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Secrets of a Fake Fianc�e

Page 13

by Yahrah St. John

“Don’t,” Jared whispered, nuzzling her neck. “Think about right now.” He pulled her against him and Morgan felt the hard press of his arousal against her bottom. He lowered his head and began sucking the skin between her neck and ear he’d found was her sweet spot.


  “The only thing I want you thinking about—” Jared’s fingers reached for the waistband of her skirt and he slipped his finger inside past the barrier of her panties until he came to her damp core “—is me inside you.” He moved his hand deeper, plundering her, and Morgan felt her control slipping.

  Morgan shook her head, trying to ignore the sensations coursing through her. “No, we can’t. Not now. Everyone is waiting.” Were they really going to do this outside?

  “Oh we can.” He shifted Morgan away from the railing and backed her up against the wall of the terrace. Before she could stop him, Jared had her plastered against his chest and was yanking her skirt up over her waist while he masterfully palmed her butt. Then he shoved his hand into her hair and gave her a no-holds-barred kiss. He literally devoured her mouth and Morgan gave up thinking about anything else except this moment.

  Emboldened, she opened the button of his jeans and then the zip, until they were loose enough around his hips for her to shove them and his briefs down. Jared’s erection sprang free and Morgan licked her lips. She couldn’t wait to have him inside her again. Jared was quicker than she was and pulled a condom out of his pocket.

  He rolled it over himself and said, “I’m sorry, Morgan, but I’ve been dying for you all day, so this is going to be fast and hard. I’ll give you slow and sexy later.”

  He hooked his hand over her thigh and when he came to the thong she wore, he pushed it aside. Pinning her against the wall, Jared slid into her with one long, sure stroke. Morgan felt not only herself dissolve, but their surroundings fade away as Jared began pumping inside her.

  Morgan entwined her arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely as she clutched at his shoulders. Jared continued moving his hips upward until he touched something inside her, causing her to rocket up and down against his length.

  “Ride me, Morgan,” Jared encouraged. “Use me.”

  Morgan felt her orgasm build until eventually her entire body shattered into a million pieces. Jared shouted her name as she screamed out her release into the evening sky.

  Eventually, Jared let go of her thigh, but still kept her pinned against the wall. And Morgan was thankful he did because she had no strength left. Never had she felt so free and utterly abandoned.

  “Was it good for you?” Jared asked with a wide grin.

  “What do you think?” She smirked.


  When Sunday afternoon arrived, Morgan was sad for the weekend to end. She’d enjoyed spending time with Jared and his family. They’d gone horseback riding that morning. It was her first time, but Ruth had insisted on buying Morgan riding breeches, a long sleeve shirt and knee-high boots during their shopping trip. Jared had barely been able to keep his hands off her in the stables as he’d helped her into the saddle.

  The ride had been scenic. Even Kandi, who’d never ridden a horse either, had managed to stay upright. They’d stopped to enjoy a delicious picnic lunch of wine, chilled tiger prawns, poached lobster with tarragon, brie, baguettes and fresh fruit with Grand Marnier cream. The mood had been light and easy.

  When they returned to the compound, they cooled off the horses, then everyone packed their cars to return home for the workweek ahead. Morgan hated to leave. She’d felt such a sense of belonging with the Robinsons. And it hurt, knowing it wasn’t going to last.

  “What’s on your mind?” Jared asked as he drove her back to her apartment.

  “Our arrangement will be coming to an end soon,” Morgan answered.

  He turned and glanced at her for a moment. “I thought I’d squashed these thoughts on the balcony. Are you that eager to be rid of me?”

  Morgan frowned. “Of course not,” she answered a little too quickly. When she should have been thinking of self-preservation, she’d blurted out her real feelings. The truth of the matter was, the longer they were together, the harder it would be to walk away.

  “Good. Because I’m not ready for this to be over.” She noticed him grip the wheel a little too tightly as he spoke.

