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The One and Only (Fur, Fangs, and Felines Book 5)

Page 13

by M. A. Church

  “She never did say who the friend was, did she?” Seth asked.

  Brier jerked around to look at Seth.

  “No, and I damn sure wasn’t going to ask. I did ask what this disturbance was, because you know, when your goddess says there’s a problem, you listen. She mentioned there were those who don’t agree with the changes she’s made. Went on to say the old ways are not working, not as the world is today.”

  Brier’s mouth fell open. It closed with a snap. “She said those words? That there are some who don’t agree with the changes? That she brought change?”

  “Damn straight.” Tyler kept going. “Then there was something about a threat looming on the horizon—a death. Again, her words. She told me that if this death happened, progress stops. Then she declared she needed us here in West Falls. She mentioned this place by name.”

  “I… I—”

  “I’m not done.” Not by a long shot. “Then she went all soothsayer-on-crack on me. Her eyes turned white, and her voice did this freaky thing where it sounded like several people talking at once. She says a choice will be made. That consequences will follow. That Seth and I stand at a fork in the road, but I must pick the path the both of us will tread.”

  Brier blinked. “Wait just a minute. Are you saying you’ve seen Bast?”

  “I told you she pulls me into this world of hers. So yes, I’ve seen her. Then she says my choice will dictate the future of werecats as a species. And are you ready for this? This choice will affect other were species as well. Let’s say I didn’t react well.”

  Brier shook his head desperately. “You want me to believe you’ve met Bast? Actually met her?”

  “That’s all you got out of that? Yes, I’ve met her. Yes, I know what she looks like. Want me to describe her for you or something?”

  Brier blinked rapidly.

  “I think you broke him,” Seth joked.

  Tyler stared at Brier. “Fuck, you do, don’t you? Even though you don’t believe me, you want to know what she looks like.”

  Brier held his hands up. “Now hold up. I never said I don’t—”

  “Fine! I’ll tell you what she looks like once I’m done telling you this. Then she said to choose carefully. That I was the one and only.”

  Paling, Brier launched to his feet. “Oh shit! Are you telling me that she said you’re the one and only? She said those words. Those exact words?”

  Tyler studied Brier. The dude trembled from head to toe. Obviously something made an impression on him. “Verbatim.”

  “Oh fuck. Oh fuck.” Shaking, Brier fell into his chair. “Dear go—yeah. I won’t be using her name like that anymore. Holy shit, Tyler.” Breathing heavily, Brier stared. “The one and only,” he mumbled, then nodded. “I believe you.”

  “How come?”

  “Let me tell you how I ended up here.” Then Brier began to speak about voices whispering on the breeze, an urge, and a circle of stones.

  THIRTY MINUTES later they were still silent.

  Maybe it was shock. Tyler wasn’t sure. He cleared his throat. “She came to you.”

  “Yes. When we go to the circle, we feel her presence. Plus, there’s those flashes of lights. But this… this was different. She….” Brier’s face lit up. “She spoke to me in my mind. It was overwhelming. Beautiful. I was so damn honored.” Discreetly he wiped his cheeks. “I’ve never heard of that happening with anyone in the clowder. This mating is meant to be.” Brier gulped. “It’s been blessed by our goddess.”

  Whatever trust issues Tyler had flew out of the window after hearing Brier’s story. He wasn’t sure what the future held, but lingering worries that Brier would betray them were gone. Bast approached Brier, and that was all Tyler needed to know. She wouldn’t take the chance of exposing herself to someone who wasn’t inherently good.

  That thought replayed in his mind. She comes to me all the time. Does that mean I’m good? Huh. Food for thought. But later.

  Tyler caught Seth’s eye. “She’s upping her game.”

  “Yup.” Seth focused on Brier. “What’s the Circle of Stone?”

  “It’s where we hold ceremonies,” Brier said. “It’s a magical place where we interact with Bast.”

  “So, kind of like a temple?” Seth asked.

  “We’ve never called it that but… huh.” Brier stared at the fire pit. “I guess it is. Funny how we never thought of it like that. It’s in our territory and has belonged to us for as long as the clowder has been here. It’s an actual circle made of large, bulky boulders at least four feet across and eight feet high.”

