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Page 19

by Clay Moore

  "Where should I hide my panty."

  "Put it on the desk and buffet it off the desk."

  "He won't miss it. When you walked in, you felt the male testosterone. When he walks in, he will feel the new female copulance. He may guess that you are the new person he does not know yet."

  April flicked her hand, and Her purple panties rocketed off the deck and fell under the credenza. She put on her Gray suit. Her ship uniform went into an overnight bag. She stopped at Julie's. "He is not going to do anything weird like smelling them, is he?"

  "I assure you that he will not do anything weird. He will keep them in his outside jacket pocket as he searches for the woman. I think he will wash it."

  "He will wash it, so she could put it on right away?"

  "No, more along the lines that it is the decent thing to do."

  "I haven't seen a man do the decent thing in quite a while."

  "Brian will surprise you. He wrote down the rules for being a gentleman."

  "How many of them are there?"

  "I don't know. Maybe I don't want to know. How about you?"

  April thought about it for a moment. "I don't think I want to know. I'd like to be surprised."

  "I like your thinking. You are about to enter a place few women have ever been. Most of his women were just to scratch an itch. I think you are the one who will experience all of his Rules for the gentleman."

  "May he share it with all the men," April said.

  Julie and April shared a laugh over it.

  Anton was not having a good day. The inside knowledge that he had with the Ofana and her merry band was gone. The worst of it was that he really could not reprimand her, because she had a good reason. At least his apparatus inside of Giesling was intact.

  He looked at her. She liked the name of Jasmine., and It made her sound mysterious to the average man. Her real name was Deana Poppel, and She was so mid-level on Alphacent. She would not be accepted in upper society. On Alphacent where you lived and how you presented yourself indicated what level of class you were in; Low aka groundlings, mid, upper. Deana was useful on other worlds. She was useless on Alphacent Only one out of twenty-nine was a good average.

  Deana liked the spy work. The part she didn’t like was the procurement and arming of nuclear weapons. Anton knew why. The government knew what would happen if they used their nukes on some planet unilaterally. She knew that all it took was a bit of anger on Andrea’s part and they were launching or blowing up planets.

  “I’m sorry to say this, but we are going through with the detonation day after tomorrow. I have the plans for the Festival surface.”

  Anton opened the plan and showed it to her. She looked at the plans. “I’d prefer to put it up a high. That would simulate an air burst.”

  “I see. My command authority wants the stadium destroyed, as well as the Ofana.”

  “What would happen if this came down on Planetary Interests?”

  Suddenly Anton was holding her with his arm around her neck and his forearm knife at her throat. He had the best view of her chest, but he knew the dangers of letting his base nature set policy for him.

  “Are you thinking of turning on us?”

  Deana tried to think for a moment. “I’m loyal. I could have ratted you out to the Special Agent, set you up, and then watched the two of you cut each other up. Yes, he knows how to use a knife. He even carries shuriken. He is death incarnate with firearms.”

  Anton suddenly released her. She took a couple of steps forward. Jasmine turned to look to see where the knife came from. She watched him stow the blade up to his right sleeve.

  “Can I see the weapon. This weapon was never intended to be jostled around by people. It was strictly designed to be a weapon on a ship’s heavy launcher. Some things will go wrong if the weapon is not handled right. May I inspect it for you?”

  Anton nodded. He went to the unique safe, and He opened it. The nuke looked as quiescent as it had ever been. Deanna checked the tell-tales. All indicators were in the green zone. Then she checked the tell-tale on the base of the ball-shaped weapon. That told her it was safe to move, and that no one had shut the weapon down.

  Deana put the weapon upright, resting it on its separate base. She backed away from the safe. If they installed a safe like that, they were intending to get more. She knew where they could get more on Alphacent. Suddenly she realized that she was stuck with Planetary Interests. That gave her a feeling of dread. All of the people in control of Planetary Interests were insane if they wanted to punish Giesling by exploding a nuke on their soil.

  Anton had seen that look on many faces. The first revelation that they were stuck here. She could claim that Andrea and Anton were insane, but it would be her who set the bomb up. Her name would be given to the news flashes. They would excoriate her, and not him.

  “Don’t worry, after a while, it will no longer affect your conscience. I lost my conscience while in the Theosai clan.”

  “Don’t you ever wish that you could get it back.”

  “I have too many people gunning for me. That Eridani Special Agent you were running with for instance. He would love to get me in his sights.”

  “He had you in his sights. He just encouraged you to keep running.”

  “Are you saying he missed me on purpose. Why?”

  “From what he said they don’t want you dead just now. This would be a war against Planetary Interests and Eridani. They don’t know how to work that just yet.”

  Anton thought: Neither do I.

  “You have a room here. You’ll be given a keycard carry it around. Tomorrow you plant the bomb. Then we fly away to Angus. You are going to have a shining career with us, and you will make plenty of money.”

  “How will I spend it? I doubt that high-end stores will settle there or send my packages through a freighter.”

