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Clarissa: Historical Romance (Chronicles of the Hudson River Valley Book 1)

Page 14

by Jean Jacobsen

  “Indeed, I hope you are right…until this afternoon then.”

  As Clarissa departed the library, she thought again about Nicholas and Olivia together last night. Then she thought of Laura’s comment that men just didn’t understand why women got upset when they paid particular attention to another woman and this was typical behavior. Clarissa had heard numerous stories about the men Olivia had thrown aside when she was finished with them and decided she would do everything in her power to keep Nicholas from Olivia’s clutches.

  Before Clarissa knew it, the time had arrived for her to meet Nicholas. The ballroom was cavernous compared to Lochwood’s. As they danced, they were in complete sync one to the other, no missteps on Clarissa’s part and Nicholas was careful to keep complete control on her fingertips.

  On her next return, Nicholas drew her closer and placed light little kisses on her neck. Would he devour her right there in the ballroom, she wondered just before he pulled back from her. He straightened up and adjusted his jacket, then smoothed back his hair as he took in a deep breath.

  Clarissa paused in her dance steps when the kisses made gooseflesh on her arms. Did he realize what he was doing to her resolve?

  Chimes from the Grandfather Clock in the hall acted as a bucket of cold water on both of them and none too soon they realized they had obligations to others for the evening.

  “Miss Tanner, I’m not going to apologize for my actions here today however inappropriate they might have been. It occurs to me that perhaps we should be on a first name basis. May I call you Clarissa?”

  Clearing her throat and giving herself a moment to recover from their heady closeness she replied, “Yes, of course, Mr. Granger. You may call me Clarissa and I’m not seeking an apology.”

  “By all means then, you must call me Nicholas.”

  They both turned and exited the ballroom together as they went to their respective rooms to refresh themselves before dinner.

  If Clarissa thought she was confused before, after today’s dance lesson, her emotions were even more conflicted. On one hand, she was still angry with him in regard to Olivia, on the other, she thoroughly enjoyed the few private moments she and Nicholas shared. Why did life have to be so complicated?

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  L iam knew he couldn’t go to his family farm in Virginia although it would have been the ideal hiding place, he was sure it would be the first place his pursuers would look for him. He and Nicholas had played there as young boys and Liam remembered the forts and secret places they had made in the woods near the edge of the fields. They never ventured far into the thick woods for fear of getting lost, but it was enough that their nanny allowed them to “be boys” and play in the dirt.

  Liam was now in a wooded area on the edge of New York City, which gave him an idea. If he could find that perfect combination of a place secluded enough to give him cover from the henchmen who were pursuing him, yet close enough to a food and water source, he would be able to survive for many months. However, he was certainly not equipped for the cold weather months ahead.

  The first thing that came to mind was to find an inn where he could get warm, have a good meal and hopefully find a game of cards. He was an excellent card player, or rather, thought he was. Everyone had bad luck from time to time, but he hadn’t known when to stop, always thinking the next hand or game would be the big one. Any player who spent a good deal of this time playing cards felt this way. It had never gotten him in trouble before. It was Alex Kilpatrick who was hunting him down. The reason was unclear, but the threat was real. Surely, they wouldn’t think to look for him here on the outskirts of New York.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  E ach day’s post brought a flood of invitations to events of the season covering Abigail’s writing desk. She occasionally joined Clarissa, Laura and friends as they enjoyed the various daytime activities the invitations offered.

  Today the young ladies were attending a soiree at Whitehall on Park Avenue. Mrs. Geneva Whitehall, so rumor had it, was proclaimed hostess of the season. Laura introduced Clarissa to Mrs. Whitehall who was a friend of Laura’s mother.

  “Thank you for your kind invitation,” Clarissa said.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” responded Mrs. Whitehall. “You are the talk of the town this season, to be sure.” Turning her attention to Laura, she asked, “Will your mother be joining us today?”

  “She sends her regrets. One of her blinding headaches struck her this morning.”

