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Run (Caged Trilogy Book 1)

Page 23

by H G Lynch

  Spencer blinked at me, his eyebrows rising as if that wasn’t what he’d expected me to say. Looking confused, he nodded. “Yes. Of course. I thought you knew that.”

  He sounded so genuinely puzzled by my reaction that I laughed unexpectedly. I hadn’t meant to laugh. I put a hand over my mouth, afraid he’d think I was laughing at him. But he just continued to stare at me with that baffled expression, and I laughed again. Slowly, his confusion mixed with amusement and he raised one eyebrow.

  “Am I missing something here?” he asked.

  Still laughing, I shook my head. Taking deep breaths, I got my giggling under control, but I couldn’t look at him, sure that if I did, I’d start laughing again. “No, you’re not missing anything exactly. It’s just…” I shook my head again, biting my lip.

  He did that quizzical head tilting thing again. “Just what?”

  I considered my words, trying to figure out how to explain to him why I was laughing. “It’s just that…you’re…you.” I made a noise of frustration, knowing I sounded ridiculous.

  He stared at me blankly, assuring me he didn’t get it.

  I thought again. “Um…what I mean is…Spencer, has anyone ever told you that you’re really distant from other people?”

  He seemed to consider for a moment, then shrugged. “Not to my face, but I know what they think,” he said it with a casual sort of disinterest.

  I stared at him, wondering if he even realised how he sounded. It was the tone he always used when he was talking about other people. I stared, but he just stared back, clueless. I stifled the urge to giggle again, this time in amazement. He was totally oblivious.

  “Spencer, sometimes talking to you is like talking to someone who’s only half here. I’m surprised to hear that you…feel that way about me because…. Well, I’d sort of thought you only talked to me, because I happened to keep showing up to save your life.” After I said it, I blushed, regretting it.

  A strange expression came over his face, one I couldn’t identify, and then he was gripping my arms. I gasped, but he didn’t let go. He pulled me closer, until I had to look up to see his eyes. His blue gaze burned into mine, and I felt my heart splutter.

  “Tilly, I don’t spend time with people because they treat me nicely, or they fancy me, or even because they save my life. I spend time with people only because I want to. I spend time with people because they make me smile, because I enjoy being around them, because they understand me…” His voice was low and intense, and he bent his head closer to mine, so close I could see the gold flecks in his eyes.

  “You understand me, Tilly. You might not even realise it, but you understand me better than anyone else I’ve ever met.” He laughed, only slightly bitterly. “Ironic, isn’t it? That I’ve spent my whole life with people like me, werewolves, but yet, none of them are really like me. None of them would sit down on a rock and talk to me in the middle of the night about anything I would be interested in. None of them would look at me and see anything but a sulky boy with a pretty face, whose mother ran away from the pack.” His lips brushed my ear, his breath warm on my neck, and my eyelids fluttered.

  He sighed softly. “None of them would fascinate me the way you do.”

  His hand came up, fingertips caressing the back of my neck, and I shuddered. His other hand went around my waist, pressing against the small of my back, so I was plastered against him, not a millimetre between us. His body was hard and hot underneath his t-shirt, and his hair tickled my temple. His breath on my neck was burning. I flashed back to the other night in the woods, when I’d wanted so badly to kiss him, and I raised my arms around his neck. I didn’t care about Dominic

  I should have, but I didn’t. Not after how he’d reacted to me the night before. I’d forgiven him, but I didn’t trust him as I had before. I trusted Spencer. Dark, mysterious Spencer who’d protected me again and again, who’d never once looked at me with fear, who’d spent the night in my bed next to me because I was frightened. Spencer, and who loved me.

  I turned my head slightly, and then Spencer was kissing me. It wasn’t at all how I’d thought it would be. I’d expected him to be rough and impulsive, all burning passion and hunger. Instead, his lips were gentle on mine, warm but careful. His fingertips brushed against the nape of my neck, light as a feather, and I found myself digging blunt nails into his shoulders in response.

