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Holiday Crown

Page 2

by Nikki Jefford

  “Oh, it’s coming off,” Lyklor purred. He strutted to the spot Lulu had vacated, turning his back to me as he disrobed. The silk slid off his muscled arms and legs, rippling into a limp pile on the floor. Lyklor flexed his butt cheeks. Now this was more like it.

  I licked my lips in anticipation. Lyklor turned slowly. When he faced me, my eyes bulged in their sockets. I burst into laughter a second later. Symbols had been painted in black ink all over the front of my mate’s body. Circles of paint were brushed around his nipples. Attached to the circles were plus symbols. The outline of an Egyptian woman was drawn over his abdomen. At the V above his groin, a triangle had been painted pointing down with a dark line halfway up the triangle’s point. More symbols covered his sides.

  “Wow,” I said, blinking rapidly then erupting into more laughter. I fell onto my back and clutched my stomach, rocking slightly.

  As my laughter subsided and my arms relaxed, a silky voice spoke above me. “Finished?”

  “Maybe. I mean, no promises.” I grinned to myself then gasped when Lyklor unfastened my pants and yanked them to my ankles. I took in a trembling breath, all traces of humor winking out when I stared at Lyklor up close, naked, hard, and covered in paint.

  “Take off your panties so I can give you my blessings,” Lyklor said, pointing the engorged head of his shaft between my legs.

  His command made me instantly wet. I did as he asked, flinging the scrap of cotton aside. I opened my legs, ready to have his needy heat join mine. Lyklor took a step toward me, then another. His hands were almost on my thighs when the door burst open and two short figures covered in white bedsheets ran in yelling, “Boo!”

  “I am the ghost of Cirrus,” one said.

  “And I am the ghost of Albedo,” said the other.

  I bit my tongue to stop my scream. I didn’t want to draw attention my way, though I wished I could snatch one of their sheets to cover up. Instead, I crossed my legs and wrapped my arms over my bosom. In addition to setting boundaries, we really needed to work on what constituted appropriate humor with the twins.

  Lyklor’s lips thinned in annoyance. Slowly, he lifted to his full height and turned to face Reed and Ronin. He placed his hands on his hips. “You ghouls know Halloween was last month, right?”

  Yanking the sheets off, the twins mirrored one another, gaping at Lyklor’s nether regions, screaming in horror. They turned their dark heads and ran out, leaving the sheets behind.

  “That’s right, and don’t come back!” Lyklor hollered after them, storming to the door. He slammed it shut, bare feet pounding over the floor as he returned. He glanced over his shoulder and grumbled, “I know Ryo sent them here to disturb us.”

  “We can blame him for scarring the boys for life.”

  Lyklor huffed. “Like they haven’t seen a dick before.”

  “Not one that’s about to enter their mother.”

  Lyklor’s irritation evaporated when he saw me still naked on the edge of the bed. Gaze hooded, his voice dropped to a husky timber. “That’s right. Where were we? Oh yes, blessings and babies.”

  “Bay-bee,” I enunciated. “Singular. Lyklor Elmray, I swear to Sky Mother if you knock me up with twins, there’s going to be hell to pay. And while we’re at it, you better give me a girl. I’ve come to the recent conclusion that I’m already up to my elbows in boys.”

  “No twins. No boys. And no more delays,” Lyklor said, making good on the last part when he gripped my hips and entered me.

  Eyes closed and head lifted to the ceiling, Lyklor chanted while making love. I couldn’t decide whether I found it erotic or hysterical. I opted for middle ground. After finishing, Lyklor walked to a vanity mirror and looked himself over—probably to see if his paint job had smeared.

  “You put that paint on yourself, right?” I called over.

  “Uh, yeah, totally.” Before I could ask if he was telling me the answer I wanted to hear rather than the truth, a light tapping came from the door. Lyklor’s nostrils flared. “Who is it?” he called out in irritation.

  “It’s Peridot, Your Majesty,” came the sweet voice of the female who had served as our nanny and now babysitter. Her help would come in handy for Fae baby number four. Well, elf-Fae if we were getting technical.

  “What do you need?” Lyklor asked.

  “I have the butterfly pollen you requested,” Peridot replied.

