Acquire Your Touch

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Acquire Your Touch Page 8

by Hadley Raydeen

  “I need you to make this ache go away.” She was able to breathe out the words.

  “Whatever you want,” he said, moving his mouth to hers, covering the scream from escaping her lips as he lowered her to the bed and entered her slowly.

  Her mind and body went numb as she sucked him into her tight channel, creaming him. She nearly passed out from the pleasure of it. His mouth found her nipple feasting on it as he moved in and out of her.

  “You are so fucking tight. Christ, Savvon, you feel like heaven,” he moaned between the valley of her breasts.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she begged him as he pumped his body into her.

  “I couldn’t stop now if I wanted; trust me,” he growled.

  She felt her release coming on quickly ready to hit her like a freight train. “Yes, I’m almost there,” she panted, wrapping her legs around his body, taking him deeper, holding on for the final descent.

  “That’s it. Let go for me, Savvy. Come apart for me,” he whispered against her ear.

  The explosion of her release left her exhausted in his arms She heard him yell out his own pleasure right before his head hit the pillow next to hers.

  Minutes after both of their ragging breathing started to subside, she heard his low whisper as she started to move from the bed.


  The bed creaked and dipped close to her naked, sated body as he moved toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. She sat on the edge of the bed, redressing and finding shoes.

  “I wish I could, but I have to work in the morning. It’s the middle of the week.” He kissed a trail up her spine. “Mmm, Nathan, you are going to make this so much harder for me to go.”

  “I know the feeling,” he murmured, moving his legs around her so she sat directly between them, her back to his chest. She felt his erection stiffening, again, against her back.

  “Stop that.” She chuckled when he placed a hot kiss on her bare shoulder.

  “When can I see you again, Savvon?”

  “We start working together next week on Monday.”

  “I’m not talking about work. But fine, if that is how you want to play it. Can I call you to set a meeting at the end of the week?”

  “A meeting is that what we are calling it?” She smirked.

  “You know very well that isn’t what I’m talking about.”

  She stood, moving away from his thick, growing erection and warm mouth against her ear.

  “And, you know very well we can’t be together like this while we are working.” She pointed between the two of them. “This will get me fired. We have to be careful. Nathan, I like you, I do, but…” He stood, coming toward her, stalking her like a wild beast. She wasn’t sure if he heard one thing she was saying. His eyes were filled with lust and focused on her half-dressed body. “No, you can’t touch me. If you do, I can’t be responsible for what I do. I should go, Nathan.”

  “But you want my touch, Savvy. Admit it.” His voice was a low rumble against her ear as he took a firm hold of her breasts through her dress, now wrinkled from being tossed across his room in their frenzy.

  “God, please,” she murmured as his mouth hushed the rest of her pleas.

  “Let’s enjoy each other and whatever happens, I promise I will be here with you to work through it. Just stay with me tonight. You can leave in the morning with enough time to pick up some clothes for work.”

  The feel of his thumb, trailing over her nipple sent shivers down her spine.

  “We will work through it,” she echoed his words, letting him usher her back to bed.

  Chapter 18

  She quickly entered her office thirty minutes later than she intended. Nathan made her body sing the rest of the evening and well into the morning. She left his house with promises to see him again on Friday. She was high on cloud nine and didn’t notice the note from her boss until she was settled in her seat.

  Please come see me when you get in.

  A flash of anger rippled through her body. Notes like this rankled her nerves. First of all, she wasn’t a child. She worked out of the office all the time. This summons couldn’t be because she was tardy, but the tone of the note sounded like something her mother used to leave her when she was in high school. When you get home from school you make sure this room is clean!

  She hated it then, she hated it even more now as an adult. She pushed her computer chair away from the desk, and let out a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, but it did little to calm her mood as she stormed toward Melanie’s office.

  “She is not in a good mood!” Margo’s sing-song voice, coming out of her office, stopped Savvy in her tracks.

  She backed up, standing in the doorway and eyed the other woman. “What did you do?”

  “I didn’t do anything, but you must have because she just gave me the Big Dog account.”

  “What the hell? Why?” Savvy felt her stomach flip.

  What the fuck!

  “She didn’t say, just asked me to make the contacts today.” She held up the folder as evidence.

  Savvy’s mouth hung agape, unsure what she did for Melanie to throw one of her infamous temper tantrums and pull her off an account. There was no way she could know she spent the night with Nathan Philips…could she?

  “How did you get the file already?” Savvon asked Margo.

  The woman shrugged. “She got it out of your office, I guess.”

  Savvon was fuming when she walked into Melanie’s office. Her boss didn’t look up from her computer even after she asked her to sit down.

  “So, Savvon—” She began to talk, but Savvy cut her off.

  “Margo just told me you gave her the Big Dog account? I thought I was working on that?

  “Yes, you were,” she said, finally looking at her. “Unfortunately, we had a turn of events that I wasn’t expecting, and I’m not very happy to find out about. She slid the business card, that was in the file, across the table with Nathan’s words like a big blazing neon sign. Savvon could feel her cheeks burning.

  “Care to explain that?”

  “He asked me to bring the file down for him. What is the big deal?”