  “You’re not the only one who gets a say,” Morgan answered defensively.

  “I know that,” he murmured. “You need only the say the word and we can end it at any time.”

  Morgan folded her arms across her chest and stared out the window. Was that really how Jared felt? Was she so easily expendable he’d let her go without a fight? She knew Jared didn’t do commitment, but she’d thought he felt some affection for her, if for no other reason than he’d been her first lover. Her only lover. She didn’t want anyone else, but apparently he could take her or leave her.

  And it hurt because she loved him. It was plain and simple as that, but she couldn’t show her love. He would only scorn it. She had to keep her feelings hidden.

  Glancing around, Morgan noticed that Jared had missed the turn to the Residences at the W. “Where are we going?”

  “To my place,” he said, looking straight ahead.

  She couldn’t go home with him. If she did, Morgan was afraid of what she might reveal. “Jared, it’s been a long weekend and you have to work in the morning. I think it’s best if I go home.”

  He glanced at her, but his eyes were hooded. “I’d rather you came home with me, but if you want me to turn the car around, I will.”

  Morgan swallowed. He was putting the decision in her hands. Or was he really? Was this some sort of manipulation to get her to do what he wanted? Whatever the reason, deep down Morgan wanted to be with him. “Fine.”

  Conversation was nonexistent for the remainder of the drive and on the elevator ride up to his penthouse. Once inside, Jared placed their luggage on the floor and turned to her. “I’m sorry.”

  Morgan stared at him in disbelief. Jared wasn’t a man who apologized. He was cocky, arrogant at times, but always self-assured. But when she looked at him his expression was uncertain. Had he never told someone sorry before?

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “For what I said earlier,” Jared explained, shifting from one foot to the other. “Or should I say the callous way I said it. We have something good and I don’t want it to end. There, are you happy now?”

  Morgan smiled. “That you apologized?” she asked, coming toward him. Despite her brain screaming to run for the hills, she wound her arms around his neck.

  “No. That you got me to admit my feelings,” he responded.

  “A little humble pie never hurt,” Morgan said, looking at him from under her lashes. “So why don’t you get to apologizing.” She grabbed him by the head and planted her lips on his.

  The next morning, Jared sat in his office at Robinson Holdings staring at his laptop. He’d been looking at the same set of figures for an hour and they still made no sense. His mind kept wandering to when he’d kissed Morgan awake near dawn. He’d ignored her protests for sleep and nudged her legs apart with his shoulders.

  Pressing his mouth against her feminine core, he’d feasted on her sweetness until he heard her moans of pleasure. He hadn’t been satisfied with just a taste. Instead, he’d turned her over onto her stomach and taken her from behind. He’d fondled her breasts while thrusting inside her and teasing her wet sex until she’d screamed his name. Only then had Jared been sated enough to drift off to sleep.

  The problem was that sex wasn’t just sex with Morgan. It was a discovery of all the secret ways he could pleasure her. Jared was toying with the idea of extending their relationship even though he’d already convinced his grandmother of his committed status but the board was still skeptical, so he needed to keep up appearances. He kept telling himself it was all about sex.
  Great sex.

  He didn’t want or need the fairy tale Morgan undoubtedly wanted. He didn’t do commitment of any kind. So why was he doubting everything he’d ever told himself?

  “It’s really strange seeing you behind that desk,” Chris said from the doorway.

  Jared was surprised to see his brother in a gray suit and tie standing on the threshold of his office. Chris’s former office.

  “It feels strange for me too,” Jared responded. “What brings you by?”

  A disconcerted look came across his brother’s features. “Well, I…”

  “You thought now that you’ve returned, Jared would step aside?” their grandmother inquired from behind him.

  Chris instantly jumped at the sound of her voice. “To be honest,” Chris replied, “yes. I thought Jared would relish the opportunity to get back to his former lifestyle of laid back days and fast nights.”

  “Those days are over now that he’s met Morgan,” Ruth answered. “He wouldn’t ruin that by reverting to his former playboy ways.”

