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Bride & Seek

Page 6

by Samantha Chase

  And as it always was, one touch of those soft lips, and he was lost.


  It could have been a few seconds or minutes or hours. Cammie had no idea. All she did know was that sex in a public place had never been her thing, but right now, she thought it sounded like a damn fine idea.

  Cade’s hand was anchored in her hair, holding her head in place as they did their best to consume each other. The small part of her brain that was still functioning reasoned how they were well-hidden, clearly beyond ready, and that it would probably be gloriously quick.

  And completely satisfying.

  If she could just lift up a little and maybe shimmy her dress out of the way…

  “Damn, Cammie,” Cade whispered against her lips. “You’re killing me.”

  The fog cleared as she lifted her head and looked down at him and almost dove back in for another kiss. He looked so incredibly sexy–his hair mussed up and his dark eyes were looking at her in a way that had her tingling all the way to her toes. “Hi,” she whispered when she could finally find her voice.

  “Hi.” One hand came up and caressed her face. “Are you okay? We sort of tumbled there. I tried to make sure you didn’t end up getting your clothes dirty.”

  “I learned from the last time and now have an extra outfit–or two–stored in the office.”

  Chuckling, Cade continued to look at her, but he made no attempt to let her go. “I think we need to do something about this.”

  Suddenly self-conscious, she figured that maybe he wanted her to move since she was the one on top. As soon as she did, however, Cade’s hold on her tightened. “I thought…I mean…I should probably…”

  He shook his head. “That’s not what I meant.” His voice was low, almost a growl. “I think you can tell by now that I’m attracted to you.”

  She ducked her head and blushed, but Cade tucked a finger under her chin and gently forced her to look at him again.

  “And I really want to get to know you. Not that I’m not enjoying finding you hiding out all over the resort and having these hot little encounters, mind you,” he teased. “But I want more. I want to be able to sit and talk with you and learn about your life and… I’d like for you to get to know me too.”

  The smile she gave him was slow and shy. “I’d like that. A lot. But are you sure? I have this whole ridiculous situation going on right now.”

  One rough finger caressed her cheek. “And yet I still want to get to know you.”

  Resting her face into his hand, she sighed. “Cade…”

  “I’m serious. This whole deal with your ex? Yeah, I kind of want to know a little more about it and why it is that he’s here all the damn time and making a nuisance of himself. Considering the brief conversation we both heard, I’d say that relationship isn’t going to last very long, and I’d also have to say they deserve one another. But that’s just a small fraction of who you are, Cammie. I’d like to take you out and hear how it is that we both went to the same school and yet I didn’t know you. I want you to tell me about what you like to do in your spare time. What kind of music do you like and what kind of books do you read?”

  When she went to answer, Cade moved his hand and let one finger cover her lips. He gently rubbed them as if mesmerized for a moment before he went on.

  “I’d like to take you out to dinner and then maybe come back by the resort so we can walk along the beach while I hold your hand. I want to listen to you talk and hear you laugh, and then I want to kiss you in the moonlight. And not just because we’re physically close together, but just because we want to. And at the end of the night, I want to take you home and kiss you goodnight at the door and have you promise to do it all again with me the next night.”

  If she wasn’t already feeling boneless, his words would have done it for her. With his deep voice and dark eyes thrown into the mix, she was utterly and hopelessly done for.

  With a quick lick of her lips, she nodded. “I’d like that very much.”

  To his credit, Cade’s expression didn’t change–his gaze was just as intense as it had been since they’d stopped kissing. “Tonight. I’d like to take you out tonight. What time will you be done here?”

  It was obvious the man didn’t waste any time. “Five. It’s a regular day for me.”

  “I’ll be done by four, but I have to go home and shower and change. I’ll need your address so I can pick you up.”

  For some reason, she was about to suggest meeting him wherever it was he wanted to go–it had been the way she and Preston had always done things–but somehow Cammie knew Cade wouldn’t go for it. “I’ll text it to you,” she said softly.

  “Will six o’clock work for you, or should I pick you up at seven?”

  “Six is fine.” The thought of waiting any longer than that would be torture and she knew it. The pleased look on Cade’s face said her answer was the right one. “Should I ask where we’re going or is it a surprise?”

  “I was thinking of heading to Asheville for dinner and then coming back this way and maybe walking around the lake. Maybe we can pick up some ice cream and bring it out there with us. What do you think?”

  “Dinner and then ice cream on a moonlit walk?” she asked with a happy grin. “I think you just described a perfect summer night.”

  His features relaxed and he returned her smile with one of his own. “Good to know. What else would make it a perfect summer night?”

  Cammie considered his words and then shook her head. “That’s something you’ll just have to wait to find out.”

  A low, deep chuckle was Cade’s only response, and as much as Cammie was enjoying their position on the ground, she knew it was time to get up. This time when she moved, Cade released her. Unfortunately, there was no graceful way to get back on her feet–not in the pencil skirt and heels. As she got to her knees, Cade was quickly on his feet and holding out a hand to her and she readily accepted it.

  “Thank you.”