  “Sounds like Stonehenge,” Seth remarked.

  “It’s been mentioned. Anyway, some of the rocks are worn smooth and flat across the top, while others come to a point, like a finger pointing toward the sky. The grass inside is always green, no matter the time of year.”

  “Does anyone know who built it?”

  “The story goes that the first clowder members did,” Brier said.

  “So, this place is only for your clowder? Not cat shifters in general?”

  “No. It’s ours since it’s on our clowder’s land. Why?”

  “Just curious.”

  Tyler stretched, and his back popped. He yawned so hard, his eyes watered.

  “Tired, babe?” Seth asked.

  “It’s been a long day.” Tyler glanced at Brier. “Um…?”

  Brier fidgeted in his chair. “I guess that brings me to the last thing we need to discuss. Dolf mentioned it’d be safer for the two of you to stay with me. My home is pretty isolated. And it might be a good idea to lay low until Dolf decides what he wants to do.”

  “What do you think he’ll decide?” Tyler asked.

  “Seth being a shadow walker will be the main stumbling block.”

  Tyler raised an eyebrow. “Not that I’m a hybrid?”

  “That’ll definitely cause comment, but it won’t be anything compared to the apprehension when word gets out about Seth. I hate to say it, but we’re enough like humans that we fear the unknown, and Seth is an unknown. Dolf asked for time, so we give him time. We hope for the best and be ready for the worst. Anyway, will you come home with me?”

  “Tyler?” Seth asked.

  “I don’t have a problem with it, but with close contact, the mating instinct is going to kick into high gear between Brier and me since we’re werecats. It can be overwhelming. Brier’s Alpha hasn’t made a decision yet, so what if we mate and then are told to leave? I’m not sure—”

  Brier stood, walked to Tyler’s chair, and knelt. “Then we leave.”

  “But you’d be giving up everything.”

  “No, I’d be gaining everything. Brick, wood, mortar? That’s not a home. The people I love inside that makes a home. Hell, even if it’s a camper, it won’t matter because you and Seth will be there.”

  Tyler’s eyes widened. “Are you saying you—”

  “No, not yet. But I can see myself falling in love with you two.” Brier toyed with a strand of Tyler’s hair. “How could I not? And if we mate, then know that it’ll happen with my full consent. So, how about it?”

  Tyler glanced at Seth. “Seth?”

  Seth studied Brier, then met Tyler’s eyes. “Let’s go home, babe.”

  Emotions ripped through Tyler, and he grabbed Seth’s hand. “Yes. Let’s go home.”

  Brier pressed a quick peck to Tyler’s mouth, then stood and walked toward Seth’s chair. He pulled Seth up and crushed his lips against Seth’s. He ended the kiss, then hugged Seth. “Thank you.”

  Tyler hopped up and flung himself at Seth and Brier. Tucked up close to the other two, he grinned. “The sooner we pack up, the sooner we can leave. Brier? Do you want to ride with us?”

  “If that’s okay. No point in me shifting again.”

  “Then let’s get a move on,” Seth said.

  Chapter Seventeen – Seth

  THEY WERE doing this. They were actually doing this. Shock, pleasure, nerves, and so many more emotions danc
ed along Seth’s spine. He never thought they’d find another person, much less a werecat, who could accept them unequivocally, yet there they were.

  Trust was always an issue, but seeing the expression on Brier’s face when he spoke about Bast revealing herself touched Seth. Brier’s unadulterated faith in his goddess impressed both him and Tyler. Even without asking, he knew Tyler felt the same. Hell, Tyler wouldn’t have submitted in cat form if he hadn’t, but hearing what Brier had to say sealed the deal.

  They still didn’t know one another, and because of that, Seth was sure mistakes would be made as they learned one another’s habits, likes, and dislikes. But that was fine. They’d get through it, thanks to the foundation of trust they were building.

  Brier accepted both of them for who and what they were—there was no hidden agenda to change either of them as for as Seth could see. Hell, the man was willing to upend his world for them. What more could they ask?

  Seth caught his breath at the first sight of Brier’s house. Draped in the moonlight and surrounded by woods, it was Seth’s dream home come to life. There were lots of windows, a huge fireplace, and a deck that could easily entertained twenty people. It was exactly how Brier had explained it to them.