  My skin felt hot and tight, but inside, I felt as if I was full of melting honey. Where Dominic’s kisses had been chaste and comforting, Spencer’s was anything but. It was slow, and so thrilling, my toes curled inside my trainers. He flicked his tongue against my top lip, teasing, and I gasped. I felt him shiver, and I was unsure if it was with desire, or if he was fighting his wolf. Tenderly, playfully, I bit his lower lip, hoping nervously I was doing it right. Besides Dominic, I’d never really kissed a boy, and I’d never in my life kissed a boy like that. But Spencer made a low sound deep in his throat, and his hands tightened on me, so I guessed I was doing okay.

  As if biting his lip had snapped his careful control, he kissed me harder, wilder, more the way I’d expected him to. Expecting it, though, didn’t dim the sensational fireworks that sparked through my nerves, sweeping me up in a wave of molten flame. I clung to him, half-afraid I’d be burned away in that fire. His hands slid down my body, rough and desperate, over my breasts and down my waist, burning through my t-shirt. Suddenly, he spun us, backing me against a tree. I made a muffled sound of surprise, but his mouth muted it. My fingers were knotted in his inky hair, my heart hammering against his, every cell on fire, and I didn’t want it to stop. The desire pulsed through me, intoxicating, burning, and aching. I wanted more, I needed—

  “What the hell!”

  I jerked away from Spencer with a gasp, only succeeding in putting about an inch of space between us, thanks to the tree at my back. Spencer just sighed, like he wasn’t surprised in the least to see Dominic standing glaring at us, looking more outraged than I’d ever seen him. Guilt twanged in my chest, way down deep, and I dropped my hands from Spencer’s shoulders quickly, curling them against my chest and bowing my head. My face flamed with embarrassment and shame at being caught, not just kissing Spencer, but kissing Spencer like that. Like I was drowning, and only his lips could save me. Like I was on fire, and only he could quench the flames.

  Oh god, what Dominic must think of me. My eyes filled, but I blinked back the tears.

  “Dominic,” Spencer said evenly, but his eyes were locked on the other boy, blazing blue and gold, half-feral. He didn’t move away from me one bit, didn’t let go of my hips, only turned his head so he could see the boy who’d interrupted us.

  I really wished he’d let me go. With his hands still on me, my body continued to burn and ache for his kisses and touches. It was hard to concentrate, but I had to, because Dominic wasn’t looking at Spencer. He was looking at me, with wide, angry, hurt eyes. I couldn’t hold his gaze.

  Dominic made a small noise, half bitter chuckle and half hurt sigh. His voice was as hard and cold as shards of ice, each one leaving a gash in my heart, making me feel sick. “So this is why you wanted to come find him so badly, huh? This is how you make sure he’s okay? By making out with him against a tree and letting him put his hands—”

  “Dominic,” Spencer snapped. “That’s enough!”

  The bitter laugh that escaped Dominic’s lips sent a shiver down my spine.

  “Is it? It doesn’t look like she’s had enough.”

  I couldn’t believe it was Dominic, sweet cheerful Dominic, my best friend, the boy who’d kissed me so softly in the kitchen, who was saying those things. I stared at him, so aghast, my throat locked.

  “Shut up, Dominic!” Spencer barked, his eyes turning yellow. He snatched his hands off me, though, turning to face Dominic fully. His muscles were taut, fists clenched. Spencer was really angry. “Don’t blame Tilly just because you’re jealous! It isn’t her fault. I kissed her. She told me not to, told me she didn’t want to hur
t you, but I didn’t listen.”

  I knew I should say something, shouldn’t let Spencer take the whole blame, because I was just as guilty as he was. I’d wanted him to kiss me. I’d let him, and I’d kissed him back, and I hadn’t wanted to stop. I’d entirely forgotten about Dominic for those moments, lost in Spencer’s lips and hands. Lost in his admission that he loved me. I could hardly believe it. I should explain to Dominic somehow…but I couldn’t.

  My mouth was dry, my throat was full, and I was afraid that if I tried to speak, I’d burst into tears because of the way he was looking at me. Not as if he were scared of me, not then, but as if he was disgusted with me. As if he’d thought me better than that. Truthfully, I’d thought myself better than that too.

  Tossing his head in agitation, Dominic growled, and it wasn’t the sound of an angry boy, but that of an irritated wolf. I started fearfully, shocked at the sound escaping Dominic’s throat, but Spencer didn’t even flinch.

