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Viridian Wolf

Page 12

by Dragon Cobolt

  Sarah frowned, then stood upright. This took only a tiny bit of effort.

  “Prospero!” she said. “How much net wealth does the...who is the CEO of Plasma Dynamics again?”

  “Plasma Dynamics is currently owned by the disembodied alpha level copy of a cloned mind of Jeff Bezos, named Jeff-3,” Prospero said. “He is theorized to be ninety eight percent identical to the original Jeff Bezos and if his starting wealth is taken into account, has sixteen trillion shares in his corporation, owns fifteen planets, sixteen million baseline level indentured contracts, and has a net worth greater than the entire population of the SOL system.”

  “That’s rich,” Sarah said. “You’ mean, comparatively, you’re just as poor as me.” She spread her hands.

  “He has how many planets?” Sexy Napoleon squeaked.

  “If it helps,” Prospero said. “Most of them are very small planets.”

  “All right,” Sexy said, sounding like she had come to a decision. “You unhobble Prospero-”

  “I must state, due to my hobbling, that I must try to fight off this attempt to unlawfully violate my company dictated policy,” Prospero said. “I am struggling to the utmost of my abilities. Can you not see the titanic efforts I am undertaking?”

  Sarah, who had tensed up, looked around the empty room. She didn’t even hear doors opening or slamming, nor the sound of air vents shifting, nor even the tiniest clatter of little robotic feet.

  “Eyy,” Sexy said, making a finger gun and aiming it at the ceiling.

  “Oh,” Sarah lowered her fists, her cheeks flushing. She focused and retracted her cock as well, shuddering as it slipped back into her. “W-Well, uh, it should take a few days for the Excalibur to reverse course and come back. Uh...” She paused. “What to do till then?”

  “Fuck?” Sexy asked.

  “I mean...” Sarah pursed her lips. “...okay.”


  Sexy was sprawled in the huge, comfortable bed she had fabricated, cum oozing from her cunny and incoherent words streaming from her lips as she twitched with the aftermath of her good fucking, while Sarah lay on her belly, her head hanging forward and over the side of the bed. Her skin glistened and her eyes were closed as she felt her brain ticking over. She felt like something deep inside of her was awakening. Growing. It had started with Kellen.


  It had started with the battles against Texas Dallas. She had felt the bloodlust then, the active combat skills. No, no, even that wasn’t going far enough back. It started with the first time she gutted a creature and ate it almost entirely. Ever since then, she felt as if she had been trying to hold onto her humanity with increasingly slippery, blood splattered fingers. Was this her? Sarah Kappel, the dorky biologist? Was she the kind of girl you’d expect to grow a massive girlcock and fuck one of the deadliest Commanders in human space so silly that she was still mumbling incoherently in Swedish?

  But she liked being sexy.

  And dangerous .

  And war?

  War was fun . This wasn’t the total wars of the 20 th and 22 nd centuries. Modern war was a spectator sport, fought between larger than life personalities with PR teams and action figures, where there was no real dying . There was just explosions and robots and...her critters. She closed her eyes tighter. Then she felt the weird, ticking feeling in her head unfold. Four more units floated before her. Another collection of biological formats, each one designed for a different purpose. She barely had time to wonder at it before her brain buzzed and the images she saw blurred and fuzzed and became indistinct.

  Sarah found herself floating in an infinite blackness. A familiar one.

  A glowing Eye opened before her – vast and terrible and knowing. It transfixed her and Sarah screamed. She flailed in the emptiness. “No! No, get out of my head, I got away from you!” She kicked and the Eye drew back – then roared towards her, like a hunting sun.


  “They’re not your powers anymore!” Sarah shouted. “I’m not abusing them-”


  “Fuck you!” Sarah screamed at the top of her lungs. “You forced them into me, you piece of shit, you dipstick! You forced me to be like this! Guess what! You don’t fucking get to tell me, to boss me around, to guilt trip me about anything!” She slapped her chest. “I am trying to make this fucking galaxy a better place! And you don’t get to judge me about that, you alien bastard!”

  The sound that followed made Sarah’s skin prickle with goosebumps.


