Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion Book 2)

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Dixie Under Siege (A Warrior's Passion Book 2) Page 11

by Natasza Waters

  Josh seemed to grow out of the shadows beside her car. Her driveway was just big enough for two vehicles to park behind one another. He retrieved something from beneath the blade of her windshield wiper.

  Another note! Two deliveries in one day.

  Dixie opened the front door and stepped onto the porch as Josh crossed the lawn. “He make a personal delivery again?”

  Under the porchlight, Josh’s expression concerned her. His eyes gleamed. Not with determination, but rage. He held the piece of paper in his hand.

  “What words of wisdom did he leave this time?”

  Josh joined her on the porch and yanked her into his arms. His jaw sharpened as if gritting his teeth. Even his rough embrace didn’t stop her arms from wrapping around his neck.

  “Is there a good reason for this?” she asked.

  His answer swept across her mouth. Light at first, then increasingly deeper. Her pulse ticked wildly as it had this afternoon. The warmth of his hard body brought a long-forgotten ache of need. Josh’s hands spilled onto her ass and lifted her off the ground. Pressed against his chest, she wanted every sexy inch of the man.

  Josh carried her through the front door and closed it with his foot. As soon as the click sounded, he placed Dix on her feet.

  Confused by the swift change, she asked, “What was that for?” He’d never been this domineering as a teenager.

  “For our friend’s viewing pleasure.”

  Whatever was on the note had darkened Josh’s character to charcoal. She held out her hand. “Can I see the note?” Josh carried on into the living room, and she followed. “Hey, give me the note.”

  He cranked a full stop and turned. Too close on his heels, she crashed into him. Backing up a step, she saw the grimace strained across his mouth.

  “You don’t need to read it. Just more garbage from that fucking asshole,” he growled, then headed for the kitchen. When he reached the sink, he started opening cupboards.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “A sandwich bag. Something like that.”

  If this continued, she’d have to buy the family pack. Dix pulled a box of freezer bags out of the upper cabinet next to the fridge. Josh laid the note down and she glanced at the scribble.

  When you dream tonight, think of me. I’m going to fuck you hard till your cream coats my cock and I cum inside you.

  “How poetic,” she drawled.

  Josh whisked the note into the makeshift evidence bag and pressed the seam to seal the contents. “Yeah, he’s a real poet laureate.

  “I can’t stop wondering how many times he’s brushed by me and I didn’t know. The thought creeps me out.”

  Josh paced the kitchen. With his long stride, it didn’t take more than three steps before he’d pivot and pace again.

  Dix let him make a few passes. “This is a new floor. Are you trying to wear out the surface?”

  He stopped, the gleam in his blue eyes frightening. “How does he know you like it hard?”

  Dix staggered back a step. “What?”

  “This is the second note referencing rough sex. How does he know you like it hard?” His tone climbed with accusation.

  An unintelligible sound rolled out her throat.

  Josh seemed to bristle all over. “He knows what you like.”

  Another gurgle of disjointed sounds sputtered from her mouth.

  He thread his fingers through his short hair. Late evening scruff on his cheeks was prominent and damn sexy, but his gaze was barking mad and intimidating.

  “Why are you angry?” she asked.

  “I had to sit and listen to you detail your sexual encounters to Det. Dean. As clinical as you made it sound, the only thing running through my head was whether any man had loved you like I did. By the looks of these notes, the answer is yes.”

  Confused. Yeah, she was confused. “What does that have to do with—?”

  “He knows pain turns you on!” His words cracked like gunfire. Josh exhaled and paced some more.

  She opened her mouth, but all that came out was, “I…”

  “What?” he asked gruffly.

  “I have no idea what this conversation is about. Pain doesn’t turn me on.” Why would Josh even think that?

  “It sure as hell did when we had sex!”

  “What are talking about? You never hurt me.” Her bottom lip quivered, as did her nerves. “You remember things a lot differently than I do.”

  Josh shook his head. “You liked it when I tied you up.”

