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Her Mafia Daddy

Page 2

by Bianca Cole

  My heart skips a beat as Kane appears behind the guy, staring right at me with an intensity that makes me weak at the knees.

  He pins me with his intense dark eyes, and I freeze to the spot. His hand falls heavily on the asshole’s shoulder. “Pay the woman,” he commands in a deep, baritone voice that makes my panties wet.

  It would figure that his dark and powerful looks are matched with an equally powerful voice. It’s ridiculous how much of a turn on it is.

  The guy spins around. “Who the fuck do you think—” He stops speaking the moment he sees who is behind him, turning back to the bar.

  All the blood has drained from his face, as he pulls out a twenty-dollar bill. He shoves it into my hand so fast I almost can’t believe he moved that quick. “Keep the change.” His face is pale and he looks like he might pass out any moment.

  Kane’s eyes remain fixed on me for a few beats, making my heart pound faster and my palms sweat. His dark eyes are almost black in the dim light of the club, and there’s something else, other than danger, sparking in his eyes.

  It looks like a fierce hunger that makes my thighs quiver and my panties dampen, which is utterly ridiculous. Yes, he’s gorgeous, and his voice is like a damn butter, but he’s Kane fucking Romano. The guy is bad news. He lets go of the asshole’s shoulder, turning to walk back to his stool calmly, as if nothing happened.

  What the hell was that all about?

  I watch him as he sits with such self-assured confidence back in his seat, gripping hold of his glass. Everyone’s eyes are on him. In fact, ever since Ethan went to get Alex, it’s been thinning out considerably by the bar, which I’m thankful for. I’m pretty sure Kane’s presence is the reason.

  The pure danger oozing from him sends people running for the hills. Three words was all it took from him to get that guy to pay. To be honest, he could have stood there without saying a word, and the guy would have still got the message.

  Why would he help me?

  Ethan returns, eyes slightly wide. He walks straight toward me, ignoring Kane who is watching him through narrowed eyes. “Jasmine, we’re in the shit. Alex wants you downstairs now.” He runs a hand through his thick black hair. “He’s planning an escape.”

  My brow furrows. “That makes no sense,” I hiss. “You can’t run from the freaking Romano family, they run the entire east-coast.”

  He shrugs. “Look, he wants you down there now, I’m just delivering the message.”

  “Who’s going to tend the bar?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “He has no intention of getting me out of here with him.” There’s pure fear in his eyes and my stomach churns at the thought of leaving my best friend here.

  If we leave him here, we’re leaving him to a death sentence, or worse. They may decide to torture him for information about my step-dad. “I’ll go and speak to him and make him see sense.” I shake my head. “You don’t run from the Romano family unless you have a death wish.”

  He nods. “Well, good luck. The guy is set on escaping.”

  “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  Ethan looks unconvinced, turning to tend to the bar.

  My gaze instinctively goes to Kane who is watching me. His eyes still narrowed, signaling he suspects something is up. I feel sick to the stomach. The guy isn’t stupid and probably deals with idiots like my step-dad on a regular basis. He has asked to see Alex, and Ethan has returned without him. It won’t take long for him to put the pieces together.

  I break his gaze and keep my eyes glued to the floor, making my way out of the side of the bar and walking toward the basement doors. A chilling sensation sweeps over my neck, and I know he’s following me. I don’t even have to check behind me.

  I make it to the swing doors and hesitate a moment. I’m leading this man right to my step-dad, but if he has gotten on the wrong side of the Romano Mafia, running is the last thing he should do. With one quick push, I force open the door and then glance back toward the bar.

  Kane is following me calmly. His two men flanking him a few meters behind. His eyes burn a hole right through me, sending a shiver down my spine.

  This is only going to end one way–with blood running from this club. I can only hope it isn’t mine.

  What has Alex done?



  My jaw clenches as I watch the stunning brunette slip out from behind the bar. Alex doesn’t intend to come and see me willingly, he’s planning something. I’m not going to sit here and wait to find out what. I’ve encountered idiots like Cavino, trying to run at the last minute—it never ends well.

