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The One and Only (Fur, Fangs, and Felines Book 5)

Page 10

by M. A. Church

“Got to start somewhere.” Tyler wiggled out of Seth’s arms and patted the space next to him. “Come on.”

  Brier sat across from them, still looking stiff and uneasy.

  “I guess I’ll start, since I seem to be the one who freaked you out the most,” Seth said.

  “It’s not that…. Okay, yeah it is. But to be fair, no one really knows a lot about shadow walkers,” Brier said.

  “I can’t speak for every shadow walker, but I can tell you about me.” Seth took a deep breath. “After the way you reacted, I wished I hadn’t told you what I am, but Tyler pointed out that keeping secrets isn’t the way to start a relationship.”

  “Fuck, I’m sorry I made you feel that way.”

  “I’m not going to say it was okay, because it wasn’t, but I guess it wasn’t surprising. Tyler’s the only one who didn’t react negatively.”

  Brier groaned.

  “I’m not comparing the two of you. It was a statement of fact, that’s all. If this thing between us has any chance of working, we have to be honest. I’m a paranormal just like you and Tyler, except I present as human. I can’t see or hear as well as either of you. My strength is that of an average human too.”

  “So that’s true, huh?”

  “Yes. As you know, I smell human, which works in my favor. Other paranormals have no idea what I am until it’s too late.”

  Brier shivered.

  “Shadow walkers might be the weakest in our society, but they’re the most feared.” Tyler’s lips tightened. “And hated.”

  “I’ve met one other like me in my entire life, so I’m guessing we tend to be loners. My parents were shadow walkers.”

  “So your kind mates?”

  “I haven’t the foggiest idea. All I know is they got together, got pregnant, and he left when I was born. My mom raised me until I was sixteen, then turned me loose. She showed me what I can do, put a roof over my head, and kept me fed. We weren’t what I’d call close, but she never mistreated me. I haven’t seen her since and have no idea where she is.”


  “Not your typical happy family, I know. Maybe I’m the exception, but I saw Tyler and that was it for me.”

  Tyler blushed. “Me too.”

  “Then I saw you, Brier, and popped wood. Fuck if that wasn’t a surprise. Before Tyler, I never had much interest in sex. Then we mated, and all I wanted was to bone him. No one else ever caught my interest.”

  “Wow,” Tyler deadpanned. “Such a romantic.”

  “Never heard you complain.”

  Tyler blushed, pink spreading across his face. “Ass.”

  Brier’s tension eased, and he chuckled.

  “Anyway, no one else but Tyler got me hard, until you. Tyler smelled you on me, told me what that meant, and, well, things changed for us once more.”

  “I reacted to you too. I didn’t know what was going on, thanks to that funky cologne you were wearing.” Brier wrinkled his nose.

  “Man, does that stuff stink,” Tyler agreed.

  “Does the job, though.” Seth winked at Tyler. “Guess we’ve danced around it enough, so let’s get to it. I use shadows to travel to any place, no matter where in the world. If there is a shadow, I can step out there.”

  “That’s….” Brier gulped. “Kind of neat, in a completely terrifying way.”

  “Other paranormals fear my kind because we can grab someone, step into a shadow, and be gone. If that someone is a threat to me or mine, I abandoned them in the shadow world to die.”

  Tyler inhaled sharply. “It’s a void. No sound, scent, or light. It’s like a tomb of darkness. It’s horrifying. And yes, I’ve been there with Seth. It’s not a place I like going.”

  “That sounds like the humans’ Hell.” Brier shuddered.

  “I don’t know. There’s no evil being, lake of fire, and so on.”

  “But there is never-ending darkness,” Tyler slowly added. “And I think it’s safe to say it’s a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth for those left there. It does become their prison, a place of torment until they die.”

  “By Bast’s right paw,” Brier breathed. “And you just leave people there?”

  “Before you judge me, keep in mind they planned to hurt my mate, and I’m not talking about using harsh words either,” Seth snapped. “They want to beat him to a bloody pulp. Torture him with rape. Kill him in the most horrible way possible for being different. Don’t fucking waste your pity on those monsters. They ended up in my world because of their intentions, so they fucking deserved what they got.”

  “But, but….” Brier’s brow knitted. “Seth, that’s vigilante justice.”