  “Poor dear, I simply don’t know how she survives those dreadful things. Do give her my love.”

  “Yes, of course,” replied Laura.

  “Now girls, find your way to the tea cart for some refreshment then be seated. I have some light entertainment planned for everyone today.”

  They joined the other ladies already gathered in a large parlor seated in groups of four or five. Everyone was talking at the same time and sounded like so many birds in an aviary. The array of colors of the dresses lent a festive air to the atmosphere in the room.

  As Clarissa and Laura meandered through the room, the chatter became clearer. “I hear Jeffery Madison will be…” and “I think Mr. Applegate is so handsome….” Several of this season’s debutants were present. Clarissa recognized a couple of them who attended Miss Clegg’s Finishing School with her and Laura. They politely acknowledged her as she made her way through the room.

  Each little clutch of young ladies was talking about the young men who would be at the balls, which ones were considered the best catches, who was the most handsome, and whose family was the richest. They spoke of their favorite modesties, the latest fashion trends and then the hat shops. The conversation always circled back around to the young men.

  Clarissa was trying to be “social” and join in conversations. She thought of herself as being much older, perhaps because of the things she had experienced this past year. She had to remember how to have fun, as she was much too serious.

  Clarissa sighed in great relief when Laura finally suggested they take their leave. There was another debut ball this evening and she would need to rest before preparing for the evening. Her own ball was to be in a few days. She was anxious to see what a debut ball was really all about.

  At the appointed time that evening, Nicholas was waiting in the salon for Clarissa. He offered his arm to her as they descended the few steps to the cobblestone driveway where his coach awaited them. The strength of his offered arm felt steady and made her feel warm and secure.

  The glow of the candle in the carriage lantern gently swayed to and fro as the finely made conveyance traversed the uneven streets of the city.

  Nicholas broke the silence, “You are so quiet this evening. Did Laura and the Whitehall soiree wear you out today?”

  “No, not at all. It was a lovely gathering. Many of the young ladies there will also be presented this season.”

  Another silence, Nicholas coaxed another reply out of her.

  “I suppose I’m a bit anxious about this evening. I was unable to attend Laura’s debut ball last year. Even though she told me about all the other young women and their beautiful gowns, the handsome men, the music, you don’t really know what it’s all about until you experience it for yourself.”

  “True enough,” Nicholas said. “Perhaps I might be of some assistance.”

  She didn’t get a word out before the carriage stopped and was in line to leave off its passengers. Excitement filled Clarissa as she approached this much anticipated event. A milestone, as it was her first debut ball to attend. They entered the grand foyer where Nicholas presented their invitation and the doorman announced them to the receiving line.

  Moments later, Clarissa and Nicholas were separated by a crush of people. A moment of panic set in as she searched the crowd for a familiar face. True to her word, Laura found her, and they were off to mix and mingle.

  “You look lovely tonight,” said Laura. “Do you remember my special friend who was with me at Nicholas’ d
inner party? Well, he’s here tonight and I think he’s going to pop the question!”

  “What question would that be, Laura?”

  “You are too precious for words,” Laura said bubbling over with giddiness, “Marriage, of course. You know how my parents have been pushing me to select a husband.”

  “Oh Laura, that is wonderful news. Then you mustn’t spend your evening with me. Where is the dear fellow?”

  “He’ll be along directly, in the meantime, let’s see what we can do about filling your dance card.”

  The two went off scanning the crowd for potential dance partners for Clarissa when they bumped into a group of likely prospects.

  “Ah, here we are,” said Laura. “These good fellows are acquaintances of my brother from university. Allow me to introduce you.”

  Clarissa’s card was nearly full by the time each one in turn tussled with one another to be first to sign for a dance. By the time Nicholas found Clarissa, only one dance remained on her card, the final dance of the evening and he quickly penciled himself in.

  Thankfully, most of the dances were reels and quadrilles for which Clarissa was ever so grateful.

