Acquire Your Touch

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Acquire Your Touch Page 7

by Hadley Raydeen

  “Is that the only reason you came?”

  He let the question linger there. She wasn’t sure what version of “came “ he was using, but she’d play this volley of words with him to see where they ended up.

  “Is there any other reason I would have to come over tonight, Mr. Phillips?

  He closed the distance between them, leaving only a little bit of space. In the back of her brain, she remembered her mother telling her to ‘leave some space for the Holy Ghost’ when she was a teenager, but those days were gone and this was no teenage boy standing in front of her. This was a full-grown man that was looking at her like he wanted her as the meal tonight instead of those steaks resting behind him.

  “I can think of a few reasons, Miss Stevens. But, since we just met, maybe we should just get to know each other and enjoy this meal.”

  She looked away from him only briefly. She didn’t want to show the disappointment, but she didn’t notify her face because he saw it. He put one finger under her chin and lifted so their gazes met. “That was the most difficult thing for me to say, when I want to do more. But, I don’t want to scare you away by being too aggressive. Plus, there is nothing wrong with a little conversation before we see how things go. Hmm?”

  Every bit of her body was reacting to his words her mind screaming, No, take me now. Let me jump your bones.

  But, she knew deep down, he was right. She didn’t usually get down on the first night.

  She nodded as he stepped away from her again. Her eyes followed his stride back around the table and the way his body moved.

  There could always be exceptions to that rule as well.

  Chapter 16

  “What do you think your boss would say if she knew you were here?” He took a bite of his meal, looking at her across the patio table on his deck, the sunset their backdrop. She’d taken him by surprise, not expecting to connect with her so easy. If anyone would have told him this, even a week ago, he would have laughed in their face. But Savvon had kept him on his toes most of the night, and he was enjoying her company. It was a nice change of pace not having to think about the ins and outs of his business for once and just sit and listen. He enjoyed everything about her so far.

  “At this point, I don’t care,” she said with a matter of fact tone, taking a bite of steak and a sip of wine.

  She shrugged. “I’ve had one, maybe two glasses.” He glanced at the nearly drained bottle. “Okay, maybe a few glasses. But, it’s not the wine talking. This is me. She can’t tell me who I can spend my free time with.”

  “That is true. I’m glad you are spending this free time with me.”

  Their eyes met again. Each time, the moment was longer, the electricity a little more intense. He had to stop looking at her like that; it was dangerous.

  “So, I feel like I've been talking about myself all night. Tell me about Nathan Philips?” she said, breaking the silence.

  “I’m from Phoenix.”

  “So you’ve said.”

  He sipped his beer and nodded. “I have two sisters, both older. My mother and father are still together.”

  She smiled.

  “I moved here for college, majoring in computer science and software engineering.”

  “A techy nerd.”

  He looked up at her, and she winked.

  He let out a soft chuckle. “Hey, I’m a sexy nerd, lady. Besides, it worked out; it got me all this,” he said, indicating his house and the open deck space.

  “Touché and nice it is.” She nodded. “The magazines and internet call you a ‘coding genius.’”

  “You’ve read up on me?” He lowered his fork and regarded her across the table with interest. He watched as her cheeks flush through her mocha skin. He’d apologize for making a beautiful woman uncomfortable any other time. But, tonight, he liked seeing this response when her responses were usually full of quick wit and easy retorts. He rather enjoyed verbally riding her to see where it ended. With the way her words already had his lower region hardening, and the way she licked her lips, the riding would turn into something more physical.

  “I may have read some things...”

  “Did you?” He was not letting her off the hook. Obviously, he’d piqued her interest enough for her to look him up. He wanted to hear more.

  She met his gaze, and he saw the fire that had intrigued him throughout their evening together. She jutted her chin and slightly lifted her head.

  That defiance…I love that.

  Most women thought overt flirtation would turn his head. But, he was not fooled by any of that. Especially now that he has made a name for himself. He was weary of women who never paid him any mind before, but now, all of a sudden showed interest.

  “I did, in fact, look you up, once I heard we would be working for you, I wanted to know what makes you…”

  “What makes me what, Savvy?” He leaned forward.

  “What makes you tick; what makes you, you.”

  He raised a brow at her. “Oh really? And, here I thought I’d have to give you my resume and go through your interview process. But, it looks like you skipped right to the background check? Tell me, miss Talent Acquisition, what did you find out? Did I pass?” He smirked at her.

  She sat back and stared at him over the brim of her wine glass, taking a sip before she answered.

  “Well, besides your Bachelors in computer science, you also have an MBA. It seems you are not only well educated but business-minded and were very strategic with how your business came together. You’ve built several Apps for different businesses before you created the one for the healthcare industry that really put you on the map. You are right now hiring to help build a 2.0 app for major airlines.”

  “You have done your homework, Miss Stephens. So, tell me, why did you want to come over here tonight when you already seem to know so much?”

