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Clarissa: Historical Romance (Chronicles of the Hudson River Valley Book 1)

Page 16

by Jean Jacobsen

  The following afternoon, Abigail met alone with Mr. Applegate and delivered the good news. “Thank you, Mrs. MacDonald.” His voice was light and cheery. “I promise to treasure her until my dying day.” He was literally bouncing from one foot to the other.

  Chapter Thirty

  T he following day was bright and crisp as Nicholas took Clarissa for a carriage ride in the park. Once again, Nicholas had the uneasy feeling they were being followed.

  It was all the fashion to be seen in the park with a lovely lady during the late afternoon, but this was much too early in the day for that not-to-be missed hour.

  The past couple of days had brought to light Clarissa’s popularity with the younger set and Nicholas feared jealously was rearing its ugly head. Try as he might to suppress his feelings for this beautiful young woman, he was losing the battle.

  Nicholas drove to his favorite spot near the lake where few people were out and about at this time of day. When he stopped the carriage in a secluded spot, his heart started beating faster at the thought of being alone with Clarissa. Did she feel the same way too?

  He made small talk for a few minutes about this particular place and his early memories of being here with his parents. “Funny how things do not appear as large as they had in my youth.” He was referring to a small island in the middle of the lake.

  “Are you comfortable enough under the carriage rug and with the warm bricks your maid prepared for us?” Nicholas asked.

  “Oh, yes, as snug as a bug,” Clarissa replied, but before she could continue her thought, his mouth was on hers in a passionate kiss, even more so than the ballroom kisses. This one had more urgency to it.

  He put his arm around her and gently pulled her closer to him on the carriage seat. She tilted her face up to him and returned his kisses, which lit a flame of desire within him. His hand found its way to the top of her gown, which happened to be low cut, and he paused for a moment to trace the neckline with a fingertip. His lips moved down her pulsing throat. She tasted so sweet and smelled of soap and roses, which were even more intoxicating to Nicholas’s senses.

  He longed to hold her close and feel the full length of her body against his, but this could not be done while seated in the buggy. He withdrew from the kiss and in a husky voice said, “Let’s get down from the carriage.”

  Clarissa had a questioning look on her face as he helped her to the ground. She landed directly in front of him and he took full advantage of their nearness by embracing her fully to him. Oh, how he ached to be one with her.

  Nicholas was about to kiss Clarissa again when he heard voices coming from the nearby path. He stepped back from her and adjusted his coat and hat. The gentlemen passing by tipped their hats and bid them good morning.

  That was too close of a call. How could he have endangered her reputation by his public display of affection? But, in his defense, she was driving him mad.

  Clarissa’s head was spinning as his kiss ignited feelings within her she had tried to suppress. No other man had ever elicited a response from her like this before. Whatever was Gran thinking to say that Mr. Applegate could court her?

  They returned to Granger Hall and Clarissa did not see Nicholas until evening when they met in the downstairs entryway for him to escort her and Abigail to the Sutherland ball where they would meet Mr. Applegate.

  Nicholas and Clarissa exchanged glances and a current of excitement shot through her as he touched her arm to guide her down the steps to their waiting carriage.

  They rode in relative silence, Abigail asking, “How was your day Clarissa?”

  “Very busy, Gran, the number of callers seems to increase each day, but they were all turned away except for Mr. Applegate. I do miss his friends.”

  Nicholas appeared to be in deep thought as he gazed out the carriage window.

  “How wonderful for you, dear, that you spent some time only with Mr. Applegate. Did he read to you again?”

  “No, not today. We discussed favorite books and plays. The afternoon was rather quiet compared to when his group of friends accompany him.” Clarissa glanced at Nicholas seated across the seat from her but there was not even a twitch from him to indicate he was listening.

  The ball scene had now become routine for Clarissa. She was met by Farley Applegate and his friends. They each asked for a dance, which filled her card. She was allowed to have more than one dance with Farley since they were officially courting.

