The De-Coding of Jo

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The De-Coding of Jo Page 9

by Lali A. Love

  “So, is that why the inhabitants of Atlantis were an advanced species? The Council downloaded that intelligence to help with their technology?” I tried to refrain from interrupting her, but I needed to know.

  “The Lyrans contributed immense knowledge of physical energy to Atlantis. The society mastered the powers of the divine masculine energy and were experts in agriculture and nature. The citizens of Atlantis lived in abundance and peace for over forty million years,” Roma replied.

  “So, who were the blue Vegans, and where did they live?” I was transfixed, trying to mentally follow the timelines while Roma communicated her knowledge.

  “That’s my ancestry, Jo. The Vegans were a darker, blue-skinned group who upheld mother consciousness with their femininity, creativity, and spirituality using thought and intention setting. They were a peaceful race, focused on kindness and service using their healing powers. They created my planet Lemuria, the only fifth-dimensional civilization that had ever existed to date. Lemuria was colonized by the Arcturus extra-terrestrial beings who exist within the twelfth-dimensional plane. They were joined by a collective colony of consciousness that included Lyrans, Sirius, Pleiades, and Nibiru.”

  “Sounds like a beautiful place to live, Roma. Did you grow up there?” I asked, feeling her nostalgia.

  “Yes, Lemuria was a majestic, enchanting paradise that existed on a large continent in the Pacific Ocean. It was home to magnificent magical creatures like my best friend, Pegasus. My peaceful continent embodied the divine feminine energy of Love. Our culture explored imagination, celebrated artistic expression, and evolved through Dreamtime, interdimensional travel, and astral projection.”

  “What happened to Lemuria? They were a peaceful, loving nation, right?” I didn’t want to admit that the Council showed me the destruction of Roma’s beloved home. Even using telepathy, I could feel her energy of pain and loss.

  “Long story short, Atlantis, driven by greed and world domination, destroyed our gentle nation during the big war. We were outmatched with our limited technology. And this was how Gaia plunged from the fifth-dimensional realm into the third-dimensional existence. Even today, remnants of Lemuria can be found splattered across the Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand, Easter Islands, and parts of Australia,” Roma clarified.

  “I’m so sorry, Roma. That must have been devastating for you.” I hoped she could feel my sincerity. Her story of Lemuria sounded way too familiar. My heart seized at the thought that the same fate awaited our beloved planet Earth.

  “So, how did the Lizzies emerge in this galactic formation?” I changed the subject, sensing her emotions filtering through the static connection.

  “The ancient Draconian beings originated from a completely different Universe, Jo, a much larger star system. They represent a deceptive fear-based consciousness and polarity, vibrating on a lower density frequency that contains dark, sinister energy. They were known to leave nothing but destruction in their path and were physically expunged from their constellation by higher-dimensional beings.” Roma paused for a moment, centering herself back in alignment.

  “They were deposited in this Universe on the Orion star system, in the constellation of Draco. Their original pedigree was the Ciakar, a genetically mutant race that also embodied the Lizzie consciousness of separation. They have the power to swing from darkness to light, depending on their desires. They are mysterious, reclusive, yet powerful adaptable beings that can shapeshift into matter easily. You need to know that they resemble alligators and enjoy feasting on human flesh.”

  “They sound alarming, Roma! Who are the other StarSeeds? Can we organize a group to come save you?” I pinched my leg in frustration. I sounded defenseless and weak.

  “The Lizzies are powered by limiting belief systems, fear-based conditioning, and victimhood programming. They are determined to prevent Gaia and humanity from crossing over the bridge to the fifth-dimensional existence of Light, where they cannot hide or exist in the shadows, due to the Galactic Law.” Roma continued to explain.

  “This matrix of humanity’s perceived reality is a network of systems that provides the celestial Light of goodness with a physical representation of consciousness in the form of a human body. The grid template on Earth has been seized and dominated by the Ciakar, who have controlled humans by emitting malevolent behaviors into the quantum field. This reality serves as a vibrational match of patterns and belief systems of disconnection from Source. Humanity has been dwelling in the specters of the Lizzies’ self-projected, fear-based programming since the demise of Atlantis.”

