Secrets of a Fake Fianc�e

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Secrets of a Fake Fianc�e Page 5

by Yahrah St. John

  “Morgan.” Jared looked at her, ignoring Ally, who was positively giddy.


  “I see my timing is immaculate,” he said, not taking his eyes off Morgan. “Mind if I sit down?” He didn’t wait for an answer and immediately sat across from Morgan.

  “No, not at all.” Ally spoke since Morgan was tongue-tied at seeing the sexy stranger she’d fantasized about in the flesh.

  “What are you doing, Morgan?” Jared inquired, staring at her.

  “Ally and I were chatting about a big story I have.”

  His frown went deep as he peered at her intently. “Do you really think that’s wise?”

  “It’s none of your business,” Morgan stated hotly. “If I recall, you don’t want to be a knight in shining armor.”

  His eyes darkened and sexual energy crackled in the air like static electricity. When Morgan ran her tongue over her suddenly dry lips, his eyes dropped to her mouth and then quickly jerked back to her eyes as if he were fighting some inner demon.

  Jared looked at the other occupant of the booth. “Ally, would you mind if she rescheduled your meeting?”

  “No, I…” Morgan tried in vain to talk, but one withering look from Jared cut her sentence short.

  “Of course I don’t mind.” Ally slid out of the booth and gathered her purse and tablet. Morgan knew the gossip columnist was conjuring all sorts of juicy gossip about Jared and Morgan. Not Henry Stewart.

  Jared was ruining everything. Why did he have to be here today?

  Ally reached inside her purse and pulled out a business card, but instead of handing it to Morgan, who’d been the one to call her, Ally handed it to Jared. “Give me a call. I’d love to talk to you more.” She gave him a wink and seconds later was walking out of the restaurant.

  Morgan fumed in her seat. “How dare you?”

  She didn’t get another word out before Jared was beside her, sliding his hand behind her neck and bringing his mouth down on hers.

  Jared had no self-control when it came to this woman. When he saw Morgan sitting with Ally, a notorious gossip blogger, his heart slammed against his chest. He’d known what she was about to do. Blow her life up. He had to stop her. Kissing her had been the last thing on his agenda, but now that he’d started, he didn’t want the kiss to end. He could kiss her all day and all night.

  He relished Morgan’s fruity taste from the cocktail she’d been drinking. Her lips were soft and pillowy and clung to his. When his tongue darted inside to meet hers, they danced together, making his pulse throb. But they were in public, so Jared pulled back.

  Morgan stared at him wide-eyed, her mouth slightly swollen and her cheeks flushed. “Did you kiss me to shut me up?”

  Jared grinned. “Maybe. Did it work?”

  Morgan chewed her lip and Jared could feel his erection press against his zipper. “You know it did, but stopping me from going after Ally won’t prevent the inevitable. I intend to have my say.”

  “To what end?” Jared inquired. “It won’t make Henry accept you. In fact, he and the other Stewarts might resent you for the negative press you’re heaping on them. Did you think about that? And what about Dane, your brother?”

  “When he gets back, he’ll find I’ve tendered my resignation. I can’t continue working for him after all that’s happened.”

  “I think that’s a mistake because Dane will want to get to know you, but regardless, don’t you think he’s been through enough in the media the last year without you dredging up more family secrets?”

  Morgan was silent. He hoped she was listening to what he said. The press had been all over Dane when the story broke about him falling in love with Iris, the woman who’d used his anonymous sperm donation to become pregnant. Having their romance heavily televised had come at a price. He didn’t want that for his friend or Morgan again.

  “What do you expect me to do?” Morgan finally choked out.

  “Be patient. And listen to me. I’m trying to save you from yourself.”

  “I don’t need saving.”

  “Might I remind you of the stunts you pulled at the wedding? Your big revelation. Getting drunk. Attempting to spend the night with a complete stranger.”

  “You’re not a stranger anymore,” Morgan responded. “I know your full name now. Jared Robinson.”

  Jared couldn’t resist smiling. “Yes, you do.”

  “So tell me, Mr. Robinson, why did you leave without…?”

  “Without making love to you?” Jared offered. Because he’d wanted to. Badly. He’d wanted to caress every inch of her body and take her to heights of profound pleasure. Making love to Morgan would have been very satisfying. His loins had throbbed for days from unrequited lust, but he’d also wanted Morgan to remember him in the morning and not regret her actions.

  Morgan flushed, clearly embarrassed at his directness. But then she surprised him, by glancing up at him underneath her lashes. “Why? Any other man might have taken advantage.”

  “I’m not any other man.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “I’m glad. And I’m going to continue being a man of mystery by offering you a deal you can’t refuse.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “I need a girlfriend. A very public one and I’ve decided you’re great for the role. So how about it?”


  Morgan threw back her head and let out an uproarious laugh. It was a reflexive response because she didn’t know what to make of Jared Robinson. Sometimes he was the sexy stranger she’d met at a wedding. Other times he was a white knight trying to save her. He kept her off-kilter and she couldn’t figure him out.

  Jared frowned. “What’s so funny?”

  “You were joking, right?” Morgan asked when her laughter subsided.

