Secrets of a Fake Fianc�e

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Secrets of a Fake Fianc�e Page 6

by Yahrah St. John

  When the end of the day came on Friday, it shocked Jared to realize the week had gone by without him contacting Morgan. He felt like a heel for abandoning her when he’d been the one to suggest she become his pretend girlfriend. But he would make good on his promise.

  Glancing at his Rolex, Jared saw it was almost dinnertime. It would be nice to spend the evening with a beautiful woman. His grandmother would notice if anything was amiss so he needed to ensure that he and Morgan were on solid footing. He reached for his phone and dialed her cell.

  “So you didn’t forget about me?” Morgan asked when she picked up.

  “Forget you? As if that were possible,” Jared said smoothly. “But in all seriousness, it’s been a busy week here. My brother had a lot of pans in the fire, so I’ve been getting up to speed. Are you free for dinner? I was hoping we could grab a bite at my favorite spot.”

  “Sure. What time?”

  “I can pick you up in an hour.”

  “That’s okay. I can meet you there. What’s the address?”

  Why did she have to be obstinate? “No woman of mine would drive herself,” Jared responded. “I would be expected to pick you up, so I’ll see you at seven.”


  He smiled after Morgan gave him her hotel information. Morgan was getting the hang of it. He always got his way.

  When Morgan opened the door, she prayed her makeup and hair piled atop her head looked flawless because Jared stood in her doorway looking every bit the man of power. He was stylish and polished in a tailored suit that showed off the broadness of his shoulders. He smiled, and his dimples and deliciously full lips were irresistible.

  He was sexy. Too damn sexy.

  Morgan’s heart swelled and her pulse quickened when his eyes roved over her figure. “I hope what I’m wearing is okay. You didn’t tell me the attire.”

  “You, um…look good.” His voice sounded strangled.

  “Good?” She pouted. “I was hoping for a better adjective.”

  Jared cleared his throat and his eyes moved slowly over her curves in the sleek strapless black dress. A muscle tightened in his jaw. “How about hot.”

  She glanced up at him and their eyes locked, causing her belly to flutter. “I’ll take that.” She stepped into the corridor, closing the door behind her because no way was she allowing him inside. He was looking at her like she was dessert.

  Jared walked beside her, his hand lightly resting on the small of her back as they made their way to the elevator. It wasn’t anything untoward; instead, it caused Morgan to feel safe.

  After a short elevator ride, they disembarked in the lobby. Morgan was surprised when Jared laced his fingers with hers. Only when he’d settled her in the passenger seat of his Porsche did Morgan exhale.

  She reminded herself this date was pretend. It wasn’t real. Jared didn’t want her. He needed a girlfriend to convince his grandmother he was a reformed playboy, but that didn’t stop her womanly bits from wanting it to mean more.

  The restaurant and jazz bar Jared took Morgan to wasn’t the flashy place she’d expected. She’d assumed he would take her someplace the local celebrities went to so they could be “seen.”

  “What’s wrong?” Jared asked when they were seated at a secluded table for two by the owner. “Don’t you like the restaurant? They have a great jazz quartet and singer.”

  Morgan smiled. “I love it. I just didn’t think you would.”

  “You think I’m bourgie?”

  She laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with being used to the finer things in life. It’s how you were raised.”

  “I also appreciate simple, good food,” Jared countered, looking down at his menu.

  “I’ve offended you,” Morgan said, frowning. “I’m sorry if I made an assumption. It’s just you’re you and I thought you’d want us to be seen, which is why I wore this dress.”

  Jared’s eyes roamed once more over her. “The dress is a keeper and as for our location, I wanted someplace where we could talk and be ourselves and not worry about prying ears.”

  “Thank you.”

  The owner came over with a bottle of red wine and poured them both glasses.

  “A toast,” Jared said. “To learning more about you.”

  “I can hardly wait.” And Morgan couldn’t. Something told her the evening was going to be very intriguing. She tapped her glass against his.