  “Do you know where they are holding you?” My skin crawled at the thought of these creatures existing in our world. I prayed that Roma’s physical location wasn’t too far from me.

  “Unfortunately, I don’t have the specific coordinates. I have fought these monsters many lifetimes, Jo. I’m not afraid of them, but I did lose my Lemurian sword. It is the only weapon powerful enough to destroy them in this realm. My Blade of Truth contains the original crystalline gemstones, embodying the Light of Source,” she explained.

  “I battled the Lizzies during the great war, but I failed. The planet Avyon was destroyed by the Ciakar. They slaughtered over fifty million Lyrans, enslaving the young females as a food source and sex slaves for breeding purposes. They are nasty and have permeated planet Earth for their next conquest. This is the reason that Gaia has sounded the alarm, activating the StarSeed Quest and Light Warriors to awaken to their destiny and mission in this timeline. We cannot fail this time and allow Lemuria’s history to repeat.”

  “So, what’s the plan, Roma? I’m not sure I alone can save you, never mind the entire planet.” I took deep breaths to lower my anxiety and bring myself back in alignment. I wanted to believe and trust the process.

  “I need you to locate my blade, Jo. It was created by the Arcturus, using the pureness and truth of their sacred star crystals, located in the Bootes constellation. They are the most advanced extraterrestrial civilization of our galaxy, mastering metaphysics, quantum physics, and healing modalities of the conscious mind,” she replied.

  “The Arcturus work closely with ascended masters of the Brotherhood, who are allies in this quest and known to be highly analytical. They have integrated their emotions and intuitive powers, becoming the protectors and guardians of the Universe. I have reincarnated many times to ascend and elevate my consciousness as one of the Custodians of the Galaxy.”

  “Wow, is that why the Lizzies have captured you, Roma? Are they looking for other Custodians with similar missions on Earth?” I could feel her determination and resolve to defeat these malevolent beings. I got the sense that Roma was a feisty galactic warrior, and I was in complete awe of her vitality.

  “Yes, but I am protecting their identities. The only way we can defeat them is to heal and clear the collective wounds, triggers, and energy blocks that are still running programs of blame and judgment. Once these energy fields are processed on a mass scale, the emotional trauma stored within the collective nervous system of the grid matrix will be released. This has to occur to make room for Gaia and the sacred Light elevation into the fifth dimension.”

  “Have they harmed you, Roma?” I held my breath, waiting for her response.

  “Don’t worry, Jo, they can never break me. However, I do need you to find the sword. It’s lost somewhere in the bush, off the shores in the Canary Islands. Goddess Gaia will lead you. They are coming, I must go! Remember to trust your instincts!” Roma concluded.

  “Wait, where on the Canary Islands? Roma, are you still there?” My heart sank as I realized the connection was gone. I managed to say a prayer for Roma and humanity before I plunged under my covers, drained from the overload of information.

  It dawned on me that our two-week school trip for spring break was also booked in the Canary Islands. Could this be a total coincidence?

  I had to recharge and eliminate any doubts or anxiety that was trying to worm its way back into my awareness. I wo
uld not permit the darkness of the old paradigm back into my auric field.

  I inhaled deeply, allowing the shard of white light to infiltrate my mind’s eye as I recited my affirmations, downloaded by the Council for protection.

  I call my power back. I choose to break free from the expectations placed upon me by family, friends, or society. I exclude myself from the narrative of the false matrix. Having sovereign free will is my birthright. I am not here to abide by the limitations set upon me.

  I remember who I am. I am infinite light; I am limitless love. Any other definition would only confine my real essence of spirit. I am here to co-create my reality and to ignite the sacred fire within me. I am here to be my authentic self and to help break the cycle of conformity.