  As I stand from my stool to follow the bartender, it’s impossible not to admire her. The way that girl held my gaze, as if she didn’t know who the fuck I was, turned me on.

  My balls are tingling for release, as my eyes travel the length of her body. I get a good view of her tight black dress that hugs her curves, particularly that perfect ass. Not to mention, the high-heels she’s wearing which make her hips sway deliciously.

  All the signs point to that fact that Alex is running, and this girl is probably important to him, so he’s summoned her. She stops at the top of stairwell and gazes back at me. Her eyes wide as they lock with mine.

  She won’t be harmed unless she stands in my way. I clench my fists at the thought of hurting such a beautiful creature. It wouldn’t sit well with me at all. My men remain close as I open the door, drawing my gun from beneath my jacket.

  I glance back at Jaz who has also drawn his gun. “No shooting unless I say so, but I’ve got a feeling Cavino is trying to run.”

  Jaz nods as does Karl, and I start to make my way down the steps into the basement. The pumping bass becomes muffled the lower we go, and a flood of adrenaline pulses through my veins.

  It’s always the same anytime I get ready to kill or fight. All the adrenaline and blood racing through my veins has me on edge, ready to lose control the moment I get my hands on Cavino.

  The darkness of the basement swallows us, but there is a light up ahead signaling our destination. It’s no doubt his den. I’m not sure how much security Alex has, but I’m pretty sure none of his men would be stupid enough to stand against me, unless they want to be murdered by the rest of my family.

  There’s no sign of the brunette. She must have already gone through the door ahead. I can’t understand why she has captured my attention so fast. My heart rate spikes, partly because of what I’m about to do, and partly because I want to see her again.

  I stop outside the door, attempting to make out what’s being said on the other side. The voices are too muffled, and it sounds like a man and woman arguing.

  I give my two men a nod, and then I burst into the room. My gun pointed at the first person I clock eyes on, which is the bartender. Her eyes go wide and she holds her hands in the air, shaking a little. Alex is stood beside her, and I move my gun to him, narrowing my eyes.

  The moment I enter, he shrieks like a damn coward and turns whiter than a sheet. “Mr. Romano, to what do I owe this pleasure?” he stammers, looking down at the ground.

  “Cut the crap, Alex.” I step closer. “You know exactly why I’m here.” My eyes flick to the bags of cash stacked by the door. “Going somewhere?”

  He shakes his head. “O-Of course not.”

  The girl from the bar backs away toward the wall, keeping her eyes on me. I give Jaz a nod for him to go and keep her back, clenching my jaw as he grips her shoulder and pulls her against him. I can’t understand why another man touching her makes me angry, but I’m thankful she’s staying back and out of the way.

  “Where is our money, Cavino?” I step closer, keeping my gun aimed at his head. “You’ve missed your payments two months in a row.”

  The sniveling coward falls to his knees and shakes his head. “I’m sorry business has—”

  “Has been booming, if tonight is an example to go by.” My eyes flick to the stack of cash. “And, the bags full of cash you were planning to take off

  Alex shakes his head. “I wasn’t going anywhere, I assure you.”

  I take a few steps forward so my feet are in front of Cavino, bending over him. My hand tightens around his neck, and I force him to look at me. “There’s no use lying, as I’m here for blood.” I shake my head slowly. “No one takes advantage of the Romano family and lives.”

  He begins to splutter, as I tighten my grip on his throat. “Please, I’ll give you whatever you want,” he spits.

  I let go of his throat, and he gasps for breath. As I turn, I allow my gaze to meet the beautiful brunette’s bright blue eyes. She’s a little shaken, but she doesn’t look too concerned by the fact I’m going to kill her boss. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was a total asshole toward her.

  Cavino is back on his knees. “Take her if you like her. She’s my step-daughter, and I’d give her to you as an apology.”


  What man would give his step-daughter to the mafia?

