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Acquire Your Touch

Page 9

by Hadley Raydeen

  “Whoa, hold your horse, sister; who said anything about a wedding?”

  “And, you said black girls don’t blush. You should see your face.” Trish laughed as Savvon tossed her napkin at her.

  “Oh, that is my cell hold on,” Savvon said, reaching into her purse. “I don’t recognize the number…Savvon Stephens, speaking.”

  “Savvon, this Tristan St. Claire from Big Dog Technology. It’s come to our attention that you are in the market for a new position. We would like to bring you in to interview for the job of an executive recruiter at the firm.”

  Savvon felt the breath catch in her throat. “Tristan, thank you. I would really appreciate the opportunity to come in and speak with you further about this.”

  “We are looking to have you come in as soon as possible; when are you free?”

  She looked at her watch. “I could come in tomorrow—”

  “Would you be able to come in this afternoon?” he asked cutting her off.

  “Um…” She looked up at Trish.

  Her friend mouthed, “What?”

  Savvy waved her off, and she stuck out her tongue.

  “I mean... I can make it work. Who will I meet with?”

  “You will interview with me and the CEO.”

  “Nathan?” Her voice came out as a whisper around his name.

  “Yes, Nathan Phillips, you recall meeting us yesterday?”

  “Yes of course. I will be there at four?”

  “Perfect. See you then.”

  He cut the call before she could say anything else.

  Is that why Nathan had been trying to reach her? He’d heard she’d been fired and wanted her to come in and interview for his company.

  We will work through it. She thought of his words; it made her insides warm.

  “What was that all about?” Trish eyed her suspiciously.

  “An interview.”

  “Already! That is great. I didn’t know you had resumes out this soon? Girl, you just got fired like two hours ago. You work fast.”

  “I didn’t This is with Nathan’s company. I wonder why he didn’t tell me about this?”

  “Because you haven’t answered his messages. He is taking care of his woman. Sounds like a keeper.” Trish pointed her fork, filled with salad, at her before popping it in her mouth.

  “I’m not his woman.”

  “Sounds like he wants you to be! See aren’t you glad I gave him your number?”

  Trish ducked as another napkin whizzed passed her head.

  Chapter 21

  As promised, Savvon entered the new reception area of Big Dog Technology at ten till four pm. She noted the young girl sitting at the front desk, strawberry blonde hair with a pretty face, was busy texting away on her phone.

  She looked up and smiled at Savvon. “Miss Stephens?”

  Savvon returned her greeting. “Savvon, please,” she corrected, holding out her hand.

  The girl stood and shook her hand.. “My name is Veronica St. Claire, but you can call me Roni. I’m just helping with guests who come in and some administrative tasks until he can get some staff on board.”

  Recognition hit Savvon. “Ah, St. Clair? Tristin’s daughter, pleased to meet you.”

  “No, that’s my uncle. My dad is his older brother. Your bag is awesome by the way,” she said, changing subjects, while peering at Savvon’s Dolce and Gabbana.

  “Thank you.”

  “Let me just give you the low down on everyone here. Daddy is the money guy. He is really strict, but he is a softie. His boss, Uncle Trist’s best friend, Mr. Philips,” she whispered, “He is a hottie. Don’t tell my dad or uncle I said that. He is way older than me, but he is easy to look at if you get what I mean.”

  Savvon laughed out loud. “Well, oh my,” she said, not wanting to agree outright with the girl, even though she was dead on. Nathan was easy on the eyes, indeed.

  Roni rolled her eyes dramatically, holding a hand to her chest. She dropped her voice, leaning forward. “Oh my God, if I could just get him to look in my general direction. His eyes are so sexy.”

  She grinned at the girl’s description of the man she shared yesterday evening with. She felt the same way about him. “How old are you?” she inquired with a laugh.

  “Entirely too young to be talking about whatever she is saying.” A voice boomed from down the hallway.

