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On the Rocks

Page 30

by Sawyer Bennett

Page 30

  “Stop doing that,” he growls in my ear. “Someone’s at the door, and I don’t want to have to answer it with a hard-on. ”

  After kissing me on the back of my head, Hunter releases me and rolls out of bed. I can hear him in the dusky gloom of early morning, pulling on his pants. I open one eye and look at the clock. Six in the morning, so it must be important.

  “Want me to get up with you?” I ask groggily.

  “No. Go back to sleep, baby. ”

  “‘Kay,” I say as I roll over into the warm spot he just left and curl my hand under my chin. I hear the bedroom door open briefly, then shut again, and I nestle down under the covers to go back to sleep.

  I let my mind drift to last night with Hunter. It was an ordinary night. He worked at Last Call until about eight, and then I met him here at the apartment, where we shared a late dinner with John and Sasha. They are going to be leaving in a few days, and I know Hunter wants to spend as much time with John as he can. We stayed up until about midnight, drinking beer and shooting the shit.

  When it was time to go to bed, Hunter stood up from the couch and pulled me up by my hand. “We’re heading to bed, guys. See you in the morning. ”

  John and Sasha both gave us smiles. John’s genuine as he softly said, “Goodnight,” and Sasha’s accommodating.

  When we were in the privacy of Hunter’s bedroom, he wasted no time in peeling my clothes off. As my shirt came over my head and his hands worked at my bra strap, he asked, “Are you sure you’re okay about not getting that bid with Coursier?”

  As often seems to happen around Hunter lately, my heart just melted over his continued concern. “Yes, baby. I’m fine. It’s not the end of the world for me. ”

  “Okay,” he said as he nuzzled my neck. “Just wanted to make sure. ”

  We were silent after that as we both helped the other undress, softly kissing and stroking in between broken breaths and whispered sighs. Hunter made love to me last night, so very slowly, the only measure of our excitement was the quickening of our breaths as he moved leisurely in and out of me. Our hands were clasped together tight and, when he wasn’t kissing me, he was looking down at me with love and tenderness. We came together and it was shattering, even as it was quiet.

  And then Hunter was pulling me into his arms to go to sleep, as I murmured to him that I loved him.

  Smiling, I realize that my thoughts didn’t cause me to drift back to sleep. Rather, I’m wide awake. Just thinking about Hunter excites me, and I’m not talking sexually, although last night was blistering hot in a sweet way. But I’m talking about excited as in I hate to spend a single moment away from him. I’ve never felt more alive than I do right now, and even though I got smacked down by Henry Coursier yesterday, I feel like I can pretty much accomplish anything I set my mind to.

  Throwing the covers back, I roll out of bed and pull on my jeans and a t-shirt. I can hear the murmuring of voices from the kitchen and assume Hunter’s talking to his early morning visitor.

  When I open the bedroom door, the voices filter in clear and I realize it’s Brody in the kitchen. His words stop me in my tracks. “You need to do this, Hunter. ”

  I hear Hunter sigh and can actually envision him raking his hand through his hair. “I don’t know, man. I thought I had it figured out. ”

  “Well, just so there’s no hesitation on your part as relates to the bar, I’ve got your back. I’ll handle it while you’re gone and gladly hand it back over to you when you get back. Whenever that may be. ”

  My breath freezes, and I realize they’re talking about Hunter leaving for the Tour. I immediately consider heading back to the bedroom, because I’m so eavesdropping right now, and I have no clue if this is a private conversation. I’m hesitant to walk into the kitchen, because let’s face it… Brody isn’t the most loquacious person in the world, and I don’t want to impede upon him finally talking straight to his brother.

  So I hang in limbo, hiding in the hallway, and listening in on their talk.

  “Thanks, Brody. That means a lot. ”

  “So when will you leave?”

  “If I accept, probably within a week. ”

  “What do you mean ‘if I accept’? Isn’t this a done deal?”

  “Fuck no,” Hunter says in exasperation. “I’m just not sure. ”

  “Something wrong with the offer?”

  “No. ”

  “Something wrong with your ability to surf?”

  “Of course not. ”

  “Something wrong with me watching Last Call while you’re gone?”

  “You know there’s not,” Hunter growls.

  “Then it’s Gabby,” Brody says emphatically.

  “Keep your voice down,” Hunter hisses. “She’s in the bedroom sleeping, and of course it’s Gabby. ”

  My heart starts pounding as I realize that Hunter is very much factoring me into the equation as to whether or not he stays or goes. A rush of feelings plow through me from extreme love that he cares for me enough to walk away from fame and glory, to sickness over the fact he might actually walk away from fame and glory for me.

  “Dude… you know I like Gabby, but don’t f**k this up over a woman. Nothing is more important than this shot you’re being handed. ”

  Well, we both wondered which team Brody was going to be on, and he’s clearly in the same corner as Sasha and Keith.

  “Brody… I love her. I don’t know that this shot is more important than Gabby is. I think she might be the most important thing that’s ever happened to me in my life. ”

  I can hear a low whistle coming from Brody, and then he says in a low voice, “If she loved you the way you love her, she wouldn’t hold you back. ”

  “That’s just it… she’s not holding me back. She’ll support me if I go. ”

  “Then what’s the f**king problem?”