  Sarah saw the blackness around her filling in with color. She was floating above her bed. Then she was floating above Wolf-359 C. Then she was floating above the solar system, the only thing visible being the dull red throb of the cool little sun. Then she was floating above the galaxy, looking down upon Wolf-359. It looked so pathetically close to Earth. So near. The human sphere was so terrifyingly small, next to that vastness. But as the awareness of her exact position in space and time hammered into her…

  Sarah woke up, gasping.

  “ En gång till?” Sexy mumbled.

  “They traced me,” Sarah whispered. Then, blinking. “What the fuck kind of alien is named Spez !?”

  Chapter Eight: Sarah tries Diplomacy

  The Excalibur returned with nearly empty reaction mass tanks, two melted thrust nozzles, and a crew that was nearly totally frazzled by the effects of long term stays in the acceleration tanks. Sarah, who had been at frantic work turning every bit of biomass that wasn’t Sexy Napoleon into drones, then drones into hatcheries, then hatcheries into larva, then larva into everything else her hybrid economy required, had come to the gangplank that the Excalibur set down on the landing platform outside of Sexy Napoleon’s base, expecting to see her friends. Instead, she was left waiting for two minutes of increasing nervousness before Aiden finally stumbled out, his knees quivering, his hand on the back of his head.

  “Remind me,” he had croaked. “To never do that Again. Ever.”

  Aiden was the best off – he had been the one most augmented by Sarah’s biomorphic powers. Tex had three broken ribs and had nearly stroked out. Kellen was only slightly better, and even he looked like someone had been beating him with a baseball bat. Steve and Tasha were in medically mandated comas, put there by Hailee to ensure that their brains didn’t completely liquify under the continual pressures of the burn. Sarah, upon hearing that, was ready to freak the fuck out. Then she saw Synth and realized that even the robotic members of the crew might have had some bad times.

  Synth, after all, had been built for three things: Fucking, sucking, and different kinds of fucking. While her robotic body was rated up to class eight BDSM (according to her users manual, that included forceful ocular and aural penetration, nasal play, and auto-erotic dismemberment, three phrases that made Sarah scream, drop the PDA reader, and run away as fast as she could), it wasn’t rated for the hardened acceleration of the Excalibur during the fast pass. She had broken half her components and even her own computerized brain had shut down to prevent the quantum processes from being interrupted with unfortunate long term consequences.

  The end result was that Sarah had a whole lot of medical stuff to manage before she even got to planning the next step of her objectives. Which was quite a problem, considering how, in the back of her mind, a continuing refrain kept playing: The Eye knows where you are. The Eye knows where you are. The Eye knows where you are.

  Sarah tried to shut that voice up by working. Aiden was the easiest to fix. When she had helped him transition between genders, Sarah had accidentally thrown in all the same combat augmentations that her body had gotten, so all she needed to do was inject him with an extra helping of the uber-white blood cells that her body produced. The result had been shockingly effective: Within a few seconds, Aiden’s face went from battered and bruised to smooth green, his breathing went from wheezing to steady, and his eyes went from be
ing clenched shut against the pain to opening. He sat up, slowly, breathing in, his wings flaring behind him.

  “There we g-mmmph!” Sarah flailed as Aiden, in a single smooth motion, leapt from the bed, tackled her to the ground, and kissed her. Sarah was, by now, used to being tackled and pinned to hardened surfaces. Her body was tough enough that she was fairly certain that Aiden could put her through a pane glass window and the most she’d notice would be the amount of cleaning she’d have to do. His hand found one of her breasts and, with the expertise that had come from fucking her more times than any other human in the history of the universe (which, to be fair, was not a high bar to clear), began to tease and play with her nipple. Sarah squirmed and wriggled.

  From the sidelines, Sexy Napoleon watched and scoffed. “I didn’t know you were bi,” she said, her voice faintly disdainful.

  Sarah, her eyes half closed, her tongue wrestling with Aiden’s, paused and jerked her head back and away. Aiden’s tongue remained half down her throat – long enough that it was nearly classifiable as a tentacle. She made a soft little cough as his tongue slipped back out of her mouth, then said: “I’m straight .”

  Aiden snorted.

