Secrets of a Fake Fianc�e

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Secrets of a Fake Fianc�e Page 7

by Yahrah St. John

  Was he worth the risk?

  Jared wanted to strangle the high-end client he’d been dealing with on Wednesday. As CEO, he didn’t usually handle the sales side of Robinson Holdings, but apparently Chris already had this in the works. So Jared was playing real estate agent to an entitled multimillionaire, chauffeuring him around town when he had better ways to occupy his time. A certain dark-haired beauty came to mind.

  While the client took another walk through the estate Jared was showing him, Jared stepped away to check in on his pseudo girlfriend.

  “I’m surprised to hear from you in the middle of the day,” Morgan commented when she picked up.

  “Is that how you respond to your boyfriend?”

  She chuckled on the other end of the line. “I’m sorry.” She cleared her throat. “Let me try again.” She paused for a beat. “Hi, honey, how’s your day going?”

  Jared smiled inwardly. “That’s better. What are you up to?”

  “Researching some positions I’m interested in in Los Angeles.”

  Jared’s stomach sank. Why was the thought of Morgan going back home so distasteful? Was it because he was enjoying having her around? “Good for you. You’ll let me know if there’s anything I can do?”

  “Of course. But I’m sure that’s not why you called.”

  He laughed. “No, I was calling about this weekend. I thought we could get together on Saturday. I have someplace I’d like to take you. We’ll need to get started a bit early in the afternoon if that’s okay?”

  “Should I wear anything special?”

  “No need. It’s our chill date, remember?”

  “That’s right. I can hardly wait to see you dressed down and looking like an everyday Joe.”

  “I doubt that’s possible,” Jared responded, “though you should consider enhancing your wardrobe while we’re together. I’ll have my assistant set up some accounts at the fashionable boutiques.”

  “Jared…that’s not necessary. I’m not a charity case. I can dress myself.”

  “I know, but you’re with me now and you’ll be expected to be dressed in the latest designer clothing.”


  She was too quick to acquiesce to his request, but Jared let it go because his client was walking straight toward him. “I gotta go, but I’ll see you on Saturday.”

  When Saturday arrived, Jared was happy. His date with Morgan was today. The rest of the workweek had gone by quickly. He’d sat through endless meetings about their next project in Lady Bird Lake and dealt with the board’s reticence about his position as interim CEO. Jared was doing his best to show he was capable, but he wasn’t used to the early mornings and long days.

  Pulling into the Residences at the W, he saw Morgan waiting for him outside. She sashayed toward the door of his Porsche Cayman GTS and jumped in wearing inky-dark skinny jeans that hugged her curves and a ruffled one-shoulder top that raised the flirt factor.

  She gave him a warm smile and Jared felt his heart kick in his chest. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” She leaned over and to his surprise, brushed her lips across his.

  “What was that for?” he asked when she lifted her head.

  “I’m playing my role in case anyone—” she inclined her head toward the valets “—was looking.”

  She was right, but he wished she’d kissed him because she wanted to—because she missed him as he’d missed her all week—instead of out of necessity. “Of course.”

  “So where are you taking me?” Morgan asked, buckling her seat belt.

  He gave her a quick glance as he pulled away from the curb. “You’ll see.”

  As they drove, Morgan told him about her experience shopping in Austin’s high-end boutiques. “I can’t believe you didn’t give me a limit. I have never spent so much money on clothes in my entire life.”

  Jared glanced at her in consternation. “My assistant told me you didn’t spend that much. I was expecting a larger amount.”

  “I’m not spending all your money, Jared. Otherwise, I’d feel too much like my mother. She took money from her boyfriends all the time. I understand I have to dress the part, so I bought enough to get me by.”

  Jared sensed that the resentment Morgan had toward her deceased mother went deep and felt it best to let it rest. “All right, but if you ever need more, say the word.”