  I am here to awaken the masses from the dream state that dims their light and rips their Souls apart. I break the cycle of submission of those who set these foundations and limitations. I shed the light on all atrocities and upheaval that’s been swept under the rug by previous generations, exposing its veracity through forgiveness and healing.

  When I ascend from my heart-centered awareness to meet myself in every form of each multi-dimensional realm that comes to be, the true reality of divine love arises within my vortex.

  The Council of Creation ignited my remembrance. The Source expression of creation comes alive in my being. As such, all cellular imprints of darkness and shadows are transmuted in the presence of my eternal light. This is the integration process of Collective Awakening.

  I understand that I always have a choice to approach my life either as a victim or a master of my existence. The Universe will grant me the capacity to rewire my subconscious mind and clear out the cellular debris. As such, I discover my emotional freedom, and even moments of heavenly revelation.

  This choice of free will and self-reflection will lead me toward wholeness, oneness, and unity. My mission is to help integrate the density of our collective emotions and develop a more cohesive, loving connection with humanity. The more I radiate high frequencies of love, the more my physical reality manifests in my Celestial training.

  I AM grateful to be here in the now. I AM loving awareness. I AM THE LIGHT THAT I AM.

  As I drifted off to a much-needed sleep, I couldn’t fathom the menacing scheme and level of devastation that was about to ensue on my beloved tribe.


  Theo fixated on his notes, simultaneously tuning his electric bass. He enjoyed the after-school band group that included his eclectic classmates. Aside from his sister, Alicia, he didn’t particularly appreciate anyone’s company outside of the posh school. Even she annoyed him on most days with her righteous demeanor.

  Alicia focused most of her attention on saving the planet, and Theo was supportive of her passions to a degree. As long as she respected his space and moods, they didn’t have a problem. He liked to be left alone with his thoughts.

  He was an introvert, masking his pain stemming from his identity crisis and the perceived social injustice all around him. For Theo, his twin sister exemplified the goodness of humanity, while he personified all the grief and suffering of an effeminate boy.

  His upbringing was mired in childhood trauma and mental health issues. Adding to his fragile mindset was his handicap, his physical disability. He didn’t feel whole or worthy to pick up the torch and fight for just causes like the environment or radical queer activism, like his sister.

  For Theo, his battle stemmed from within, his perceptions of scarcity, limitations, and self-judgment. Theo was exhausted from the daily chronic pain he felt from losing his limb. As he grew into his teens, the hormones further agitated his emotional well-being. This caused him to give up on joy, trapped in a brooding transgender shadow of his inner child.

  After a second suicide attempt, his parents were forced to confine him to a psychiatric institution. He hated himself for causing his family so much misery. But the experience left him feeling bitter and cynical, causing a great deal of tension with his loved ones.

  Theo’s stepfather didn’t support his choice of identity. After all, he was brought up with limiting conservative beliefs, deeply rooted within his Hispanic ancestry. Although Theo felt loved by his mom and sister, he lacked the same emotion about himself.

  He couldn’t fathom living in this reality of inequality, persecution, systematic exploitation, and abuse of underprivileged populations. The repression of gender-nonconforming individuals, women, and minorities fed the structures of oppressive forces.

  The more Theo learned about free enterprise through the lens of the institutionalized educational systems, imperialism, colonization, and genocide of innocent people across the world, the more he withdrew from life. He functioned on a survival-based autopilot, on a day-to-day basis, zombified by his medication.

  The only reason he chose to exist every morning was Alicia. Theo had given her his word that he would not harm himself again. Alicia was quite intuitive and felt his pain as well as his internal turmoil. They were both trauma survivors, and the thought of safety consumed their daily realities.

  Especially for Theo. The anxiety perpetuated by bullying and mob mentality in his school further devoured his state of being, fragmenting his Soul. There was solace in the familiarity of this pain. It validated his mood swings and feelings of shamefulness, sequestered within the chambers of his heart.