  “And just who were we supposed to go to for help? The territorial leaders? The Alliance of Paranormals?” Seth sneered. “We have problems with the everyday normal paranormals, so how the hell were we supposed to make our way up the chain of command to speak to the higher-ups when Every. Fucking. Werecreature we’ve met wants to kill Tyler?”

  Chapter Twelve – Brier

  “I….” HELPLESS, Brier glanced between the two. “I… I don’t know.”

  Tense, Seth nodded. “Exactly.”

  Brier saw Seth’s point, he really did. But still. Seth admitted to killing—without a hint of regret too—which freaked Brier out. But he was defending his mate. I’d do the same for my Alpha, and that bond isn’t as strong as a mate bond. So who the hell am I to judge him?

  “I understand what you’re saying.” Brier saw the hesitancy on Tyler’s face—Seth flat out looked unconvinced. “I really do, even though I sound like I’m grappling with it, because I am. But taking the rules I live under and applying them to your situation is wrong. I haven’t walked in your shoes, so I can’t relate. But I am trying, guys.”

  Tyler nodded. “That’s all we ask.”

  The flash of a lightning bug caught Brier’s attention. “Damn, it’s gotten dark. I need to go. I wished I didn’t, but I have to talk to Dolf.”

  Seth cleared his throat. “Do you have to?”

  Confused, Brier glanced at him. “Huh?”

  “Tyler and I really aren’t in the mood to hightail it out of here because some yahoo from your clowder attacks us.”

  “Aaaand I’m going to ignore the yahoo comment. No one should find you if you stay out of sight. Can you do that for me? Just for a few days.”

  Tyler chewed his lip.

  Brier wanted to kiss it better, but instead he focused on the matter at hand. “This probably won’t go over well, but since I’m asking the both of you to lay low, will you guys allow me to help financially? That’s only fair.” Brier rushed on, seeing the obstinate look on Tyler’s face. “Keep in mind, as mates, we support one another. Please let me.”

  Tyler and Seth exchanged glances. “No need,” Seth said. “Tal gave me an advance, and we have some left. It’s not like we require much to survive. We’ll be okay for a few days.”

  While relieved, hearing what Seth said hurt. Brier wanted to give them… well, everything. Food. Clothes. A place to stay. Security. Affection. Acceptance. Love.

  Jumped straight to the L-word, huh?

  “Okay. Good. Now, back to what I was saying.” Brier maintained eye contact with both of them. “Do you honestly think Dolf is going to send his betas after you? Didn’t you hear me say he wouldn’t do that? That Tyler is welcomed in his territory, and that was with him knowing what you are, Tyler.”

  Tyler opened his mouth, but Brier rushed on.

  “And besides, I’m one of his betas, and damned if I’ll allow them to hurt either of you!” Brier threw his hands in the air, getting worked up the more he thought about it.

  Until he said the words, he hadn’t realized how much he meant them. He, Remi, and Heller had served together for years. He was building a friendship with Janelle and truly admired her. Hell, she even scared him at times… and he’d fight them to protect Seth and Tyler.

  “You’re both mine,” Brier growled, a sound no human could make.

; Tyler shivered, his pupils dilating. Seth grinned, slowly licking his lips, then raised an eyebrow.

  Oh yeah, Seth was going to be the one who challenged Brier, he could see it now. Brier’s cat was all for tackling Seth, clawing off his clothes, and rubbing all over him. Possibly doing some nibbling on certain body parts. Gently, of course. Just a little nip here and there.

  Brier swallowed. Fuck. He was hard as a brick.

  “It’s really not fair to ask Brier to hide what he knows, Seth,” Tyler said, taking a shallow breath. “And holy crap, Brier, can you tone down the pheromones before I damn well come in my pants, because Jesus fucking Christ, you smell delicious.”

  Brier blushed, heat creeping up his neck. “Sorry.”

  Seth rearranged his hard cock.

  “As I was saying.” Tyler waved his hand in front of his face to disperse the scent. “As a beta, Brier has a responsibility to protect this clowder and his Alpha. They take that seriously, and being a beta is a position of honor too.”