  Jared noted the look of disbelief on his brother’s face.

  “It might surprise you, Chris, but I have enjoyed learning more about Robinson Holdings and I don’t intend on leaving.” Jared shocked himself by agreeing with their grandmother.

  “What am I supposed to do?” Chris asked.

  Jared rose to his feet and buttoned his suit jacket. “We can share the responsibilities. As you said, one person handling all the weight is too much. We can share.”

  “I don’t think I agreed to that,” their grandmother interjected, folding her arms across her chest. “And neither did the board. You’ve begun to gain their grudging respect, Jared. Why stop now?”

  “Because I want to have a life, Grandmother.” Jared didn’t know if that included or didn’t include Morgan, but he would never find out if he walked the same path as Chris. “I don’t want to burn out like Chris did. No offense.” He glanced at his older brother. “You must see this is the best solution. And I need your help in convincing the board.”

  She stared at him. “I have to say, Jared, you’ve impressed me these past weeks and I’m really proud of you.”

  Jared grinned. “Thank you.”

  “So am I.” Chris faked a sniff and they both laughed. “I would be honored to work with you, brother.” He offered his hand and Jared shook it.

  “It was so nice of you to join me,” Kandi said when she and Morgan met up midweek at a baby boutique frequented by upper class moms. Morgan had been surprised to receive the invite, but suspected Kandi needed a friendly ear.

  “No problem,” Morgan replied. “I’m happy to help.”

  “I’m nervous,” Kandi said as she ran her fingers over the blankets. “Not about having the baby, about fitting into Chris’s family. You seem to be such a hit with his parents and grandmother. I was hoping you could give me some pointers.”

  “Be yourself,” Morgan said evenly. “Ruth is all fire, but once you get to know her, there’s a warm individual underneath.”

  Kandi gave her an incredulous look and Morgan couldn’t resist a chuckle. “Okay, maybe warm is pushing it, but I don’t know…we sort of hit it off. She’s like the grandmother I never had.”

  “A cranky one. She criticized everything I wore this weekend.”

  Morgan lowered her head.

  “What?” Kandi asked, putting her hands on her expanding hips. She was in leopard print pants, a bodysuit and bomber jacket.

  “If you want to fit in, you have to dress the part. I’m not saying you have to lose your individuality. Just tone it down a notch. Not so many low-cut tops, skintight jeans or leopard prints.”

  “That’s how I got Chris,” Kandi said with a smirk.

  “But it won’t be how you’ll keep him. I can help you find a few things that you can sprinkle in with your own clothes. How’s that sound?”

  Kandi shrugged. “If you say so, but I think I look fabulous.”

  Morgan smiled. Kandi would think that, but the mirror was lying to her.

  Later that evening, after enjoying takeout over a bottle of wine, Morgan regaled Jared with stories of her day with Kandi. Morgan liked that they could sit in their comfy clothes on the sofa like a real couple and have a night at home. She was in a tank top and yoga pants while Jared wore a T-shirt and sweatpants.

  “You don’t have to hang out with her if you don’t want to,” Jared responded. “It’s not a condition of being my girlfriend.”

  Morgan frowned, feeling a bit annoyed. “I know that, but I like Kandi. She reminds me in many ways of my mother. Misguided. I thought I could help her win over your grandmother.” Then she paused to stare at him for a moment. Did he realize he’d called her his girlfriend? Not his pretend one?

  Jared looked at her incredulously. “That’s not likely, Morgan. Don’t go giving Kandi false hope.”

  “C’mon, she’s not that bad.”

  “No, but once my grandmother forms an opinion, it’s hard to convince her otherwise.”

  “You did,” Morgan responded, poking him in the chest. “In a short time, you’ve been able to convince Ruth of your willingness and ability to lead Robinson Holdings. Surely, Kandi can change her mind, too?”

  “I’m her grandson. I’m family.”