  “I don’t think that little bit of public information begins to scratch the service, do you? You seem more complicated than just those few things an easy Google search brought up.”



  “How so?”

  “You aren’t married or so you say…”

  He chuckled. “I guarantee you, I’m not.”


  “I haven’t been able to…”

  “Find the one?” She finished for him. “Sources online say that you are known as ‘the Iceman’ in the business world as well as the dating scene. Anything you touch turns to ice.”

  “Anything I've touched has turned to gold; I assure you, Miss Stevens.”

  “You can call me Savvon, Nathan. We’ve been over this.”

  “I think the same can be said about you, when it comes to relationships, Savvon,” he said her name with an edge.

  “What on earth do you mean? There is nothing about my dating life online.” She laughed nervously.

  “Your friend was trying to set you up in the checkout line at the grocery store. When is the last time you’ve been on a date?”

  “I’ve been out—”

  “Where it wasn’t about work.” He stopped her.

  She clamped her mouth shut, and he saw the wheels spinning in her pretty little head. “Hmm, so it appears we are both guilty of being married to our work. Don’t point fingers at me, lady.”

  “I wasn’t pointing anything. You told me to tell you what I found out, and I was merely explaining what I'd discovered.”

  “Maybe we could help each other out of our…situation?”

  The look of shock on her face proved he had taken her by surprise. “What do you mean by that?” she croaked.

  “It just seems both of us haven’t had time to date or be interested in someone in some time...

  She looked at him and narrowed her eyes. “But what about the rules on fraternizing?”

  He laughed out loud, and she found she loved the sound of it—very male.

  “It's never been mentioned in my rule books. I know you have a clause, or some b
ullshit, with your company. But, we already established, we don’t give a damn about that.”

  She locked eyes with him. “I don’t think the handbook says anything about it. It was just something Mel brought up today…. We just need to be professional about it.”

  “If nothing else, I’m always professional, Savvon. Why do you work for that God awful woman? If you are unhappy there give me your resume, I’ll see what I can do—”

  “Oh, no, I’m not complaining...and do about what, Nathan?” She couldn’t believe she was complaining about her job to a client. “Please don’t think the worst of the company.”

  “I don’t think poorly of the company at all. You aren’t the only one to look things up, Savvy. I’ve seen the work you’ve done for clients and friends. I would be stupid not trying to get someone as talented as you on our team.”

  “I haven’t worked for you yet.”

  He steepled long fingers in front of him. “I know talent when I see it.”

  Chapter 17

  The mood of the dinner and light banter was friendly enough. They hadn’t really talked about his staffing needs at all. The conversation was more personal and about their likes and dislikes. Her eyes trained on his lips as he spoke, soft, full and very inviting. “Savvon?”

  “Hmm?” she replied, looking into his eyes the color of the lush green fields of Ireland, mesmerizing and endless. How many glasses of wine had she had?

  He smiled at her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she said, putting her napkin on the table. It had gotten dark.

  When did that happen?

  The only light around them were the candles he’d lit, along with the sounds of crickets, made for an even more romantic setting. She felt herself blushing as his gaze lingered on her. The conversation had stopped. He drained his beer and set the bottle on the table.

  “How was dinner?” he asked.

  “Very good. You’ll have to let me know how you seasoned that steak; it was perfect.”

  “A secret recipe. If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you.” He stood. “Can I take your plate for you?

  She looked down, realizing she’d devoured the entire delicious meal he’d prepared. Feeling quite satisfied and a little tipsy from the wine, she nodded.

  “Yes, thank you very much,” she said handing the plate to him. Their fingers touched briefly; her gaze moved back to his, and she saw the lust flash in his eyes. “Can I get you anything else to drink?” he eyed her empty wine glass.

  God no.

  That is why she was feeling light-headed and flirty now as it is.

  “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “I have desert. Would you like that now, or do you want to wait?”

  She put a hand to her belly. “Let’s wait a bit to let it digest”

  “Care to dance?” The question was unexpected.

  “What?” Across the deck was a stereo system. He threw the plates in a nearby dishwasher and turned on the sound of jazz, which lightly filled the deck area. She smiled when he held out a hand.

  “Did I mention that your deck is some kinda wonderful?”

  He laughed. “I’m out here a lot entertaining and just spending personal time.”

  He helped her to her feet and wasted no time pulling her into his arms. “I tried to make it as cozy as possible.”

  “You succeeded,” she said, enjoying the feel of his arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “You smell delicious, Savvon.” He nuzzled against her ear, his words a low rumble against the side of her face. She felt every inch of his hard body lining hers.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. Her head slowly fell at an angle, allowing him better access to her neck. He did not disappoint as his lips found the pulse and lightly kissed her there.

  “Hmm. You feel so good,” she moaned.

  “Savvon.” His voice was low, deep and rough. His hands moved to her hips, and she opened her eyes to look into his features which had turned into a dark sea of emotion. “What?” The one word barely whisper.