  My eyes instinctively rake over her body, taking in those tight curves again. Her breasts are accentuated perfectly in her tight black dress with plunging neckline, giving me a teasing view of her cleavage. It makes my cock stir to life.

  What is it with this woman? I can’t seem to control myself around her.

  There’s a deep, dark side of me that wants to tell Cavino yes. I want to own this beautiful woman. It’s been a long time since a girl has wound me up the way she is. I return my gaze to her eyes, but she’s not looking at me.

  Her eyes are narrowed at Alex and a deep hatred burns within them. It looks like she doesn't care too much for her step-dad, the man I’ve been sent here to shakedown, or kill. Rick left me to make the call. I thought I already had decided the moment I stepped into this club. I was sure I’d kill him.

  The thing is, his offer is intriguing. Something primal stirs within me at the thought of owning her. Normally, I’m opposed to people owning women. She’s not a possession, although it happens a lot in our line of work.

  The thought of taking her back to my place and fucking her senseless makes my cock throb and thicken in my pants, again. It’s so wrong because I’m pretty sure I’m old enough to be her Daddy.

  I clear my throat, realizing I’ve been staring at the girl so long she’s turned bright red. It makes her even more tempting, as I wonder how far her blush spreads. I wonder if she’d like being dominated by me in the bedroom. I may be a criminal, but I don’t fuck women who don’t want it. They need to beg me for it—that’s how I like it.

  The thought of her begging me makes my already hard cock, harder. I clench my fists and spin toward Alex. His eyes are as wide as saucers as he sees the expression on my face. It’s probably half-lust and half-rage. This guy doesn’t have the right to give away his step-daughter, but I’m considering it.

  “I’m happy to give her to you as well as all the money I owe you, with interest.” Alex is shaking like a leaf now. “Please, I’ll do anything.”

  My mind and body are fighting a war right now. Brutal Kane Romano doesn’t back down from his intentions, ever. My intention was to kill him.

  So why the hell am I considering letting this coward live to claim her? I step closer to him, towering over his cowering frame. To be honest, I could probably kill him and take her. However, that would make me look like a monster in her eyes, and for some reason I care about how she perceives me. “How old is she?”

  He worries his bottom lip with his teeth. “She is eighteen years old.”

  My cock jumps at that, which is so fucked up. It is as bad as I feared. This woman—no girl—is less than half my forty-four years. It’s so wrong that I want her, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing I’ve ever done. Maybe she’d like calling me Daddy while I tied her to my bed and gave her a good spanking.


  That perverted thought makes my balls ache for release. I’m not normally into younger women, they’re immature and can’t handle my tastes. Jasmine Cavino gets my pulse racing faster than it has in years, and I haven’t said more than two words to her—yet.

  I’m used to women calling me Daddy, Sir, Master—it’s a common occurrence in the Dom and Sub roles. For some reason, it feels more perverted though because of the age difference.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  I turn toward her, and it takes all my restraint not to grab her and kiss those perfect, plump lips right here and now. I want to taste just how sweet she is. She’s a damn goddess, more beautiful than any woman I’ve ever set eyes on.

  Her mouth is open, and her wide-eyed gaze darts between me and her jackass of a step-dad. It’s as if what he is suggesting has only just sunk in. As if she’s only now realized her step-dad wants to give her over to the most brutal mafia family in North America.

  I’ll be honest, she doesn’t look as thrilled as I feel by the prospect.



  I always knew my step-father was an asshole, but this is a new low. The man behind me tightens his grip on my shoulder, as I try to break free. The panic at what my step-dad is suggesting only setting in now.

  “You will let me walk out of here with your step-daughter?” Kane asks, eyeing me like a piece of meat.

  Alex nods. “Yes, she is yours to keep. Not to mention, I’ll pay back everything I owe with interest, please, just don’t kill me.”

  Fucking bastard.

  “I’m not yours to sell,” I spit, glaring at the coward on his knees.