  Where was Laura when she needed her? She danced until she was exhausted, but always saved the last dance for Nicholas.

  When Nicholas wasn’t dancing with Clarissa, other ladies vied for his company including Olivia. Clarissa kept an eye on him and his dance partners. Was she jealous?

  Tonight, it was difficult for Clarissa to pay attention to the patter of each dance partner. Her thoughts were of Nicholas and their kiss in the park. She knew her feelings were growing for him, it seemed as though he had made his desires known to her as well. Poor Farley, whatever was she going to do with him?

  Chapter Thirty-One

  T he opening night of his art show, Nicholas left Granger Hall before Clarissa and Abigail so he could meet with the gallery owners and their attendants to answer any last minute questions.

  Abigail and Clarissa were escorted by Farley. Upon arrival, they were thrilled for Nicholas. The room was practically overflowing with a literal who’s who in society. They found it almost impossible to wind their way through the crowd.

  Finally spotting Nicholas, Clarissa stopped abruptly when she saw Olivia clinging to his arm. She suddenly left Farley and Abigail and made her way to Olivia. Furious, instead of skulking away, Clarissa met Olivia head on by pushing her way through the crowd to Nicholas’s side. She kissed him on both cheeks and loudly announced that she was ready to assist him in whatever manner he might need.

  The crowd pressed forward to get a look at the newcomer and in the process pushed Olivia to the back of the crowd.

  It was rumored in newspapers and tea parlors that the belle of the season, Miss Clarissa Tanner, would be present this evening. Those who attended Clarissa’s debut ball recognized her right away and whispers of her arrival pulsed through the crowd.

  “It is Miss Tanner. She’s an heiress you know.”

  Others repeated, “I heard that Mr. Granger is her escort this season. I wonder if they will make a match.”


  Olivia was not one to be pushed around, and she was furious with Clarissa’s treatment of her. Then there was Nicholas, why had he not put Clarissa in her place by telling her he was with Olivia tonight? She needed to think, to plan and scheme about how to get Nicholas away from Clarissa. She needed a drink so had retreated to the outer edges of the crowd and managed to find the refreshment table where a few men were partaking of a special rum punch.

  “Good evening, gentlemen,” said Olivia. With congeniality oozing from every pore she continued, “Perhaps one of you would be kind enough to pour a cup for me?”

  The men exchanged glances with each other until one spoke. “There is some lovely lemonade over here,” he indicated the opposite side of the table. It was unladylike to partake of hard spirits when it was not part of a dinner party and then only wine or sherry was considered acceptable. “Will that be satisfactory?”

  “You are too kind, but I prefer the rum punch this evening.” Sidling up to him, she turned on her charms and hoped that her low-cut dress would have the desired effect and leave little to the gentleman’s imagination. The other men moved aside while Olivia was given cup after cup of rum punch.

  The punch soon took effect, spreading a warm glow from Olivia’s upper lip that was starting to go numb and the feeling continued all the way to her toes. Good she thought to herself, she’d never admit it, but she needed the courage it gave her to confront Clarissa who was becoming as annoying as a little sister. She needed to get Clarissa out of the way so Nicholas would only have eyes for her.

  Leaving the punch bowl and brus
hing off advances from the gentleman, Olivia made her way on wobbly legs to where Nicholas was speaking to a small group of people gathered around a French landscape painting.

  “You see,” Nicholas said, “It’s the way the sunlight plays on the countryside….”

  He was interrupted by Olivia, who reached to steady herself by grabbing his arm. In a slurred voice she said, “Pardon, l…adies…,” she hiccupped, “m...en….”

  Nicholas could see she was intoxicated and excused himself from the group as he roughly grabbed her arm. “What is the meaning of this behavior?”

  Olivia tried to focus on his voice as she slumped against him. He managed to get her to a nearby chair where he propped her up and asked one of the gallery attendants to call for a carriage. To the other attendant he said, “Stay with her, will you until it arrives?”

  “Of course, Mr. Granger.”