  Anger swirled to life in her veins, prompting her temper to lash out. “I liked you, Josh. So what if you tied my hands? We were young. Experimenting. I trusted you.” Good thing a plate wasn’t handy, or she’d hurl it at his thick skull. “If you’re pissed thinking about another man in my bed, then screw you. I’d bet the Erotic Bean that you’ve got me beat with a horde of women.” She grit her teeth against the bite of jealousy. “They’re called Frog Hogs, aren’t they? Your SEAL groupies. How many of them did you tie up and fuck?”

  Josh knotted his arms together. “I steered clear of that scene long ago.”

  “Sure, you did. I highly doubt you abstained from sex.”

  He leaned toward her. “No, I didn’t. One woman satisfied my needs.”

  The air in the room stilled.

  “Oh.” Her stomach dropped like an elevator without brakes. The lump in her throat hard to swallow.

  “This isn’t about me, Dix.”

  Massaging her right shoulder with her left hand, she suddenly saw no reason for him to be here.


  When Josh grilled her with a hard look, she said, “If he is someone I was with, then the list is pretty darn small, as you heard. But…”

  “But what?” Josh lowered his chin, his glare biting cold. “What have you been holding back?”

  She shifted her attention to the window above the tiny kitchen table. Oh, shit. She could feel them again. Tears ahoy!

  She pointed toward the living room. “You need to go home. Now.”

  Dix wished she had a leather belt to bite down on, the pain in her chest unbearable. Of course, he had someone in his life.

  “You’re pissed at me because I wanted a little normal when I was stateside and found a decent woman.”

  Oh, my God, she wanted him to stop talking. A thousand questions blasted through her mind with the same outcome as the asteroid that had wiped out the dinosaurs. If this woman was so nice, why wasn’t he married to her? Who was she? Did he love her? Dix closed her eyes and counted to five.

  When she got to five, she kept going to ten. Her emotions raced like a train about to derail. She saw a curve ahead in the tracks. Josh wasn’t a bachelor, he cared about someone. Sparks of jealousy shot through her, the train gathered speed. It was bad enough her stalker had resumed his game, but she only had enough stamina to handle him and his demented notes.

  She opened her eyes and kept her voice steady as she possibly could. “My sexual encounters all happened before I knew I was being stalked. Unlike you, I’ve never had a relationship. Who could I trust?” Dix choked her tears back.

  His handsome features remained benign for a long moment, then his gaze shifted to the tiles on the floor. “Dixie, I’m—”

  “Nope.” She held up her hand. “No more discussion necessary. I’ll see you out.” She swept up the baggie and slapped it against his chest. “A parting gift.”

  Josh pinched the bag and followed her into the living room. He quietly gathered his tools and collected the green bag, hoisting it over his shoulder while she waited at the open front door. She couldn’t lift her damn face to look at him. Pride prevented her from letting him see how vulnerable she felt. This was her own fault. She’d allowed herself to lean on Josh emotionally. A mistake.

  Sleep would be a welcome reprieve. If a crying jag was on the way, she’d do it in the privacy of her pillow. Tomorrow was a new day. That’s how she faced each one. With a new dawn, yesterday was just a bad memory. />
  He stepped onto the porch. “Dix,” he said quietly. “I know you’re holding something back. It might be the key that ends all of this.”

  Her ex needed to leave her the hell alone.

  Dix shook her head. “There’s no key. Text me the password and a link to the app for the security system, then torch your access. You’re relieved of duty, Commander Hunter.”

  When his feet didn’t move, she glanced up, his image blurry from the salty tears quickly gathering. Reading his expression was impossible.

  “When you’re ready to tell me the truth, I’ll listen. Until then, make sure your doors and windows are locked,” he stated coldly.

  “They’re just notes, Josh. Besides, I know him better than I know you.” She paused. “And it’s clear that neither of you understand me.”

  With a few words, he’d defiled her memories. All those beautiful moments turned into something dark. No wonder he’d never tried to look for her. He mistakenly thought she thrived on pain. It had been Josh’s touch that made her wild. No one since could light the flame because she’d never loved anyone but him.

  She closed the door and rested her forehead against the warm wood. Her heart crumbled. “Bye, Josh.”