  Kane steps closer to me, forcing me to crane my neck and look up at him. The dominance he emits makes my knees shake involuntarily. I bite my lip and hold his gaze, willing myself not to show fear in his presence. I get a feeling he thrives off the fear of others.

  Finally, I cave and look down, overpowered by him. He reaches for my face, and I start to pull away, trying to shy from his touch. He grips hold of my chin, firm but gentle, tipping my face to meet his heated gaze. “Why would you give away your step-daughter?” he asks, keeping his eyes fixed on mine.

  “I’ve got nothing else of worth to offer you. She’s a hard worker and would be great working behind a bar or doing anything. She’s pretty enough, I’m sure she could be put to very good use.”

  My stomach churns as I realize he’s suggesting putting me to work in the sex-trade. As far as I’m aware, the Romano family deals in drugs and guns, but not human trafficking and prostitution. At least, I hope that’s the case.

  “I’m sure she’d be willing to show off her assets right here and now. Jasmine take your clothes off,” Alex snaps, glaring at me.

  An ice-cold dread spreads through me at the request. Kane’s hand is still on my jaw, holding me. It’s a strangely comforting touch that eases my anxiety.

  He growls a deep chesty noise and turns on my step-father. “Cavino, you’re the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever come across.”

  Alex shudders, bowing his head lower, as he remains on his knees. He’s such a fucking coward. “I only want you to see exactly how enticing my offer is.” He keeps his head bowed. “Jasmine, show them your assets, sweetheart.”

  Sweetheart? Is he kidding me right now? This man is dead to me for this.

  I don’t move. I can’t. There’s no way in hell I’m stripping in front of all these men, including my step-father. I’ve never been naked in front of any man.

  “Don’t listen to a word he says,” Kane growls, turning and staring at me. “Keep your clothes on.”

  I’m surprised by the ferocity in Kane’s insistence that I keep my clothes on. To be honest, I expected him to be as much of a pig as my step-father. The thing is, the Romano family are anything but low life. They’re refined, rich beyond compare, and more powerful than any other mafia family in the United States.

  Alex’s mouth snaps shut, and he begins to tremble. I’ve never seen someone die before, but the way Kane is looking at Alex tells me I’m about to. There’s no way I will feel any grief if he does get murdered, but I’m not sure I want
to witness it.

  The man has never really been like a father to me. All he has done since he married my mother is use me, and now he’s offering me up as payment. It is beyond belief.

  Kane’s eyes meet mine again, and I hold my breath, waiting to hear his response. He’s definitely a man of few words. Those dark, almost black eyes search mine for a few beats more, sending a heat pulsing through my body. This man affects me in the most illicit way.

  “Do you have the cash to pay your debt and interest today?” Kane asks, not turning to Alex.

  “Y-Yes, In those bags.”

  Kane’s gaze leaves mine, and I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. I watch him walks toward the bags of cash on the floor and grab the two satchels. He throws one at one of his guys and then walks back toward me and the guy behind. “Count the cash and make sure it’s all there.”

  The guy’s hand loosens from my should and I slump in relief. Only to find Kane’s hands slip onto my hips in a firm, possessive grip that sends a bolt of heat crashing through me. I shut my eyes, trying to control my reaction to this man.

  He is silent as he holds me, watching his men count the money. Once they finish they each turn to him and give him a wordless nod. Alex is still cowering on the floor and it’s pathetic.

  “It seems like you’ve saved your skin today, Cavino.” He keeps a firm hand on my hips, forcing me forward. “I’ll take your step-daughter and the money in exchange for your life.” He glances up at his men. “Just know, you’re going to need some roughing up for this.” He nods at one of the men, and they step forward.

  I tingle in anticipation at seeing my asshole of a step-father given a good beating, but Kane forces me away.

  “No, please…I’ve paid it all back and given you my step-daughter,” Alex snivels.

  Kane shakes his head. “No one fucks with the Romano family and gets by without a scratch.” He glances at his men. “I will go ahead with the girl. I’ll see you both back at the house.”


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