  Her surprise came in how friendly all of her dance partners were. Some flirted more than others and to her surprise, made suggestive remarks. Clarissa, flattered by their attention, had to admit she was enjoying herself immensely. At that moment, Gran’s voice echoed in her mind, “You must select a husband soon to secure Lochwood from Alex Kilpatrick.” Clarissa was feeling anew the pressure of selecting a life partner. How would she sort them all out in a timely manner?

  Nicholas found the refreshment table and joined a few of his acquaintances in a strong cup of rum punch. As they viewed the couples on the dance floor, who should appear in front of them but Olivia in a most revealing dress?

  “Good evening, boys,” she practically purred as she eyed each one in turn until she turned her focus on Nicholas. “My dance card seems to have some empty spots. Would you care to fill them in with your name?”

  Nicholas glanced from one acquaintance to another to see if any of them would take up her offer, but not one of them jumped in to sign until Nicholas said, “I could perhaps fill in one dance for you.”

  Olivia used her most distressed look on him as she offered up her fan and a pencil. “Really Nicholas, only one dance? I’m most disappointed. Your charge, Clarissa, is swarmed with admirers. I was in hopes you could spend your time with me this evening.”

  “As you say, Miss Davenport, Clarissa is my charge and therefore it is my responsibility to see that her dance partners conduct themselves in a proper manner. I will, however, oblige you the one dance.”

  Nicholas turned to his friends to continue their conversation and Olivia went on her way to find others to dance with. At the appointed time for their dance, Olivia sought out Nicholas. It turned out to be a night of many disappointments for Olivia as their dance was a quadrille, not a waltz, as she had hoped, and it was in the middle of the evening.

  Nicholas kept a close eye on Clarissa throughout the evening and when the last dance was announced, he made his way to her through the crowd. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she saw him approaching. She gave a slight curtsy and extended her right hand to him as he led her onto the edge of the dance area. The strains of a familiar waltz rang out and they were in complete step with one another. Clarissa completed each turn holding firmly to Nicholas’ hand and he drew her in close to him on the return. It was as if they were alone in Lochwood’s ballroom and they had the entire space to themselves. Couples moved back to give them room and all eyes were on this handsome couple.

  Bits of conversation could be heard in various areas of the room. “You know she is an heiress.” “Who is that gentleman?” “Do you think they will make a match?”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  T he day for Clarissa’s ball had arrived. The entire household was on high alert with servants scurrying around cleaning, polishing, and making the house ready for their guests that evening. Abigail was at the height of her glory overseeing each phase of the activities. She supervised the placement of the fresh flower arrangements and checked in on the cooks to see how the preparations were coming along for the midnight banquet.

  Clarissa, unable to sleep for all the excitement running through her, was in need of an early morning ride with Laura, but Laura was on her honeymoon, so she discovered from a note delivered to Granger Hall last evening. What a disappointment that Laura would not be here to share this special evening. Clarissa only hoped that Laura was having a special evening of her own.

  Why the rush to marry?

  The groom, who’d readied Clarissa’s horse at the stables, brought the filly around to the front portico. By Nicholas’ orders, she would not be riding alone. The morning air was crisp with a light dusting of snow and her fine kid gloves were hardly adequate for the cold morning, but she did not complain. It had been far too long since she had ridden. She missed her own horse, Figgy and her thoughts turned to Lochwood.

  Upon her return to Granger Hall, Clarissa changed into a day dress and asked her maid to accompany her on a walk in the conservatory. Even though initially she had been reluctant about being presented to society and finding a husband, now she found those thoughts had come to a halt. However, as much as she was enjoying herself, her heart longed to be with her horses at Lochwood.

  Clarissa was so nervous about this evening’s event that she could hardly eat a bite of luncheon. She retired to her rooms and attempted to read but she couldn’t concentrate on the book. To her relief, her maid appeared and announced a hot bath awaited Clarissa along with preparations for the approaching evening.

