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Touching the Billionaire (Bad Boy Desires Book 1)

Page 8

by Holly Jaymes

  “Come on in,” he said, holding the door wide so I could step in.

  I scanned his apartment, noting it was exactly what one might imagine a rich bachelor would live in. It was modern with clean crisp lines. There wasn’t a lot in the way of photographs or decor. Still, the leather couches looked comfortable and homey. Or maybe it was the scent of garlic wafting through the place that made it seem warm and welcoming.

  “I hope you like Italian. I decided on pasta Primavera and then I remembered that many women don’t like pasta anymore,” he said.

  “I like pasta.”

  He motioned for me to enter further into his home and out on the terrace. He had a dining area in the open part of his kitchen, but he had set up a table outside on the terrace. The romantic in me thought it was a lovely setting. This is a working dinner, I reminded myself. After a cold winter and blustery spring, everyone wanted to be outside in the warm air, so it made sense that he set up dinner on the terrace.

  “Do you want some wine?” he asked.

  I was feeling nervous enough that I’d probably have taken a shot if he offered. Instead, I said, “Wine would be lovely.”

  I sat down at the table, pulling out my script and opening it to the pages for the sex scene. He returned with wine and then disappeared again to get our dinner. I wondered if we would eat first and work later or if we were going to work through dinner, discussing the intimacies of sex while eating pasta. Then I wondered why I was making this so complicated. I just needed to go with the flow.

  He returned with our plates filled with pasta and vegetables. He’d said he wasn’t a gourmet but the dish looked and smelled delicious.

  “I think maybe you’ve undersold your cooking skills,” I said as I picked up my fork.

  “You think so?”

  “I’ll have to take a bite to be sure but it looks delicious.” I stuck my fork in the noodles, twisted it, and took a bite. A burst of flavors exploded on my tongue from the vegetables and whatever herbs he’d put on them. I couldn’t help making an “mmm” sound and nodded my head.

  “I’m going to take that as you like it,” he said, watching me as he loaded his fork with noodles.

  “I was right. You undersold your cooking skills.”

  We proceeded to eat and instead of going over the script, we talked about the day. He asked me how I thought it was going and made a joke about whether or not I was giving the crew a hard time. I responded that I never gave the crew a hard time, although I was always happy to share my thoughts and opinions.

  He grinned at that and I was glad that now he found me more amusing than annoying.

  When we finished dinner, he brought the plates inside and then returned back to the table with his script and more wine. I wondered if, like me, he needed a little bit of liquid courage. As we talked through the scene, I was reminded of how different it was from the work I’d done as a kid. I had to wrestle once with another girl in a movie as we fought over some toy, but that was different. We just had to scream at each other.

  For him, this was probably no big deal. He’d done many in his career. I appreciated the effort he was making to ensure I felt comfortable in doing the scene.

  “I figure the lead-up to this is pretty much similar to what happened in the library scene, which went well.” He looked at me as if he wanted me to either verify or deny that.

  “Well, if you say it went well, then it went well.”

  “So then the next part of this is walking into the hotel room, at which point Jack and Nicolette begin their scene with him pushing her up against the door.”

  “Does that really happen?”

  He looked up at me with quizzical brows. “Does what really happen?”

  “Having sex against the door.”

  He sat back and studied me for a moment, maybe wondering if my question was rhetorical, or if I was really asking. I was really asking because I’d never done it before. It seemed like something that would look sexy on screen or in a book, but, logistically, would be very difficult.

  He gave me that amused smirk again. “Yes, it can happen.” With his statement, I knew he was saying that he had done it himself and not just as an actor in a scene but in real life.

  “It’s not awkward?” I asked. I wasn’t sure why, except maybe because he looked a little bit embarrassed by it.

  “Not awkward. It does require some strength and maybe a little flexibility. Height and weight play a role a little bit as well.”

  I leaned back in my chair, intrigued. “So, it involves physics?”

  He laughed. “I guess so.”

  “When you were casting for the roles, did you have to consider height and weight of the couple to make sure this would work?” I knew I was being weird with all these questions. I wasn’t sure if it was because of my nerves in doing the scene, or that I just had a strange curiosity about movie sex.

  He laughed. “Well, again, we have the magic of movies to compensate for that. But in real life, physical make can play a role.”

  I wanted to ask him if in real life that was something he would be able to do with me. In theory, of course. But knowing that it wasn’t wise to go there, I decided to move on.

  Before I could ask another line of question, he asked, “Should we block it? We can use my front door.”

  All my girly parts flared to life, even though I knew we were just going to be blocking the scene. There would be no real kissing or getting naked.

  “Sure,” I said, hoping I sounded confident. I followed him to the front door.

  He stood by the door. “When we first come in, I imagine that Jack might block Nicolette in, but he wouldn't immediately touch her,” Theo explained to me, motioning me to stand against the door. He pressed each hand on either side of my head against the door. It brought him close enough that I could feel the heat of his body and inhale the scent of him. I had to fight to stop the fogging of my brain that came when he was near me like this. We were working after all.

  “Jack has a respect for Nicolette so he’s not just going to automatically toss her against the door and start ravishing her,” he explained.