  “No, I’m not.”

  Jared’s expression was somber and Morgan realized she’d miscalculated. “You’re serious? You want me to be your girlfriend? But why? According to Ally, you’re quite the ladies’ man. Stands to reason you don’t need a girl like me.”

  “I may not need a girl like you, but you’re the girl I want,” Jared declared.

  Morgan’s heart went pitter pat. Wasn’t it enough she felt as if he’d permanently branded her with his steaming-hot kiss? Her lips were still tingling from the searing heat of his mouth. His kiss had literally awakened her body to what was possible.


  “I would think it’s obvious. You’re a beautiful woman and I’m attracted to you, Morgan. And if I’m not mistaken, the feeling is mutual. We could enjoy each other’s company while you help me with my image problem.”

  “And why is your image important right now?”

  “My brother, Chris, who was running the family business, has vanished with an exotic dancer. He left without a trace, causing a vacuum in leadership. My family and board of directors are looking to me to fill that void. Considering my dubious reputation, it might be an easier pill for them to swallow if I was a bit more…settled.”

  “In a committed relationship?”

  He pointed with his index finger at her. “There you have it. Having a girlfriend would ease their concerns about my former status as a ladies’ man.”

  “And what would be in it for me?”

  A sexy grin spread across his full lips. “Time spent in my sparkling company and I’m a pretty good date if I do say so myself. And if you were my girlfriend, you’d want for nothing. And as a bonus, you can have the family you’ve always wanted—mine—for a limited period. Once the board is settled, we end our association.”

  “Your suggestion is a win-win for you,” Morgan replied, reaching for her sangria and taking a sip. “As much as I love the offer of spending time with you and borrowing your family, I’m going to have to decline.”

  “Why? Do you have somewhere e
lse pressing to be? Or perhaps a significant other I’m not aware of?”

  Morgan laughed. As if. She’d never had a boyfriend because she’d never allowed anyone to get close enough to become one. Her near assault had frightened her from getting involved with men. In college, she’d watched her roommates and other friends falling in and out of love, but it hadn’t happened for her. Morgan feared something was wrong with her. Until Jared. Until the night when she’d made out with a stranger.


  Morgan realized he was still waiting for her to respond to his questions. “There’s no one else.”

  Did his shoulders visibly relax? Morgan wondered. Or was she projecting? “Then why not?”

  “Because I’m still trying to figure out my place in life. It may not be with the Stewarts, but it’s not with you, either.”

  “Fair enough. But didn’t you say you’ve given your notice to Dane? That means you’re unemployed for the moment, so why not stay here in Austin for a spell. Afterward, when we go our separate ways I could help you. I have lots of connections. I can help you attain whatever future you desire. So tell me, what’s it going to take to convince you to agree?”

  Morgan allowed herself a swift glance underneath her lashes at Jared. She let her eyes linger on the sculpted planes of his face and his exceptionally firm and square chin. The impeccable cut of Jared’s suit and his indefinable aura of wealth were entrancing. Morgan felt hypnotized. Was that why she was starting to give his offer serious consideration? Was she really going to throw all her common sense away and plunge herself into the thrill of the unknown?

  No, she had to think logically. Tearing away her gaze from his for a moment, she looked down. It was easy for him to make her such an outrageous offer because in his world women were ornaments he could discard when he was done with them. If she did this, Morgan would have to ensure she was in a better position when it was over than when they began. Because there was no assurance Henry would ever accept her into the Stewart family, which meant she was on her own. Since she’d tendered her resignation to Dane, she would need a job and she didn’t want any help from her brother.

  “I want a job at a network or production company,” Morgan stated. Film was in her blood. “I’ve been working for Dane over the last year and I’ve learned a lot. Not to mention the degree I have. An MFA in screenwriting.”

  “I’ll make it happen,” Jared replied. “So can I consider you my girlfriend now?”

  “Yes. Should we shake on it?”

  “I have a better idea.”

  As he slid closer to her in the booth, understanding dawned on her. Morgan tilted her head back a little as he slowly came toward her. Lifting his hand to cup her face, he dipped his head and closed his mouth over hers.

  Jared had to kiss her again. Morgan was so sweet and honest. He appreciated her directness. It was a huge turn-on. And so he kissed her with all the passion and longing he’d tried to clamp down but couldn’t. Morgan clutched the lapels of his suit while she pressed her soft trembling lips to his, which told Jared she was as much a slave to their passion as he was. Slowly, he straightened and looked at her.

  Her hazel-gray eyes shimmered with desire and made Jared’s groin tighten in response. “It’s settled then. You’re mine.”

  His possessive tone must have snapped Morgan out of her passion-induced gaze because she replied, “I’m not yours or anybody’s. I’m my own person. But I will help you and in return you’ll help me get my dream job.”

  “Yes of course.” Jared stared at her luminous eyes fringed with long black lashes and imagined her thick and lustrous black hair spread out on a pillow as he feasted on her.

  Morgan may not have been his usual type. In the looks department, yes, but he found her too unguarded. She was unlike his typical lovers who were sleek and sophisticated. They welcomed him into their beds because of his name and rumored prowess. But she had an air of innocence, which told him that night in La Jolla was a fluke.

