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Her Mafia Daddy

Page 12

by Bianca Cole

  I tense, feeling so sick I might puke. With that, the man holding me takes me back down into the basement. He shoves me onto the floor, before turning around and heading up the stairs. “You won’t get away with this,” I shout after him, feeling so pathetic.

  He says nothing just keeps walking. I hear the door slam shut, and I’m plunged back into pure darkness. Alex’s words keep running through my head on repeat.

  Kane will never find you where we are going.

  I can’t believe those words. Tears prickle at my eyes, as I consider the possibility of never seeing him again. A man I’ve fallen for so hard and quick I never believed it were possible.

  I cross my arms over my chest and slump back against the wall, hoping beyond hope he will find me here—he has to.



  I watch Rick, waiting for the signal. He gives me a nod and Leo cracks his neck, ready to charge in there. My fingers find the handle of my gun and I draw it, and flip the safety off. I give Leo a quick nod before bursting through the door, aiming the trigger toward the first body I see.

  It’s not Alex. A large muscled guy is standing there in black, his hand goes for his gun, but he’s too slow. I pull the trigger, shooting his hand and forcing him to retreat. I glance over to Leo to find his gun pointed at Alex, eyes narrowed.

  Alex drops to his knees with his hands in the air. “Please, don’t shoot. I beg you to show mercy,” he sobs, making me sick to my stomach.

  The guy is the biggest coward I’ve ever met. If you don’t want any shit, don’t fuck with the strongest mob in North America. There’s no fucking chance this man is leaving these woods alive—not this time. Rick steps in behind us, gun out and aimed at Alex too.

  I walk passed Alex without a word, leaving my brothers to keep watch over him and the guy whose hand I shot. Jasmine is all that matters right now. The blood is pumping through my veins, as I open each door, finding every room empty. The longer I search, the more frustrated I get.

  I growl deeply, returning to the living room. I’m ready to kill the little prick sobbing his eyes out, but I need to find her first. “Where the fuck is she?” I ask, picking Cavino up by his neck.

  He shakes like a leaf as I pin him against the wall, glaring at him. I frown as I feel warm liquid soaking into my trousers. “Fucking hell, Cavino.” I drop him to the floor, staring at him in disgust. He just pissed himself and on me. This is getting worse by the fucking minute.

  “Kane,” a distant shout from below catches my attention. I wait in silence for a moment and hear it again. It’s Jasmine, and she’s beneath us. He’s got her in the basement of this cabin. I notice the door in the corner of the kitchen and rush toward it.

  The blood pumping hard and fast through my veins, setting me on edge. I fling it open, rushing down the steps into a cavernous darkness. It’s pitch black down here. How the fuck can this asshole treat his own step-daughter this way?

  “Jasmine,” I shout her name, trying to squint and see through the darkness.

  “Kane, over here,” she says, weakly.

  I follow her voice and find her on the floor, the white of her dress visible in the darkness. I relax, seeing her alive and okay, sitting there staring up at me. Her blue eyes cut through the darkness. I wrap my arms around her waist and hoist her up, lifting her. Jasmine wraps her arms my neck, sobbing gently as I carry her up the stairs and into the cabin.

  I set her down on a small sofa in one corner and my body tenses at the state of her face. A large gash runs from her mouth up her cheek and she has multiple bruises. I see red and don’t even say a word, as I rush toward Alex with my fists clenched.

  “You hurt my woman,” I yell, punching him hard in the face, so hard the crack echoes around the cabin. His jaw goes slack and he can’t even speak, because I’ve broken it. I keep punching, losing all control over my restraint.

  A small squeal from behind me stops me in my tracks. I turn around to see Jasmine staring at me with wide eyes, her mouth ajar. It takes all my strength to claw back some control, as I glance back at Alex’s bloodied face. I intend to kill him, but she doesn’t need to see this level of violence.

  “Rick, take Jasmine to the car,” I say steadily.

  She stands to her own feet. “No, I want to see the bastard die for what he did.” I watch her as she walks toward me, shaking her head. “Give me the gun.” She holds her hand out.