  “Eustace said he saw you talking to him outside of the building, and it looked pretty intimate. He overheard you making plans for the evening.”

  That son of a bitch.

  She hadn’t even seen him outside. Was he watching her? She made a mental note to ask Nathan what the hell was going on with him as their consultant.

  She knew Melanie told her no fraternizing would be accepted with clients outside of the professional realm. Thoughts of where Nathan’s mouth and hands were last night were beyond fraternization.

  “I met Nathan before he was a client,” she blurted.

  Okay, it wasn’t exactly true. She’d met him in passing at the grocery store…well barely. But, Melanie didn’t need to know the semantics. She paused as her boss steepled her long fingers, topped off with sharp, stiletto shaped acrylics, painted in a vixen red, in front of her face. Her eyes narrowed on Savvy.

  Savvy cleared her throat and continued. “He asked me to come out with him before I knew I would be working with him.”

  Not true but close enough.

  “Then, it was your duty to inform him your job would be in jeopardy if you kept that date, and you should have immediately broken it,” she snapped. “Also, you lied to me yesterday when I specifically asked you what was going on between you and Mr. Phillips.”

  She had been caught.

  “How did you know about the business card?” Savvy asked.

  “I saw him slip it to you yesterday after he wrote something on it. However, I was just going into your office to get the file because I wanted to get the contact information.”

  “I don’t understand why you would need the contact information when this is my account?” Savvon all but yelled.

  “Let’s not forget whose staffing firm this is, Miss Stephens,” Melanie snapped. “But, it reall
y doesn’t matter now that you don’t work here. Please clean out your office.”

  “You’re firing me?”

  “You were warned.”

  Savvon was too numb to fight. She was infuriated right now. She had been warned, but this was just unreal. Melanie was out to get her. She spun on her heels and walked from the room. This woman wasn’t worth the argument.

  “It’s not my fault Nathan and Tristan don’t want her,” Savvon mumbled filling a box with her belongings.

  “What the hell is going on?” Cara, her coordinator, hissed, slipping into her office. “What are you doing?” Cara watched her putting her things in the box. “God, Savvy, she didn’t fire you, did she?” she asked in dismay.

  “It would appear so,” Savvon said

  “What the hell happened? I don’t get it; you are the best recruiter here.”

  “Apparently, having dinner with a client is a no-no if Melanie is a jealous bitch that would prefer to have dinner with him herself.”

  Cara laughed. “You went out to dinner with Mr. Phillips?”

  “May have been a bit more involved than that…” Savvon turned to wiggle her eyebrows.

  The younger woman covered her mouth when it fell open. “Now, I’m jealous myself. He was hot.”

  “You are telling me nothing I don’t already know, sister. But because of that, I’m out of a job.”

  Cara lowered her voice. “I think Margo may have helped with this. She wanted this account and to work with Mr. Phillips.”

  “So, Margo can get with him, but I can’t? Seems they can go after the hot clients, but when one shows interest in me, all of a sudden it’s breaking a rule.”

  “Wonder why that is?” Cara’s eyes widened.

  Savvy looked at the poor girl. She didn’t have a clue. Savvy pointed at her own arm. “This is a little too dark to have a hot caucasian man looking at me.”

  “Oh.” Cara’s face turned red as realization set in. “Well if he is into you, that is not up to them to decide…”

  “I will get through it. I refuse to work for someone like that any longer. Thank you for being such a diligent help to me while I was here, though. I really appreciate you.”

  Cara cleared her throat. “Margo meets with him today. Do you want me to tell him…anything?”

  “He won’t have to be told; he’ll figure it out when I'm not the one meeting with him about his staffing needs.”

  Savvy hefted the box with her meager belongings, and smiled at the young woman, before walking out of her office for the last time.

  Chapter 19

  “What the hell do you mean she was let go?” he asked, storming around the conference table to face Margo, who regarded him with the smuggest of faces.

  “Melanie found out about the two of you. She wasn’t happy,” Cara spoke up from the corner of the room, noting the darkness that moved over Nathan’s facial features and took a step back. “I’m sorry, Mr. Phillips. I-I know this comes as a shock; I was rather taken back myself this morning. But I promise—”

  Margo cut off Cara’s apology. “I am more than willing to work through this with you, Nathan. Savvy wasn’t the only qualified recruiter that works here. I’m more than capable of putting all efforts into helping you staff your company, if you will just give me the chance.” Her voice was sugary sweet and dripped with innuendo.

  It made him want to vomit.

  Nathan held a hand up to stop her from talking. “Margo this has nothing to do with you or your abilities as a recruiter. I’m sure you are great at your job. However, my company was all set to work with Miss Stephens on this project. I can’t help but feel responsible she was fired because I asked her to dinner last night. I would like to speak to Melanie about this.”

  Cara found her voice again. “She is in a meeting, sir. I will let her know your concerns as soon as she is free."

  "I will wait," he said, taking a seat at the table. "Let her know when she has a little time, I would like to speak with her."

  "Y-yes, sir," Cara mumbled.

  "You don’t have to ‘sir’ me… I'm sorry, what is your name?"

