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Unwrapping Jordan

Page 17

by Tiana Laveen

  “Jordan,” the minister turned to him, “please say your vows…” He recited the same ones as Egypt, and then, he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. That morning, while Egypt was away getting a massage and her hair done with her girlfriends, doing what brides do on the morning of their big day, he’d been inspired. He walked about their new home which wasn’t yet fully furnished, listening to music and feeling things that crippled him, yet also made him stronger.

  “I wrote something for you, Egypt.” Her eyes glossed over in surprise, and then, she smiled at him. He cleared his throat. “Egypt, our first kiss was special to me. I never forgot it. Though it wasn’t my first, it was the one that opened my heart. A piece of you crept inside and stayed there forever. Your resilience as a person when we were so young encouraged me. Strength? I thought I was strong back then, but I had nothin’ on you. You were a young lady who’d endured so much, and yet, every morning, through it all, you’d greet me with a smile and a ‘good morning.’ Through all of your pain, you always focused on your endgame, your goals. You knew early on that you were special, and a mind was a terrible thing to waste. You credited your parents for that, but you must credit yourself, too. You were and are amazing. You were and are ahead of your time. Through you, I grew up. Because of you, I became a better man.” Her eyes misted over and she quickly wiped off a tear with her knuckle.

  “By the grace of God, we were able to find each other once again. It was nothin’ short of divine intervention. When I saw you again, after all of these years, I knew right then and there, I would do anything to win your trust back. I don’t believe everyone gets to experience a love like ours. In fact, I know it. You knew my secrets, then and now. You knew my pain and my desires, as I knew yours. We confided in one another and became best friends, not out of necessity, but because our love for each other was just that deep. Now, romance has blossomed once again.

  “I’m going to do everything in my power and prayers to keep our garden watered and full of sunlight. One day, you told me, ‘Forgive yourself for not being perfect. Forgive yourself for not even wanting to be.’ That was profound for me. You gave me…” He rubbed his forehead, trying to catch his breath. Everyone was quiet, giving him a moment to get himself together. “Sorry.” He cleared his throat again and, blinked back tears. “You gave me permission to be okay with being Jordan. No performances. No bravado. No craziness or nothin’ like that. Just Jordan DeMarco. An ordinary guy who saw a special girl walkin’ in the snow, and fell in love. Thank you for trusting me with ya heart. It’s in good hands.” He folded the piece of paper and slid it back into his suit pocket. Tears fell down her cheeks.

  In the distance he could hear sobbing, most likely his mother. They finished their vows and exchanged rings.

  The minister stood before them. “Jordan DeMarco and Egypt Callahan, you have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made. It is with these in mind that I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Jordan and Egypt drew closer, their faces split with smiles. Wrapping his hand around her nape, he pulled her close and their touch of the lips escalated into an all-out inferno. The crowd cheered and hollered as he deepened their oral embrace, wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her off the ground into his arms.

  Love had come around again… A one in a million second chance of a lifetime.

  …Three Years Later

  “Jordan, I am going to choke you.” Egypt laughed as she pointed to the half-eaten bag of Cheetos. “You need to clean your mess up. You have wrappers and empty beer bottles everywhere.”

  “Come on, baby! Cut me some slack.” He pointed to the large screen television on the wall with the surround sound speakers he’d proudly installed himself. “I got the day off just to watch the Bs play!” He looked past her and jumped to his feet. “GO BRUINS!!! YEEESSSS, WICKED PISSAH TOUCHDOWN!!!!” he began to cheer, waving his arms about.

  “Shhh! Do you want to wake Myles? I just put him down.”

  “Now, why would I wanna wake Myles? I never understood when ya ask questions like that, like I’m gonna say, ‘Why yes, baby, I’d love to wake Myles and have him up for the next three damn hours screamin’ and hollerin’… Ouch!” He chuckled when she tossed a pillow at him, then began to rub her protruding stomach as she made her way out of the living room into the kitchen. Egypt was pregnant with their second child. He’d hoped it would be a girl, but the sonogram they’d just seen a week prior proved that to be a lie. Second son on the way in three months. Perhaps next time? That is, if he could talk her into a third child. He loved every bit of being a father, even the early morning tantrums and late-night fits, the stress of it all. He knew it was his second calling.

  “That a boy! YEESSSS!” Cheetos went everywhere as he railed and waved, and then, the baby monitor went off, too. Myles was shrieking and having a crying fit.

  “Jordan…” Her tone said it all.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m goin’, I’m goin’.” He grunted, got to his feet, and made his way up the steps to their two-year-old’s room. Poor child was getting over an ear infection; he’d had a hard time of it. The room was dim, but lights from a spinning lamp of elephants dotted the walls, giving off reflections of colorful light. “Come here, little guy.” He reached into the crib and picked up his crying son. Holding him to his bare chest, he stroked his back and rocked him back and forth. Soon, Myles was quiet again, his big brown eyes getting smaller and smaller as he fought the war against sleep, and lost. He cradled the toddler close, looked into his face, and his heart ached with love. There, in his arms, was a butterscotch complexioned child with soft black hair, a dimpled chin and cheeks, cute nose and ears, and the gorgeous lips of his mother. The baby began to stir again, threatening to fall apart in a fit of tears.