  “There is regular transport traffic. We can ship it with transport. You can still get what you want. You will have your own house. If you need male companionship—”

  Deanna felt disgust well up inside her. Anton styled himself a ladies man, but what he did for a living was unsavory. She was looking at a former cheap pimp turned into an expensive pimp with a little bit of security thrown in. His pimple scarred face did not give him dashing good looks. It reflected his groundling upbringing. Raised as a Mid, she could feel her skin crawl. If she must submit for survival, she would.

  Anton raised his right hand in which he had a roll of Marks. He put the money down her cleavage.

  “Have fun tonight. Tomorrow will be a day of rest, but not for you. Two of my best men have acquired uniform work jumpsuits. In the morning you will go with them. Set up the bomb. Set the bomb for 10 AM the morning of the speeches. Everyone is supposed to be on the stage when the speeches start. Make it in 1005. That will get her and that pesky Special Agent.”

  “And quite a lot of other people, too.”

  “When you want to send a message, other people will get in the way.”

  Deanna nodded. She was dealing with insane people. People who had no moral sense. People who had been fundamentally hurt when young and felt no remorse for others. She had to plaster an unconcerned look on her face and hope that she did not become like them.


  University of Giesling

  Brian drove towards the University. Ofana informed them all that they would be put up in faculty accommodations. That told Brian that they did not have enough enrollment to pay a full slate of professors. They would see how the infrastructure of the University survived.

  "I get to step on the grounds of an actual University," said Ofana. "I was not allowed to go to University. I got offers, but security wouldn't have it. Dad brought in Professors for me to learn and get credit. The University of Eridani gave me a Bachelors in Interstellar Relations."

  "Did you graduate with your classmates?"

  "Security again. Dad arranged graduation on the lawn outside my house."

  "I'm surprised
that security let you come here."

  "They did not have much choice. I am Ofana in name only. My Brother's little girl will become Ofana after I give the speech. Then I will be Amelia Grace Stegitz."

  "If you accomplish even a little of what you set to do here, I can see you as Ambassador Plenipotentiary."

  "I don't think so. My father probably lost ten years of life. He did force you to come to my aid."

  "Force is the correct word," said Brian. "I think we are all going to learn something. I caused such a stink that I think your father learned to involve the chain of command. I trust the mission selection committee and the Director. Don't tell her that."

  "His attitude is why does he have to go through the mission selection committee to get one of his special agent's involved."

  "And we are here at Matriculation, Giesling, home of the University of Giesling."

  The town was a substantial town at one time. There was a stand of ten story buildings with all sorts of offices. Some of those offices were think tanks. Some were design firms from other worlds using the genius of Giesling. The town was close enough to Giesling City that it could use the municipal services, especially water, and The University was demarcated by the green patches of grass that it laid down. The trees provided shade and a vertical surface to rest your back while reading.

  Students were walking the paths and reading Slates before their next class. Some of the women were laying out in "Barely There" swimwear, although Brian wondered if the swimsuit would stay on with a single dive. A better name would be strip-wear, a single dive, and they come off.

  Brian followed the signs to the administration building. As they pulled into an open parking spot, a redheaded woman walked out of the administration building. She headed straight for the Blue grav-ca, and Brian opened his door and stepped out. The woman came up to him.

  She looked nothing like a Giesling woman. Her dress was immaculate, and Her hands had no calluses. She wore her hair up with two sticks holding everything together.

  "Are you the Ofana's party?"

  "Yes," said Brian. He pointed into the car. "She is in the passenger seat."

  The woman bent over. "Ofana, It is a pleasure seeing you. I understand you wanted a place to calm down and get everything together. You have a bit of a drive getting to Giesling City tomorrow. Where are you staying?"

  "What 5-star hotel is the best nearest the stadium."

  "That would be the Hathaway. It is south of the stadium and in walking distance."

  "The stage will be north, then?"

  "I'm sorry you are?"

  "I am Brian Butler, Personal Assistant to the Ofana."

  "The stage will be Northside of the stadium."

  Amarantha informed Brian that she managed to get a suite and two singles with a King sized bed.

  Brian held up the ok sign to Ofana. She relaxed.

  "And you are?"

  "I'm sorry. I'm Pixie Laird. I'm the general Secretary here."

  She passed out key cards to everyone. "There are three of the bungalows that we made available." She passed out the key card to everyone. "These are the passes for the Faculty Dining room. We are now serving late lunch. Dinner is at Six. If you have a sweet tooth, there is a druggist across the street.

  "Follow the signs to the faculty lodging. The cards have the number of the Bungalow to which they correspond. Thank you for what you are doing for Giesling."

  "You are welcome. Don't forget to vote Election Day."

  The Secretary walked back into the administration building, and Brian drove the Blue grav-car toward faculty lodging. The lodging was not too far from the vast lake which had given the University its first name, Lake University. The Government liked the University and endowed it with some money. The University competed for the best instructors and built the best infrastructure possible. Many of the students were from off world. Some remained to work in the mines and smelters.

  Since Professors came and went to the University provided beautiful bungalow homes. Most had Kitchenette, living room bathroom, and two-bedrooms. A few were big enough for entire families to live in.