  Abigail’s last stop was to check on Clarissa and see how she was coming along and whether she needed any assistance dressing.

  Abigail found Clarissa’s maid making a final adjustment to the gown. Clarissa was such a vision of beauty that it brought tears to her eyes. Gran said, “I have a little something for you to commemorate this evening.” She presented Clarissa with the necklace she had given Clarissa’s mother on the evening of her debut ball.

  Clarissa was surprised at the warm emotion the necklace brought as she hadn’t thought of her mother for many months and she knew how much she would have enjoyed this evening. “Oh, Gran, it’s lovely and even more special that it was worn by my mother to her debut. You are always the thoughtful one. Thank you kindly.” In a rare display of affection, Gran gave her a warm hug.

  At the appropriate time, Clarissa was met by Nicholas at the door to her suite of rooms. “Good evening, Miss Tanner” seemed to be all he could say as the vision of loveliness stood before him.

  “And you as well, Mr. Granger,” said Clarissa as she raised her chin ever so slightly and met his eyes full on. The smile on his face said it all—there was no need for words.

  Clarissa took his offered arm and they descended the grand staircase together. There it was again, that feeling of strength and security emanating from Nicholas as he guided her to stand beside Abigail in the stately main foyer. Right on schedule the guests started to arrive. A veritable parade of carriages stopped at the grand entrance, the guests being announced as they made their way through the receiving line.

  Every light in Granger Hall spread its welcome as the crush of guests filled the rooms. The ballroom was overflowing with white flowers of every kind set about on pedestals, which were elevated at various heights. The fragrance of the flowers was soft, but ever present adding to the atmosphere of the night. Beeswax candles glowed from chandeliers and candelabras placed around the room adding their own scent to the mix.

  This debut ball was to be the crowning event of the season and it did not disappoint. Clarissa felt like a princess in one of her childhood fairytale books.

  Clarissa’s dance card was full to overflowing. She had promised Nicholas the last dance and it was traditional for her escort to dance the first dance with her as well. She dazzled them all, smiling until her face hu
rt and her bum leg was wearing out from fatigue.

  Farley Applegate was one of the young gentlemen Laura had introduced Clarissa to at the first ball. He appeared to be under the spell of this green-eyed beauty. He was jostling with his friends to secure a place on Clarissa’s dance card. When he finally reached the head of the line, he requested more than one dance, but Clarissa’s card had only one spot remaining. Farley tried to purchase dances with Clarissa from the other fellows. They laughed at him, all in good fun but not one of them was willing to relinquish his place in the queue. There were plenty of other young ladies present but Farley appeared to have eyes for only one. When Clarissa was dancing with others, Farley watched closely to see that she was being held at a distance not too close to her partner, and then he moved around the edge of the dance floor so he could keep them in sight. Poor Farley, he truly was smitten with Clarissa.

  Nicholas approached Farley and put a firm hand on Farley’s shoulder. “Come along young man. I’m in need of a drink.” He guided Farley through the crowd to the refreshment tables. Nicholas poured each of them a cup of punch.

  “Thank you, Sir. I’ve been a bit distracted this evening.”

  Nicholas grinned, “She is a vision of loveliness, isn’t she?” All Farley could do was nod. They continued their light conversation but always with Farley’s eyes towards the dance floor. Nicholas chuckled to himself and finally sent Farley on his way.

  Nicholas found Abigail holding conversation with a couple of ladies. They all commented on how lovely Clarissa was this evening and how well-suited Nicholas and Clarissa appeared when they partnered for the first dance. There was little evidence of her limp at that time, but as the night wore on and Clarissa became fatigued, her limp became more pronounced.

  The call to the midnight buffet was a welcome respite for Clarissa. The kitchen staff put out a feast to rival any White House affair. Tables were laden with oysters, salmon, Canvasback roasted duck, pheasants, and ham, which was all accompanied by seasonal vegetables and of course, a table of sweets which included Clarissa’s favorite ice cream.


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