  Lyklor’s eyes lit up. “Just a minute.” Snatching the pink robe off the floor, Lyklor put it on as he rushed to the door and opened it a crack. “Thanks,” he said briskly.

  “Good luck, Mel!” Peridot called into the room before Lyklor shut the door.

  I sighed. This was getting ridiculous.

  Lyklor strode back to me, holding a small dark brown glass jar between his thumb and pointer fingers. He beamed with satisfaction, chest lifted, as he set the bottle on the nightstand. “Increases fertility and chances of giving birth to a girl. Let me get you a glass of water to add the butterfly pollen to. It will go down easier that way.”

  My mate fetched two waters, pouring from a ceramic pitcher on a small table against the wall. We emptied our glasses, along with a touch of butterfly pollen, and got back to it.

  When evening came around, a tray of whole grains, lentils, and sautéed leafy greens was delivered to our door, along with lemonade. (Supposed health foods for fertility. Except for the lemonade—that was for washing it down.) After digging into the food, I took a warm, soothing bath. My hair was piled on top of my head in a messy bun to keep it from getting soaked. Baby or not, this is bliss, I thought, leaning my head against the edge of the tub and closing my eyes.

  “Mind if I join you?” a husky voice asked.

  “Aren’t you afraid to wash off the symbols?” I asked.

  Lyklor glanced down at his chest. “I can paint them back on later.”

  “Or I could,” I suggested in a sultry tone.

  Lyklor’s eyes glittered as his head snapped back up. He stepped into the large tub, his erection as hard as an arrowhead, and lowered himself into the water. My mate climbed over me, and soon water was sloshing over the tub’s edge as we slid against one another.

  “Find anything interesting about tub sex and fertility in your research?” I teased, nipping his pointed ear.

  Groaning, Lyklor rocked faster.

  Once clean and relaxed, I traipsed into the candlelit bedchamber and collapsed onto the bed. A nap was starting to sound mighty fine. My eyes drifted closed while Lyklor finished rinsing and drying off. Lying on my back, naked atop the sheets, my breath evened out and my thoughts began to fade into the star-speckled sky outside the castle windows.

  I was just about to doze off when firm hands circled my ankles and pulled me to the edge of the bed. The round stud on Lyklor’s tongue touched my clit—cool metal followed by his warm mouth. My moan woke me out of my light slumber. I sat up and took in the view of my mate on his knees between my legs. Digging my fingers into his thick, damp blond hair, I pulled his head in closer. Lyklor’s tongue swirled and flicked, drawing more heat from my core. Gasping from the pleasure, I closed my eyes and threw my head back, squeezing Lyklor’s head between my thighs.

  “Um, that’s not how babies are made.” Ryo’s voice came like a sudden wind gust beside us.

  My eyes fluttered open. Lyklor cursed between my legs, drawing his head back.

  Ryo stood in a black robe at the edge of the bed on Lyklor’s left. I’d never heard him enter, which meant he must have dreamscaped.

  “Why in the seven hells have you projected here? Now?” Lyklor demanded, getting to his feet.

  Ah, so I had been correct.

  “Checking in,” Ryo said with casual nonchalance. “I miss you guys. Well, I mostly miss Mel.” His projection smirked.

  “Aw,” I said, placing a hand to my heart. “We miss you too.”

  Lyklor grunted as he grabbed his pink robe and stuffed his arms into each sleeve. “Speak for yourself. I, for one, would like a little priv
acy. Is that not possible for one full day and night?”

  Rather than answer, Ryo looked him up and down, smirked, and said, “Nice robe.”

  “Go away,” Lyklor returned.

  “I don’t know.” Ryo rubbed his jaw. “Maybe I should stay and supervise.” He glanced down. “Looks like your cock could use some encouragement.”

  Pink robe open, Lyklor stood with his legs spread apart and semi-hard. He narrowed his eyes at Ryo. “What my cock needs is uninterrupted time with our mate. Your presence doesn’t exactly inspire a hard-on, though I’m sure you’re at full size beneath your robe.”

  “Let’s see, shall we?” Grinning mischievously, Ryo undid the belt around his robe, allowing it to hang open.

  So, yeah, I watched with eager eyes. My mates were gorgeous and well endowed. Fae males were more magical than unicorns (but don’t tell Aerith I said so). I never tired of looking at either of them, and no, I didn’t need anyone to draw me a picture. I got to enjoy the real deal up close and personal. I’d managed to snag a pair of gorgeous Fae kings.