  I shake my head, stepping away from her. “Jasmine, I’m not bringing you into this life.” The thought of her pulling the trigger, turning her into a monster like me makes my chest ache. Jasmine is good, pure and sweet—everything I’m not. As I look into her eyes, I realize I’m corrupting her—this is all my fault.

  “I’m already part of this life, Kane.” She takes my hand in hers. “I want my life to be with you and that makes me part of this.”

  I squeeze her small hands in mine. “Yes, but murdering someone changes you. I don’t want you to go through that, not today or ever.”

  Her jaw clenches slightly, and she glances between me and her step-father. “Fine, I won’t do it, but I’ll stay.”

  I pull her close to me, kissing her forehead gently. “I’d rather you don’t witness it, baby girl.”

  Her eyes soften as she gazes into my eyes. “It won’t change how I feel about you.”

  I swallow hard, wishing that were true. She doesn’t realize what murder really does to you, witnessing it or carrying it out, either way it changes you. “Please, for me,” I say, trying to beg her to step outside.

  Her eyes search mine for a beat, and then she nods. “Okay, I’ll step outside and wait for you.”

  Relief floods my chest as she walks away, opening the door and leaving the scene behind her. My attention returns to Alex, lying on the ground in a bloody mess.

  Alex is on his knees, crying like the coward he is. It is proof that I should always trust my instincts. The first time I let him live, I knew I was making a mistake. Jasmine and I would have found each other somehow, that’s something I’m sure of. “Please, have mercy,” he holds his hands out, squinting through his busted-up eye.

  “No chance in hell, not after what you pulled.” I shake my head. “The first time you fucked with us, I thought you would have learned your lesson. No one gets a second chance with the Romano family.”

  I step toward him, feeling angry that he would ever do this to a woman so sweet as Jasmine. It proves to me how much of a low life he really is. My hand closes around his throat, lifting him from the floor. The moment he’s on his feet, I punch him in the face again and again, unable to contain my rage.

  It’s not until Rick steps to my side, placing his hand on my shoulder that I snap out of the brutal rage I’d flown into. “I can do it for you, brother.”

  I shake my head, knowing it has to be me that ends this son of a bitch. Once the word spreads about this, everyone will know not to fuck with my woman. They’ll know how much I care about her, but also what I’ll do to anyone who goes near her again. “It has got to be me.”

  Rick nods, slipping his hand under my jacket and grabbing my gun. “There’s no need to do it with your bare hands. End it quick.” He passes the gun into my hand and then stands by the door, guarding it.

  I lift my gun, fixing a silencer to the end. Blood coating my knuckles and clothes. The moment I point it in his direction he attempts to make off, but I’m too quick. The gun shot rings out, and he drops to a heap on the floor. Blood flowing like a river from the headshot wound, staining the wood floor crimson.

  I hate how desensitized I am to murder. Every time I kill I feel another part of me being torn away. I sell my soul to the devil every time I do something for this family. Even though I know I couldn’t have let Jasmine’s step-dad live, not after what he did, I wish I never had to kill anyone.

  Leo’s hand lands on my shoulder, making me jump. “I’ll get the men to clear up the mess.”

  I nod but don’t make a move to leave, my eyes still fi
xed to his lifeless body. This is my life and I’ve been at peace with that for a long while. Deep down there’s a part of me that is guilty—guilty for bringing Jasmine into this world. There’s no escape now, she’s part of this. The guilt feels like it will swallow me up and eat me whole.

  “Are you okay?” Leo asks.

  I turn to face my brother, noticing the concerned look on his face. “Yeah.” I shake my head. “I just wish I hadn’t brought Jasmine into this life.”

  Leo sighs heavily, patting my back. “Jasmine loves you, it’s obvious.”

  I feel surprised at my brother expressing such a sentiment. He’s normally always joking about.

  “You’ve got a good one there, Kane. Hold on to her as hard as you fucking can.”

  I nod, trying to let his words sink in. The thought of her seeing me like this, splattered in another man’s blood and broken inside, scares me. Jasmine would be the first person, other than my brothers, to see that vulnerable side of me. The side that is badly affected by the things I do day in and day out.