  Morgan glanced at him. “I appreciate that.” He watched as her eyes traveled the length of him and back up to meet his gaze. “Jeans and a T-shirt look good on you.”

  “Why, thank you.” Jared grinned from ear to ear.

  Their conversation was light. Jared regaled her with stories about his week at the office. Eventually they drove through the gates of Avalon Memory Care. Morgan immediately turned to him. “What is this place?”

  “It’s a center to help those affected by Alzheimer’s, dementia and other cognitive issues.”

  Her brow furrowed. “I don’t understand.”

  Jared pulled his Porsche into a parking space and turned to face her. “My grandfather is here. He suffers from Alzheimer’s. At first, the progression was slow. Sometimes he wouldn’t remember me and Chris and would think we were our father. So he had a nurse at their home, but then it became worse. My grandmother couldn’t—correction, wouldn’t—deal with it, so she put him here.” Jared didn’t wait for more questions. Instead he bounded out of the door and Morgan did the same.

  As he came toward her, Morgan touched his arm. “It has to be hard watching someone you love slip away bit by bit.” Her voice caught. “I’m terribly sorry.”

  “It is, but let’s hope today is a good day.” Jared reached for her hand and Morgan allowed him to entwine their fingers together as they walked toward the entrance.

  Sylvia, one of the many nurses on staff, greeted him. “Jared, it’s so good to see you. Who’d you bring with you?”

  “Sylvia, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Morgan.”

  Sylvia clasped Morgan’s free hand in hers. “Great to meet you, honey.” She turned to Jared. “I’m so happy you keep coming, Jared. I know it gets harder each time.”

  Jared swallowed the lump in his throat. “I can’t leave him here and forget about him. He’s my grandpa.”

  Sylvia smiled. “You’re a good man. Follow me.” She led them down the hall, which although clean smelled like disinfectant. When they reached his grandfather’s room, Sylvia knocked and then opened the door.

  Jared went to walk inside, and Morgan squeezed his hand firmly. “I’m all right,” he said.

  His grandfather sat in a rocker watching television. He wore trousers and his favorite blue-and-white-checkered button-down shirt and loafers. When he glanced up and recognition crossed his face, Jared exhaled audibly.

  “Anthony, look who’s hear to see you!” Sylvia said.

  “Jared! Come here ole boy.” His grandfather opened his arms and Jared released Morgan’s hand to rush into them. He squeezed his grandfather in a warm embrace.

  “I’ll leave you to your visit.” Sylvia waved and left them alone.

  His grandfather grasped both sides of Jared’s face. “Let me have a look at you.” He gave him the once-over. “You’re a handsome young man and staying fit. It’s how I kept Ruth interested in me.”

  “Grandpa.” Jared went to Morgan, who stood immobilized near the door. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Morgan.”

  She moved toward him and his grandfather wrapped her up in a big hug just like he used to do when he and Chris were little. Jared missed those days.

  His grandfather kept his arm around Morgan and turned to Jared. “She’s a real looker. I’m not surprised you fell. Bet you fell hard too.”

  Jared stared at Morgan. Is that what happened? No, Jared dismissed the notion. He was attracted to Morgan. It was nothing more than that.

�So tell me…” his grandfather said, sitting down in his rocker. “How did you and my grandson meet?”

  “We met at a wedding,” Morgan answered. “I made a big fool of myself and Jared rescued me.”

  His grandfather gave him a conspiratorial wink. “Is that right? I dare say it was because of your overwhelming beauty.”

  “That too,” Jared responded with a smirk. And even Morgan laughed.

  “I’m glad you were able to break through the barrier. Morgan, was it?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Ever since he was a little kid, Jared’s always been the guarded one. My other grandson, Chris—well, he’s an open book, but Jared, you could never tell what he was feeling. He always kind of played it close to the vest. So I’m happy to see you’re getting underneath those layers.”