  Ryo was, as Lyklor had suggested, rock solid beneath his black robe. My lips parted as I drank him in with my eyes. Before I had a chance to bring the Russian roulette idea back to the table, Lyklor planted himself in front of me, blocking my view of Ryo.

  “We made an agreement.” Lyklor placed his hands on his hips. “If you continue to interrupt, then I’ll call dibs for the rest of the year.”

  Ugh, not this dibs business again.

  “Very well, no more interferences,” Ryo said.

  “And that goes for Reed and Ronin too.”

  “What about Lark?”

  “He wouldn’t dare.”

  It was the truth. Now in his fifteenth year, our golden prince had mellowed out. He was the most cultured of our family, with his music and dance lessons. More than his brothers, he tried to fit into Faerie.

  “Fine,” Ryo said. “But just so you know, I’ll be in my room jacking off thinking about the two of you.”

  When Ryo disappeared, Lyklor groaned and covered his ears as though that would block out the images flooding in. Well, I don’t know whether he was thinking about Ryo getting himself off, but I certainly was. My fingers slid up my thigh and stroked the wet heat between my legs.

  With an animalistic growl, Lyklor captured my wrist and pinned it over my head. He thrust into me, clearly not that bothered by Ryo’s spectral visit.

  I wrapped my legs around Lyklor’s muscled thighs and hooked my ankles above his hips. Eyes closed, I imagined Ryo jerking himself off and taking his release at the same time as Lyklor. I thought of my belly swollen, breasts heavy, and all the joy a baby girl would add to our family.

  For some inexplicable reason, my mind told me to “think pink.” Lyklor was really starting to rub off on me.

  Faint sunlight filtered through my eyelids the next morning. I blinked several times, finding all the candles extinguished and Lyklor absent from our bed. I listened intently for sounds from the adjoining bathing chamber but heard nothing. As I swung one leg over the bed, a knock came at the door. I paused.

  “Who is it?”

  Rather than answer or give me time to fully cover myself with the blanket, Aerith burst into the room with a big, bright smile, looking way too cheerful for such an early hour. “Good morning, Mel!” she called out as she swept over to my bedside in a sky-blue cotton gown. Her hair was brushed out into a blonde shine loose over each shoulder.

  “Morning? I think this still counts as night,” I grumbled. Aerith just chuckled like I’d made a joke. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Christmas isn’t for another five weeks.”

  Taking a seat on the edge of my bed, Aerith’s grin turned conspiratorial. “Lyklor visited me in a dreamscape and explained the situation.”

  “He what?” I clutched the blanket to my chest, eyebrows shooting to my hairline. So much for a Christmas surprise. My silver-tongued mate and I were going to have words. He had the ability to lie, yet he’d whisked himself away to Pinemist for a tell-all with my sister.

  “Eeeeee! A baby girl. I’m so excited for you, Mel.” Aerith pressed her hands together.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We keep getting interrupted.” I gave Aerith a pointed look. My sister stood and smoothed out her skirts, suddenly all business.

  “That’s why I’m here. Jhaeros, Fraya, and I are going to keep Ryo and the boys company while you and Lyklor go have some private time away from the castle.” She leaned forward and winked.

  Swell, now Jhaeros knew my business too. Then again, taking off on an adventure did sound appealing. I pursed my lips in thought.

  “Where would Lyklor and I go?”

  “That, Sister, is entirely up to you.”

  Chapter Three


  The parlor was a flurry of activity as Reed and Ronin told me about their favorite rides at a place called Universal Studios in the mortal realm.

  “Transformers was the best,” Reed announced.

  “No. Spider-Man was better,” Ronin countered.

  “Everyone knows Transformers beats Spider-Man.”

  I glanced at Jhaeros, who shrugged and said, “I have no idea what they’re talking about,” before returning to his adult conversation with Ryo and Folas. My raven-haired brother-in-law wore a gold crown encrusted with gems and was dressed in a black tailored tunic and breeches. Eight-year-old Gayla sat in an armchair near her father, head bent, doodling in a notebook.