  Jared watched Morgan over the rim of his wineglass. Tonight, her dark tresses were in a chic updo showing off her beautiful caramel-brown complexion, which was enhanced by dramatic smoky eye makeup and a nude lip. When she’d opened her hotel door earlier and he’d caught a glimpse of her cleavage, Jared had wanted to push her backward into the room and kiss and stroke her until they both forgot their names.

  Instead, they were at his favorite restaurant pretending to act as if the chemistry between them wasn’t burning red-hot. His eyes dipped down to her mouth as she spoke about growing up in Las Vegas. He liked the way she licked her lips every so often and his desire stirred. He was drawn to her. He had been from that first night when she stood across from him and he’d seen her warring with herself about confronting her father.

  He wondered where her mother was in all this. “So, I know your father is Henry Stewart, but where’s your mother? Is she here in Austin or Vegas?”

  Morgan shook her head. “She passed away.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss. You must miss her.”

  “We weren’t close,” she continued. “She wasn’t there for me growing up.”

  “Which is why you want your father in your life?”

  “You can’t miss something you’ve never had, right?” She reached for her wineglass.

  Jared sensed Morgan was covering up her true feelings. She wouldn’t be in Austin trying to connect with Henry if she didn’t miss having a father. Because without her mother, she was alone. But he wouldn’t pry. “My mother is the exact opposite. Mary Robinson is a homemaker and proud of it. Raising me and my brother was her great achievement.”

  “That’s wonderful.”

  Morgan lowered her lashes and Jared could see the mood taking a downward spiral, so he pivoted. “Tell me about your first boyfriend.”

  “Great segue there.” Morgan chuckled. “I never really had one unless you count Victor Nelson. He wasn’t much to speak of. He was a nerd who loved movies. He used to try to sneak kisses in between study hall.”

  “Sounds mischievous. Did you ever sneak out of the house to go to a club with a fake ID?”

  Morgan shook her head. “No, I was pretty tame because I was determined to have a better future than my mama. But something tells me you were the life of the party.”

  Jared shrugged. “What can I say? I like to have fun, but back then I had a wingman.”


  He nodded. “He and I were hell-raisers. Skipping class, making out with girls, driving fast cars. Our parents were at their wits’ end until they sent me away to boarding school.”

  “But that didn’t stop you?”

  “No.” He pursed his lips. “I was just farther out of reach to my parents.”

  “C’mon, Jared, a guy as good-looking as you had to have been in love once, right?”

  Jared looked across the table at Morgan. He hoped she wasn’t getting some notion in her head about marriage, babies and white picket fences. Theirs was a mutually beneficial arrangement with an expiration date. “Never much cared for the notion. How about you? You have some great love that got away?”

  Morgan shook her head. “No, can’t say that I have.”

  “Then we’re well matched.” His eyes traveled to her cleavage. “Though I have to admit I have been in lust.” He leaned across the table and placed his hand over hers. Sparks shot through his body and Jared had to work overtime to conceal the explosive
desire he felt.


  “Yes,” Jared murmured. “Tell me you feel it too.”

  “I feel like we should order,” Morgan stated, cutting him down to size. He did as she asked and motioned the waiter over. The service was spot on and it didn’t take long for their meals to arrive and for them to tuck in. As they ate, Jared pondered Morgan’s reticence. He didn’t understand why was she acting as if she didn’t want him when he knew it was far from the truth? The kisses they’d shared thus far were electric. He still remembered the sweet erotic taste of her kiss and his body yearned for more. He would have to remind her how good it was.

  Jared’s dark intense eyes blazed into Morgan and she had trouble breathing. Her heart was already pounding in her chest and her pulse raced.

  Heat. Desire. Want. All those emotions flared through Morgan. She could feel her nipples harden in her dress as she fought the sexual tension swelling between her and Jared. She didn’t know what do with it. She was out of her element and didn’t have liquor to hide behind.