  “If you want me to stop, please tell me now.”

  She searched his handsome face. His eyes spoke volumes. He wanted her. Her heart pounded. She wanted him too.

  “I’m not saying stop.” The words barely left her lips before he captured her mouth. She moaned her response. He moved her body closer to his. She felt his hard pleasure against her middle.

  Her stomach fluttered as she let him take control, which was so out of her comfort zone. She definitely wasn’t the girl that slept with the guy on the first date. But, she didn’t stop him when his hands moved to the back of her dress to unzip it. She looked over his shoulder into the shadows of his backyard. They were still outside. She had to slow this down.

  “Nathan.” She breathed his name touching the side of his face. His lips hovered over hers, so close, she could feel his ragged breathing against them.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “If we are going to...finish this, shouldn’t we take it inside?”

  He blinked once and looked around them as if he had just remembered they were still out there too, both lost in the moment.

  “Yes, of course, sorry about that,” he said, taking her hand.

  “Don’t be sorry. I just don’t want to give your neighbors a show.”

  He squeezed her hand in confirmation, leading her to the sliding doors. “Come in, I can show you the house if you’d like?”

  “That would be nice.”

  He slid the door open with one hand while the other lay at her bareback, where he had unzipped her. His hand ran chills down her spine.

  “This is the kitchen,” he murmured, planting a kiss below her jaw.

  “Lovely,” she sighed, letting her head fell to the side against his shoulder.

  “Just ahead is the great room.” He ran a hand up her back finding the clasp of her bra. “Very spacious,” she murmured.

  “There is a loft and a master bedroom upstairs. His breath was hot against her ear. “If you want this to go any farther, Savvon, we can be up there in a second. If not, we’d better say goodnight. I don’t know if I can keep my hands off of you.”

  She turned to him, putting a hand to his chest. “We haven’t finished the tour of your house.”

  The lopsided grin that spread across his face made her heart melt. “My room is right up those stairs.”

  Tans and blues, warm and masculine, his room was very inviting.

  “This is a cozy room.”

  “I’ll tell my I.D. you think so.”

  She turned to peer at him over her shoulder. “You have an interior decorator?”

  “You don’t think I could decorate like this by myself, do you?”

  She looked around. “You’ll have to give me her number. I could use her at my house.”

  “Once you help hire the staff, my new assistant will send you the number.”

  She laughed, but the comment brought her back to reality. “Nathan, what are we doing? We have to work together on Monday…”

  “I don’t care. Let next week worry about itself,” he said, running a hand down her arm, capturing her hand in his, he brought it to his lips. “I’m going to be honest when I say, I haven’t been on a date in months. I have not been physically attracted to a woman like I am to you in a long time, Savvon.”

  “I’m sure you say that to all the ladies.”

  “I only mean it with you.”

  She snorted. “I’m sure.”

  “Well, I’m sure I want to kiss you right now.”

  “Then why aren’t you?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He lowered his face to hers. Though all thoughts were telling her she shouldn’t do this, her heart and traitorous body said, ‘just let this man put his hands on you.’

  Enjoy it, Savvon. Damn the consequence.

  His hands started to explore her soft curves, over her hips around to her ass.

  “Just give me the word, Savvo
n. I don’t want to do anything you don’t want” His hands were lingering above every part of her body she needed his touch right now. She needed this. Trish’s words lingered in her head.

  If he wants to have wild monkey sex with you, let him do that too.

  “I want you right now, Nathan,”

  She sighed as he moved the straps of her dress over her shoulders, causing the loose slip dress to fall from her body.

  “You are beautiful.” He made quick work of removing her bra, already unclasped from earlier. His warm mouth found her hard, receptive nipples, sucking in one and then the other. He guided her back toward his bed, running a finger down the side of her face tracing the fullness of her bottom lip, his tongue followed suit.

  She opened her mouth, allowing him access to taste her. She felt his hand move over her breasts, and she moaned her pleasure. Her hands worked his shirt up and over his head.

  “You are a bit overdressed, Mr. Phillips.” She felt him grin against her lips.

  “What are you going to do about that?” he countered.

  She unbuckled his pants, working them down over his hips.

  “Help me, help you.” She splayed a hand over his chest and ran it down over his abs as he kicked his pants and boxers away. Her eyes raked over him, taking it all in.

  “Your body is perfection,” she muttered, letting her hand travel farther over his rigid shaft.

  His fingers wrapped around her wrist. “You don’t know how good that feels, Savvy but If you keep that up, I won’t be able to last.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, taking her hand from him. He snagged her hand and brought it to his lips again.

  “There is nothing for you to be sorry about. I just don’t want to disappoint you.” He pressed his lips to hers. She could feel the heaviness of his erection against her belly. “Nathan, please,” she pleaded, grinding her hips against his, the feel of him causing her own pleasure as she moved.

  “Tell me, what do you need?” He nibbled at her ear, making her groan.


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