  Seth’s playful mood vanished. “That’s all well and good, but I take my position of protecting you seriously. Keep in mind this Alpha isn’t aware that he has a shadow walker in his territory. His willingness to extend you an olive branch may be rescinded when he finds out about me. Isn’t that right, Brier?”

  Talk about being put on the spot. His hard-on deflated. “I honestly have no clue what Dolf’s going to do, which is why I need to speak to him, and it needs to be done as soon as possible. I really wish the two of you would stay at my house. That way—”

  “Nope. I’m sorry, but no.” Tyler caught Brier’s gaze and held it. “Not yet. It’s not that we don’t trust you—”

  “We don’t know you enough to trust you.” Seth finished. “So, for now, we remain where we’re at.”

  Yup. Still hurt as much as the last time. But, if Brier was honest, having a shadow walker in his house made him uncomfortable too, so he could understand why Tyler said no. They didn’t know one another. There was attraction and lust. He yearned for their touch. All over. His cat in particular wanted to meet Tyler in shifter form, and yowled in agreement.

  “Okay. I understand. Don’t like it, but I can see your point.” Brier scratched his jaw. So how was he supposed to get in touch with them? Drive around the back roads in the hope that he saw them? Then another problem poked its head up. “Shit. Seth, you hired on with Tal.”

  “I figure it’d be better for me not to show.”

  “Yes. Just to be safe. This way no one feels threatened, there’s no misunderstandings that can be blown out of proportion, and—”

  “I understand. I’m not offended.”

  “Good.” Brier stood. “That’s the last thing I want. Give me a few days and…. How do I find you guys, since Seth won’t be working with Tal now?”

  “We have pay-as-you-go phones,” Tyler said, standing, and Seth stood too. “We’ll give you our numbers. Call one of us when you’re finished dealing with your Alpha, and I guess we’ll go from there.”

  “Okay.” Brier pulled his cell from his pocket and exchanged contact information. Once that was completed, he shifted from foot to foot. He didn’t want to leave. Restless, his cat moved in his mind. How could he leave without touching them? Kissing them? The need rode him hard.

  Tyler tilted his head, sniffed the air, then purred.

  Brier’s body clenched at the sound. Fuck if that wasn’t the hottest thing he’d ever heard. Desire flooded him. By the goddess, he yearned. Chill bumps raced over his skin. His blood headed south, his cock hardening. “I, ah…. Can I… I’d like to, ah….”

  “Oh fuck this.” Seth prowled toward Brier. “I’m going to kiss you.”

  Seth threaded his hand in Brier’s hair. From one heartbeat to the next, Brier’s body lit up.

  “Tell me no if you don’t want this.”

  Brier’s heart pounded. Fire raced through his veins. Desire was a living thing in him, and he needed their hands on him. He looked Seth straight in the eye. “Fuck yeah, I want this.”

  Tyler stepped behind Brier and moaned softly. “You smell sweet, light and fruity. Citrusy.”

  Seth pressed warm, firm lips to Brier’s, and Brier opened immediately. Seth’s tongue swept inside, exploring. Owning all he touched. His kiss was demanding and strong, like the man himself. Tyler plastered himself against Brier’s back, his hands roaming Brier’s chest, then under his shirt. A groan popped out, and Brier’s eyes drifted shut. Tyler feathered his fingers over Brier’s nipples, rolling the peaks, then pinching them. Brier rose to his toes, squirming, the sweet zing of pain flooding his system. Another moan burst from him. He thrust his hips, rubbing against Seth’s hard-on. Seth continued his gentle assault. One last swipe of his agile tongue, and Seth moved to nibbling Brier’s throat with sharp little bites.

  Brier ground harder against Seth. Tyler snuggled closer, his cock pressed to Brier’s ass. Overcome, Brier tilted his head, fully exposing his throat, something he didn’t do to any werecat except his Alpha.

  Seth slid his hand out of Brier’s hair and released him. Tyler stepped back also. Brier opened his eyes, and for a moment, he stood there panting. The moon was out, casting silvery light on his mates. Fuck, they were gorgeous, and so help him, if one of them so much as laid a finger on his cock, he’d go off like a damn rocket.

  “When can we do that again?” Tyler bounced in place. “Because I can’t wait to taste you!”

  A vision of both of them in his bed—Tyler with his lips wrapped around his dick, and Seth straddling his chest with his cock down Brier’s throat—catapulted him right back to stark-raving mad with desire. “Fuck. You keep talking like that and I may come.”