  I nodded in agreement. “She would probably knee him in the nuts if he tried that,” I said.

  He winced. “Right. But the attraction is wild on both sides. They’d come together at the same time, at which point his hands would be on her.” He put one hand just below my shoulder blade against the door and the other on my hip.

  “Based on what’s in the script, you’re wearing a blouse which Jack then unbuttons.” He didn’t bring his hands to undo the buttons, but his eyes did drift down and I could feel my nipples start to pucker because the look in his eyes was almost like he was touching me with his hands.

  His gaze lifted to mine again. He cleared his throat, and then said, “You will have a bra on under your shirt, so no one will see your… They won't see you.”

  I nodded that I understood.

  “During this, Jack and Nicolette will be kissing.”

  It was odd how he was talking like it was two different people doing all the action and not us. Yes, we were characters, but he and I would be kissing. Perhaps it was his way of making this less awkward. I wondered what he’d think if I told him this wasn’t so much awkward as titillating.

  “He will kiss her along the neck and lower.”

  “What will I be doing besides kissing you? Nicolette isn’t one to be passive in sex.”

  His eyes flared with heat at my words.

  “You can do whatever you think she’d do. But remember, we have to pace this, so don’t have her going for the goods just yet.”

  This time I was the one who felt like I’d go up in flames. “So, undo his tie or shirt?”

  “Yes. You will be wearing a skirt, which I will then inch up along your thighs.”

  I noted the switch in pronouns from talking about them to us.

  “You’ll have panties on. Then I’ll lift your knee and hook it around my hip.”

; When he didn’t follow through, I lifted my knee.

  He hesitated, but then brought it to his hip. “When we’re filming, I will press in and push against you.”

  Right now, he kept his distance so the only parts of our body that were touching were the one hand on my back and my knee on his waist.

  I nearly asked him to do it exactly like we would when filming, but I knew that was a dangerous request since it had nothing to do with practicing the scene and everything to do with wanting to feel him against me. Since that wasn’t a good thing, I kept my mouth shut.

  “Now, of course, the way this plays out is that he makes her come here against the door and then, feeling like he needs more leverage, he’s going to take her to his room. At that point, the mood of the scene will change from just having sex to making love.”

  “Will I still be the only one undressed at this point?” I asked.

  A hint of pink shaded his cheeks. It was hard to imagine Theo Wolfe was blushing. “No. By the bed scene we’ll be naked. Well…we’ll have modesty clothing on, but it will appear that we’re naked.”

  I’d heard about the modesty sock that men wore when doing love scenes. I was dying to see him in one.

  “Are we going to block that?” I asked.

  He stared at me for a moment. “If you want.”

  I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. “I just want to make sure I get this right.”

  “Okay.” He led me to his room. It was painted a dark gray and in the middle of the room was a large bed with dove gray bed coverings. I wondered how many other women had been in here. I had a flash of envy that they were here for the real deal, not pretend lovemaking.

  We stood by his bed, and at that moment, I realized the situation I’d put us in. I was making things awkward for us. And frustrating for me.

  “When we do this, there will be people all around so it won’t feel as…” he trailed off.

  “Awkward?” I suggested.

  “No, it will be awkward your first time. The more you do it, though, the more it becomes a part of the job.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” Biting the bullet, I sat on the bed.

  He lay next to me and patted his thighs. “Nicolette is a take-charge type of woman. So at first, when the mood is still all about the sizzle, you’ll be the dominant one,” he said, motioning me to straddle him.

  “I like to be dominant,” I said as I moved into place. I meant it to be a joke, but only after I said it did I realize how charged it was, considering the position I was now in.

  He grimaced and shifted like he was uncomfortable. “When you’re straddling me, my hands will move up and down the sides of your thighs, and in a real situation they would grab your ass as well.”

  “I am aware about how this works,” I said, momentarily perturbed that he’d bring that up again. “This time, it’s in the script.”

  He held his hands out to the sides. “I just want to be clear.”

  For a moment, we just sat there, his hands on the mattress on either side of me as I straddled his thighs. A new sort of electricity arced between us.

  He closed his eyes and let out a long breath. Then he levered up, his hands holding loosely behind my back. His lips were now near enough to mine that it would be easy to kiss him. I fought the urge.

  “This move will be the cue to slow it down,” he said, with a notable hoarseness in his voice. “What was once fast and furious is going to slow down. It becomes less about sex more about making love."

  I understood at that point, there’d be more nuance. The scene would be more than just lust. We’d need to convey emotion.

  “Okay.” I waited for him to say or do something.

  “Fuck.” He lay back and ran his hands over his face.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked. Was I doing it wrong? Did he want me to act it out more?

  He let out a long, thready breath. “Like I said, normally when we do the scenes, there’s a lot of people around. It’s quite mechanical, not sexy at all."

  I wondered what he was getting at.

  “What I’m saying is that normally an actor wouldn’t get aroused because it’s not a real sensual moment.”

  I stared at him, still unsure what he was getting at. Was he worried that his lack of arousal would offend me?

  “Does that mean that all these love scenes you’ve done, with all those sexy women, you’ve never felt a little somethin’ somethin’?” I joked.