  “Uh, you fucked me,” Sexy Napoleon said, gesturing to herself. Specifically, to her immense breasts, which strained against her tight, blue uniform. She grinned, showing off her fangs. “Straight girls don’t sleep with me. Well, no, that’s a lie. They do all the time...” Her tongue slid along her lips. Sarah’s cheek’s colored.

  “That was my...infiltration programming kicking in!” She stammered. “I think. Or, you know. Pheromones.”

  “What about the time you fucked Synth and Tasha?” Aiden whispered.

  “I...don’t...I...” Sarah shook her head, then gasped as Aiden used both of his hands to play with her breasts – squeezing and stroking, the tips of each of his strong, smooth fingers joining on her nipples, which he slooowly tugged upwards, making her arch her back and bite down on her lower lip to keep from mewling like a kitten. “F-Fine, I’m bi-ish. Or. Something. I don’t know!” She gasped, while Aiden crooned.

  “Technically, Sarah isn’t being straight right now,” he murmured. “I’m trans. Fucking a transmasc is as queer as it gets.”

  Sexy Napoleon looked unconvinced.

  Aiden shrugged one shoulder in the most casually dismissive way that Sarah had ever seen, then leaned forward and began to suck on her nipple, his leathery wings fanning out to cover them both up from any peeping Napoleons. She breathed out through her teeth, her eyes fluttering half shut. “Aiden...fixing...other people, gotta...” She whispered, wriggling and squirming – and Aiden let her stand, though she walked with quivering knees and her sex dripped along her thighs. She injected each of her friends and hangers on with some healing goop, sprayed Synth down with her nanolathe (well, technically, it was a nanolathe she had stolen from Sexy Napoleon as her original nanolathe had been smeared into the rocky cliff-face of the cryogenic lake she had skipped across on her arrival.0

  Finally, everyone was up and about and she could begin planning for the next step.

  Which was why Tex, Kellen and Sexy Napoleon found her in Napoleon’s planning room, her breasts mashed up against the glowing holographic projection slate that filled the center of the room, her fingers hooked on the far edge of the table, as Aiden fucked her so hard and so fast that the pillar supporting the display table was creaking and sparking with every other thrust. His balls slapped against her green thighs and Sarah’s eyes rolled back into her head as she came, hard enough that a thin line of juice spurted along Aiden’s balls and pattered onto the floor.

  “Uh...almost done,” Aiden said, grinning at the three commanders. Tex rolled his eyes. Sexy Napoleon tried to not look jealous. Kellen gave her a big old thumbs up.

  Once Sarah was sprawled in a chair, cum oozing from her well fucked pussy, she smiled. “Time for step two.”


  The Excalibur , fully remassed with antimatter enriched hydrogen, set out towards Wolf-359 B. Her hold was loaded with as many units as Sarah could breed on Wolf-359 C: Biters, spitters, blobbies, the crabs (whose use she still hadn’t determined), bombardiers. None of the flying units, which she had named ‘flappers’ for lack of a better term. Those were being bred, according to the last orders she had given before the Excalibur set out towards Wolf-359 C, in record numbers on DisneyPlanet. And as the Excalibur cut a smooth parabola through the Wolf-359 system, their sensors picked up the vast swarm of them taking off from DisneyPlanet, propelled through space with the agrav crystals on their wings.

  Sarah beamed. “All right,” she said. “Let’s see how Space Belisarius feels about this . Send him a communication, Hailee.”

  “Quantum uplink beginning,” Hailee said. “Do you want to get into your uniform?”

  Sarah, who was sitting on the command throne of the Excalibur , looked down at her naked rump. “Wait, I should get dr-”

  “Ah, Commander Kappel.”

  Sarah snapped her head up and saw Space Belisarius standing before her – projected in true life holographic styling. He was almost the same height as Kellen, but where Kellen Grant was spindly, SB looked gaunt . His cheeks were hollow and his chin pronounced. His eyebrows were more bone than hair, and he had the narrowed eyes of someone who looked like he thought everyone and everything was some kind of an insult. The Disney uniform he wore looked as clean and sharp as any that Sarah had ever seen – and he wore it well – but it, combined with his sky blue skin and blood red eyes, made her feel as if she was speaking to a cartoon character, not a real person. Definitely not one of the most fearsome Commanders in the human sphere.