  He held her hand, pulled her in close, and kissed her softly on the lips. “My pleasure.”

  Even the way he said the word pleasure turned her on.

  She was in deep trouble.

  If this bit of talking and rolling around in the grass got her body humming, she had a feeling being alone with Cade away from work with all of his attention focused on her could be downright lethal.

  She’d texted her address.

  Cade had gotten off work at four but hung around the resort until five–just to make sure there were no more near run-ins with the ex. The look of surprise–a pleasant one–on Cammie’s face when she spotted him had meant it was worth staying the extra hour. They walked together to their cars, and if it weren’t for the fact that he was filthy and in desperate need of a shower, he would have had them leaving for dinner right then and there.

  He was as nervous as a sixteen-year-old virgin, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why. Technically, they’d done more before their first date than most people do after three. Still, the anticipation he was feeling about finally being out with her felt really good.

  Stepping out of the shower, Cade looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. The reflection showed a thirty-year-old man who worked hard and spent a lot of time in the sun. Shit. He looked old–at least to himself. There were lines on his face that weren’t there before and he looked tired. Scrubbing a hand over his face, he struggled to remember when the last time was he went out on a date.

  Obviously it had been a while because he couldn’t quite remember if it was three or four months ago.

  Maybe six.

  “Damn,” he murmured and decided he’d had enough of looking at his face. Cammie didn’t seem to mind looking at him, so that gave him hope. Still, as he finished cleaning up and getting ready, Cade couldn’t quite shake the insecurity that had suddenly plagued him. He used to be a fun guy–a man who went out with his friends several times a week and always had a date on a Saturday night. When had that changed?

p; Why had it changed?

  And why didn’t it seem to bother him until now?

  The entire time he was getting dressed, Cade let his mind wander to all the things he wanted to talk to Cammie about and even spoke some of the questions out loud, rehearsing them.

  “This is ridiculous,” he said, a little disgusted with himself. So he hadn’t been out socializing a whole lot recently. It didn’t mean anything. He’d finally hit a point in his life where he focused on what was important–and it happened to be his job at the resort. He loved it there–the people, the sense of community, all of it. He took pride in what he did, and even though it wasn’t a glamorous job, Cade wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  Cammie’s face popped into his mind, and he knew he had another reason to appreciate the job he had–it brought her into his life.

  Keys in hand, he left the house, and within ten minutes, he was parked in front of Cammie’s. It was a cute little cabin–nice curb appeal. As he walked to the door, he appreciated the array of greenery and the colorful flowers she had chosen. Did she have a green thumb on her own or did someone else do all of this for her?

  When he knocked and she opened the door, he was speechless.

  Her hair was loose; those golden waves flowed over her shoulders. No pencil skirt and stilettos, he noticed. Tonight she had on a pair of soft-looking faded jeans cuffed up at the ankle, a white sleeveless sweater, and dainty white sandals.

  “Am I too casual?” she asked nervously after Cade stood there speechless. “I could change. I…I didn’t even think to ask specifically where we were going. I have a ton of dresses–most of them for work–but I can easily put one on and change accessories and be ready to go in five minutes.”



  “You look perfect.” And then–just because he could–he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. He didn’t linger. He didn’t plunder. He just…simply needed a taste of her. When he raised his head, Cade couldn’t help but smile at the satisfied look on Cammie’s face. “Come on,” he said softly, holding out his hand. “We have reservations.”

  Reaching back into the house, Cammie grabbed her keys and purse and then paused. “Reservations? And you’re sure I’m not underdressed?”

  Cade chuckled and pointed to his own attire. “Cammie, I’m in khakis and a polo shirt. I’m not dressed up either. We’re fine.” And once her hand was in his and he heard her door close, he let himself relax.

  Helping her into his car–a fairly new Mustang convertible–he saw she looked a little hesitant. “I can totally put the top up if you’d prefer,” he said, sliding into the driver’s seat.

  She smiled at him and laughed softly. “I don’t think I’ve ever been in one.” Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a clip. “Long hair and wind do not make a good combination, so I always come prepared.”

  He looked at her quizzically. “How did you know…?”

  “Oh, I had no idea you drove a convertible. You had a pickup truck back at the resort. I meant I just usually carry one with me. I love having long hair, but sometimes it just needs to not be in the way.”

  He could only imagine. They pulled out of her driveway and down the street, and without thinking, he reached over and took her hand in his. “So tell me about your house.”

  “It’s just a rental. I wasn’t ready to buy anything on my own just yet–I need to establish myself a little more financially first–and it just so happened that one of my mom’s good friends was looking to go up north to be with her family for the next six months and needed someone to house sit. It’s not ideal, but it’s a cute place.”

  “Great yard,” he commented.

  “I know, right? Mrs. Carver’s always had a gift like that. She helps my mom with her yard because she has a black thumb, if you know what I mean.” Then she laughed. “I’ve never tried to make anything grow, so I don’t know if I do or not. Hopefully, I don’t. I picture having a yard of my own some day with tons of flowers and lots of colors.”

  That pleased him. “Then I’ll have to teach you and we’ll see how you do.” He smiled at her and was rewarded with a look of pure joy on Cammie’s face.

