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One Night with the Wealthy Rancher

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by Brenda Jackson

  He’d assumed he had gotten to know her, and thought she felt the same way after a night they had spent together filled with so much sexual chemistry that it could only end one way: they had made love. Deep, passionate love. Shudders passed through him just remembering that night and the effect it had on him. It was a night he could never forget, although over the past seven years he had tried like hell to do so.

  And it was a night that apparently had meant more to him than it had to her.

  The following day he had left town when he received word of his brother Ethan’s near-fatal car accident. He’d had to leave immediately for Charleston and when he couldn’t reach Summer, and had been unable to leave her a message because her voice-mail box was full, he’d left word with his partner to let her know what happened. When he had returned to Houston a week later, he discovered that Summer had packed up and left town without leaving word as to where she’d gone. She’d told Walt to tell him that she wanted to build a new life for herself and was leaving town with an older man. A very wealthy one—something Darius was not.

  After nearly losing his brother, it had almost destroyed him to find out that he had lost her, that she had turned her back on what could have been between them to take up with a man with money.

  A hard smile formed on his lips and he wondered what she would think to discover that he was now a wealthy man, thanks to smart investments and the success of his security firm. She thought he’d been hired as a laborer for the TCC—he could just imagine her reaction when she discovered he was a member of the Texas Cattleman’s Club. The same club that was funding the shelter, including her salary.

  Another thought crept into his mind, one that made his skin crawl. What if she knew already? What if the reason she was in Somerset was because she’d heard about his success and assumed after all this time she could ease her way back in his good graces? A woman looking for a wealthy husband would do just about anything. He’d been gullible before and wondered if she thought he would be gullible again. Considering her actions seven years ago, he wouldn’t put anything past her.

  He leaned against her desk as those thoughts filled his mind. She wasn’t wearing a ring on her finger, which was a good indication that she wasn’t married. And she had acted surprised to see him. But then it could have very well been an act. He had found out the hard way just what a good actress she was. One thing was for certain: he wouldn’t be letting his guard down. She had taken advantage of his heart before but she wouldn’t be doing so again.

  He was about to begin the work he’d come to do when his cell phone went off. Recognizing the special ringtone, he pulled it off his belt and clicked it on. “Yes, Lance?”

  “Hey, man, sorry I missed your call earlier.”

  “No problem. I just wanted you to know that I heard from Fire Chief Ingle. I’m meeting with him tomorrow evening to go over some things. He indicated that he’ll have the official report ready in a week and that it contains proof that the fire was deliberately set.”

  Lance Brody was Darius’s best friend from college at the University of Texas, where the two of them, along with another good friend, Kevin Novak, had been roommates. The three had forged a bond that would last a lifetime. There was nothing one wouldn’t do for the other and Darius could rightly say that he could give his two friends credit for his financial success.

  Lance, along with his younger brother Mitch, had come from old money and together they owned Brody Oil and Gas Company. The two had included Darius in a number of successful investment opportunities. So had Kevin, who’d made his fortune in real estate development.

  Lance and Kevin had grown up in Somerset and had tried convincing Darius to move there after college but he had opted for the job in Houston instead. Then, shortly after that incident with Summer, he’d decided he would move to Somerset to start a new career and a new life.

  He worked closely with his friends, and Lance had hired him to investigate a fire at the Brody Oil and Gas refinery a few weeks ago. Although there was significant damage, no one had gotten seriously hurt. Darius had no doubt the fire had been the work of an arsonist, and now Chief Ingle had confirmed his suspicions.

  “I can’t wait until we nail Alex. I intend to make sure that he rots in jail,” Lance was saying.

  Lance and Mitch were certain they knew the identity of the arsonist. He was the long-time hated rival of the Brodys, a man by the name of Alejandro “Alex” Montoya.

  “Calm down, Lance. The man is innocent until proven guilty,” Darius said.

  “Wait until the report comes out. Mark my word, Alex Montoya is the person behind that fire.”

  “That may very well be the case,” Darius said, knowing just how convinced Lance was of Alex’s guilt. “But it has to be proven. How’s Kate?” Darius asked, trying to change the subject. Lance and Kate had eloped to Vegas a few weeks ago.

  “Kate’s fine and I know what you’re trying to do, Darius.”

  Darius couldn’t help but chuckle. “If you know, then humor me. I need like hell to laugh about now.”

  “Sounds like it’s been one of those days for you,” Lance said.

  “You don’t know the half of it. Summer is here.”

  There was a pause. “Summer? Your Summer?”

  Darius could have really laughed out loud at that one, since Summer had never truly been his. But at one time he’d thought she was, and he had told Lance all about her. “Yes, Summer Martindale.”

  “What’s she doing in Somerset?”