  “I thought we had a deal, brother? What of that? What of family and loyalty? Have you forgotten what that means to our kind?” For the first time, Dominic spoke like an authority figure, like someone who felt responsibilities and respect for rules, like…like the Second in Command of a werewolf pack.

  I wasn’t even a werewolf, and I could feel the power of a leader crackling in the air. It was clear from the way Spencer was gritting his teeth that he felt it too, and he didn’t want to bend to it. I wondered if Spencer had ever bent submissively to the leaders of his pack. Somehow, I couldn’t imagine that he had. No matter how weakly he was tied to the pack, Spencer was not a follower. That much I was certain of.

  “Don’t speak to me of family, Dominic,” Spencer said, his voice quiet and as black as night, a threat of its own that made me take a step back from him. “The pack has always been your family, but it has never truly been mine. You and Desmond are the closest I have to family. The only ones I regard that way. But even you would dismiss me and cast me aside, because it’s how our dearest father treats me, because my mother betrayed the pack when she left Frank.”

  Spencer took a step forward, just a tiny step, and Dominic’s eyes flared green-yellow. He shifted, his chest swelling just enough to make him seem somehow a lot bigger, more commanding, more threatening. He was trying to glare Spencer down, obviously not happy that a lower member of the pack was openly challenging him. I swallowed, taking another step back carefully, trying not to attract their attention to me. It looked as if there was about to be a fight, and I wondered if I could get to the cabins and get help in time to stop it. Sarah, Jane, or Graham—someone who might be able to calm them down.

  Spencer went on, sounding as calm and as dangerous as Dominic looked unstable. There was the barest of smiles on his mouth. Not really a smile, I realised, but he was baring his teeth, just slightly. As with everything Spencer did, the subtlety of the expression gave a lot more impact than if he’d been full out snarling in Dominic’s face. It scared me.

  “And as for loyalty, Minnie, you can’t say jack to me about it after the way you turned on Tilly last night.”

  Nervously, I half-raised a hand for attention, unable to resist putting in, “We’ve already talked about that. It’s okay—”

  “No, it isn’t, Tilly!” Spencer whirled on me, and I jumped. His expression softened, apology in his eyes, and he sighed. “It isn’t okay, Tilly. You don’t understand. Loyalty is more than a word to our kind. It’s practically law. And just because you’re not one of us, it doesn’t lessen the intensity of my wolf’s need to protect you. My need to protect you.” he explained.

  Spencer looked as if he wanted to have the conversation in private rather than in front of Dominic, whose eyes were returning to their normal green, but he still looked furious.

  “Is…is that because I saved your life?” I asked hesitantly. I had to know.

  Spencer frowned, nodding. “Yes. That’s part of it. But only part, Tilly.”

  “Enough!” Dominic snarled suddenly. His glare fixed on Spencer again. “You know what this means, Spencer. You know it’s forbidden to have a real relationship with anyone who isn’t wolf, honorary member of the pack or not. If Frank finds out—”

  Spencer was abruptly right up in Dominic’s face, his eyes glowing with anger, his lips peeled back from his teeth. “Frank won’t find out,” he spat, his jaw clenched.

  Dominic’s eyes narrowed, but he looked calmer, eerily so. He opened his mouth to say something, but his words had cut me and sprung a leak in my chest.

  “Forbidden?” I said quietly, and both boys looked at me with faint surprise on their faces, as if they’d forgotten I was even there. “It’s forbidden…for a werewolf to be with someone outside the pack?” My heart curled in on itself, my face heating with anger, embarrassment, and shame. Of course it was forbidden. I had been an idiot to allow myself to think, even for a moment, that maybe Spencer and I could be…

  Dominic was looking at me with wide, pained eyes. Spencer stepped toward me, reaching out a hand as if to comfort me, but I jerked away.


  “Don’t,” I snapped, glaring at him. “Don’t say a word. Don’t even try.” I turned on my heel and walked away into the trees, hearing him call after me, praying he wouldn’t follow.

  when I was deep enough in that I was sure he couldn’t see me, I broke into a run. I’d been running a lot lately, running away from my crappy adoptive family, running away from the truth of what Dominic and Spencer were, and I was running away from the pain and hurt as the small blossom of hope I’d begun to feel was crushed under the heel of pack rules, running as if I could really escape it.