  “I’d like that a lot. I just hope I can find a place of my own with a big yard and maybe a view of the mountains. I love it here. I guess I didn’t realize how much until I came back. There’s a lot of expansion going on, but I think our little secret is out and it’s going to get harder and harder to find a place.”

  “You never know,” he said, trying to sound optimistic. She had a point–Emerald Grove was growing, and there were a lot more residents living here now than there were ten years ago. He was all for growth, but he kind of missed the small-town feel the place used to have.

  They talked about city life versus mountain life and what she had missed the most in her years away as they drove. Cade had never been away–hadn’t had a reason to be. Sure, he’d traveled a bit–went on some vacations to California, Hawaii, and even to Las Vegas, but the thought of living anyplace else didn’t hold any appeal.

  “I will admit I loved how it rarely snowed in Raleigh,” she said. “Some winters had more ice than snow, but it always melted fast. There were times it was in the seventies in the middle of January!” Then she laughed. “Although, I’ll let you in on a little secret.”

  He glanced over at her. “What’s that?”

  “I did miss it. The snow. Sometimes I would just pray for a good snow day.”

  He laughed, imagining he might be the same way.

  “And living in Raleigh wasn’t all that different from living here,” she went on. “It was nice, and there was every convenience you could ask for, but…” She paused, shrugged. “I kind of think I prefer small-town life. I mean, do I really need to get pizza at two in the morning?”

  “Hey,” he said teasingly, “don’t knock pizza at two in the morning. Sometimes it’s a glorious thing.”

  Cammie laughed. “I know it can be, but it’s not a necessity when choosing a place to live. I’d much prefer to sleep with my windows open and hear the birds and the sounds of nature rather than the sounds of the interstate. But that’s just me.”

  “Judging by the number of people moving out this way, I’d say it’s not just you. But then, I’m a little biased. I was born and raised here, so it’s always been home to me.”

  “Tell me where you’d like to visit,” she said.

  “Hmm… I’ve always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon.”

  Smiling, she shook her head. “Everyone says that. It’s one of the many wonders of the world. Tell me somewhere you’d like to go that’s not so touristy.”

  That wasn’t quite so easy to think of, he realized. Traveling wasn’t something he was obsessed with or even thought too much about, but if he had to pick somewhere…


  Her eyes went wide. “Maine? Tell me why.”

  “I want to taste a Maine lobster that’s pulled right out of the water.” He looked at her and smiled. “I’m a fairly simple guy. I’m not looking to travel the world. I guess it makes me kind of boring.”

  Cammie shook her head. “You know what?”

  Cade looked at her and waited.

  “I think it makes you kind of awesome.”

  It was the nicest compliment anyone had ever given him. And damn, did he feel like he was blushing!

  They drove the remainder of the way, talking about the sights and about Cammie’s thoughts on her first ride in a convertible. Cade had to admit, he kind of liked knowing she experienced a first with him. It was silly because it was only a car ride, but it still felt nice.

  Pulling up to his favorite Italian restaurant, he parked and then walked around to help Cammie from the car–taking her hand in his and keeping it there as they went inside.

  The place wasn’t much to look at, but it was always packed because the food was excellent. Cade loved coming here and enjoying the relaxed atmosphere and large portions.

“This place is amazing!” Cammie said as they walked to their table. “I haven’t tried anything yet, and I can already tell it’s going to be delicious.”

  They took their seats, listened to the waitress tell them the specials, and ordered their drinks. When they were alone, he looked at her. “How can you tell?”

  It took her a minute to realize what he was referring to. “Oh, because it smells incredible and everyone here is laughing and smiling. Plus…it’s packed! That tells me it’s a great place to eat.”

  He’d struggled between taking her someplace fancy or casual, and as he watched her studying the menu, he knew he made the right choice.

  In all the ways she was concerned.


  They’d had a fantastic dinner.

  Then walked around the lake under the stars.

  And at the end of the night, Cade had kissed Cammie goodnight and left her breathless at her door.

  Now, as Cammie made her way across the lobby toward her office, she couldn’t help the smile on her face. It had been a perfect night, and when she climbed from her car just a few minutes ago, Cade appeared with a smile of his own and her heart melted. With a whispered hello and a promise to see her later, he kissed her and walked with her toward the building before heading off to check on the grounds.

  She made her way through the office to her desk and saw the girls were already busy. Within minutes, she was going through her own emails and double-checking her agenda for the day–most of which had to do with the wedding expo–but she also had an appointment to meet with the kitchen staff. Dixie felt it was important for her to see how things were run in food services to give her a more rounded education on everything related to events here at the resort.

  Her stomach growled as if it knew what was ahead for them, and she grinned. Apparently, she’d mastered the art of equipment and grounds inspection and was ready to move on to the next phase. According to the schedule, it meant spending several hours in the hotel’s kitchen working–or rather, watching–the chef and making sure they went over all the menus for the weekend. They had another full weekend of events–one on Friday night and one on Saturday afternoon, a second one on Saturday evening, and one on Sunday for brunch.


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