  When Morgan looked at Jared, it felt as if she was peering into his very soul, so he looked away. She unnerved him because his grandfather was right—Jared never showed his hand because growing up his feelings had never mattered. Yet when he was with Morgan, Jared felt everything.

  Was this how the other half lived? Because if so, Jared wanted no part of it. He would stay in his unfeeling world because it was safe there and didn’t require him to be vulnerable.

  Morgan was stunned Jared had brought her to meet his grandfather. He’d allowed her to see a different side she’d suspected existed, but he rarely showed. Jared wasn’t some cookie-cutter playboy. He cared and was fiercely loyal to his family. During their visit to the facility, she’d learned that Jared came to see his grandfather often. He didn’t merely pay lip service and come a handful of times a year like on birthdays or holidays.

  After they had lunch on the terrace where several other families gathered with their loved ones, Morgan watched Jared and his grandfather play checkers. She noticed he could have easily won, but he allowed his grandfather to beat him because he didn’t remember all the moves.

  Morgan smiled as she watched the two men. Anthony Robinson was an older version of Jared with warm dark brown eyes, tawny skin and straight white teeth. But it was the mannerisms, the way they both cocked their head to one side or pondered their next move that made her see the real similarities.

  Eventually, the senior Robinson tired and they walked him back to his room.

  “Morgan,” Anthony said when he finally sat back down in his rocker. “You take care of my boy.”

  “I will.” She smiled because she intended to keep that promise. She leaned over and gave his hand a squeeze. Stepping away, she watched Jared with his grandfather.

  When he looked her way, Morgan could have sworn there were tears in Jared’s eyes, but he quickly recovered his composure. “You ready to go?”

  “I am.” She slid her hand inside Jared’s as they walked to the car.

  Jared’s mood was somber as he pulled away. “Are you okay?”

  “Hmmm…” He sounded distracted. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “It’s okay if you do want to talk.”

  “About my grandpa?” Jared asked. “What could I say? I hate having him there with strangers? Or maybe that I wish our family would take care of him? Is that what you’re looking for?”

  Morgan didn’t take the bait. She knew Jared’s underlying anger wasn’t directed at her. “I understand it’s hard seeing him there, but at least he has you.”

  Jared snorted. “He would be better off with Chris.”

  “Stop it!” Her raised voice caught his attention and he stared at her in shock. “Stop putting yourself down, Jared. You’re the one who visits him regularly. You’re the one who’s busting your butt working night and day to cover for Chris because he chose to leave without letting anyone know. So I won’t accept you demeaning yourself and saying your contribution to your family isn’t as important.”

  The car came to a sudden stop and Morgan turned to him. Their eyes met and held, and that was all it took for him to lean forward and crush his mouth to hers. Morgan closed her eyes and embraced the kiss. It was gentle at first, but Jared quickly deepened it, sliding his hand through her hair as his tongue caressed hers. Morgan clung to him, returning his passion until he slowly released her.

  She blinked up at him, dazed.

  “No one has ever defended me like that,” Jared said, his voice hoarse with lust. “I’m sorry for coming on so strong again. I promised I wasn’t going to get handsy. Yet every time I’m around you, I can’t seem to control myself.”

  “I can’t explain what comes over me either,” Morgan said honestly.

  “What are we going to do about it?”

  “I thought we agreed to remain platonic.”

  “It seems neither one of us is keeping that promise very well, but since we’re back at square one, we should get a move on it to part two of the day.” Moving back to his seat, Jared put the car in gear and drove them to the garage of a downtown high-rise.

  “Is our date over?” Morgan inquired.

  Jared chuckled. “No. We’re having dinner at my place.” He exited the vehicle and opened her door. There were several sports cars parked alongside Jared’s Porsche including a Ferrari.

  “Let me guess.” She inclined her head. “These are yours?”

  He grinned unabashedly. “What can I say, I like fast cars. C’mon, I’ll take you upstairs.”