  Hardly anyone took notice of Olivia’s departure.


  Nicholas’s showing was a huge success. The crowd embraced the emerging artist and this new style of painting as only New Yorker’s can do. With all the requests he was receiving, Nicholas soon realized he would need to start painting again at season’s end to keep up with the demand for his work.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  T he following evening Nicholas was to accompany Clarissa to a music recital at the DeWitt home on Park Avenue. He sent her on ahead in the company of Abigail and Farley promising to catch up later as he had an urgent message from the art gallery’s owner about a potential buyer who insisted on meeting the artist before making a purchase.

  Upon his arrival, Nicholas found his brother Liam in the gallery. Shocked to see him in such an altered appearance from Paris, the brothers met in a bear hug. When they parted, Nicholas caressed Liam’s face with his hands then moved down his shoulders as if to check that all was well. “Oh, my Liam, we have been searching for you for many months now. Where have you been?”

  “I had to run for my life, to dodge the strong arms sent by Alex Kilpatrick.”

  Nicholas drew in a deep breath at the sound of the name. Wasn’t he the same man who was making Clarissa’s life miserable? “Why were they after you, Liam?”

  “I apparently stumbled across a scheme to defraud our family of money while I was learning the bookkeeping system Giles developed for our properties.”

  It took a bit for this information to set in before Nicholas replied. “Didn’t you know we were looking for you? Father instructed our man of business to hire an investigator to find you.”

  Liam sighed, “I fear Giles was in on the conspiracy. When you’re in hiding, you don’t know who to trust. I was constantly looking over my shoulder, staying away from main roads, stealing food where I could find it. You have no idea what life is like on the run. Why are you here from France?”

  “I’m here because father thought I might be of assistance in finding you. Why are you here at the gallery?”

  Liam looked nervous about being in such a public place. He rubbed his hands together and kept glancing over his shoulder toward the main entrance as if he might bolt at any moment.

  “I read a newspaper a few days back and saw your name and announcement regarding the art show opening. I figured it would be better to meet you here than Granger Hall. I’ve had my eye on the place and there certainly have been a large number of visitors each day.”

  Nicholas was becoming paranoid just watching and listening to Liam. He too started glancing around ready to spring into action if any henchmen entered the gallery.

  Although it had only been a few short moments since the brothers had been reunited, Nicholas felt they were not safe here. “As much as I’d like to hear more of your story, Liam, I feel we must get out of here and get you to a safe place, perhaps the wine cellars at Granger Hall.”

  Liam huffed, “Don’t you know the house has been under surveillance? I’m not sure how long it’s been going on, but it’s at least since I’ve been in town. I thought to enter through the back servants’ entrance, but it is being watched too.”

  “We need to leave here,” Nicholas said taking Liam by the arm to lead him to the waiting carriage.

  The Granger’s man of business rushed in blocking their way. He was being followed by the strong arms who meant to do bodily harm to all they found associating with Liam.

  They barged into the gallery. A fight ensued and Nicholas shouted, “Liam, get out of here.”

  Liam tossed a leather bag in the direction of his brother and ran out the door saying, “Don’t give the contents to anyone except father. Our family’s future depends upon it.”

  Nicholas held the henchmen off until city police arrived to help with them. At least Liam had gotten away and that was the most important thing.

  The gallery owners had never had a ruckus like this before in their establishment. Nicholas apologized, assuring the Hanson’s this was a most unfortunate situation, and it would not be repeated. What would society think and had they made an error in judgment of this new artist? Only time would tell.

  When Nicholas arrived at the recital, it was nearly finished. He had composed himself as much as possible considering the scuffle he had been in nearly an hour ago.

  Clarissa had a look of concern on her face when she saw Nicholas approaching their group with a satchel under his arm. “Are you unwell? You look a fright.”

  “I’m as well as I can be at this moment but I’m not in the mood for any afterhours reveling with your friends. Please don’t ask questions, just do as I say and excuse yourself as best you can. Your safety is my main concern right now and I must insist you and Abigail return to Granger Hall at once.”

