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The Crime: Billionaire Love At First Sight (All In Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Maggie Cole

  Jack clasped my hand and stroked it with him thumb. “I couldn’t help myself. When I met you outside the bathroom…I was only in the bar to use the restroom. I didn’t plan on being there. I stopped frequenting bars after everything happened. I stopped partying. I stopped being that guy.”

  I held my breath and waited for him to finish.

  “You ran into me and I had to know more about you. I needed to meet you. It was like I was drawn to you. I tried to talk myself out of it, but I couldn’t force myself to walk out of the bar. I saw you sitting by yourself and had to at least try.”

  “Try to sleep with me?”

  Jack shook his head, hard. “No, Maddie. I told myself I wasn’t going to sleep with you, I would only learn more about you. Then when everything happened with the hotel, I honestly only brought you to my room to keep you safe. I was happy that you were there, but I gave myself a talk while I changed my clothes. Told myself not to touch you again, because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or ruin any chance I might have with you. I was serious about my promise to be a gentleman. When I walked out on the balcony and you stood there in your bra and panties...I couldn’t help it.”

  I smiled, then I started slowly to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Thank God I stripped then, because we would have missed out on a pretty good night.”

  Jack softly laughed. “How are you so cool about all this, Maddie?”

  “I like you Jack...I like us. I’m glad you shared this with me, but I’ve spent six years wanting a fraction of what I think you and I have. So, I see you as the man you are now, and that other man you were, well, I don’t think he’s as bad as you do.” I leaned in and kissed him.

  The waitress came up and inquired if we were ready to order. We placed our orders, and she left. Jack trailed his fingers on my hand. “You still want to go visit neighborhoods tomorrow?”

  I had forgotten about that. “Sure. Do you still have time?”

  “Yes. I promised you, so I cleared my day. But to be crystal clear, you can stay at my place for as long as you want. I like you there.”

  Liv’s words about Jack being a man of his word flew back to me. She had been right. It would be so easy to stay at Jack’s forever, but no matter how much I wanted to, I knew I needed to also spend some time living on my own.

  “I like being there with you too. And thank you for being my knight in shining armor, because you fixed my huge mess.” I leaned in and stole another kiss.

  Jack pulled back, “I’m glad I could help. Maddie, we really do need to make sure that monster never comes near you again.”

  I closed my eyes briefly and took a deep breath. Now that I knew who Mike really was, I couldn’t agree more. I hoped that Mike would never hurt me, but I feared he wouldn’t think twice, now that I had gone against his wishes.

  “I think you need to make sure wherever you decide to live has security.”

  He was right. I needed to feel safe, and that would at least give me some protection against Mike, should he ever find out my address and come after me.

  “I had my real estate agent send over some listings, to give you an idea of what’s out there with security. We can go in some of the lobbies tomorrow to check them out if you wish. Then, if you like what you see, we can schedule a time with the real estate agent to go view the actual apartments.” Jack pulled up a list on his phone.

  I glanced at the list on Jack’s phone. There were hundreds of listings, all throughout different parts of New York.

  "This is overwhelming.” I started to scroll and stopped.

  Jack put his arm around me. “What’s wrong?”

  “I honestly don’t even know what to do with that list. There are so do I even know which ones to start with?”

  “Why don’t we filter the listings to places nearest your work, how many bedrooms, etc. and start from there?”

  That sounded like a good idea. “I only need one bedroom.”

  Jack hit a few buttons on his phone and the list reduced to a few dozen. “Better?”


  Jack changed the list to a map view. He zoomed in and pointed out, “Here’s your work, and here’s my place.”

  “Is that your way of saying ‘don’t go far’?”

  Jack held up his hands in defense, a big cocky grin on his face. “I’m only showing you, that’s all...but, wherever you decide to move to, I don’t have a problem traveling to break it in.”



  I wanted her to stay forever, but I knew how important it was to her to have her own place. So I wouldn't stand in her way. No, I would do everything in my power to make sure she was safe and happy.