  After enjoying a delicious family breakfast, we were waiting for Mel and Lyklor to pack their bags and say goodbye before portaling somewhere a little more private and less chaotic.

  “Auntie Aerith, Spider-Man landed on our vehicle and we dropped off a skyscraper.” Ronin tugged at my skirt.

  “That sounds exciting,” I said.

  Joining his brother’s side, Reed made sure I understood that a skyscraper was way taller than the castle.

  “Taller than anything you’ve ever seen in Pinemist,” Ronin added. Reed nodded.

  Now that the twins were back in agreement, they slunk away like a pair of jackals toward Fraya and Lark, who sat on a rug playing a board game called Ticket To Ride with little train car pieces they purchased with color-coded cards to complete routes across an area of the human world known as Europe.

  Fraya and Lark were too busy studying the game board to notice the twins creeping up. Ronin snatched a green game piece from Fraya, and Reed took one of Lark’s red train cars.

  “Hey!” Lark yelled, his head snapping up.

  “Choo-choo. All aboard the Hogwarts Express!” Reed announced before running across the room with Ronin.

  Leaping to his feet, Lark took off after the pair. Fraya rolled her eyes, replaced the stolen piece with a new green train, then returned to studying the board and her cards. Yep, that was my daughter—no doubt about it. We’d played this game as a family back home. Thanks to Mel and her family’s routine visits to the mortal realm, we’d been introduced to many new board games. Campaigne was still my favorite, but I didn’t mind mixing it up, especially with games that allowed for more than two players. Earth definitely had some good things going for it, including Christmas . . . in particular, the cookies and treats. Puddings, fudge, and buttercream cupcakes. Gingerbread houses and candy canes—oh, sweet molasses and mint! My mouth watered just thinking about it.

  “Boys, let Fraya and Lark play their game,” Ryo said.

  Ronin screeched when Lark caught hold of him and gave him a shake.

  “Give it back now.”

  “Reed has it.”

  Reed stuck out his tongue at Lark. My nephew’s eyes narrowed.

  Fraya tossed her blonde hair back, turning her head to aim stern looks at Reed and Ronin. “You two do know what happens to naughty little boys at Christmas, don’t you?” The twins exchanged a blank glance before turning their attention back to Fraya. She sighed dramatically. “Santa brings them coal rather than presents.”

>   A smirk appeared over Lark’s lips. He let go of Ronin. “No gifts for bad little boys,” he taunted.

  “That’s not true,” Reed said. “There is no Santa in Faerie.”

  “Santa can travel across realms,” Fraya said with conviction. She set her cards facedown on the rug in front of the game board and tilted her head back.

  Sixteen years old. She was growing up so fast—and taking after Keerla in fashion. Fraya wore a snug forest green bodysuit with long sleeves and a tight brown leather tunic with long loose flaps hanging around her slender legs. Fitted brown leather boots with cream branch embroidery hugged her calves up to her knees. They matched the arm cuffs from her wrists to her elbows.

  My daughter had won countless archery tournaments in Pinemist—all with a seamless grace. She was never one to boast or show off. Jhaeros and I considered ourselves pretty dang lucky. Unfortunately, the young males of Pinemist had taken notice of Fraya, and that was something Jhaeros and I weren’t ready for.

  Ronin’s lower lip quivered, on the verge of tears. The twins could go from hyper to sensitive within seconds. I offered Ronin a smile and softened my voice.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll still give you presents,” I told my raven-haired nephew.

  His chin still trembled. Apparently, Santa’s gifts held more appeal than Auntie Aerith’s. I held back a chuckle.

  “If you give the game pieces back now, I’m sure Santa will overlook your childish conduct,” Fraya said.

  “Santa might, but don’t be so sure about Dad,” Ryo said in a warning voice.

  When Lark held out his open palm to Ronin, the younger boy pushed past him announcing, “I have cousin Fraya’s train.”

  “You have to catch me if you want yours back,” Reed informed his big brother.

  Lark sprinted for his brother. Reed flashed past Ryo who tried, unsuccessfully, to grab him. Lark thundered after him in hot pursuit.

  Not taking her eyes off her doodling, Gayla said, “I’m glad Fraya is here. Boys are so immature.”

  Folas met my eyes and sent me a look that seemed to say, “We have the only sensible children in the entire castle.”


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