  He knew the girl assisted Savvy, and she seemed like she was more loyal than the rest of the snake whores in this office.

  "My apologies…Nathan. I'm Cara."

  He nodded his thanks as she made her way from the room.

  He looked back at Margo and raised a brow. "When your boss finally gets in here, I'd liked to talk to her alone. You can go." He resisted the urge to wave the girl off. It would be a cold day in hell before he'd even entertain giving her a second look. Contrary to popular belief, he was by no way the man whore the bachelor mags made him out to be. He wouldn’t just sleep with anyone, and Margo, or whatever her name was, was no way his type.

  He saw the anger flash in her blue eyes, but he didn’t give a damn. He knew who he wanted, and she’d been fired because they spent one amazing night together.

  He waited for the blonde with the too-short skirt to leave the conference room before he pulled his cell phone out of his suit jacket pocket and punched in a few numbers and waited for the other line to pick up.

  "It's me. Pull the staffing file with the information for Savvon Stephens, please. In that file is a copy of her resume. Call this woman in for an interview immediately," he barked at his temporary assistant.

  “Yes… of course, Mr. Phillips... I know she is working with us through a staffing firm. Why are we interviewing—"

  "Veronica, please don’t question me." He put a hand to his head. "Schedule an Interview with your Uncle Tristan and me asap."

  He hung up the phone as Melanie slipped through the large oak door.

  "Mr. Phillips, very good to see you," she said, eyeing him. He stood, extending a hand to her. "Margo said you would like to speak with me?”

  He’d narrowed his eyes. He’d actually told Cara he wanted to speak to this she-viper. Margo and Melanie were obviously in cahoots, and he wanted to know what they were up to. He wondered who exactly she was “meeting with”. He’d get to the bottom of that later. For now, he wanted to know why this woman terminated Savvon’s employment.

  "I would like to know why Savvon Stephens was fired this morning?"

  Melanie let a deep sigh escape her mouth. “Would you care to sit, Nathan? I could have Cara bring you a cup of coffee while we discuss your account.”

  “I’m not interested in a cup of coffee,” he said through gritted teeth. He was losing his patience. “I asked a simple question. I’m still waiting for an answer.”

  “Miss Stephens’ lack of employment should not be a topic that is discussed with a client. There was an internal issue, and I had to let her go. As far as your account goes, Margo is more than capable of handling your staffing needs.”

  “See, that is where you are wrong because I’m pulling my account from this firm.” Nathan felt justified in his decision when an arrogant look passed over Melanie’s face.

  “Is it because you have feelings for Savvon?”

  His jaw clenched as he looked the woman in the eye. “What I feel for Savvon is none of your damn business, especially since she is no longer in your employ.”

  “If you let us keep the account, I’d be willing to hire Savvon back.”

  “After the way you treated her, I don’t think you could get her back. You don’t know anything about the dinner we had last evening. It could have been business-related.” Nathan tried to push the thought of Savvon’s smooth skin against his to the back of his mind. He couldn’t wait to see her again. He cleared his throat.

  “You may call my office if you are able to get the recruiter back we signed on for. I won’t work with anyone but her. You have my number.”

  He left Melanie standing in the large conference room.

  Chapter 20

  “She’s just jealous, I’m telling you,” Trish said taking a sip of her green iced tea. Her best friend agreed to meet her for lunch after she called and told her the news. “She can’t get a m
an as fine as Nathan, so she is trying to ruin it for you.”

  “I shouldn't have left that damn business card on my desk. I don’t know what I was thinking,” Savvon moaned, stabbing at her chicken caesar salad.

  “Did you explain that you met him before you found out he was a client?”

  “I tried, but she didn’t give me the opportunity to explain anything, Trish. She read me the riot act, then booted me out the door. And, to make matters worse, as I was leaving, I ran into Eustace’s smug ass.”

  “What the hell was he doing there?”

  “He is a consultant for a few of Melanie’s clients, including Nathan. Which, I have to figure out why that is. I guess he had some business there today. I’m not really sure what. I swear she is fucking him too.”

  “Didn’t know she was down with the brown.”

  “That woman is down for whoever has a dick. She just doesn’t like my brand of brown because I’m competition. She knows Eustace asked me out more than once. That probably burns her biscuits too.”

  “Going after someone’s unwanted dick is not a good look.”

  “She isn’t a good look.”

  Trish snickered, sipping her drink. “Have you talked to Nathan, yet?”

  “He called my cell and left a message. He asked me to call him when I get the message.”

  “Oh, you got around to giving him your personal cell number? Look at that,” Trish cooed.

  “Good thing I did, since I had to turn in my work cell before I left.” Savvon rolled her eyes.

  “So, is there a reason you are talking to me and not your man?”

  “He isn’t my man. He is a guy I met at the grocery store, broke down in a fit of sexual weakness and let him sweet talk me into his bed and who got me fired because I didn’t use better judgment.”

  “But, the sex was awesome, right?” Trish asked.

  Savvon laughed. “Yes, the sex was amazing.”

  “Then, that alone is worth calling him back and seeing what may come of this. I would really like to wear a burgundy maid of honor dress. The color would be great for a fall wedding—”


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