  Tyler eyed the front of Brier’s pants.

  Brier groaned. “And on that note, I better get going. Otherwise, I won’t leave until… well, until we’re all mated, and I’ll deal with the fallout then.” He meant it too. A simple kiss and some light touching affected him more than any other experience he’d ever had. Being in their arms felt right, all the way to his soul.

  Walking away was damn near impossible. His cat growled in agreement. Suddenly the issues facing them didn’t seem insurmountable. Shit. Sounds like I just made up my mind on what I want to do.

  Seth grabbed Tyler by the hand and held his other to his ear in the age-old “call me” symbol. Dragging Tyler behind him, they disappeared down the path.

  An ache started in Brier’s chest and spread through his body as he watched them leave. He knew what he wanted. No matter what obstacles ended up in their way, Brier would destroy them. These men were his.

  Chapter Thirteen – Tyler

  TYLER THOUGHT about digging in his heels, but Seth might throw Tyler over his shoulder. “What. The. Hell, Seth?”

  Seth slowed, but he didn’t stop until they reached their truck. “Sorry, babe.” He opened Tyler’s door and motioned impatiently for him to enter.

  “Again, what the hell?” Tyler snarled, hopping into the passenger seat. “Jesus, we just left Brier there. What’s got into you?” He couldn’t believe they’d done that.

  Seth fired up the truck and slung gravel as they pulled off. “We… we had to leave. Brier wasn’t… he wasn’t kidding when he said he was ready to mate and to hell with the consequences.”

  Tyler checked the passenger door mirror. Wow, there were black marks on the pavement. Concerned, he peered at Seth. Holy shit, Seth gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were white. Was that a bead of sweat by his hairline?

  “Brier was serious, and I wasn’t sure I could…. Motherfucking hell.” Seth shuddered. “I wanted to mate him, especially when he bared his throat. Fuck, Tyler,” Seth swore loudly. “That urge to bite him, to taste his blood—that’s a mating thing with you guys.”

  Tyler understood. He’d felt the same things, plus Brier had smelled so… decadent. He yearned for Brier, was on fire for him. Even his cat took notice and grumbled.

  “I know, babe. Believe me. I’
m so hard, I hurt.” Seth dragged his hand over his forehead, wiping away the sweat. Then he shoved at the bulge in his pants. “But we can’t. Answer me this: say we mated now but his Alpha rejects us. Because of that, Brier leaves. Will we ever know if he left his clowder because he wanted to or because he had to? Would he then regret our mating?”

  “Shit.” The burning need coursing through Tyler evaporated like water on a hot day. When Seth put it like that….

  “Exactly.” As Seth calmed, he loosened his grip on the poor steering wheel. “If we mated earlier, we’d be taking away his choice, because let’s face it, there’s a distinct possibility his Alpha will reject us.”

  Tyler massaged his forehead. Why were things never simple? “I hate that you’re right. But dammit, we’re here for a reason.” She’d made that very clear.

  “True. But did she say the clowder would accept us? Or that we get that fabled happily ever after?”

  Seth’s words hit him like a bucket of cold water. “Shit.”


  Surely she didn’t expect Tyler to find his other mate, save werecats as a species, and then be kicked to the curb because he wasn’t pure. Or because Seth was something the West Fall’s clowder refused to accept. He deserved better, and so did Seth.

  The pain Seth would inflict on himself alone made Tyler’s fangs itch to lengthen. Anger built. He was so damn sick of them being hated. By all that’s holy, tell me this won’t end with us heartbroken. Please, my goddess.

  Trust in me, child. You are the one and only.

  The budding anger wilted. Well, it wasn’t much in the way of reassurance, but he trusted Bast. Always had. Only, this time, Tyler’s faith was being sorely tested. Still, though.

  I can’t keep fighting this losing battle for acceptance. I just can’t.

  “So, what do we do?” Tyler reached across the cab and snagged Seth’s hand. “Sit around and wait for him to call?”

  “I don’t really know. I guess?” Seth’s shoulder’s slumped. “I don’t like it, but Brier has to do this on his own.”

  Tyler turned away and stared out the passenger window until they arrived at the campsite.


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