  I ran hard and fast, my legs burning and lungs puffing, tears rolling down my cheeks, and branches whipping at me furiously. I ran, and I wished that once, just once, nothing bad would catch up to me.

  Chapter Eighteen

  ** Tilly **

  I don’t know how long I ran for, but I didn’t stop until I was well and truly lost. I bent over, bracing my hands on my knees, lungs heaving. My legs ached and trembled, and I was gasping like a fish out of water. I slumped to the ground at the base of a birch tree, and leaned my head back against the rough trunk. My forehead and back were sweating, but my eyes were dry. Despite the lancing pain of a stitch in my side, I smiled. The adrenaline felt good. Sure, I’d probably never find my way back to my cabin on my own, but at the moment, that didn’t bother me.

  For a while, I just sat on the ground, sprawled out tiredly, and considered not going back at all—just up and leaving. There was no reason to stay there. Dominic was a douche, the werewolves probably hated me, and the witches knew where I was back there. If I moved on, nobody would expect it. It would take the witches a while to figure out I was gone, and hopefully by then, I’d be far enough away that they wouldn’t find me. Leaving only made sense, except for one thing. There was a reason to stay, and that reason was tall, dark and handsome, with mysterious blue eyes, a body I couldn’t stop thinking about being pressed against mine, and a mouth I wanted to taste again.

  I smacked my head against the tree trunk in frustration, closing my eyes. Dammit! If I’d found out the day before that the werewolves were forbidden to have relationships with outsiders, I’d have had no problem in leaving. I’d have upped sticks and vanished. But now…I shook my head. Now there’s Spencer, I thought with both a mental and an audible sigh. Once I knew he loved me, once he’d spent the night in my bed, and once he’d kissed me, I couldn’t just leave. No way.

  It was probably the stupidest decision of my life, but I wasn’t leaving.

  I raised my hands and pressed my palms to my eyes until I saw grey dots against the darkness, heaving a sigh that would have knocked over anyone standing in front of me. Boys, I thought. They are so much trouble. Werewolf boys? Beyond trouble. And yet, somehow, I couldn’t bring myself to regret my decision, couldn’t bring myself to regret kissing Spencer either. I played it over in my head, feeling a blush stain my cheeks and my b
ody grow warm and tingly at the memory of his lips on mine, his hands roaming the shape of my body…

  Someone cleared their throat suddenly, and I jumped guiltily. I looked up, sure my face was scarlet, and winced, wondering if it was possible to get any redder. Spencer was standing over me, leaning against the tree, looking down at me with one eyebrow raised. His lips were twisted in an amused, knowing smile, and I wondered if he could actually read my mind.

  “Can you read my mind?” I blurted without thinking, then clamped my hands over my mouth and looked down, hiding my face under my hair. Whoops.

  Spencer chuckled, and I hunched my shoulders up higher, wishing he’d go away again. Hearing him laugh like that, warm and smooth, did absolutely nothing to banish the images in my head and the heat in my stomach. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my forehead on them, breathing steadily.

  Think of something else, think of something else! But I couldn’t. I groaned with humiliation.

  “No,” Spencer said, still chuckling, “I can’t read your mind. I’m a werewolf, not a psychic. Why? Was there something particularly interesting going on in your thoughts?”

  His voice was mocking, but not in that way that made me feel like he was laughing at me, Well, he was laughing at me, but it wasn’t condescending. I was blushing so much, I felt like my ears would burst into flames.

  With my forehead still against my knees, I shook my head. “No, nothing interesting at all.”

  Spencer made a thoughtful noise, and I heard him move away from the tree to stand in front of me. “Hmm,” he murmured. “Are you sure about that? Because your heart’s going awful fast. Sure you weren’t thinking something...exciting?” I could hear laughter in his voice.

  I looked up and glared at him, praying he’d think the redness of my face was from the exercise. “I just ran like three miles or something. Of course my heart rate’s a bit elevated.”

  He raised both his eyebrows in a look of comical surprise. “Oh, elevated. Fancy word for a girl who was just thinking about doing very primitive things with me.”


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