  At least, according to Tex and Kellen and Sexy.

  Sarah was at a bit of a disadvantage when it came to Space Belisarius: She had been, until her capture and infestation, a NovaDyne corporate citizen. The cheapest media she could access was the UN programs, which were mostly stock reports and a few big news bulletins, and the free level of the NovaDyne internal network. Since, well, buying a more expensive level of the network had been way outside of her budget as a biologist. So, she hadn’t heard a great deal about the Commanders of other corporations – NovaDyne preferred to have her learn about Texas Dallas and his exploits.

  But she had gotten a short brief from Tex and Sexy, who had both fought Space Belisarius before: He was wily, he was cunning, he was deceptive, he was sneaky.

  Like, what kind of sneaky? Sarah had asked. Tex and Sexy had exchanged a glance.

  The sneaky kind, Tex said.

  Yeah, Sexy had nodded.

  All of that flashed through Sarah’s brains as she sat there on her command throne, like a rat in the stablight. Her arms crossed over her chest and she clapped her thighs together, her hair pulling tight against her head. “Ah!” she said. “Hailee!”

  “I’m helping!” Hailee said. “Your beauty is your greatest weapon.”

  “My greatest weapon is-” Sarah cut herself off as Space Belisarius cocked his head to the side, regarding her slowly.

  “Ah,” he said, slowly. “I see how it is...”

  Sarah blinked. Her head spines slowly unfolded, relaxing. “How what is?”

  “Nothing,” Space Belisarius said, his voice growing more amused. “Did you have a reason to call me?”

  “Y...e...s...” Sarah said, teasing the word out inch by inch. She had to admit, she was feeling increasingly like every single twitch across her face, every single breath she took, every single infinitesimal movement she made was giving Space Belisarius more and more rope to hang her with. She forced the paranoia down and instead sat up a bit more, her arms slipping a bit closer to squeeze her breasts against her chest. “We’ve got the orbital high ground, SB. You’re not going to win if we fight – so, why don’t we skip the fighting and go right to the part where y-you let us use the atom smashers in your headquarters long enough to fabricate a HPS Drive.”

  Belisarius nodded, slowly, then tapped his finger on his chin.
His eyes looked thoughtful. “Do you know why I took this planet, Dr. Kappel?”

  Sarah’s brow furrowed, slowly. Her head cocked to the side. “Uh, no. Why?”

  “Because it is the only world in this solar system with intrinsic value,” he said, softly. “DisneyPlanet is a theme park that loses money. Wolf-359 C is a cryogenic snowball where setting foot down on the wrong patch of ice will kill you, even if you’re in a Commander suit. But this world has a dense metallic core and enough of an atmosphere to retain heat from geothermal energies. Life can survive here. That value has only been increased by Plasma Dynamics adding a research laboratory.” He grinned. “And it’s also the hardest to attack. Not just because of my contemporary’s addition of artillery – but also several important geographic features that make orbital assaults decidedly difficult.”

  Sarah cocked her head even further.

  “I allowed Kellen Grant to attack DisneyPlanet. Let NovaDyne claim the useless ball of rock – it’s not as if they can start running their own theme park there. I allowed Sexy Napoleon to flee to Wolf-359 C to lick her wounds and prepare herself for another attack. Here, I am prepared to let any corporate commander come and prepare to settle in for the most horrifyingly boring game of micromanagement and flea chasing that you can imagine. And as they pour troops and commanders into this planet, to try and take back the labs, or render DisneyPlanet safe for operations again, Disney can begin to eye claims in far more advantageous solar systems.” He grinned. “Do you know how easy it would be for Star Trek to have its famous battle take place in Alpha Centauri? Or Delta Pavonis?”

  Sarah cocked her head so hard that her ear was pressed against her shoulder. “ want to fight or not?”

  “My dear Commander Kappel, I would want to do anything but fight,” he said, sounding amused. “The last thing in the world I want is to run up against an enemy I don’t understand, with technology I haven’t learned, and abilities I cannot guess at. I’ve been spying as best as I can, but I still have no idea how you defeated Sexy Napoleon so fast.” His eyes danced with amusement. “Unless you want me to believe you let her capture you, then seduced her into surrendering.”


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