  Abigail joined in the conversation, “What’s this? Are we in danger?” She looked from Nicholas to Clarissa as if to find the answers in their eyes.

  “Yes, you very well could be. I’ll explain later, right now we must return to Granger Hall and stay inside for the remainder of the evening.”

  Clarissa turned to Farley and made her excuses. “I’ll send word when next you can come to Granger Hall. For your safety, please stay away until then.”

  Farley had a bewildered look on his face. “As you wish, Clarissa. I’ll await your message.”

  “Thanks ever so much, Mr. Applegate. We’d appreciate it you say nothing of this to your friends or family. It could put you in danger.”

  It was a restless night for all of them. Nicholas posted guards at all the entrances and in the stables as well. He wasn’t going to take the chance that any harm might come to the ladies should Kilpatrick decide to come after them.

  Abigail gasped and put her hands to her face when Nicholas related the details of the early evening encounter. “Do you suppose Kilpatrick made the connection between you and Liam when you first arrived at Lochwood?”

  “It’s purely an assumption on my part as I have not encountered the man myself, but I don’t think so. My relationship to Liam may have only come to light after this evening.” Nicholas paused to sip his brandy before continuing, “Kilpatrick seems to be a man who gets what he wants. I don’t think I’ve heard the last of him.”

  Clarissa joined in with, “Nicholas, you are so fortunate to have escaped the evil clutches of that despicable man. Thank the Lord you are unharmed.”

  “I’m not sure I am out of danger yet and may very well have put the two of you there as well.”

  “Nicholas, we are at a critical point here with our own situation concerning Mr. Kilpatrick. How do you propose that Clarissa continue with the season’s activities and remain safe at the same time?” asked Abigail.

  “I will hire several bodyguards tomorrow who will be with each of us whenever we leave the house. I stationed men at every entrance as well as at the stables and they will remain in place until I give the order for them to stand down.”

  Abigail’s shoulders visibly relaxed, “You seem to have thought of everything, Nicholas. I hope you are right.”

  Clarissa’s mood lightened t
he next day when her usual group of admirers called on her per her message to Farley to have them accompany him. He stayed behind after the others left hoping to have a few moments in private with her. Besides Clarissa’s maid, there was a large muscled man with a stern look on his face, dressed in a suit standing near the parlor door, neither one made a move to leave the room without Clarissa.

  Farley proceeded with his question. “I had hoped to escort you to this evening’s ball, Miss Tanner.”

  “You are very kind indeed, Mr. Applegate. A recent event prohibits me from accepting your kind offer. For my safety and those around me, I must decline a private escort. Mr. Granger must continue to be my escort the remainder of the season. However, it would be my pleasure to share a dance or two with you this evening.” She bestowed her brightest smile upon him.

  “A disappointment to be sure, Miss Tanner, but it will be an honor to dance with you. Perhaps you might also favor me by being my partner during the evening’s dinner.”

  “I will consider your offer and give you my answer when we dance. Good day to you, Mr. Applegate.”

  Clarissa rose and made her way to the parlor door before Farley could question her comment about his safety.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  O livia seemed to be on a mission to capture Nicholas’s heart. She showed up at every function where she thought he would be present. She considered Clarissa nothing more than an annoying little fly and it irked her to no end that Nicholas was Clarissa’s official escort for the season.

  Her devious mind worked overtime scheming to get Nicholas alone. Clarissa could not be by his side every minute of the day and night and Olivia would make this to her advantage. She thought to use her power of influence with the young men she knew by bribing them to dance with Clarissa at each of the balls. But Clarissa was always swarmed by a crowd of young men asking for a spot on her dance card. That brought a frown to Olivia’s face. The good news was this left Nicholas free to dance with others and Olivia made sure she had at least two dances with him. He was the picture of propriety on the dance floor and held Olivia at the proper distance when they waltzed, much to her dismay.


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