  I sigh heavily, allowing myself to relax. Leo’s words easing some of the anxiety. If she loves me, she won’t care—at least, I hope that’s the case.

  The one thing that scares me more than anything is losing the woman I love.



  Kane steps out of the cabin, blood splattered all over his clothes and hands. For a moment, his eyes are haunted as they meet mine. The worry and self-hatred masked within a flash, as the powerful man I always see reappears in front of me, bottling up all the hurt and anger.

  A sad smile plays at his lips as he gazes at me. When I first met him, he was pure power, but it’s clear how big a heart he hides. His part as his brother’s right-hand man isn’t who he is. It’s what he does, but it doesn’t define him. The power he emanates on the outside—that brutal and vicious part of him is for show—to make sure enemies know he can’t be fucked with. Weakness means giving his opponents a chance to hurt him and those he cares about. I understand that now.

  I’d been so angry at my step-father, I wanted to pull the trigger. But, seeing what killing dose to Kane and the way it affects him, I’m glad he stopped me. Sure, Alex was an asshole, and he deserved to die for what he planned to do to me, but I’m not sure I could live with pulling the trigger.

  I walk toward him and wrap my arms tightly around his waist. The blood-soaked clothes getting blood all over mine, but I don’t care. All I care about is that we’re both safe and together. “Thank you,” I mutter, tightening my grip around his waist.

  His hands land on my shoulders, and he pulls back to look into my eyes. “Thank you for what?”

  “Thank you for saving me from my asshole of a step-dad.” I bite my bottom lip. “And, for saving me from making a big mistake.”

  He nods, smiling down at me. “You’re welcome, baby girl.” His eyes fall to my ruined dress, and he sighs. “I’m so sorry about our wedding.”

  I shrug. “We could still go back and get married.”

  He shakes his head, pulling me close and kissing me softly—softer than he’s ever kissed me before. “We will rearrange it and get you a new dress, I want it to be a special day for both of us.”

  I can’t help but smile, feeling happy, all things considered. My heart feels like it could burst, as I gaze up at the man I’ve fallen for. “I love you,” I mutter, resting my head on his hard chest and shutting my eyes. “I love you so much it hurts.”

  Kane chuckles, wrapping his arms more tightly around my waist and lifting me from my feet. “I love you too,” he whispers into my ear, almost too quiet for me to hear. It’s enough though. We may have only known each other for two weeks, but they’ve been the happiest two weeks of my life.

  He spins me around in a circle, making me giggle. I never thought my step-dad being an asshole would have lead me to the man of my dreams. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted and more than I ever could have imagined.

  I’ve been alone all my life—Until now.

  “Okay, break it up love birds,” Leo says from behind us, shocking Kane into dropping me to my feet, rather suddenly. I’ve barely spoken to either of Kane’s brothers. To be honest, he’s kept me hidden in his room, scared to let me out. “Not sure we’ve officially been introduced, sister-in-law to be.” He bows slightly and Kane’s eyes narrow.

  “Don’t be such an ass, Leo.”

  He steps forward, grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Jasmine.” He glances at Kane. “Are you sure he’s not too old for you?”

  Kane growls lowly, taking a step forward.

  Leo takes a step back, holding his hands up in the air. “I’m only messing, big brother.”

  I take Kane’s hand in mine and squeeze it gently. “He’s definitely not too old for me,” I say, smiling up at him. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you better though, Leo.”

  Leo smiles genuinely and nods. “I like her, Kane.”

  Rick steps out of the cabin and our eyes meet. There’s a slight irritation in his expression, as he steps forward. “Yeah, odd you were going to marry the girl and hadn’t even taken a moment to introduce her to your brothers.” He steps forward and takes my hand in a rather firm hand-shake. “I’m Rick.”

  I nod. “I know.”

  He smiles and then chucks Kane a bag. “Change your clothes and burn them.” He glances at me. “You too, sweetheart.” His attention returns to Kane. “See you back at the house.”