  “So what do I need to do first?”

  “Convince my grandmother Ruth that our relationship is legit.”

  Morgan smiled. “How hard can it be to convince a sweet old lady we’re a couple?”

  Jared snorted. “You don’t know my grandmother. The woman is a force to be reckoned with. She helped my grandfather build the company.”

  “She sounds like an amazing woman.”

  “She is. And very astute,” he responded. “We need to be on top of our game if we’re going to convince her, which means we should probably spend some time getting to know each other. Otherwise, she’ll sense something isn’t right.”

  Morgan leaned back in the booth. “Considering I’m unemployed, my schedule is pretty open.”

  He reached inside his jacket pocket and produced his iPhone. “Good. What’s your phone number?” She told him and he punched in her digits. “I have to get to a meeting, but I’ll be in touch.” He rose to his feet and buttoned his suit jacket. “We’ll make a good team, you and me.”

  He turned away and strode out of the restaurant. He had to. Morgan was temptation personified and he could easily get distracted trying to seduce her. Jared would have to ensure they weren’t alone together often. Otherwise, he was certain this arrangement of theirs would end with the two of them wrapped in each other’s arms to the exclusion of everything else.

  Had she really just agreed to be Jared’s pretend girlfriend? Morgan thought as she walked through the revolving doors of her hotel that afternoon. And exactly what did that entail? They hadn’t gone over the details or his expectations other than that he would take care of her. Did that mean he was going to take care of her hotel bill?

  Not long after she’d settled in her room, she heard a knock. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Padding to the door barefoot, she glanced through the peephole and was surprised to see Ayden on the other side. “Please open up. I’d like to talk.”

  Morgan swung open the door. “Why would you want to talk to me when I’ve been ignoring you?”

  Ayden swept past her into the room without an invitation. “Because you’re my sister.”

  Morgan closed the door and turned around to face him. She folded her arms across her chest and regarded him. Her brother was handsome. In slacks and button-down shirt, he looked like their father. “So you believe me?”

  Ayden’s brow furrowed. “Of course I do. I don’t doubt Henry was capable of cheating on Nora like he did my mother.”

  “Thank you.” She walked over to the small sitting area and sat down. Ayden joined her.

  “Years ago, I promised Fallon I’d be a better big brother,” Ayden began. “I’m here today to be that brother. You got a raw deal.”

  Morgan couldn’t resist a small smile. She didn’t want to like him, but she did. “Ayden…”

  “Regardless of whether our father says you’re his daughter, you’re my sister.”

  “Why won’t he admit the truth?” Morgan asked softly.

  Ayden shrugged. “Pride? I can tell you Henry isn’t any easy man to like, let alone love.”

  “How did you forgive him after everything he did to you?” Morgan knew Ayden’s story. Henry had divorced his mother, Lillian, to marry Nora, the woman he’d cheated on her with. He gave Lillian a small settlement and never acknowledged Ayden as his firstborn until recently.

  “I haven’t,” Ayden responded. “I’ve learned to accept the things I cannot change and keep peace for the family, but I haven’t forgotten. Because as he has with you, Henry has never admitted he did anything wrong.”

  “I don’t know if I can let this go.”

  “And if Henry doesn’t ever accept you, what then? You have to move on with your life, Morgan. No good can come from you spending your life waiting for something that may never happen. Trust me, I know.”

  “I appreciate that you came to offer your support. It m
eans a lot to me.”

  “Fallon would have joined me, but Dylan has a stomach bug and she’s at home with him. Both of us—and I’m sure Dane—will be by your side.”

  “Have you heard from him?”

  Ayden shook his head. “I don’t expect to, after such a harrowing six months. Dane and Iris wanted to be off the radar for a few weeks. Her parents are taking care of Jayden.” He reached for her hand across the short distance. “Dane may be upset with you at first, but he’ll accept you just like me and Fallon.”

  Morgan’s mouth lifted in a smile. “You’re pretty good at this big brother thing.”

  “I’ve had some practice.” Ayden stood. “I’ll get out of your hair, but if you need anything I’m here for you.” He leaned down and enveloped her in a warm hug Morgan hadn’t known she’d needed.

  A lump formed in her throat when he moved away. It was nice to finally have someone in her corner. “We’ll talk soon, okay, kid?” Ayden stroked her cheek and then he was gone.

  Ayden knew what it was like to walk in her shoes. Yet, he’d gone on to become successful and start Stewart Investments. Was he right? Should she let the desire to be acknowledged by their father go? Morgan wasn’t sure she could, but she would try.


  Jared surprised his grandmother and the board the rest of the week by working twelve-hour days and immersing himself in Robinson Holdings. He knew the business deals in progress or he wouldn’t have been able to handle the marketing campaigns, but he’d never been involved in the development stage or seeing a project from beginning to end.

  With Ruth’s guidance, he was learning about everything firsthand. There was excitement blended with fear, but it bolstered his confidence when he saw respect in the eyes of his peers. Jared wasn’t coasting like he usually did. He was digging in and finding he actually enjoyed what he was doing.


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