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Andrea The Beginning (Holy Trinity, #1)

Page 16

by Adriana Brinne

  “I don't understand. I thought my father was Demetrio,” I look at Cassius, really look at him, for the first time since I met him. He has the same chin dimple as me, the same as…


  “The twins, they’re my half-siblings?”

  “They’re your blood brothers Andrea. I never had anyone after your mother.”

  Looking at him after this revelation, something catches my eyes, a gold chain on his neck. I reach for it and it has the same initials as the one mom left me.

  A thought forms in my head, but I need answers.

  Still holding the chain, I ask: “v-a-l is not short for Valeria is it?” I stare into my father’s eyes, the same man that only just minutes ago I thought ruined my family. “It’s the initials of our names.”, I whisper.




  “Yes, mia figlia, our three greatest loves.” The looks in his eyes warms me. There’s so much hurt and love in his eyes.

  Love for me?

  “But how?” There are no photos of mom and a second pregnancy! I can't believe this, I’m so confused, and nothing makes sense anymore.

  Was my entire life a lie?

  “Andrea, we are running out of time”, Cassius reaches under my bed and hands me a bag. Wait, was that there this entire time?

  “We need to go. I promise I'll tell you everything but for now, you need to trust me. Trust your mother.”, he gets up from the bed and offers me his hand. “We can't stay under the same roof as your grandfather, he can't be trusted anymore.”

  “If I go with you, will you tell me everything?” I ask him. “No more fucking lies.”

  “Yes, mia cara. I'll tell you everything there is to know,” he opens the door for me and leads me outside the mansion. It's almost morning, so everyone is still sleeping.

  Outside, there's a black escalade ready for us. The door is opened by none other than Lorenzo himself. “Move it, big sis, they’re waiting for us.”

  Where is Valentino? Why isn't he here? I wonder.

  I stare at Cassius' amused face, “Where are we going?” I ask confused by this all.

  “Home,” he ushers me inside the car and before he closes the door he says:

  “New York.”

  I get in the car with my newfound brother and father and leave this fucking city behind.

  I have no idea what is waiting for me back in New York but because of Lucan exposing the true nature of my mother’s demise, I am sure nothing, but trouble is waiting for me back in my world.

  I still do not know who to trust. My mother wouldn’t lie to me, not about something this big. I have to trust Cassius.

  I have no choice.

  My mother’s secret was exposed to the world and now her legacy is being threaten. Her empire just went up in flames all because I let myself be fooled by Lucan. He threaten what matters most to me and he will pay.

  Maybe not tomorrow but someday.

  I will make him pay.

  Everyone that was involved.

  One day I will watch his world burn down in flames while sitting back in my throne.

  The king will fall and so will the Holy Trinity of Detroit.

  Even if it kills me.

  It just might.




  “Some people are worth melting for.” - Olaf


  We are two hours away from reaching our destination and that means my girl is safe. Benedetto can touch her here. None of the families can attack her outside of Holy territory.

  I knew my father hated me; I’ve always known but his hatred won’t touch my children.

  I won’t allow it.

  I believed Benedetto when he gave me his word that as long as I stayed anyway from both of them, they were safe from any harm.

  My only worry right this instant is Valentino. He chose to stay with his grandfather back in Detroit. My son chose the family over his family. But why? My boy has always been outspoken and has let me know more than a couple hundred times how much he despises the made life.

  So why did he choose to stay? I cannot keep him safe from here, but I am relieved to know that he will have Rian watching his back. The Nicolasi soldier swore his loyalty to me and me only. He despises Benedetto almost as much as I do.


  Andrea’s voice in the background gives me no choice but to snap out of it and I give her my full attention instead of worrying about my youngest son.

  “Come again mia figlia?” My daughter. After years of watching her from afar, now I have her here with me where she was always meant to be. I always knew this day would come but not so soon. She was supposed to know the truth after she turned twenty-one.

  Not now.

  This was all his doing.

  Benedetto didn’t play fair and now my children are in danger from their own family just because of my past mistakes. They shouldn’t have to carry my sins on their backs.

  It was not supposed to be this way.

  “Why did you leave us?” Andrea whispers so softly that I almost miss it. As if she’s afraid of what my answer will be.

  How do I explain to my girl that I destroyed what mattered most to my father? And now after all this time, he found a way to make me pay.

  He would hurt his grandchildren just to see me bleed.

  It wasn’t enough that he split my family up for years and now he is using my children to get back at me.

  All of this because I fell in love and he punished me for it.

  They both did.