  Brier pointed to a detached garage. Taking the hint, Seth pulled in. The rest of the area was arranged as a workshop, something he’d always dreamed about having. He could tinker away in there to his heart’s content.

  Shutting the vehicle off, Seth, Brier, and Tyler exited the truck.

  “Your home is beautiful,” Tyler gushed.

  “Thank you. Like I said, I’ve been working on it. Why don’t you get whatever you need, and I’ll show you around? And please, make yourselves at home. I’m serious.”

  Seth helped Tyler with their personal possessions and followed Brier inside. Brier took them on a quick tour of the house. The open living area was furnished with a L-shaped sofa and an ottoman on an antique rug in front of a massive stone chimney. The kitchen area, which was located behind a spacious dining room table for six, had wood cabinets and polished hardwood floors. Seth imagined the cabin had plenty of natural light during the day due to windows around the fireplace that faced the forest.

  Brier then led them to the bedrooms. “This is the master, but there are two more down the hall. So, about the sleeping arrangements—”

  “If we sleep in that bed with you, we’re going to be mated by morning,” Tyler said. “Just saying. While I’m okay with that, maybe we should at least try and not rush into it. I’m sure your Alpha would appreciate us waiting until he’s made a decision.”

  “I told you it doesn’t matter to me what he says.”

  “And I believe you. If I didn’t, we wouldn’t be here. But let’s say some miracle happens and your Alpha accepts us. Wouldn’t it be better to wait until we are formally granted permission? I mean, if we do stay here, let’s not start off on the wrong foot,” Tyler said.

  “I know absolutely nothing about clowders, but even I realize it’s not a good idea to piss off the boss.” Seth smirked. “Not at least until we have to. Plus, you might want to take this time and start hunting for a bigger bed, just in case. I tend to sprawl.” Seth winked.

  “Man, does he ever,” Tyler agreed. “Would it upset you if we stayed in a guest room for now? Just for now?”

  “Would you think less of me if I said my first impulse was to say fuck it all and insist you share my bed?”

  “Absolutely not, because I’m pretty sure we can agree it’s what we want.” Seth hated the three of them not sleeping together. It didn’t seem right. “But if that miracle Tyler mentioned comes to pass, we may wish we’d waited. And we really are going to need a bigger bed.”

  “Then we’ll wait. But only for a few days because… because….” Brier blushed. “It’s going to be so lonely without you both. Fuck, I’m not sure I’ll survive. I mean, I’ve got to have something to look—”

  Seth shoved Brier against the wall, caging Brier’s body with his, their mouth’s inches apart. “Something to look forward to?” He lifted one of his hands and gripped Brier’s chin, holding Brier still as they stared into each other’s eyes. “I’ll give you something to look forward to.” Seth feathered his lips over Brier’s. Mmm, soft but firm. There was nothing better than kissing another man.

  Brier’s hands settled on Seth’s shoulders, the touch light. Tyler snuggled against him and Brier. Seth hummed and ended the kiss. Tyler moved in and nipped Brier’s bottom lip. Purring, he ran his hands down Brier’s chest, across a nipple, then trailed lower. Seth swallowed. He loved the sounds Tyler made when he was needy.

  Seth caressed Brier’s cheek, then tucked a stray strand of hair behind Brier’s ear. Abruptly he buried his hand in all that luscious hair and jerked Brier’s head back. A startled squeak sounded. Soft and sweet were fine, but now he wanted heat. He needed to hear Brier purr too, dammit. He aggressively kissed Brier again. The sound of a zipper lowering echoed around them, and Brier moaned into Seth’s mouth. Soft and sweet blazed away and left a need that was blistering hot in its wake. Seth swept in, his tongue conquering every inch, tasting the uniqueness that was Brier, even if he was still unclaimed. Seth dominated the kiss, taking all that Brier offered.

  Brier’s unresisting form melted into Seth’s arms.

  Feeling Tyler trying to fish out Brier’s cock, Seth moved back enough that Tyler could get to his prize. Tyler spit in his hand, and soon the sound of flesh slapping hard and fast filled the hallway.