  “Oh, here comes Uncle Tristan,” she whispered, quickly changing her tone. “If you just take a seat over there, Miss Stephens, someone will be right with you,” she said in her most professional tone for her uncle’s ears.

  Savvon hid a smile. “Thank you, Miss St. Claire.” She winked, ensuring their “girl talk” was safe with her.

  “No need to sit, Miss Stephens. You can come right back with me. Thanks, Roni.” Tristan eyed his niece.

  Savvon turned to wave at the young woman, but she had already gone back to texting. “A lovely niece you have, Tristan,” Savvon said, following behind the man.

  “She thinks we can’t hear her in the hallway fawning over Nathan,” he sighed. “Her parents had their hands full with her.”

  “Oh, you heard?” Savvon laughed.

  “Yes, something about my brother being a softie and Nathan having sexy eyes?”

  Savvon laughed even harder. “I’m sorry, that is just so funny.”

  “Yes, as you can see, we are a very laid back environment.”

  “I like that.”

  “Good. Please, have a seat,” he said, ushering her into the conference room. “Nathan has had nothing but good things to say about you, and I trust his opinion, superior to mine of course, because any hires would be his final decision. He told me briefly, you had some trouble with Melanie Paulson. I don’t need to know the particulars. But, I find it a bit insane that Melanie, who has a lady boner for any man who walks in her office, would judge you for dinner with Nathan.”

  Savvon stifled nervous laughter. “Yes. Well, consider who we are talking about.”

  He regarded her reaction, seeing how, even through her dark caramel complexion, she still blushed when he mentioned her dinner with Nathan.

  “Oh boy—you two… It was more than just dinner? Wasn’t it?”

  “What?” She sobered. “We had dinner…” She calculated her words

  “But more than dinner…” he said, clearly judging her reaction.

  “I-we…” She was trying to find the words when her salvation stuck his head in the office. “Trist, you have a minute?”

  She recognized his voice, and her head whipped toward the door. Nathan’s green-eyed gaze caught hers.

  “Savvy…” His tone dropped and his Adam’s apple bobbed.

  He looked from her to Tristan and back again.

  “You said you wanted her in for an interview.” Tristan raised a brow, challenging his friend.

  “I told Veronica to schedule her. She didn’t tell me it was today.”

  Tristan shrugged. “I scheduled it today.”

  Nathan narrowed his eyes. “When you knew I’d be out of the office most of the afternoon?” He came into the conference room, without invitation, and dropped into the chair next to her, across from Tristan, and searched her eyes. “I heard what happened; are you okay?”

  Her cheeks heated as she saw the look in his eyes—the same look he gave as he devoured her body.

  Savvon nodded, glancing at Tristan before looking back at Nathan. “I’m fine. A little shocked I was let go the way I was, but—”

  “I think your boss wasn’t happy that someone as young and beautiful as yourself was going to have dinner with my associate. She wanted a piece. So, please, do not feel poorly about yourself or your work performance.” Tristan’s words cut into Savvy and Nathan’s gaze fest.

  Nathan glared at his friend.

  “Thank you, that makes me feel better,” Savvon responded looking between the two men.

  Nathan cut in. “Having said that, instead of using a firm, we thought why not just bring a salar
ied associate in, to help us staff. This office, as you can see from walking through, needs your help. We are eager to start. I’m not one for formalities, so I would rather pass on the ‘what’s your weaknesses and strengths’ part of an interview.”

  “Quite frankly, it would do my heart good to just stick it to Melanie right now and take a prized employee of hers,” Tristan said.

  Savvon laughed out loud at his matter of fact tone.

  Nathan cleared his throat at Tristan. “It’s not just about sticking it to Melanie, Trist. Savvy is one hell of a—”

  “Yea yea whatever, brother. I know you want her and not just as an employee. Save me the bullshit. I have a family dinner to get to. My sister-in-law is cooking. If I’m late, that’s my ass. Can you start Monday, Savvy?