  “Is it wrong to want to explore the passion between us?” Jared inquired. “Because that night in your hotel room—you were prepared to go to bed with me.”

  Morgan swallowed the lump in her throat. “That was different.”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re going to use the cliché excuse you were drinking too much?”

  “No, I wasn’t going to do that, but I will admit I was emotional that night.” Morgan couldn’t help missing Jared eyeing her suspiciously as if he knew she was selling a load of hogwash. “Overwhelmed even, by Henry’s rejection.”

  “Perhaps I wouldn’t be confused if you weren’t hot one minute and cold the next.”

  “I’m sorry if I’m giving you mixed signals,” Morgan said. “So let me be clear. Although I might be your pretend girlfriend that doesn’t mean it comes with fringe benefits. Perhaps it’s best if we keep our arrangement strictly platonic so as to not complicate our relationship. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go powder my nose.” She bolted upright and ran straight for the ladies’ room.

  Morgan knew she was running, running from an attraction that frightened her in its intensity. If she allowed herself, he could easily become her first lover.

  And would that be so bad? her inner voice asked.

  Perhaps it was time for her to stop living in fear and take a risk. If not for love, then for an undeniable passion.

  Glancing in the bathroom mirror, Morgan saw her cheeks were flushed and there was a light bead of sweat on her forehead. That’s what Jared did to her. He had her all hot and bothered.

  Pull it together.

  When she returned to their table, Jared was contemplative. “I’m sorry if I’ve offended you with my directness about intimacy. I will honor your wishes.” He glanced behind her. “Ah, dessert is coming. Martin’s crème brûlée is to die for.”

  Morgan gave him a half smile. Had she ruined the night with her past fears and insecurities? Because a guy like Jared wouldn’t keep coming back if she kept brushing him off.

  Jared backed off. Morgan was spooked and he didn’t know why. The attraction between them was undeniable, palpable and inevitable, yet Morgan refused to acknowledge it.

  Something was holding her back.

  He doubted they’d scratched the surface on her past, but it made him curious to know more. Usually if a woman rebuffed his advances he was on to the next, but Morgan was different and it wasn’t because she’d agreed to his arrangement.

  It was more. She was more. Jared couldn’t put his finger on it, but Morgan was intriguing. He would have to arrange their next date quickly in order not to lose momentum and to delve into what made Morgan Stewart tick.

  He would have to approach her like a newborn foal. He would have to be delicate and tender. Listen to what she was and wasn’t saying. Only then would he stand a chance of figuring out this incredibly complex woman.

  After dessert, Jared drove Morgan home. A thick uncomfortable silence hung in the air. Morgan felt as if she’d ruined the evening by being such a prude. A handsome sexy man like Jared Robinson wanted her and wasn’t afraid to show it. But instead, she’d pushed him away.

  No wonder he was angry. Morgan wouldn’t be surprised if he decided to end their arrangement altogether. No one wanted a stick-in-the-mud. Why couldn’t she be normal?

  When the car stopped, Morgan realized they’d pulled into the hotel driveway. A valet came to greet them, but Jared shook his head, so they sat with the car idling. Morgan was grateful when Jared spoke first.

  “I’m sorry for coming on too strong. You want a purely platonic relationship for the duration of this arrangement, so I will keep my hands to myself.” He turned to Morgan and held them up in mock surrender. “But I can’t promise you I won’t be tempted because you’re a beautiful woman.”

  Morgan hazarded a glance in his direction. “Thank you.”

  “I took the liberty of paying your hotel bill,” Jared continued. “I hope you don’t mind. We didn’t discuss how this was going to work. Since you’re staying in Austin indefinitely, I figured you could stay in one of the apartments in the city we keep for executives. You might be more comfortable there.”

  “Jared, that sounds wonderful.”

  “Good. I’ll have my assistant arrange everything and call you with the details.” He hopped out of the car. Morgan wished they had more time, but instead he was holding her car door open and helping her out of the vehicle.