  He walks passed us toward one of SUVs parked in the forest, and Leo follows, leaving us alone again. Three men step out of the other SUV with bags full of supplies, heading into the cabin. I get a feeling they intend to burn it down, considering the amount of petrol they’re hauling in there.

  “I used to come up this way when I was younger,” Kane says, grabbing my hand. “Come on, I know somewhere we can wash off.”

  I let him lead me down a path that leads deeper into the forest, the path dropping downward into a valley. The sound of rushing water catches my attention, and I know exactly where he’s taking me. There’s a small waterfall and natural swimming hole a little way from the cabin. I used to spend hours by it, escaping my mom and Alex’s bickering.

  Kane strips the moment we get there, dumping his clothes to one side and pulling out a match. My heart races at the sight of his muscled and tattooed body, flooding me with an aching need instantly. It’s impossible to keep my eyes off his impressive, semi-hard length between his tights.

  “Come on, kit off,” he says, eyes full of that fiery passion that melts me into a puddle. He nods toward the pile. It’s ridiculous that I flush at the thought of getting naked out here with him, considering everything we’ve done.

  I strip my clothes off, feeling bare as the summer breeze whips around my body. My nipples are hard and peaked from my arousal and the cool air.

  Kane strikes the match, chucking it onto our bloodied clothes and setting them on fire. I cross my arms over my chest, feeling vulnerable as his eyes return to me. “Come here, baby girl,” he growls, sending more heat through me.

  I can feel my juices dripping down my thighs already, and he hasn’t even touched me yet. I walk toward him and the moment we’re close, he pulls me into him, kissing me hard and passionately.

  The thick length of him throbs against my tummy, making me moan into his mouth. He wraps his arms around my waist and hoists me up, forcing me to wrap my legs around him. He groans, deeply, as his cock settles against my slick lips.

  Kane steps into the water, holding me. My heart rate spikes as the cool water washes over my body, making me shudder. “It’s cold.”

  Kane smiles. “Don’t worry, I intend to warm you up, baby.”

  He perches on a smooth rock beneath the surface, holding me in his arms. The hard length of him presses into my arousal. “Fuck me,” I moan, as he captures my lips with his.

  I rise up and let his cock spring free, the swollen head nudging against
my slick entrance. With one quick thrust, I force myself over him, moaning at the satisfying fullness of stretching around his throbbing length.

  “That’s it baby girl, ride me,” he groans, digging his fingers into my ass cheeks. I moan, as he slaps my ass in the water. “Take Daddy’s thick cock.”

  I ride him harder and faster, making him groan against my neck. “Fuck,” I say, feeling my orgasm edging toward me already. It feels so freeing and good, making love to Kane out here in nature. Despite everything that he does and who he is, I love him.

  He grabs hold of my hips, stopping me and standing in the water. My pussy still tightly clenched around his thick, throbbing length. I moan as he fucks me standing up, driving deeper than he’s ever gone before. It’s primal and desperate, like animals mating. The noises we are making are almost feral as he drives us both toward the edge.

  My fingertips dig into his shoulders, clawing at him as heat filters through my body. He sits back down on the rock, grabbing my wrists and forcing them behind my back. Kane holds them tightly in one hand, keeping me restrained as he thrusts his hips hard and fast.

  The water around us splashing as he drives into me. I can feel my orgasm building to a peak, as he keeps me restrained, grunting and groaning as his cock hardens inside of me. “Come for me, baby girl,” he growls, pumping into me on more.

  "Fuck, yes, Daddy,” I cry out, as I come all over his cock.

  He roars as he comes undone, unloading his thick cum deep inside of me. He doesn’t stop fucking me through my orgasm, making sure every drop is drained from his balls.

  When he finally stops, I collapse into his chest. He lets go of my wrists, letting me wrap my arms around his neck. The heat of his body filters into mine, and I no longer notice the cold water around us.

  All I’m aware of is the man whose arms I’m in. He kisses my neck gently and tenderly. “You’re so beautiful, Jasmine,” he whispers into my ear, pressing his lips to the base. “And, all mine.”


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