  The elevator zoomed to the fiftieth floor, taking them straight to Jared’s penthouse. The dark color palette was rich and masculine with cool neutral undertones that suited him. Unlike her apartment, the floors were a dark ebony hardwood and the kitchen had European-style cabinets with dark gray quartz countertops and a black hexagon backsplash. The penthouse had breathtaking views. Austin could be seen from every room and the balcony, which had a plunge pool and spa.

  “This place is very you,” Morgan said, looking out at the city. She turned and leaned against the railing. “I can see you bringing ladies up here to wow them with the view before you…” Her voice trailed off when Jared came to the balcony entrance and stood watching her.

  Jared finished her sentence. “Before I take them to bed? I’m sorry to disappoint you, Morgan, but I don’t bring women home. It’s my retreat from the world. A safe haven if you will.”


  “You’re the only woman I’ve brought here,” he replied. “Would you like a drink?”

  “I’d love one.” Morgan swallowed the lump in her throat. She was the only woman he’d brought here. Did it mean he might like her more than he cared to admit?

  Minutes later, Jared returned carrying two glasses of a dark brown liquid. “Cheers!” He tapped his glass against hers.

  She swallowed, if for nothing else than to ease the ache in her nether regions from the dark look in Jared’s eyes. The alcohol burned going down but she welcomed it. “So what’s for dinner?”

  Jared chuckled. “Oh I’m no cook, but I’m excellent at ordering. Our dinner should be arriving any moment.”


  “A personal chef is delivering the food. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Morgan drank more of her drink. “Not at all. But I could have cooked for us.”


  “Yes, I’m a pretty good cook. I had to learn how to at a young age. If I didn’t, I would’ve been eating cereal and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day. My mother never remembered to shop so I had to fend for myself.”

  “Sounds like it was tough on you growing up.”

  “It was. I yearned for my father to come one day and take me away from it all. It was a silly wish.” Morgan finished off the rest of her drink.

  “Not silly,” Jared replied. The doorbell rang and he glanced at the open doorway. “That would be our dinner.”

  Morgan followed him inside and watched as the chef removed the meals he’d brought. There were starters, entrées, even dessert; o
ne for each of them. Once he’d gone, she and Jared helped themselves, piling chopped strawberry pecan salad and chicken piccata with capers on their plates.

  “Looks delicious,” Morgan said once they were seated at an enormous dining room table that could seat upward of eight.

  “Yes, it does,” Jared replied and somehow Morgan knew he wasn’t talking about the food.

  As they ate their meal, Jared tried his best not to think about their explosive kiss in the car. He’d intended to honor his word and keep their arrangement platonic, but Morgan had spoken up for him passionately. More than any person ever had.

  This beautiful, feisty brunette was turning him inside out. He didn’t quite recognize himself. The night they’d met, he’d been a gentleman, a protector ensuring no other man took advantage of her. Even when she’d brought him up to her room, he found himself taking care of her when she became ill.

  And today, he’d wanted her to see a different side of him. To truly know him. She was special and he’d wanted his grandpa to meet her. And doggone it, if his grandpa hadn’t hit the nail on the head when he’d commented on Morgan breaking through his reserve.

  “Is there anything I should know to prepare for dinner with your grandmother tomorrow? Any deep dark family secrets?”

  “Nothing so melodramatic,” Jared replied. “My grandmother can smell a rat. So just be yourself. Honest. Direct. And she’ll love you.”

  “I hope so. Our whole arrangement depends on my convincing her.”

  Jared eyed her. “Despite that, if you needed my help until you figured out your next step, I’d help you.”

  She stared at him in disbelief. “Why would you do that?”

  “I like you, Morgan.” Jared smiled. “A lot.” He couldn’t believe how forthcoming he was being.

  “The feeling’s mutual.”

  Her honesty was a breath of fresh air. There were no games or tricks. What you saw was what you got. And if he had his way, they’d get to know each other a whole lot better before their arrangement was over.


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