  Nathan frowned at Tristan, but when he turned to her, his expression changed.

  “Will you?” he asked, hopeful.

  “I would love the opportunity, Nathan.”

  “I’ll increase your salary to start, and we will see where we are from there…wait, you said you would?”

  “Yes.” Her voice softened.

  Tristan slid a piece of paper across the table in Savvy’s direction. “I’m gonna leave you to sort out the offer details. It’s my weekend, won't’ be in tomorrow, Nate,” Tristan said, standing from the conference room table. “And, if you two have sex in this building, just don’t do it in my office, please.”

  Chapter 22

  They both watched as Tristan gathered his things and left the room before Nathan turned to look at her.

  “Let go to my office,” he said, his voice low. She stood when he did and followed him out of the conference room. Most people had already cleared out for the evening, as they took the elevator three floors to the penthouse office in the building located in an up and coming neighborhood.

  He pulled her into his office before he spoke.

  “Can you shut the door…”

  “Is that a good idea?” she asked, looking at him shyly.

  He turned back to her, stepping around, and shut the door himself.

  “It’s okay,” he said next to her ear, breathing in the wildflower scent. He looked down at the piece of paper in her hands. “Are you okay with the job offer? I wanted to talk to you beforehand... I didn’t realize Tristan would have you come in so quickly.”

  She’d peeked at the offer letter Tristan handed her before leaving the room.

  She looked back up, eyes wide.

  “Nathan… This is extremely generous.” She’d be making double the salary she was being paid at D&P. “I-I can’t…”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  She tried to put some distance between them, but he took her hand, pulling her back to him.

  “Nathan, don’t, please.”

  “I need you, Savvon,” he said, bringing her hand to his lips, kissing the inside of her palm.

  “This is so inappropriate for the workplace. That’s what got me into this situation in the first place.” She put a hand to his chest to push him away but met a hard resistance and rapid heartbeat. She looked at him through lowered eyelashes.

  “I’m sorry about all of that. One night with me should not have gotten you fired.”

  She smiled at him. “I told her we just had dinner…”

  “Who cares. They don’t need to know anything else.”

  “It was a moment of weakness for both of us, anyway,” she said, turning her head from him.

  He cupped her chin in his hand, gently, turning her head back to him. “Are you telling me you think us being together was a mistake?”

  “I'm just saying we were caught up in the moment after a few drinks. Really, is it something that shouldn’t happen again? We are associates, now; it’s not appropriate.”

  He couldn’t believe his ears. It sounded like a bunch of crap.

  “I wasn’t intoxicated, Savvon and neither were you. We both knew what we were doing.” She tried to get away from him, again, but he held her close, not allowing her to give him this line of shit. “Are you saying you regret being with me last night?”

  She looked down at the offer letter still in her long fingers, and he saw the fear in her eyes. She thought the job was off the table. He couldn’t believe this. She really didn’t know anything about him if that is what she thought of him.

  “I don’t live life with regrets, Mr. Phillips,” she breathed

  His gaze dropped to her red lips. “Stop that,” he said, feeling himself getting angry.

  “Stop what?”

  “Acting like you don’t feel this.”

  He could feel her shaking in his arms. He brought his lips to hers, capturing any other words of denial she was trying to form. He was rewarded with a whimper at the back of her throat. As she ran her hands up and over his shoulders to wrap around his neck; the letter in her hand fluttered to the floor. Her body melted against his the minute his tongue found her mouth hot and waiting.

  “Mistake my ass, Savvon,” he murmured against her lips. “We both wanted this—then and now. I fucking want you right here in this office.”

  She put a hand to his chest, stopping him from what he promised to do.

  She pulled back from him, looking around the office, as the cloud of lust and want floated around them. He followed her gaze to a large leather sofa situated near the center of the space.

  Sure, he could take her right here and now, but he wanted her all night long.

  “Come back to my place tonight, Savvon,” he said in between nips of her bottom lip.