  Alicia was the only person who didn’t judge him or his morbid thoughts. She listened and provided a safe space for him to release the emotional storms, to prevent them from consuming him entirely.

  Theo appreciated that about his sister; she didn’t reject, abandon, or violate his freedom of expression. She provided a loving, nurturing environment without humiliation or guilt. He admired her strength and resilience to love him without conditions or expectations at such a young age.

  Both brother and sister considered themselves as gender fluid, and Alicia understood his desires, as well as his fears. He deliberately stayed away from any type of relationship with classmates, due to his mistrust and fear of rejection.

  Theo didn’t believe any stranger could create a nurturing environment for him to express his intimacy, not until he dealt with his shadows with acceptance and self-love.

  After all, pain and agony established a residency within every bone in his body. Only Alicia saw him fully, with his broken parts, respecting his boundaries, without preconceived expectations.

  His sister provided him with a beacon of hope for a better world, where they could both dream of someday developing external relationships without discrimination, ridicule, and toxicity. Perhaps even joy.

  Theo understood that the connection of radical queer kinship ran deeper than their bloodline. They both envisioned a world and a future reality where they celebrated each other’s uniqueness, gifts, and radiance with kindness and a loving embrace. Where every person was acknowledged and accepted, despite labels and associations.

  For Theo, Alicia was his lifeline, his support system. He held on to her with a tight grip, fighting the urge to drown in the bitter, cold storm of life’s unyielding waves. Her adoration and faith in his redemption were his salvation. Theo’s entire existence hinged on her safety, well-being, and happiness.


  The Forest Hill Annual Sleep Fest was an esteemed tradition, dating back fifty years. It was an opportunity for students to socialize and release some steam from academic pressures, under tight supervision.

  This year’s theme was Star Wars, and the gymnasium was aptly decorated with fun memorabilia. As my friends and I entered the lavishly embellished gala, I felt transported into the galactic realms. The feeling was surreal as I marveled at the twinkling stars above me. I chuckled to myself at the magical significance of synchronicity.

  “Holy crap, this Sleep Fest is on crack!” Daphne exclaimed, barely able to hide her excitement.

  “Okay, so I scoped out the place and came up with an amazing game plan,” Zax interjected, holding Flynn’s hand.

bsp; “Awesome! But for now, let’s go get weird my dudes!” Flynn laughed, pulling us all onto the dance floor as the Shuffle came on the sound system.

  I loved dancing with my friends. These were the moments I cherished, the innocence and laughter of our youth. Although I was on hyper-alert, I allowed myself to get lost in the human experience.

  After ten minutes of jubilation, we were all parched. We consumed the fruit punch that overflowed from the champagne fountain, fully aware of its non-potency. As I observed the smiles and auras of my beautiful friends, I felt elation and gratitude in my heart for the present moment.

  Zax and Flynn were determined to take adorable couple pictures in the photo booth, both giggling at their silly expressions. Nisha and Alicia continued to dance to a slow love song, gazing into each other’s eyes in adoration. Daphne was vividly engaged in a discussion with other bandmates over the quality of our performance, dissecting the flaws related to our musical harmony.

  As I stepped out of the gymnasium for some fresh air, I noticed Theo sitting by himself at the end of the hallway, under a homemade sign that read “Love Yourself, Don’t Drug Yourself”. He looked miserable while we were all enjoying ourselves, and it broke my heart.

  “Hey, what are you doing out here, Theo? You’re missing all the fun!” I said, fully aware of his aura.

  “The Sleep Fest is lame. I was forced to attend so I could keep an eye on Alicia,” he explained.

  “Come on, it’s one of the highlights of our preppy high school. They give us the night to relieve some of our stress. We should take advantage and let our hair down a bit,” I prodded.

  “This school doesn’t care about us, Jo. They just want our parents’ money, as long as we fit into their grand design,” Theo complained. “If we don’t take six AP classes, then we’re labeled as underachievers. I’m sick of taking Adderall just to keep up with mediocrity. It’s totally savage.”


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