  Then I told her my darkest demons, and she still wanted me in her life. I didn't know what she saw in me, but I was thankful for whatever it was.

  When I discovered her Mike was Michael Dupont, I couldn't believe it. Tom didn't know it, but I would be introducing him to our FBI contacts. The FBI finally agreed to let me get Tom involved. And he flew to Tampa under different assumptions.

  Like an excited schoolboy, I called Tom to tell him about Maddie and me, and because I wanted to find out if he knew anything else about her ex, Mike. I didn't get the reaction I expected.

  Tom sighed. "This is going to be tricky, Jack. Have you told Mike yet?"

  "Tom, what are you talking about? She broke up with Mike before we met."

  "Okay. But have you told him that you're sleeping with his ex? It does make things a little awkward sometimes in business relationships."

  "Tom, I'm not following you. What does Mike have to do with business?"

  "Jack, do you not know that Maddie's Mike is Michael Duponte?"

  My blood drained in my body; my stomach flipped. No. It couldn't be.

  "Jack, you still there?"

  My mouth went dry. "Tom, I was going to tell you this when you landed. We have to stop the girls from going to Michael's today."

  "The girls? What are you talking about?"

  "Liv is going with Maddie to meet the movers. Michael is running a human trafficking ring out of the Marina with Jim. I can't get into it all till you're here tomorrow, but we can't let them go."

  Within minutes, Tom sorted out bodyguards, called Liv, and was back on the phone with me.

  "Why the hell didn't you tell me this was going on?" Tom's angry voice flew out of my phone.

  "The FBI wouldn't let me. I wanted to."

  I could hear Tom breathe as he tried to calm down.

  "I need to fly back. I can't let Maddie near him."

  "Jack, you need to stay put. The bodyguards are safer than you going. If he does show up, it's better he doesn't know you’re with Maddie."

  My heart raced, and I realized my hands were in tight fists.

  "You know I'm right," Tom said.

  I closed my eyes and sighed. I knew he was right, but it didn't feel good. "Okay."

  "Stay in Tampa. I'll see you tomorrow. And Jack?"


  "Don't do anything stupid. Lay low."

  He knew me well. I hung up and sat in shock. The thought that Maddie was with him for six years made my skin crawl. What did he do to her over all those years?

  I knew I needed to tell her. I didn't want to, but I had to. I thought for sure she would leave me and never want me again. But like always, Maddie surprised me. She still wanted me and claimed she needed me. My prayers were answered.

  But I knew that until Michael Duponte was in jail, he wouldn't just let Maddie peacefully go. No, he would be angry because she left him. I needed to do everything to make sure that he never got near her again.

  * * *


  The next day, Jack and I walked all over different neighborhoods. It was the first week of March, and the weather was surprisingly kind.

  Each neighborhood had its own charm. We drank coffee at a neighborhood cafe, saw too many lobbies to count, ate lunch at a bistro, and
continued to make our way through the list Jack printed off. At each place, he would cross it off if I wasn't interested, or circle it if I wanted to look into it further. By the time evening approached, my head was spinning. My legs were exhausted. It had been a perfect day. Exactly what I always envisioned I would have done with Mike when we decided to move.

  It's so much better because I'm with Jack.

  The night air became chilly. Jack pulled me into his warm body as we made our way back to his building. We quickly rode up the elevator. I walked into Jack's penthouse and pulled off my shoes. As I sat on the couch, I started to rub my feet.

  "Feet hurt?" Jack asked.

  "More like cold."

  "Hold on." Jack left the room. I sat on the couch, rubbed my feet some more, and wondered what he was up to.

  About ten minutes later, he came back out, grabbed my hand, and pulled me through his bedroom and into the bathroom.

  Jack had lit candles everywhere. The lights of the city danced through the window. Soft music played, the fireplace flickered, and warm bubbles filled the tub. Jack grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head, released my bra, and threw it all on the floor before he grabbed my pants and shoved them off me.