  Lying in bed with the cool, crisp sheet up to her nose and her bedroom dark, she listened to the sounds of her neighborhood. Nearly two a.m. and sleep evaded her. A car alarm blasted until the owners turned it off seconds later. Someone’s dog barked in the distance.

  A ding indicated a text and lit the face of her phone. Turning on her side, she slid the cell from her nightstand and read the message.

  I’ve been fucking and tormenting this whore for hours, but I’d rather cum inside you.

  Dix started to type a response, then deleted it and set down her phone.

  Like all the other times, he used a burner phone. Untraceable according to the police. And for the umpteenth time, she would have to change her number.

  Another text announced itself and she ignored it. For the next ten minutes the texts kept coming. She ignored them all, hugged her pillow, and closed her eyes until her stalker gave up.

  Today was over, and so were any foolish thoughts about Josh Hunter.

  Chapter Ten

  After placing the bow on Rayne and Elijah’s housewarming gift, Dixie stepped back to assess her wrapping skills. Not bad. Pretty silver foil paper and a large red bow topped the box. She’d also picked up a wicker basket at lunch and added a few pounds of coffee beans and two cups with entwined hearts on each.

  Slipping the purse strap over her head and hooking it on her right shoulder so she had two free hands, she gripped the bulky gift and muscled it out to the car.

  Dix uttered an “oof” when she set down the heavy coffee machine in the trunk.

  On her return trip to gather the basket, she saw the corner of a note poking from her mailbox hung next to the front door.

  Dixie opened the folded sheet.

  Have fun at the party. Maybe tonight will be our special night.

  She turned a look over her shoulder and scanned the quiet neighborhood. No perverts perched in a palm tree. The security system Josh had installed was operating inside her house, but the exterior wasn’t finished. Amongst all the texts she’d received on Thursday night, one didn’t belong to the psychopath. It had been from Josh.

  I’m sorry, Dix. Forgive me.

  She hadn’t responded to either man.

  Saturdays were always busy, and the Erotic Bean had a constant stream of customers. Sabrina had agreed to close the coffeehouse so Dix could duck away early for Rayne’s party.

  Dropping the note on her second-hand coffee table, she collected the basket from the kitchen. On her way out, she flicked on the porch light. It would be dark by the time she got home. After locking the front door, she gave it an extra tug, making sure the bolt was secure.

  Storing the gift basket on the passenger seat, Dixie headed out of her neighborhood to Rayne and Elijah’s house in the ‘burbs.

  Twenty minutes later, she slowed down to find a parking spot along the clean sidewalk in a middle income but picture-perfect neighborhood. Green front lawns. Landscaped gardens.

  Balmy May weather graced the evening. Dix walked up the stone path and admired the pink chrysanthemums Rayne had planted.

  After depositing the coffeemaker on the front welcome mat, she headed back to her BMW. She heard laughter and loud conversations coming from the fenced backyard. Other than Rayne and Elijah, she didn’t know these people. Josh had already arrived, his black pickup parked a few spots ahead of her. Dix had to prepare herself mentally in case he’d brought his girlfriend.

  As far as she was concerned, Josh was an acquaintance. Nothing more. The kiss they’d shared on the sidewalk in front of the Erotic Bean a ruse to piss off her stalker. Nothing more. Now that she had her head on straight, she could deal with the situation.

  Dix opened the passenger door and retrieved the basket, then returned to the house.

  “Coming. Coming,” Rayne called out after Dixie rang the doorbell. “Hey, so glad you came.” About to step forward, she saw the box. “Oh, my goodness, what’s that?”

  “Take three guesses and the first two don’t count,” Dixie said grinning.

  “That’s so sweet. Thank you.”

  Elijah appeared in the doorway. “Hi, Dixie. Let me get that, sweetheart,” he said to Rayne. “Wow, what the heck is this?” He picked up the bulky box and Rayne dove in for a hug.

  Dixie accepted the hug. Because of her stalker, she hadn’t allowed herself to have friends. Time to change that. “One very heavy housewarming gift, but it’s yours now so you can carry it.”