  “I want you to come for us, want you to shoot that load,” Seth growled.

  “Oh fuck. Yeah, yeah,” Brier panted, his fists clenched.

  Was there anything sexier than someone lost in passion, their head thrown back and mouth slightly open? Brier’s hips thrust desperately. Watching Brier hunt for his pleasure, his face flushed and eyes half closed, was driving Seth insane. Brier’s fingers sank into Seth’s shoulders, and low moans drifted between them as Brier thrust his cock through the tight fist Tyler had wrapped around his dick.

  Seth decided to see just how far he could push. His free hand caressed Brier’s ass. “Look at me,” Seth demanded.

  Brier opened his eyes, eyes that glowed an eerie blue.

  “Come,” Seth demanded.

  Brier’s rhythm faltered. “Fuck!” He threw his head back and growled, coming over Tyler’s hand.

  Tyler licked Brier’s come off his fingers.

  Fuck, that’s hot. Seth looked at Brier. Shock, wonderment, and peace filled Brier’s face.

  “Ours.” Seth’s lips traced Brier’s jaw. “Make no mistake about it. You are ours.” He released his hold on Brier’s hair. As much as he didn’t want to, he moved away, putting space between him and Brier. Desire sizzled in his veins and the pressing need to claim what was his was fast becoming more important that keeping Brier’s Alpha happy with them.

  Tyler whimpered but also stepped back. “You taste so good. I can’t wait for you to come in my mouth.”

  Brier groaned. “Goddess save me.”

  “Praying?” Tyler giggled.

  “Actually, yes, I am. And damn, you’re sexy with your eyes glowing and fangs showing. I want to feel them in me.”

  Tyler mimicked Brier’s groan.

  Seth laughed. “We better go before things get out of hand. Sleep well tonight.”

  “Fucking hell,” Brier muttered, trying to zip his shorts. “These next few days better pass fast.”

  Tyler nodded eagerly.

  “I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.” Brier staggered down the hall to his bedroom.

  They watched Brier leave, and then Tyler opened the door to their temporary room, grinning at Seth. “I think you broke him.”

  “And I plan to break you too.” Winking, he patted Tyler on the ass. “Get in there.”

  AFTER TAKING care of his and Tyler’s hard-ons, Seth tossed and turned. Being in a new place, and not able to shake the feeling that Brier should be there with them in this comf
y bed, didn’t make it easy, but he finally drifted off…

  …and found himself walking through the woodlands. Even though he and Tyler spent the majority of their lives camping and had seen thousands of such areas, he somehow knew exactly where he was. The sense of familiarity was impossible to escape.

  “Okay, why the hell am I dreaming about the woods we were at?” Seth grumbled. There were more interesting things to be fantasizing about, like a sexy werecat down the hall from them and the sounds he made when he was lost in pleasure.

  And speaking of werecats, a large cat, resembling a lion but fucking twice as big, wandered from the tree line. It sat its large ass down and stared at Seth, its blue eyes glowing.

  Seth raised an eyebrow. Well, this was new. “Number one, we ain’t in Africa, so you shouldn’t be just wandering around here. Number two, no normal lion gets that big, and you are a big fucker. Number three, I know that eerie blue eye color. So, what the hell?”

  The lion yawned, climbed to its feet, and turned back the way it came, its tail swishing lazily.


  The animal tossed a glance over its shoulder, huffed, then continued walking.

  “Was that a get-your-ass-in-gear look?” Seth glanced around, but the only things there were trees, a freakishly giant wildcat, and him. “Because I’m thinking it was definitely a get-your-ass-in-gear look.”

  There was nothing for it, so he got his ass in gear. Was he scared to follow an animal that could damn near look him in the eye, it was so enormous? No. That cat was a feline, Bast ruled over all felines, and he was mated to a werecat who frequently spoke to Bast. He was pretty sure Bast had heard of him. So, he wasn’t afraid. Now, was he freaked out? Hell yeah. Totally and completely, and it had nothing to do with the cat in front of him.

  Why was Bast suddenly invading his dreams? That’d never happened before. Talk about feeling out of control, and he finally understood why Tyler sometimes got a little perturbed when Bast put in an appearance. This was unsettling.


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