  Once again, he blushed. “The first time I did. I nearly died with embarrassment, but I was told that happens now and again with actors. But after a while, it’s just a part of the job. It’s easier to control.”

  “I can understand that.” Although I couldn’t imagine having Theo Wolfe touch me, for real or pretend, and not have my body light up all over.

  “The thing is, Madeline, it’s going to be different with you, and I don’t want you to freak out about it.”

  My gaze immediately shot down to his groin and indeed there was a sign of arousal there. My first thought was relief that I wasn’t the only one feeling the heady eroticism of the moment. The second was sympathy for him that it would happen in front of a room of people when we filmed.

  “That must be embarrassing on the set,” I said.

  He let out an uncomfortable laugh. “Well, it would be if they saw it. I can hide it from them since there will be covers, but you will feel it. There’s just some things I don’t have control over and I don’t want you to be upset by it."

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’m not a prude, Theo. It’s not that I’ve never had sex before because I have. In many different ways in many different places. Although not against the door.”

  His eyes darkened slightly when I mentioned that I’d had sex in before.

  “The point is,” I continued, “this doesn't bother me. I understand it’s part of the job. The thing before, during the test was just not wanting to be taken advantage of. But I know that’s not happening here.” I reassured him again.

  “Okay, good.”

  I thought men who talked like this were only in books or the movies, just like I thought sex against a door was a ploy used in them as well. But Theo was very real.

  One hand went to my butt, and pulled me to him until I could feel the hard ridge of him along my cleft.

  I gasped. “Yes.”

  He groaned. “Fuck, I want you. No Jack and Nicolette fake fuck. No jerkoff shower fantasy. Tell me I can have you.”

  “You can have me.”

  His lips consumed mine. In a single move, he rolled us until he was over me, his hot, hard body pressing me into the mattress. My skin went from tingles to outright sparks of flames as his hands roamed my body, sliding underneath my shirt. His palms were warm as they caressed my skin.

  “I have to see you,” he said in a desperate growl.

  In a flurry of hands, we undressed. I had a moment to take in the warmth of the skin on his chest, and marvel at his chiseled muscles, but then I lost my head as his lips wrapped around my nipple. I bowed off the bed as sensation rocketed through me. My fingers gripped his head, holding him there so he’d never stop.

  But he did stop, and I let out a frustrated groan until his lips moved down my body, lower and lower.

  “Open for me, Madeline.”

  On their own, my thighs parted. In the back of my mind, I was shocked at my behavior. Not that I’d never had a man do this to me, but never had I felt so wanton and needy. It had never been so fast and furious.

  He pushed my thighs open wider as he settled his shoulders between them. “So wet for me,” he murmured.

  “Theo,” I said with a desperate gasp. Then his mouth was on me and all coherent thought was gone. With his lips and tongue, I became a withering mass of sensation. Tension built fast until my hips were gyrating.

  “Oh God,” I chanted as I inched up and up, as pressure coiled tighter and tighter, until finally, I hit the pinnacle. He thrust his tongue inside me as his thumb brushed
over my clit, and I was soaring breathless into pleasure.

  Undercover Affair


  It didn’t take long for me to consider that maybe inviting Madeline up to my place for dinner wasn’t a good idea. Being alone with her in my condo might bring too much temptation, I thought, particularly since we were supposed to be discussing our upcoming sex scene in the movie. But what was done was done, so I would have to do my best to remain professional, control my hormones, and keep my hands to myself.

  Of course, that was easier said than done. From the moment I opened my door and I saw her standing there looking so beautiful in a plain pair of jeans, a loose-fitting top, and her hair pulled back in a ponytail, all I could think about was that wild kiss we had in the elevator and how much I wanted to do it again.

  Afraid that I might succumb to temptation, I put off discussing the script as we ate dinner, but eventually we had to get to the task at hand. Initially, I thought we might just talk through the scene, so I surprised even myself when I suggested that we walk through and block it. Almost from the minute we were at the door and talking about how my character, Jack Cole, would push Nicolette Vane against the door to begin the love scene, my dick started to thicken. I did my damnedest to keep space between us so Madeline wouldn’t know, but as we continued to block the scene, it was getting harder and harder to hide. He was damn near poking out of my waistband.

  When we finished up blocking the scene at the door, I had a sense of relief that I could create the distance I needed to get myself back in order. But then she asked if we would block the bed scene and I was too weak to say no.

  I knew there would be those who might believe that I set everything up so that I could get her naked, but the God’s honest truth was, I did my best to avoid that, knowing it was something we both felt shouldn't happen.

  I didn’t know what it was that made me decide to point out to her what was going on with me and my dick. I supposed in some ways, what I told her was the truth, that it would likely happen during filming, which would be more difficult for me to hide from her. Perhaps there was some part of me that wanted her to know so that I could see what she might do about it. But also, one of the things that I really enjoyed about Madeline was how she always said what was on her mind. She often asked questions or said things that I thought most people would’ve kept to themselves, so it was refreshing that she was so open. Following her lead, I was open with her about how my body was responding, and now, that led me to have my face between her thighs, eating her pussy.


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