  I stepped out of my pants and stood naked.

  "Get in." Jack pointed.

  I gave him a sly grin. "Only if you come with me."

  Jack's dimple popped out. "I won't make you ask twice." He quickly removed his clothes.

  We laid in the tub, opposite one another. Jack grabbed my foot and gave me a foot massage, then worked his fingers up through my calf. I leaned back, closed my eyes, and let him take over, as I melted into the feel of Jack's hands on my body.

  We didn't speak for a while. Jack started to work on my other leg. "Hey, Maddie?"

  "Hmm," I opened my eyes and could see Jack's mind working, hesitating, almost conflicted.

  "I don't want you to take this the wrong way or feel rushed, because I mean it when I say you can stay here as long as you want. But in New York, you can't wait long if you want an apartment. If you are interested in any of those places, you need to grab it quickly." I saw a flicker of sadness in his eyes.

  I slowly nodded. Being with Jack was easy. I don't know how, but it was. I felt alive and wanted and treasured. It was exactly why I needed to secure a place soon, because if I didn't do it now, I could easily stay at his place forever.

  And I was pretty sure Jack would let me.

  "I'm not taking it the wrong way. I appreciate you telling me. I feel rather naive about all this." I felt the heat, creep up my face.

  Jack saw it and sat up. He grabbed my waist and pulled me over on top of him, so I laid on his chest. My leg grazed his hard-on. "You're new to New York; that's all. Don't be so tough on yourself."

  I leaned in and kissed him. Like always, his kisses made me feel like I was the only thing on earth that mattered to him.

  He pulled away. "I can have my real estate agent show you the ones you are interested in tomorrow if you want?"

  "That would be great. Thanks."

  "Do you want me to go with you? I can change my schedule..." he said absentmindedly.

  I thought about it. As much as I loved having Jack as my crutch, I didn't want him to have to rearrange his schedule all the time to keep bailing me out of my problems. I locked eyes with him, "I don't want you to take this the wrong way."

  "Every time you say that, my stomach drops…"

  "Sorry." I kissed him and smiled. "I think I need to do this one on my own. Don't get me wrong, I love how helpful you've been, but you have things to do, and I don't want you always having to bail me out of my problems."

  "Maddie, I'm not—"

  I put my finger over his lips. "Shhh. You're amazing. But I need to do this part on my own, all right?"

  His Adam's apple throbbed. I could feel his heart thump in his chest and saw his mind spin. He slowly nodded.

  I leaned in and kissed him. Our tongues quickly found the other, as if they were lovers who searched forever and finally reunited. I moved on top of Jack, as my naked breasts pushed against his warm chest, his arms wrapped around my back, and my body easily slid onto his girth.

  Our bodies glided to the rhythm. Our skin easily slid over each other’s, as Jack moved from my mouth and pulled my chest to his face.

  My head fell back, and my back arched when Jack's lips hummed gently onto my breasts. I sank deeper onto his throbbing manhood. My hands pulled at his hair.

  "So perfect," Jack mumbled against my breasts.

  Tiny volts of electricity shot through me as Jack ever so diligently gave equal attention to both of my nipples. He swirled, sucked, and caressed me with his tongue. My oh's and ah's tumbled out of my mouth, as he owned my body once more.

  At that moment, I knew I would do whatever this man wanted—to feel how no other man could ever make me feel. I would be his slave if necessary.

  Jack moved from my chest and up my neck, then moved his forehead to mine and stared into my eyes. Both our breaths were labored, and his lips slightly shook as his jawline hardened. My arms wrapped around his shoulders and his hands moved on the sides of my head.

  "Whatever you want," I mumbled under my breath.

  Jack scanned my eyes for an explanation.

  "You can do anything you want to me, Jack." I didn't know why I felt the need to disclose that to him.

  Jack whispered, "I'll never hurt you, Maddie. I only want to be good to you."