  Darius sighed deeply. “She’s a social worker at Helping Hands. I showed up to set up security and work on the billing system for the place, and walked right into her office.”

  “Must have been one hell of a reunion.”

  “Hey, what can I say?”

  Lance chuckled. “You can say you need a drink. Sounds like it, anyway. Meet me at the TCC Café when you’re ready to take a break for lunch.”

  Moments later, Darius hung up the phone thinking Lance was right. He needed a drink.

  Summer settled into the booth at the Red Sky Café three blocks from the shelter. It was the first week of August and such a beautiful day that she had enjoyed the walk. It had given her a chance to compose herself after seeing Darius again.

  She glanced around the café. The Red Sky was a place she had been frequenting for lunch since working at Helping Hands and she had become friendly with the owners. The Timmons had grown up in this section of Maverick County and had been instrumental in approaching members of the TCC about the need for a shelter in the community.

  The shelter was a full-service center that provided a safe place for women who’d experienced all types of violence to heal and plan for their future. Helping Hands had opened their doors a few months ago and she’d been hired as part of its counseling team. Summer couldn’t help but appreciate the members of the Texas Cattleman’s Club for funding the shelter. She of all people knew how important such a facility was.

  She had dated Tyrone for a few months, but it was only after they’d gotten engaged that she’d discovered his mean-spirited, possessive nature that on occasion would become abusive, both mentally and physically. She had sought the help of a shelter in Houston and there had found the strength to break things off with him. The social worker at the shelter had helped her to see that although she couldn’t control Tyrone’s behavior toward her, she could control how she responded to it and remove herself from the situation.

  Her choice to end things was something Tyrone couldn’t accept and he had begun stalking her, which was
the reason she’d put the restraining order in place. Months had gone by when he’d appeared at her apartment one night, and forced his way inside, threatening her life. Chills went up her spine as she remembered that time.

  After her own horrible experience with Tyrone, not to mention her heartbreak with Darius, she didn’t trust her instincts where men were concerned so she just left them alone. Over the years she had buried herself in her books, getting her degree. After college she had concentrated on her work as an advocate for battered women.

  “What are you going to have today, Miss Martindale?”

  Summer smiled as she glanced up into the face of Tina Kay, one of the waitresses. Tina had been one of her first clients at Helping Hands and at seventeen, one of her youngest. A runaway after being shifted from foster home to foster home, Tina had become the victim of physical abuse at the hands of her boyfriend, a guy who had convinced her she deserved the beatings he’d been giving her.

  Summer couldn’t help but recall her own story. After high school, she had wanted to see the world. Aunt Joanne, who had raised her after her parents had been killed in a car accident when she was thirteen, tried to get her to remain in Birmingham. But she’d left Alabama to work her way to California. Along the way, she ended up in Houston where she found a job as a waitress at a chain restaurant. That’s where she’d met Tyrone. The company he worked for frequently made deliveries to the restaurant. Something told her he was bad news, but she had wanted to believe there was some good in him. Boy, had she been wrong.

  “Just the usual,” Summer finally said, relaxing in her seat, looking forward to her grilled chicken salad.

  She took a moment to study Tina, who looked so different than the young woman who’d come to the shelter with a swollen eye, cuts around her mouth and bruises on various parts of her body. “And how have you been doing, Tina?” she asked.

  Tina’s smile widened. “I’ve been doing fine. The Timmons are letting me use the apartment above their garage. I’ve enrolled to take classes at the local community college next month and thought I’d brush up on my math. That’s always been my weakest subject. I ordered one of those do-it-yourself math books online.”

  “And how are those self-defense classes going?” The shelter offered the classes weekly and attendance was always at capacity.

  “They’ve been great. The instructor is just awesome. I’ve learned a number of techniques to protect myself.”

  She could hear the excitement in Tina’s voice and felt good about it. The man who had roughed Tina up had left town but there was a warrant out for his arrest. Summer’s thoughts shifted to Tyrone, who’d gotten a twenty-year sentence. It would have been less if he hadn’t told the judge just where he could shove it. She shook her head, wondering how she could have ever thought that she loved the man. She could now admit that at eighteen she had been young and rather foolish.

  “I’ll be back with your order in a second,” Tina said.

  When Tina walked off, Summer settled back in her seat, allowing herself to think about the man she’d left at the shelter. The one man she had tried so hard to forget. She’d thought moving to Somerset would be a fresh start. A new town. New people. A new job. She hadn’t figured on being confronted with a blast from her past.

  One thing she told the women she counseled at the shelter was that they could confront and conquer any challenge they were presented with, and she knew she needed to take that same advice. Fate was playing a cruel trick by putting her and Darius in the same town. But she would handle it. And she would handle him.

  An irritated and frustrated Darius walked into the TCC Café and glanced around at his surroundings. What used to be a twenty-six-room mansion had been converted into a place where the TCC members could unwind and relax, which was just what he needed.