  “I am the eldest son, and it was my duty to take over the city once your grandfather stepped down, but I fell in love instead and I refused.” I still remember that day like it was yesterday. The disappointment in my father’s face and Demetrio’s reaction once I told them I had no plans to be capo. “I didn’t want this life for you and your mother.” I take a deep breath before continuing. This is the hardest part. “The only way to keep you safe from my world was to leave both of you safe in New York, but your mother and I were selfish and couldn’t stay away. We thought we had everyone fooled and then the year you turned one, the twins were born. We were so happy, but our happiness didn’t last long.” I stare into my daughter’s eyes and let her see the honesty in mine.

  “Tell me everything.” She’s too calm for someone that’s been betrayed and exposed all in one day.

  So, I give my daughter my truths.

  Only truths.

  “I know you were there the night I was arguing with your grandfather. You heard me when I said that I killed my brother.” I need her to believe me.

  “Yes, I killed my brother, the apple of Benedetto’s eye and I do not regret it. Not for one second. He threatened my life, my children and my love.” I make sure I’m loud enough that Lorenzo is able to hear me as well. I planned to tell them all together, but Valentino gave me no choice.

  “I would kill the son of a bitch again if I had the opportunity. Demetrio’s jealousy was always greater than his love for me.”

  His greed and envy were both of our downfall.

  The day he fell from grace, he dragged me to hell with him.

  Valeria was mine, but my twin brother always wanted everything I had so he did everything he could to keep us apart.

  I saw her first.

  I loved her first.

  Demetrio got away with separating my family because of a whim but his last threat was the last straw.

  No one fucks with my kids’ lives and gets to live another day.

  I hope my brother is burning in hell.

  Now, Benedetto, he gave me his word that Andrea would stay safe in her world, but I should’ve known his word means shit.

  I’ll take care of my father in due time. Now, I need to focus on how to help my girl conquer this new challenge.

  They will try to take her mother’s legacy away based on Valeria’s cause of death.

  Fatal infection.r />

  Fuck that heartless bitch that took so much from my love.

  She had no memory of me.

  On her deathbed she didn’t remember our love.

  My Andrea won’t suffer the same fate.

  She won’t.

  The End. For now.

  Continue to know what’s next in the Holy Trinity Series…

  Coming Soon…Holy Trinity #2


  Five years ago, I ruined us before we even started.

  She thinks she got away from me.

  That she’s finally free.

  How wrong she is.

  I lied to her about a lot of things, but I didn’t lie when I said she was mine and I was fucking hers. There is no escaping me.

  Escaping what we could be together.

  I’ve been in hell for five excruciating long years and I’m not the same boy who made the wrong choice. I’m a man that has killed, maimed, and ruined everything good in his life just to get to this point and now there’s no going back.

  I am Lucan Volpe, the capo di tutti capi of the Holy Trinity and I’m claiming my queen.

  Andrea and Lucan’s story concludes in Lucan (Holy Trinity #2)

  Set five years into the future.

  Keep reading for the first look of his story!



  “The hardest choices require the strongest wills.” - Thanos


  Two weeks later

  Michigan, Detroit

  It’s been two weeks since Andrea disappeared out of thin air. I suspected she would go running back to her world, but for the first few days she went missing no one could spot her. It was like she fell off the face of the earth. It was confirmed by Benedetto that Andrea left for New York, but the weird thing is that Lorenzo and Cassius followed.

  The Nicolasi Don is furious and has been trying to delay the Holy ceremony from happening for days, but my father and the Parisi boss demanded that it continues with the remaining children of the three families.

  Why would Cassius and Lorenzo leave? Why did Valentino stay? It makes no fucking sense.

  Everything has gone to hell in a matter of weeks. The Nicolasi family had suffered great shame because two of Benedetto’s grandkids went against the family and disappeared. It was deemed an act of rebellion and that means, by default, Valentino will be the next boss of the Nicolasi family once Benedetto steps down.

  My father has been in a celebratory mood since two of my opponents left town. Tommaso has been bragging about the Volpe’s running two of the Nicolasi’s out of the city. If only he knew that I didn’t want this outcome. I wanted the title but I also wanted the girl.

  Now here I am, minutes away from claiming said title and my girl is thousands of miles away, going through a war of my doing.

  After everything went down with Andrea, I found out from Giana that Arianna offered to stop the news from spreading but the news outlet and gossip sites were never contacted. The bitch betrayed me, and she’ll pay for that. We all lost something that day and now everyone isn’t the same. Andrea’s arrival in Detroit city started a chain of events that led us all to this day.

  The omerta.

  The Holy ceremony.

  Today, three of us will be crowned the bosses of our families.

  Giana and Cara stand behind me as we enter the Holy compound where every omerta ceremony has taken place before. Once inside, the atmosphere changes and we come face to face with the three current bosses of the Holy Trinity of Detroit City.

  Benedetto stands proudly in the middle of the room with my father and Gabriele Parisi standing at his side.

  Today a new era begins.