  “We should hang out again before meeting my grandmother,” Jared said, walking Morgan inside the hotel to the elevator bank. “Something more comfortable and less like a date.”

  The ding of the elevator made Morgan involuntarily step toward the doors.

  “So what do you say?” Jared asked with a smirk.

  “Sounds great. You really do know how to make a comeback.”

  Jared shrugged. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” And with a wink, the door of the elevator closed.

  Morgan leaned back against the panels and released a deep sigh. She hadn’t messed it up. Jared was still willing to work with her and help her achieve her goals. So why did it feel as if she’d lost out on something monumental?


  “So when am I going to meet your girlfriend?” his grandmother asked when she unexpectedly came over for Sunday brunch at Jared’s parents’ house.

  Since it was such a nice day, they were seated out on the lanai. “Soon, Grandmother. We’ve only known each other a short time and I don’t want to frighten her away by taking her to meet the parents so soon.”

  His grandmother squashed the notion. “Nonsense. That’s exactly why she should meet us to be sure she can keep up. We’re not an easy bunch to love.”

  Jared knew that to be true. His grandmother, like his father, believed in the motto of tough love. There was no coddling or hugs in Jared’s world. There was only winning and losing. He remembered a time when he was seven years old and had been on the soccer team. Their team had lost the tournament, but they’d each received participation trophies. When he’d gotten home, his father had taken his from Jared.

  Better you learn now, son, in life there’s one winner. And you lost. Accept it and fight harder to win next time. Jared had never forgotten that lesson.

  “I’ll bring Morgan over next weekend,” Jared finally said.

  “Excellent,” his grandmother replied. “Let’s hope you didn’t pick this one up at a strip bar like your brother.”

  “Ruth, must you be so harsh?” his mother said. “I know you don’t approve of Chris’s actions, but we don’t know the full story.”

  “I know enough. Chris turned his back on the company, on the family. What more is there to say?”

  His mother glanced at his father. True to form, his father never stood up to his own mother, so Jared spoke. “Mo
m is right. We won’t let you speak ill of Chris when he isn’t here to defend himself.”

  His grandmother leaned back in her chair and regarded him. “So you’re finally getting a backbone.” She sipped her mimosa. “I like it, Jared.”

  Jared rolled his eyes upward and prayed for patience. How was he supposed to bring Morgan into this dysfunctional family when he could hardly stand it himself? He prayed the tough, fearless Morgan who’d stood up to Henry in front of a crowd of wedding guests was the one who came to dinner on Sunday. Otherwise, his grandmother would eat her for breakfast.

  Morgan moved into the stunning corner unit located on the thirty-first floor of Residences at W Austin that afternoon.

  Morgan was in awe as she walked through the condominium. The open plan apartment had white oak wood floors, a gourmet kitchen with quartz counters, ten-foot ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows. The master suite held a large king-size bed and an impressive master bath with double vanity, walk-in shower and garden tub. The California closet would easily fit Morgan’s meager clothing.

  Morgan plopped herself on the buttery-soft leather couch and sighed. Was this the lifestyle she would have grown accustomed to if she’d been raised a Stewart? It was certainly something she could get used to, but she mustn’t let herself. She was arm candy for Jared for a limited period, but that didn’t stop her from having growing feelings for him.

  Morgan found him charming, funny and sexy as hell. There was more to Jared than the playboy he portrayed. She wondered if he would show her more or continue to hide behind the facade. She hoped to find out on their next date. Morgan was excited at the prospect. Being with Jared connected her to the sensual side of her nature, but it also put all her senses on alert.

  Troy’s assault had made Morgan fear intimacy. But surely, a skilled man such as Jared could help her overcome those fears, couldn’t he? Could she allow more to transpire? Morgan wasn’t sure because losing control frightened her more than anything. On the other hand, when she was in Jared’s arms, the world melted away and she felt completely alive.


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