glaring at me. “It’s none of your f**king business what I have to do, and I sure as hell don’t need any hand-outs from some snotty, rich bitch heiress either. ”

  His last statement is punctuated with a glare toward Alyssa, who gasps over his harsh words.

  I’m stunned speechless, having just witnessed Brody going from meek mouse to enraged bull in a nanosecond. Opening my mouth, I start to lay into him for calling Alyssa a bitch but she jumps off the stool, throws a twenty on the counter, and runs from the bar.

  “Alyssa,” I call out after her, getting off the stool.

  As she flees, she collides into Gabby, who has just stepped out of the hallway that leads into my office. She mumbles an apology and sprints for the door. Gabby’s eyes turn toward me, and I simply say, “Go after her. ”

  Gabby takes off after Alyssa and, as I hear the front door slam behind Gabby, I turn to Brody with barely contained rage. “What f**k was that? Have you lost your ever-loving mind, talking to Alyssa that way?”

  For a brief moment, Brody’s eyes go sad and fill with regret, but in a flash, it’s gone. Instead, his face is awash with menace and he snarls, “I’m a f**king ex-con, Hunter. I’ve been in prison… not charm school… the last five years. ”

  His words pierce me, and I sigh. “I know, but you would never have done that to her before you went away. Have you forgotten your basic manners?”

  Brody steps out from behind the bar, still holding the rag in his hand. He walks up to me and gets in my face. His voice is arctic when he says, “Yes, Hunter. I’ve forgotten all of it. That’s a life I don’t have any more, so there’s no sense in remembering a damn thing about it. This is your brother now. I’ve been shaped into something else these last five years and if you don’t like it… Well, I could give a flying f**k. ”

  Throwing the rag on the floor, he turns his back on me and starts heading for the door. “I’m taking the rest of the day off,” he says as he walks away. “Fire me if you want—I don’t give a shit. ”

  I follow Brody out the door. Gabby is standing with Alyssa beside her car. Alyssa looks okay, but Gabby has her arm around her shoulder.

  “You’re an ass**le, Brody,” Gabby hisses at him as he walks by.

  He doesn’t even look at her. “Yup. That I am. ”

  Gabby turns to me, her eyes wild and confused. I look back at her helplessly, because I have no clue what the f**k just happened, or whether my brother can even be saved from himself.


  Casey and I stand on the porch of Hunter’s house, looking at each other before we open the door and walk in.

  “Who are we?” Casey asks me in a quiet voice.

  “We’re the two baddest chicks in the Outer Banks,” I tell her.

  “And where are we?” she asks, her voice getting a little louder.

  “We’re on the cusp… on the threshold… on the brink of going in,” I quickly respond.

  “And what are we getting ready to do?” she asks with extreme urgency.

  “We’re getting ready to show her the way it is. ”

  “And why are we doing it?” she asks with an evil grin.

  “Because if I catch Sasha ever trying to kiss Hunter again, I’m going to knock her teeth out… so consider this a public service of sorts for the woman. ”

  “Damn skippy,” Casey exclaims. We give each other a high-five, then we take it down low, tickling our fingertips against one another, and then bump our h*ps together.

  Yes, this is our preparation routine we always do any time one of us has a problem and the other one is riding wingman to help solve said problem.

  The problem is, of course, Sasha. Hunter insisted on doing this get-together so I could get to know John, but that unfortunately meant I needed to get to know Sasha.

  Before I left work for the day, Hunter pulled me aside and assured me that he talked with Sasha, that she was remorseful for what happened, and that it was water under the bridge. He told me everything would be fine, and then he
reminded me that he wanted me to stay the night with him. Before I could even decline that invitation again, he made sure to remind me of the one-hour test he wanted to try out on me, which made my blood race hot and my resolve to sleep in my own bed weaken.

  So in order to reinforce myself, I had Casey pick me up, purposefully leaving my truck so I would have to go home at the end of the evening.

  Back to Sasha. I know Hunter reassured me that she would not be a problem, and that I could expect to have a carefree evening of good food, good beer, and good friends. I wasn’t so optimistic, and let me tell you why.

  There is something us women have that’s called a ‘gut instinct’. I can’t explain it, I have no clue how it works, and I’m sure there are no scientific studies on it. However, I’ve had it appear in situations over my lifetime, and I’m guessing at least eight out of every ten times it was spot-on accurate.

  My gut instinct told me that Sasha still has it bad for Hunter. I know Hunter says that yes, she may have been thinking that, but the kiss was before she knew he had a girlfriend. Fine… I’ll give her that. But when I marched up to Hunter and let myself glance at her, the look on her face was cunning, calculating, and challenging, and she was telling me that it was game on.

  I’m also choosing not to give Sasha the benefit of the doubt, mainly because Casey isn’t. That trip out to California sealed the deal for Casey. She felt Sasha’s behavior was appalling, but even worse—Casey felt deep down that it was her inherent nature. In essence, based on their interaction, she had a ‘gut instinct’ about Sasha too, and I was therefore going to trust it as well.

  I look at Casey in the eye, take a deep breath, and ask, “How do I look?”

  She sweeps her gaze down me, taking in the long maxi-dress I had chosen—a butter-yellow color that set off my tan and made my eyes glow gold. I paired it with silver sandals and left my hair down loose. I was going for casual and carefree, just the way Hunter said tonight’s get-together would be.

  “You look gorgeous, girl. ”

  “Thanks. Now, let’s get this initial awkward part of introductions with her over, so we can drink some beer. ”

  “Amen, sister. ”

  Casey opens the door, and we step into Hunter’s foyer. It’s quiet, so I assume everyone is out on the deck. We head into the kitchen to put the beer that we brought into the fridge. Before I can even turn around to walk toward the back deck, strong arms circle around me from behind, and I’m pulled back into warm, hard chest muscle.

  “There’s my girl,” Hunter murmurs into my ear.

  My eyes immediately go to Casey, who is watching our first display of affection in her presence, and I hold my breath for her reaction. She stares at us, and I can actually feel Hunter grin at her. Don’t ask me how I feel it… but I just do.

  “Okay, this is wigging me out a little,” Casey finally says as she turns and pulls a beer out of the fridge. “I need to ease into these things, particularly with the help of one or seven beers. ”

  “You’re driving me home tonight,” I remind her, and I feel Hunter’s hold tense up a bit.

  “No worries,” Casey reassures me with a playful smile. “I’ll refrain from getting lit up, but how about cool the cuddly shit around me?”

  “Get used to it,” Hunter says, kissing my temple and releasing me. He goes to the fridge and pulls out a beer for both of us, then says, “Come on… got some people I want you to meet. ”

  Casey and I follow Hunter out on the back deck. I immediately see John, sitting at the outdoor table, his feet kicked up on another chair. Wyatt is standing next to Sasha, leaning against the rail, and laughing at something she said. His eyes go to us, and he tilts his chin up in acknowledgement.


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