  “Nathan,” she moaned his name as his hand found her breast through her dress. He was rewarded with the hardened pearl of her nipple and rubbed a thumb over it, watching the desire flash in her chocolate-colored eyes.

  “I have been thinking about you all day, baby. Please, just come by tonight.”

  “We can’t do this,” she pleaded with him.

  “Give me a good reason why we can’t,” he said, working on the zipper of her dress. “A good reason, Savvon, not some bullshit you are trying to use as an excuse,” he growled at her as she let him pull her dress up and over her head. He quickly found her breast again under a thin slip. He smiled when she moaned as his tongue lapped over her nipple.

  “We will be working closely, Nathan. How can I work with you, thinking about how good your hands feel on my body?” Her head fell back as he raised his head and kissed up her neck to her jaw.

  “We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Hell, I need more than tonight. Savvon, spend the weekend with me. The office is closed on Fridays; we don’t have to work tomorrow. We’ll get to know each other and get all this frustration out,” he said, moving his sheathed erection across her thigh. She met his gaze again.

  “We’ll come back here Monday and be as professional as we both can possibly be. Well, I can’t promise how professional I’ll be, but I’ll try my damndest.”

  He kissed her again, and she threw her head back to laugh.

  “You are impossible!”

  Chapter 23

  “He hired you and is taking you for a weekend getaway! Damn, girl, you guys are moving quickly.”

  “You think?” A feeling of doubt moved across her. Trish sat in her room watching her pack, throwing items for the weekend in a bag.

  She held up the dark purple bikini, ignoring Savvon’s doubts. “This looks good on you. I don’t know exactly how long you will have it on, but the few minutes you do, it will look great.”

  “Oh, stop it!” Savvon snatched the thin scrap of fabric from her and stuffed it in her bag.“I’m excited, but I’m nervous. I’ve only known him for a few days, and we are already spending the weekend together. He got me fired, but he got me a job ten times better to replace it. He has cooked me dinner; he leaves me breathless... I just can’t think rationally when I’m around him, and I agreed to this. Now that I’m away from him, and I think about it, I’m wondering if I’m being too impulsive...too adventurous. Do you think I should do

  “It’s because he’s white, right?” Trish asked. “What do you have against us?”

  “Shut up, Trish. No!” Savvon exclaimed. “Not at all. If anything, the contrast of our skin against each other is such a turn on. And his eyes, God I love his green eyes. I could just get lost in them forever. No, I don’t care at all about his race. I’m talking about the fact that this is going so fast. I don’t sleep with guys on the first date, damn it,” she said, putting a hand to her face. “Does that make me a ho?”

  Trish laughed out loud at her best friend. “No. it makes you a woman going after what she wants, hell at this point, what you need. You just happen to meet the guy in the citrus aisle.”

  “Oh my God,” Savvy groaned.

  “Girl, hush. It worked out. You two are feeling each other obviously. Why wait; if the feeling is right go with it. You are digging this man. I see it all over your face you are simply glowing. Don’t feel guilty about letting yourself enjoy time with your guy.”

  “He’s not my guy.”

  “And, you are in denial.” Trish got up at the sound of a knock on her door. “There he is,” she said in a sing song voice.

  “He’s not my guy!” Savvy called after her.

  “Yet!” Trish yelled back.

  Trish opened the door, waving at the handsome, tall drink of water standing on the other end.

  “She is in her room. I’m just going to excuse myself so you two have some time. Have fun this weekend.” Trish winked before exiting the door Nathan just entered. He took in the sight of her apartment, clean and well kept, just like Savvon, everything in its place. He liked that he could get her out of that prim and proper shell with just a touch, and he planned to do just that all weekend.

  He followed the sounds he heard coming from the back of the apartment.

  “Your roommate is something else,” he said from her doorway, watching her place items in a black bag. She jumped at the sound of his voice. “I’m sorry, Savvy. I didn’t mean to startle you.”


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