  “I don’t know,” Hunter says in a tired voice. “It’s just not sitting right with me. I think I need to talk this through with Gabby some more… see if I can get some better perspective. ”

  I hear chair stools scraping on the floor and realize that Brody must be getting ready to leave, so I hightail it back to Hunter’s bedroom. Quickly shucking off my clothes, I crawl back under the covers with my heart racing.

  Hunter is considering not going back on the Tour because of me. I’m floored, stunned beyond belief, and I’m really not quite sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, I’ve been dreading the thought of being away for him for so many months out of the year.

  On the other hand, we’re both young and have all the time in the world to be together. This opportunity for Hunter is fleeting. It could be the biggest regret of his life if he passes this up. And there’s no way in hell I want to be tied to that.

  When the bedroom door opens, I think about feigning sleep but realize my heart is still beating far too erratically to pull it off well. So I roll over and say, “Hey”.

  “Hey,” he whispers as he pulls his clothes off and slips back into bed.

  “Who was that?” I ask as a means of giving him a lead in to talk to me. That’s what he told Brody… that he wanted to talk to me about this more.

  “Just Brody,” he says and offers no more. Instead, he rolls to the side and pulls me into his body, my backside resting flush against his front. He curves an arm around my waist and squeezes. “Let’s go back to sleep for a bit. ”

  “I’m not tired,” I tell him so he knows I’m available to talk.

  Just lay it on me, babe. I’m right here.

  “I’m not tired either,” he murmurs, while nuzzling into my neck with his mouth.

  “So what do you want to talk about?” I prod, opening the door wide open for him to walk through into conversation land.

  “Don’t wanna talk,” he whispers, the arm that’s around my waist now loosening so his palm lays flat on my stomach. Heat courses through me at his touch… the tone of his voice, because I know damn well what he wants to
do, and God help me… I want it too.

  I try one more time, part of me hoping it’s in vain, as his hand starts to graze down my skin south. “What did Brody want?”

  Hunter’s fingers dip into the edge of my underwear, at the same time his teeth grab ahold of my earlobe and gently bite down. Then he gives it a lick as he releases it. “Don’t want to talk about Brody right this minute, babe. ”

  “But—” I start to say, and then gasp as he sinks a finger into me.

  “Still want to talk right now?” he murmurs in my ear.

  Shaking my head, I push my h*ps against his hand, demanding more. Because we can always talk about Brody later.

  “This is soooo what I needed,” I say as I lean over and slurp from my straw. I’m halfway into my third Pina Colada of the evening, and I’m feeling no pain.

  Casey grins at me, leaning over to slurp her own drink. “You definitely needed a girl’s night out. ”

  Yes I did. Hunter and I never did get to talk about Brody, because after he f**ked me silly this morning, we both had to get ready to go to work. I stewed about my dilemma all day and realized that what I really needed was another woman’s advice. So I called Casey, invited her for a girl’s night out, and here I am.

  Swallowing the creamy, coconutty goodness, I look at her seriously. “Will it freak you out if I talk to you about Hunter?”

  “You’re not going to talk about sex with Hunter, are you?”

  “No way. That’s sacrosanct. ”

  “It’s what?”

  “Sacrosanct… you know. ”

  “No, I don’t know, or I wouldn’t ask. ”

  “Sacrosanct… like… you know, sacrosanct. ”

  “Oh my God,” Casey says while laughing. “You’re spouting words you don’t even know what they mean. ”

  “I do too know what it means. I just can’t express it right now but I’m sure it applies in this situation,” I say, leaning forward for another icy sip of coconut love. “Besides, we’re agreed we’re not talking about it, so moving on. ”

  “Okay, moving on,” Casey agrees. “So what’s up, pup?”

  “I’m in love with your brother,” I tell her, mentally bracing for her reaction.

  “Holy shit! That’s huge,” she says with excitement, literally bouncing up and down in her chair while clapping her hands. “When are you going to tell him?”

  “I already did. ”

  “What did he do?” she asks with trepidation.

  “He told me he loved me too. Well, he told me first and then I reciprocated. ”

  “Fucking right on, Hunter,” Casey exclaims with a fist pump. Waving her hand in the air, she catches a waitress’ attention. “Two more Pina Coladas. We’re celebrating!”

  “So… do you think it’s weird?” I ask her softly.

  “No way, Gabby. I mean… it was weird when I thought you were just banging my brother, but I can definitely see you two in love. Oh my God. We’ll be real sisters when you get married. ”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa there. No one’s talking marriage,” I say firmly, pulling another dose of liquor up my straw.

  Casey doesn’t even hear me, and then lets out a huge squeal. “Holy f**k me standing… you know what this means, right?”

  “What?” I ask, excited, and yet fearful to hear her answer.

  “It means Hunter will stay here. He won’t go back on tour. ”

  Averting my eyes down to my glass, I think carefully on how I’m going to continue this line of discussion with Casey. It’s the exact thing I wanted to talk to her about when I suggested having a girl’s night out, and she just gave me the opening. However, I need to be careful because Casey is on Team Get Hunter To Stay, and I’m now a floater, not sure which team I’m on.


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