  Rayne led her inside. “Keep your shoes on, the party’s in the backyard. There are so many people here. Mostly the guys from the base and their spouses, but my folks are here too. I want you to meet them.”

  Dixie followed her into the cute bungalow painted in soothing but cheerful pale yellow. Colorful pictures hung in the entry and in the living room. The racket from the backyard rose as she neared a set of open patio doors in the kitchen. God, they even had a pool. That was cool.

  “Let me get you a drink, Dixie,” Elijah said, his piercing green eyes landing on her with concern.

  Tonight, she’d enjoy the party and put her worries on ignore. A reprieve from her twisted admirer.

  “How about something simple, like a glass of red wine,” Dix suggested.

  “Be right back.” He winked and headed toward a table cluttered with liquor bottles and a beer keg.

  Rayne led her into the fray of guests on the patio and lawn. Appetizers covered a table to their right. Plenty of folding chairs surrounded the pool and deck.

  “Hey, Dixie,” the tall redhead she’d come to know as Nina, called out. She left the side of a good-looking dark-haired man talking with a group of other guys. Dix scanned the faces, some of which she recognized as customers at the Erotic Bean. She saw Josh before he saw her. A slender blonde beauty stood talking with him.

  “Hi, Nina.”

  Wearing a pair of white shorts and a green tank top, Rayne’s co-worker said, “Good to see you. How’s the business doing?”

  She knew Nina had viewed the video from her shop and Rayne had clued her co-worker in on the details of Dixie’s stalker.

  “The Erotic Bean was stinkin’ busy today. My feet hurt, so I’ll be looking for an empty chair soon as I get a drink.”

  Nina crossed her slender arms and swished her loose red hair over one shoulder. “Any more notes from the asshole?”

  She shrugged. “Always. Nothing new or interesting about that. It’s par for the course.”

  A ruckus from inside the house made them both turn their attention toward the patio doors.

  Rayne appeared and said loudly, “I don’t think these folks need an introduction, and surprise!” She stepped aside and a petite woman with long, dark curls and olive skin stepped out the doors.

  Nina screeched and ran toward the newcomer
. They hugged like long-lost sisters. Behind them a man followed. He was as big as Josh, with blond hair and magnetic blue eyes. The wicked scar that ran down one side of his cheek and onto his jaw made him look dangerous but oddly sexy as hell.

  The man shrugged when Nina shook her head at him, as if chastising him for something. The other people at the party quickly closed in, greeting the new arrivals.

  Dixie remained where she was.

  A second later, Josh’s low timbre rumbled from behind her, “That’s Kayla and Admiral Austen.”

  The men and women swarmed the couple, hugging them and smiling.

  “Looks like a homecoming,” she said.

  “It is. They’re moving back to San Diego. They’ve been in Hawaii for the last few years.”

  Didn’t take long to see there was a close comradery between these friends. The admiral’s wife said something to Nina and the redhead slapped her hand across her mouth, but only after shouting, “Shut up!” Then she hugged her friend again.

  Josh chuckled. “Think Kayla just let the cat out of the bag.”

  The dark-haired man who Nina had been standing beside grabbed Kayla in a huge bear hug, squeezing the hell out of the woman, then shaking the admiral’s hand.

  Elijah pushed through the crowd with a drink in his hand. “Sorry. Got a little waylaid there.” He handed Dixie a glass of wine.

  She smiled her thanks. “Looks like everyone is excited to see them again.” A sip of the mellow wine called for another.

  Elijah slipped his shades onto the top of his head. “For sure. Everyone here is practically family. Josh can make the introductions. Promise we won’t test you on names afterward.”

  “Good, because I’m terrible with names. If you’ll excuse me, think I’ll see if Rayne needs any help.”

  Dixie hadn’t totally recovered from the other night. Eventually, she’d get used to the idea he had someone special in his life. It would take time and distance. She couldn’t compartmentalize her feelings like he obviously could. Regardless of her ex’s desire to help an old friend, his girlfriend wouldn’t be happy knowing he’d kissed her.


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