  “No, no, no… we can’t have that,” Jordan whispered as he made his way over to the antique record player his grandfather had gifted him for his birthday the year prior. He selected an album and managed to finagle getting the needle on the disc, while balancing the love of his life in his arms. The music began to play, and he wasted no time singing along.

  “I… guess… you… say… what, could, make, me, feel, this waaaay?” He sang the lyrics to ‘My Girl,’ by the Temptations, in a soft whisper. Myles’ lips curled in a happy grin as he bounced him about, holding him close – a concert just for his son. Just then, Egypt crept into the room and wrapped her arms around him. The family of three and a half, cradled together, rocking slowly to the music. He looked into Egypt’s eyes, and blinked. He had to – to make sure she was really there, and he wasn’t dreaming. Life was good. It was perfectly imperfect.

  He was working his ass off and had been promoted to international director of his department, managing to land a contract with several governmental agencies to implement a new software program specifically for SQL injection attacks. Egypt was still working at the same company as well, but was often contracted by small businesses and entrepreneurs to develop their websites and much of their marketing materials. She was damn good at what she did, and he was overwhelmingly impressed with how efficient and professional she was – managing homelife and her vocation almost seamlessly. She was an excellent mother, the kind that left him in awe.

  “I’ve got suuunshine! On a cloud-dy daaaay…” they both sang softly. Myles was beaming, looking at the both of them as if he were the luckiest boy in the world. Jordan imagined that he in fact was. Outside the window, snowflakes were falling, covering the ground and surrounding houses. Christmas was coming, and the houses were decked out in holly and flashing lights. What a beautiful evening, much like the night he’d sat on his mother’s porch praying to his father, and wishing on a star. Maybe Dad had heard him that night… maybe so had Grandma and Uncle Nico. Whatever the case, his life had been forever changed that night.

  His wish was now granted, a second chance handed to him with a shiny gold bow.

  A girl bundled in
a coat left footprints in the snow.

  I followed them, knowing she knew the right way to go.

  She had an invisible map, and we journeyed on our way.

  What began as unplanned, had me waiting for her every day.

  I knew how to throw a football, knew my way around a bash.

  But things aren’t what they seem, and time goes way too fast.

  A fire brought her to me, but the ice froze her in time.

  She was my one true friend, but I couldn’t get her off my mind.

  Youth is a lesson, for we mess up at every turn.

  Her house was not the only thing engulfed in flames, and burned.

  A first kiss was overshadowed, by a broken heart.

  Torn in two, in love, before we even got a chance to start.

  Wishing on stars in New England, perhaps that’s only just for kids.

  The darkness had come to light, and now, I no longer hid.

  True feelings and emotions, with a rational plan of action.

  There was no denying it any longer: Chemistry and attraction.

  She saw me at my worst. She saw me at my best.

  She peeled me like an onion, and made me confess.

  I built a fortress around my heart,

  She destroyed it with one tap…

  I don’t want to be perfect.

  I want to be unwrapped…

  ~The End~

  Unwrapping Jordan Music Directory

  1. Masego’s “Mystery Lady” feat. Don Toliver

  2. Rihanna – ‘Same Ol’ Mistakes’

  3. 2PAC – So Many Tears

  4. Ahmad Jamal – ‘Soul Girl’

  5. Jule Vera – ‘Waiting’

  6. Gerry Mulligan – ‘Night Lights’

  7. J. Dilla – ‘Sunbeams’

  8. The Beetles – ‘Blackbirds’

  9. Nik Kershaw – ‘Wouldn’t It Be Good’

  10. Chris Isaac – ‘Wicked Game’

  11. Chuck Berry – ‘Run Rudolph Run’

  12. Bobby Helms – ‘Jingle Bell Rock’

  13. Andy Williams – It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year’

  14. Mario – ‘Crown and Diamonds’

  15. Tiana Major9’ – ‘Same Space’

  16. Bruno Mars – ‘Just the Way You Are’

  17. Shania Twain – ‘From This Moment On’

  18. The Temptations – ‘My Girl’

  19. 2Pac – ‘Do For Love’


  USA Today bestselling author Tiana Laveen writes resilient yet loving heroines of color and the alpha heroes that fall for them in unlikely happy-ever-afters. An author of over 60 novels to date, Tiana creates characters from all walks of life that leap straight from the pages into your heart.

  Married with two children, she enjoys a fulfilling life that includes writing books, drawing, and spending quality time with loved ones.

  If you wish to communicate with Tiana Laveen and stay up-to-date with her releases, please follow her on social media platforms as well as visit her website.

  Tiana Laveen website:




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