  They were given three consecutive bungalows further away from the lake, and Brian parked the blue grav-car behind their Bungalow. The team members rolled out with their stuff. They went to their bungalows. Brian told them to meet up in ten minutes for lunch. Brian opened his duffel. He also took out the suit from the garment bag. It was clean, a little wrinkled that could be taken care of with a snap of the garment. There were a washer and dryer inside the Bungalow. Brian tried to find clothing except for the suit and tie that were clean. He dropped his clothing in the machine, and Brian took Ofana's dirty garments and put them with his clothing. He used the laundry soap in the utility room.

  Ofana wore her white caftan with the Turban with the spider broach in it. They left their Bungalow. They only had to wait a couple of minutes before the team came out to walk with everyone. Everyone came equipped for trouble. Even Ofana showed Brian the pistol she wore on her wrist holster.

  The faculty dining hall actually looked like a restaurant. When they arrived, they were shown to a large table and given menus. There were no prices. The card they were given was the only thing they wanted to see.

  The Waiter came by with his slate. He took the order and then disappeared. While they were waiting for their food to arrive. A man came to his table.

  Brian saw him bouncing around the empty tables like a ball in a pool table. Brian had to hand it to him; he gave the subterfuge everything he had. The problem was that a drunk person would bounce around a crowded room like this more randomly. Also, an intoxicated person should smell of booze.

  "What are you doing with those there?" He said, slurring his speech in a tremendous drunken voice.

  The thing that Brian fixated on was the impression of the gun he wore under his shirt. Brian lifted his Athro and pointed it at the man.

  "Do you mean our weapons? What about yours?"

  The man seemed at a loss of what to do. Brian remained seated with the Athro pointed at the man. He saw the moment with the drunken man lost his drunkenness and thought: Fuck it. Then the drunk man went for his gun.

  The belt holster was not a quickdraw holster. Brian saw it as soon as the idiot lifted his shirt. The idiot fumbled with his pistol. Then he ended up dropping his weapon. Brian run up to him. He put his knee in the idiot's tender spot. The man just doubled over and walked out of the Dining room.

  Immediately after everyone went back to eating. The team got the team's food. It was as good as some of the five-star hotels that they ate it. They left the table when they were done.

  Brian had Luana take Ofana home. He walked the distance to the Drug store. As Brian suspected they had a Hypercom message kiosk. He went there and logged into his account. Brian had two messages; one from Felicity, and the other from Anton Heckton. He looked at Felicity's message. Basically, it was a dear Brian message. It hurt, but it had been a long time coming. Well, he was still on the hunt for Mrs. Right. No use in looking for permanent. Just search for a month duration now.

  Brian had some trepidation about opening Hecton's message. The only people who seemed able to break into Holocom equipment worked for the Eridani Secret Service. He opened the message. It read:

  I am writing to the two men who are members of the Special Agents of the Eridani Secret Service. So far, you have managed to cramp my business. You have killed some of my operatives, and you have discovered some of my agents. This makes you dangerous.

  I expect no quarter, and I give no quarter. This is my declaration of war. If I see you, I will kill you. Don't shoot at me to make me go away. Shoot at me to kill

  Signed Anton Hecton Director of Security Planetary Interests

  Brian sent the message to the Director in her secure box. Then he sent a message to Dan Owens warning him to be on guard.

  He picked up a bag of gumdrops, and He also picked up some sterile wraps. The first aid kit was out. He decided to a
sk something to the Pharmacist.

  "Do you refill First Aid Syringes from the first aid kit produced by Autodoc?"

  "Yep, I can do four at a time. It will take a few minutes. Sterilization procedure, you know."

  "How long?"

  "How many do you want to do?"

  "I want two packs of them, refilled."

  Brian put the packs from the kit on the ledge between him and the Pharmacist.

  "If you are in a hurry I got one of each ready now. Just give me yours to refill for the next customer."

  "How much will that cost me?"

  "Two hundred fifty scrips is the price."

  "How about fifty crowns?"


  Brian put five ten crown notes on the ledge. As he left, he watched the man break down the packs and put the syringes in the cleaner unit. Autodoc must supply a lot of his medications and that system to refill the first aid kits.

  At last, an honest man on Giesling thought Brian.

  Brian returned to his bungalow. Ofana was in the living room watching the local newsflash channel. They announced that they were going to run 24 hour a day election coverage starting tonight. She noticed that a lot of the coverage was on her and her little campaign. They used that phrase “little Campaign.” It irritated Ofana.

  Don’t they know I’m trying to help them, thought Ofana? She noticed Brian standing there. She threw a pillow at him.

  “Hey! Why throw that thing at me?”

  “Because you’re the only government official here.”

  “Need I remind you?” Brian pointed at her. “Throw that next pillow at yourself.”

  Ofana laughed at the absurdity of her anger. “The Newsflashes question my fitness to office. They think I am some woman on a menstrual craze or something.”

  “Then set the record straight. Have your political network take out adds playing your speeches. That will set the record straight.”

  Ofana picked up her personal com. She stuck out her tongue at Brian. Then she typed in her network contacts. The call was short. She came away with a smile. One of the sponsors owns a couple of newsflash sites. They are playing all of my speeches. I didn’t know that they had people recording in the crowd.”


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