  I'm not sure what made him think I didn't know that, or at what part of our quick time together I so willingly gave my complete trust over to him, but I knew in my heart if there was anyone in the world I believed in and trusted, it was Jack.

  The realization that I didn't only trust him to do illicit things to my body, but I quickly handed over my heart to him, rushed to me. But I wasn't alone, because I knew from Jack's eyes, if I wanted his heart, he would give it to me.

  "I know that," I whispered back.

  I leaned in and found his mouth.

  He seized my hips and urgently pushed them quicker. "Let me make you feel good."

  "Jack, no one has ever made me feel good except you."

  His eyes gazed at mine as if he was surprised by my admission. Why? I didn't know.

  Does he think anyone else in the world even compares?

  Jack thrust against me quicker and pushed into me farther as he drove me to my place of worship. My insides were on fire again, and I wanted to explode.

  "You're so good to me…. So fucking good, Jack," I blurted out as his body bulged into mine.

  His fingers started to rub my clit, and I cried out, as my body continued to rise and fall on him.

  "Let me give you everything, Maddie," he whispered in my ear.

  Everything… It crossed my mind he wasn't only talking about ways to make me orgasm anymore. We had quickly crossed those borders in the last few days.

  "Everything," he repeated.

  It was as I suspected. He was declaring to me that whatever I wanted from him I could take, but I didn't want to take. "What can I give you?" I whispered back.

  "Just you, Maddie, just you."

  "I'm yours, Jack." I closed my eyes, not sure how much longer I could last, as he intensified the pressure on my clit, his penis began to hit my sweet spot repeatedly, and my walls began to clench him over and over.

  Jack blurted out, "Oh fuck, Maddie," started to release in me, and sent me over the edge. We held each other close, and he continued to release into me, as we ricocheted together into a sea of moans and labored breath.

  We cried out each other’s names, with Jack’s face in my neck and my hands gripping his hair.

  As we started to come down from our high, Jack grabbed my head and pulled me into his mouth. In his kisses, I felt his need for me and his desire to claim me as his. And I felt the promise that I was his everything.

  After his kisses, I laid on his chest and traced his pec muscles. I put my ear on his heart and listen
ed to the beat slowing down as Jack cupped my butt.

  "Hey, Maddie."

  I tilted my head up and smiled at him. "Yeah?"

  "You sure you're okay not using a condom? Don't get me wrong, I've always had safe sex except with one person, and I've been tested and am clean, but are you sure?"

  It occurred to me that Jack's one was Kelly, and he got her pregnant. I never thought about how that must have affected him when I didn't make him use a condom.

  "I haven't had sex with Mike since before moving to New York. I'm on the pill. I had a test about five months ago and am clean too. If you aren't comfortable though, we can go back to using condoms."

  Jack didn't say anything for a minute. "I prefer not to, but I want to make sure you are really okay with it."

  I reached up and stroked his cheek. "Jack, you haven't made me do anything I haven't wanted to. You never will. I know that. I'm good with it if you are."


  I rolled into him more, and my tongue lazily explored his mouth. Then I snuggled back into his chest.

  We laid there for a while. I'm not sure how long, but Jack was lost in his thoughts. I figured it was memories of Kelly and the baby he lost. As much as I wanted to ask, I figured if he wanted to talk about it, he would, so I laid on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

  We were in the tub for so long that my fingers started to resemble raisins. I glanced up at Jack. "Let's get out."

  He kissed my forehead. "Okay."

  Jack dried me off, wrapped a towel around me and then himself, and slapped my ass playfully. The deep-in-thought Jack was gone, and back was the fun-loving, confident guy.

  "The last one to bed has to make breakfast in bed in the morning." He took off and ran out of the bathroom.

  I laughed, in tow, and wondered if he had any whipped cream...



  Morning came quickly. As Jack promised, he called his real estate agent to set up showings on different apartments. He made his driver available and insisted I didn't go out alone.

  "Jack, I'm going to be on my own, eventually. You can't keep security on me twenty-four seven."


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