  In addition to the café, the TCC also included a golf course, a state-of-the-art spa, riding stables and an air-conditioned pool house with a retractable roof as well as numerous meeting rooms, game rooms, a well-stocked library and a formal dining room.

  Darius, Lance and Kevin, along with Mitch and another friend of the Brodys named Justin Dupree, spent a lot of time shooting pool in the game room. Last fall they were practically glued to the club’s projection television screen during football season.

  He saw Lance sitting at a table in the back. The café served both lunch and dinner and it wasn’t uncommon for Lance to meet him here for lunch. However, nowadays Lance was quick to rush back to the office since his new wife Kate had decided to remain at Brody Oil and Gas as Lance’s administrative assistant.

  Darius shook his head. Knowing Lance the way he did, he doubted his best friend let Kate get much work done. Hell, he wouldn’t either if he had the woman he loved pretty much underfoot all day.

  The woman he loved.

  Something twisted in his gut at the thought. Thanks to Summer, he doubted he would ever be able to love another woman again.

  “I need a beer,” he said, frowning, sliding into the booth across from Lance.

  “I’ve already ordered you one. I was looking out the window when you drove up,” Lance said, studying Darius carefully.

  “Thanks. I had hoped to at least get the security analysis completed on most of the computers today so I can decide what software will work best,” Darius said, smiling a thanks to the waitress who placed a mug of beer in front of him.

  “So, you’re going to do it instead of one of your men?”

  Darius nodded. “Heath left yesterday for Los Angeles to guard some actress who’s been getting death threats, and Milt is still in Dallas,” he said of two of the six men who worked for him. “The others have been assigned to various other projects around town. That means I’ll have to go back over to the shelter when I leave here.”

  Lance nodded as he took a plug from his own beer. “It also means you’ll be seeing Summer again.”

  Darius didn’t say anything. Yes, that meant he would probably see Summer again today. No telling how many more times he’d see her before he finished up what needed to be done at the shelter.

  Because of the nature of what went on at women’s shelters, Helping Hands needed top security twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The TCC had decided to upgrade all the computers to eliminate the risk of getting hacked. The majority of the women seeking refuge at the shelter were the victims of domestic violence, women whose lives could be placed in danger if their batterers discovered their whereabouts.

  “Tell me about her, Darius.”

  Darius met Lance’s gaze. “I’ve practically told you everything about how we met and how things ended. She went to college and got a degree, and now works for the shelter.”

  “Did you mention anything to her about being a member of TCC?”

  “No. She thinks my company was hired to handle security at the shelter.”

  Lance smiled. “In a way, that’s true.”

  “Yes, which is why she doesn’t need to know any different.” Darius felt his face harden when he said, “There can never be anything between me and Summer again.”

  Yet he knew making sure of that wouldn’t be easy. Summer was the type of woman who easily got under a man’s skin. Just the memory of walking into that office and finding her sitting behind the desk had the power to make him feel weak and vulnerable.

  And that was the one thing he could not let happen. He did not have a special woman in his life and preferred keeping it that way. Desire for anything more had died seven years ago with Summer’s betrayal.


“Mr. Franklin wanted me to let you know he left for lunch but will be coming back, Ms. Martindale.”

  “Oh. Thanks, Marcy,” Summer said, trying to keep her voice as normal as she could. After taking a file off Marcy’s top tray, she went into her office and closed the door behind her.

  Today she had taken an extra-long lunch, hoping by the time she returned Darius would have finished what he’d come to do. But it seemed that would not be the case. Summer bit her lip, deciding she would be professional as well as mature about the matter. He had a job to do and so did she, and as long as they each knew where the other stood, there was no reason they couldn’t at least be decent to each other. But then what right did he have to be upset with her since she was the injured party? He was the one who’d left town after discussing their night together with his partner. He probably didn’t know Walt had told her the truth, and he was upset because she had left town when he’d returned. It was crazy how men thought sometimes, but it didn’t matter now. He had made it quite clear what he thought of her and she hoped she’d left no doubt in his mind just what she thought of him. So there. That was that.

  She dropped down in her chair thinking, no, that wasn’t that at all. Not as long as the sight of him could send sensations oozing up her spine. Whenever he looked at her, even with anger flaring in the dark depths of his eyes, she felt stirrings in places she didn’t want to think about. He’d always had that effect on her. In the past she’d welcomed it, but now she despised it.

  She drew in a deep breath and for the first time in years, she felt like the world was closing in on her. It had taken her a while after leaving Houston to pull herself together and decide that no man—Tyrone or Darius—was worth that much pain. But she had moved on with her life. She was proud of her accomplishment and intended to obtain her doctorate after working in her field a few years.


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