  Only one Nicolasi opponent is in attendance, Valentino.

  The Parisi sisters are also here, the only one missing is Mila. You have to be fifteen or older to participate in the ceremony.

  Kadra and Arianna are standing opposite of each other and facing off. Today they look like enemies ready to shred each other to pieces until only one of them is standing.

  That is exactly what will happen today.

  Since Lorenzo is nowhere to be found, only the Parisi sisters will battle for the title of boss.

  Benedetto walks to the middle of the room. “Today two of my successors have committed an act of disobedience against the Holy Trinity. Because of this, my grandson Valentino will be appointed head of the Nicolasi family and—”

  The loud noise of the compound doors clicking shut interrupts Benedetto mid-sentence and causes everyone to look in the direction of the intruder.

  “Well fuck, you all started without me.” The charming voice comes from the one and only Lorenzo Nicolasi.

  The fucking traitor has finally showed his face after weeks of being radio silent.

  Enzo walks past us until he is face to face with his twin.

  Valentino has a murderous look on his face while staring at the other half of him. “You should’ve stayed gone brother, there’s nothing left for you here.” He spats.

  Lorenzo stands an inch taller and responds to his twin with a cruel tone I’ve never heard from him before. “On the contraire little brother, everything I want is right here and no one is getting in the middle of me claiming what is rightfully mine, not even you.” With that said he turns his back on his brother and walks to where the rest of us are standing.

  I don’t miss the intense look he shares with my sisters.

  This bitch has a death wish.

  “Now, let’s begin shall we…” Lorenzo says with a sinister smile and a crazed look in his eyes.

  The atmosphere in the room turns dark and we all stare at one another.

  This will be a bloodbath.



  I’m so thankful for everyone in this community that supports all of my crazy ideas. From my IG accounts to my YouTube Channel and now this new adventure. From the first moment I announced I had a story that I wanted to share with you, but I was scared to do so since I am not a writer and well, I’ve never done this before, you decided to give me a chance and push me to conquer my fear and publish this book. I love reading and I love that feeling of peace I get every time I read a story and it helps me escape to another world for just a couple of hours or maybe even days.

  Thank you to my queen, who, during this new and exciting adventure supported me every step of the way even when she felt I was doing too much or felt anxious for me. I am forever grateful to God for choosing me as your daughter. I love you beyond words can express mom, you make me want to do better and want better for myself.

  Thank you, Thalia, for helping me through this release, from marketing, to emotional support and everything in between. I couldn’t have done this without you. You helped me so much and I am forever grateful to you. Not only are you a wonderful friend but you are a phenomenal writer.

  To the best beta, proofreader, and blogger/friend I was lucky enough to meet in this community, Elsa. You decided to help me through all this crazy process, from proof reading, to plotting, to edits and making sure the book was ready to be published. I am also forever grateful for you. I also couldn’t have done this without you. The moment you told me the book was not crap, LOL, I felt immensely happy and I decided to really go through with this. Thank you!

  Gisele, you are the most genuine and the most creative person I’ve met on here and your account is the absolute best, but you already know this. Thank you for helping me and doing the most beautiful edits that helped so much with promo. You saved my promo and my Instagram account. Love you!!

  Juddeh, thank you so much for believing in my words when I didn’t. For reading all the versions of this story, never complaining, and rooting for me instead. Thank you for being an inspiration and such an amazing friend.

  To my beta friends, Hass, Katie and Jazzy – you guys are wonderful and offered me the best feedback. Thank you for taking a chance on me. I am so grateful to have you on my team.

  My wonderful ARC team/Girl squad, I am forever grateful for everything you do for me. You make posts and beautiful edits, and it makes my heart so happy.

  Alexis, the best PA. Thank you for everything you do and for always being on top of everything. You are such a wonderful friend and I’m so happy you’re in my corner.

  And to the readers and bloggers, thank you for giving me a chance. You may like the book or maybe you won’t but that’s okay because you took a chance on me and on this weird world of mafia and strong girls who fall for psychotic boys. Thank you for being so supportive and kind. You deserve so much for all the work you do for authors and for this community. Forever thankful for you.

  Much love, Always,


  About the Author

  Adriana Brinne is a new author, who fell in love with reading from a very young age, but never felt brave enough to share her words with the world. She was born and raised in a tropical island surrounded by only beauty and water called Puerto Rico. She is a full time IT engineer, and, on her downtime, you can find her reading new adult romances by her favorite authors, reviewing books and watching The Big Bang Theory.

  She has a love for all things dark in romance and almost every trope created except cheating and the death trope. She hates them and you won’t catch her writing or reading about it. The Holy Trinity characters are screaming to have their stories told and she plans to do just that. From her, you can expect all the feels, strong girls and asshole heroes that worship the ground they walk on.




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