  “I refuse to believe that’s all it’s about,” Morgan replied. “With a little grooming and maybe some etiquette classes, Kandi can overcome…” She searched for the right words.

  “Her lack of class?” Jared offered.

  “That’s harsh.”

  “But true. Don’t go changing Kandi. Chris fell in love with her exactly as she is. They’ll have to muddle their way through this.”

  Morgan lowered her lashes. “I’m sorry. I was only trying to help.”

  “Aw, come here,” he murmured, reaching over to pull her into his lap. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It was a really nice thing to do. And I…” He stopped midsentence and without another word, lifted her away from him and rushed out of the room, leaving Morgan wondering exactly what he’d been about to say.

  Jared splashed water over his face in the master bath. What the hell? He’d almost said, “And I love that about you.” Love. That word wasn’t in his vocabulary when it came to any other woman. So why now?

  It was Morgan.

  She made him feel.

  For the first time, a woman had stumbled into his life and he’d forgotten to put up barriers to keep her out and his emotions in. With Morgan, Jared’s feelings were allowed free reign and he didn’t know how to coral them back in.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “You okay?” Morgan inquired from the other side. “The way you got up so fast—I hope it wasn’t something we ate?”

  Of course she would think it was food poisoning rather than him running away because he was scared of the emotions she was bringing to the surface.

  “I’m fine. I’ll be out in a second.”

  “Okay.” He heard her retreating footsteps and sucked in a deep breath.

  He’d thought he could have it both ways, that he could keep Morgan and not get caught up. But he was wrong. He wasn’t the settling down kind. Never had been. Never would be. Morgan deserved a man who could give her his whole heart and who knew how to love. He wasn’t that man. He had to let her go.

  His hands gripped the countertop. But how could he deny the attraction they shared? He’d never met a woman he’d wanted so much. When Morgan was in his arms, his entire body felt electric. It had been that way from the start when he’d noticed her at the wedding reception. He’d instantly wanted to claim her as his own as he did now. Thinking about her made him want to get them both naked.

  Jared stood straight.

  One more night. That was all he would give himself. Maybe then, he could find a way for them both to
move on.

  But the minute he came out of the bathroom, Jared found Morgan sprawled across his bed, naked, wearing nothing but a smile. All thoughts of saying goodbye to this gorgeous woman flew out the window as hot, molten lust drove him to fling off his T-shirt, drop his sweats and briefs and charge toward the bed.

  He allowed himself enough time to don a condom before slanting his lips over hers in a demanding kiss that sent his pulse racing. Morgan responded by teasing her tongue with his own. Jared reacted by covering her body with his and smoothly thrusting inside her.

  Incredible pleasure coursed through Jared and he wanted to close his eyes, but he couldn’t. He wanted to look up at Morgan because who knew if this might be the last time they were together. Their eyes locked and Morgan lifted her hips to move with him in unison until a tidal wave of passion swept over them and they both exploded. Jared saw stars as he continued pumping the last of his release. With their sweaty bodies entwined together, Jared fell asleep in Morgan’s arms.


  “Thank you so much for agreeing to meet me, Fallon,” Morgan said when her sister joined her at the downtown wine bar the following evening. She’d dressed casually in black jeans, ruffled shirt and ankle booties. Fallon was equally relaxed in gray slacks, a lavender silk shirt and flats after coming straight from the Stewart Technologies offices.

  Morgan needed someone to confide in about her feelings for Jared. Although she liked Kandi, their relationship was still so new. Morgan didn’t feel like she could pour her heart out to Kandi.

  “I was happy to get the call.” Fallon leaned back against one of the sofas in the corner of the room and sipped from her wineglass. “I was hoping one day you’d feel comfortable enough to consider me not just a sister, but a friend.”

  “I feel like I need one.”

  Ever since she and Jared had shared takeout and acted domestic like a real couple a few nights ago, he’d been acting distant. She hadn’t seen him all week. He’d told her he had to work, but Morgan felt like it was an excuse.


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